Alexander Demyanenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photos, Film and Latest News



Alexander Sergeevich Demyanenko, without any doubt, the star of the first magnitude of the Soviet cinema. After the appearance on the screen of the scarlet epic with Shurikov, the actor was bought in glory and could not calmly appear on the street.

Alexander Demyanenko

But such a deafening popularity, who came to him with a light hand of Director Leonid Gaiday, had the opposite direction, Dark. Demyanenko became the hostage of a single image that for any artist - the tragedy. In addition, the noise and bustle around Alexander Sergeyevich, who rose everywhere, wherever he appeared, they were extremely annoyed by the actor, silent from nature and a very closed man. The desire to touch the idol, take his autograph, to talk to the star brought him hellish flour and incredible discomfort in everyday life.

What was he man? How was his career in addition to the sensational adventures of Shurik?

Alexander Demyanenko was born in the north of Russia, in Sverdlovsk, in May 1937. Soon after the birth of the firstborn, the father left the family to another woman. She gave him two children - Son Vladimir and daughter hope. But the children did not hold a man in a new family. He returned to the first spouse, where Sasha was adjusted. Soon the boy had native sisters Tatiana and Natalia.

Alexander Demyanenko with Mom Galina

It was the father who played a decisive role in the fate of Alexander Demyanenko. The fact is that Sergey Petrovich Demyanenko was a man who is fond of creative, real artist. In the past, a student of guitis, a participant in the camouflage "Blue Blouse" - in Sverdlovsk, he worked as an actor of the Opera House and taught theatrical skill at the conservatory. After the lesson, Sasha ran to his father to the Opera House and spent everything free time there. There he "fell ill" by the act and any other profession could no longer dream. Despite the fact that the Father again fucked and again left the family, for Alexander Demyanenko he was forever remained idol and the main authority. It is noteworthy that all children from different marriages perfectly revealed among themselves.

Alexander Demyanenko in childhood

The secondary education is loved by Million Schurik received in Sverdlovsk School No. 37, the curriculum of which included an in-depth study of the German language. In 1954, when it was time to decide on the profession, representatives of the MCAT admission commission for a set of students arrived in the North city. Alexander Demyanenko, of course, could not miss the chance to enter a prestigious theatrical university. But the guy was so worried that the exam failed with the crash.

The future star of the cinema went to the local university and entered the Faculty of Law. Student studied not bad, but a year later I realized that he would not be a lawyer. For a few more years "gnaw" jurisprudence to acquire a profession to which the soul did not lie, Alexander Demyanenko did not want. He left the university and went to try happiness in metropolitan theater institutions a second time.

Alexander Demyanenko

Moscow accepted Sverdlovsk boy friendly. Alexander Demyanenko successfully passed the exams in two famous universities - Gitis and Schukin school. He chose, like once a father, guitis, he immediately informed his parents immediately, sending a telegram to Sverdlovsk.

Higher theatrical education and diploma Alexander Demyanenko received in 1959. It is impossible to say that learning in Gitis for the future Shurik was cloudless. At the talented student, an eccentric character was already clearly manifested. He could easily, without saying a word to anyone, go to the native Sverdlovsk at the height of the school year. But teachers and his mentor Professor Joseph Raja did not rise to Sasha's deduction. Raevsky only asked Demianenko at least not to miss the classes in which the acting skill was taught.


The cinematic biography of Alexander Demyanenko began pretty early when he was a second-grade student of Gitis. The novice actor made his debut in the role of Mitya in the wind film "Wind" Alexander Alo and Vladimir Naumova. Spectators and directors noticed the artist in this optimistic drama that completed the "Komsomol" trilogy "disturbing youth" and "Pavel Korchagin". It was in the "wind" the image of a modest and intelligent young man who could make a feat was born. This image was already firmly fixed for Alexander Demyanenko.

Alexander Demyanenko in the film

After the end of the theater university, the artist was invited to the Moscow Drama Theater named after V. Mayakovsky. Here Siberian worked for three years, but the cinema was increasingly delayed Alexander Sergeevich.

In 1961, the new film Alo and Naumova came to the screens. In his project - the drama "World Incoming" - they again called Alexander Demyanenko. He played Lieutenant Ivlev, a graduate of the School, who on the last day of the war received a responsible task - to deliver a pregnant German woman to the hospital. The picture had a huge success not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. The film was molded by prizes, including several competitions in Brussels and Venice.

Two more paintings, followed by the "World Incoming" drama, secured Alexander Demyanenko in the Soviet Cinema. The lyric comedy "Career Dima Gorina", in which a young actor played an honest cashier, made it recognizable. He secured the success of the brilliant comedy "adult children", in which Demyanenko in a duet with Lily Aleshnikova played a young couple, who lives with his parents.

Alexander Demyanenko in the film

In 1962, Alexander Demyanenko accepted the final decision to leave the Mayakovsky Theater and move to the northern capital. There were two reasons for it. In Leningrad, the artist gave an apartment. In addition, he has repeatedly starred on Lenfilm, and here he was offered a job.

Soon the actor was pleased with his fans with a new film - he appeared in a film of Vladimir Hungarian "empty flight." Spectators gladly watched the actions of the brave journalist of the Central newspaper Sirotkin, who unlocked financial fraud. No less loud success was accompanied by the detective director of Nikolai Rosantsev "State Criminal". Here, Alexander Demyanenko played a young investigator on particularly important affairs Andrei Nikolayevich Polikanova, who was entrusted to investigate the case of a military criminal.

Alexander Demyanenko in the film

Artist's career has developed rapidly. He was recognized on the streets. In each Kiosk "Soyuz-Print" sold postcards with the image of Alexander. But deafening glory and peak of popularity were waiting for him after meeting with Leonid Gaidam. The famous Moscow director came to Leningrad on the "see" Demyanenko. Indeed, in the capital, he rejected four dozen candidates for the role of the main character of his film according to the scenario of "non-serious stories." It was required by the type of unlucky young man Vladik Aricov, an intelligent stretch, eternally falling in curiosity situations.

Gaidai, seeing Alexander Demyanenko, realized that this was exactly the artist who he needed. Before him stood a person who did not need to strain and reincarnate: it was ready Vladik. But in the process of filming Vladik turned into a shurk. To achieve a complete hit in the image, the artist had to brighten the resin hair. Stylists, seeking radical blond, burned the hair of the actor to such an extent that blisters appeared on the skin.

Later the widow of the actor, Lyudmila Akimovna, recalled that the paints at the time were such merciless, which remained a mystery, as Demyanenko did not blister.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the film

Exit to the screens of the Golden Comedy "Operation" S "was similar to a broken bomb. Alexander Demyanenko woke up famous. Now it is different, like a shurik, no one called him. He really did not play, but he lived in this comedy. The artist did not resort to any acting tricks - he just remained himself. Later he admitted that the role of Schurik was not conjugate to him with either the flour of creativity or the difficulties of reincarnation.

Many film critics and biographers Guidai and Demyanenko argue that Shurik is actually a "prefab" image of the director and artist. Both were in life similar to this charming hero: non-dislisible points, somewhat closed and undiscoverable, gloomy and shoe without a shadow of smile.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the film

Leonid Gaidai poured into letters with a request to continue the story of the charming shurr. The director went to meet the wishes of the audience and filmed two years later, "Caucasian prisoner, or new adventures of Shurik". Alexander Demyanenko again appeared in the roles of his beloved millions of screenshots.

In 1973, the audience saw a new film School with the participation of Demianenko. This brilliant comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession." She, like two comedies with Shurikov, entered the Golden Foundation of Domestic Cinema. After decades, the audience and today they raise their mood, looking at the heroes, in which Alexander Demyanenko, Georgy Vicin, Yevgeny Morgunov, were reincarnated, Yuri Nikulin, Alexander Yakovlev and Leonid Kuravlyov.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the film

But at the time when the whole country was ready to wear a favorite artist in his hands, he began problems related to the opposite side of glory. Alexander Demyanenko turned into hostage of his shrik. The directors were difficult to find a role to him, because the Funny blond train was drawn behind the actor, as if glued.

Alexander Sergeevich himself more than once complained that everyone recalls only this role, although she did not require any effort. And a difficult and decent work in the wonderful paintings "The World of Incoming", "My Good Dad" and "Ugryum-River" nobody remembers.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the series

The artist confessed that he was in the public publicity, which became inevitable after the comedy Leonid Gaidai. They were suitable on the street, clapped on the shoulder, turned to "you." Alexander Demyanenko was forced to accept invitations to meetings with the audience, because they brought at least some income. At these meetings, he was discharged on personal, demanded frankness and "spiritual striptease". That is, exactly what is most likely to face the artist.

It came to the point that the actor almost did not offer new roles in the cinema, but at the same time he could not get along the street calmly. And it annoyed it incredibly. Alexander Demyanenko with his head went into dubbing and dubbing of foreign films. Her voice was spoken by the heroes of Jean-Field Belmondo, Omar Sharif, Hugo Tyunsyzzi, John Loigh and Robert De Niro. Almost in all Soviet films, Alexander Demyanenko voiced Donatas Banionis. He did not refuse from visiting cartoons.

Occasionally, the actor was offered interesting episodes or small roles in good paintings. So he played the clerk of Ivan Sokhaty in the "Ugryum River", Shestakov in the "green van".

A total of Alexander Demyanenko filmography is seven dozens of films names.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the film

After leaving the Studio "Lenfilm", the artist served as a time at the N. P. Akimov's comedy theater on Nevsky Prospect. From the mid-1990s, he went to the scene of the St. Petersburg Theater "Shelter Comedians", which is on the Malaya Sea. Theater workers saw the favorite actor in the production of "Vladimir Square" and "Antigona". He played in excellent two completely different heroes, because Alexander Demyanenko was a brilliant dramatic actor. But the theater on a small sea small, visitors in it are not so much, so the work of the artist was rated a few.

In 1991, Alexander Demyanenko became the People's Artist of the RSFSR. But it seems that this reward seemed to led the line under his creative biography. He still went to theatrical stage and voiced foreign films, but he already understood that his career, like life, was nearing the sunset.

Personal life

With the first wife - Marina Sklyarov - Alexander Demyanenko lived for 16 years. The couple met in Sverdlovsk, in a drama. It seems that their family life was cloudless. Spouses often walked, holding her hand, understood each other with a half-sleep. They did not have children. Colleagues and friends of Alexander Sergeevich remember Marina, as an energetic minor of all deficits. The artist himself was surprisingly unsuitable for everyday life. Therefore, Swiss cheese, Balyk and Ikra in their house appeared exclusively thanks to the economic spouse.

First wife Alexander Demyanenko Marina Sklyarova

But what was in the soul and on the mind of the ultra-closed and eternally depressed in their thoughts by Alexander Demyanenko - no one is unknown. His friend Oleg Belov in his memories told the case, which, in fact, brightly characterized the artist. Once in Ashgabat, where Demyanenko and Belov went to the film festival, the artists were lucky. Suddenly, Natalia Selezneva came to the bus, together with which Alexander Demyanenko starred in the comedies "Operation" s "and" Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession. "

After several years, which took place after the filming of these films, Selezneva was terribly delighted with their meeting. She rushed to Demyanenko, going to kiss him, but he only nodded with a colleague, throwing a cold "hello." Natalia Selezneva Poloshal from surprise.

Probably, the very same thing felt the first spouse of the artist Marina, when in one day the husband, with whom she never quarreled, came home, silently gathered his belongings into a suitcase and went to another woman with whom he lived until the end of his days in the same Love and harmony, as with the first spouse.

Alexander Demyanenko with Lyudmila's wife

The second wife of the artist became Lyudmila, the director of the dubbing from Lenfilma. For her it was the second marriage. From the first remained daughter Angelica. Relations with stepdaughter Alexander Sergeevich have been wonderful. Subsequently, Angelica Nevolin became a famous artist of the small drama theater of Lion Dodina.

Alexander Demyanenko very much loved privacy, for which it is impossible to suit the cottage near St. Petersburg. Here he was passionately read, listened to classical music and dreamed.


Few people knew that the artist had a sick heart. But in the last years of his life he had to work for wear. In St. Petersburg, Demyanenko did not offer work in the cinema. Therefore, the proposal to play on the "Strawberry" show from Moscow, he answered consent. The actor was dull from Peter to the capital, lived in hotels. Every day a new series of ribbons was shot.

At the weekend, Alexander Demyanenko hurried to St. Petersburg, because at the "shelter Comedan" theater was a performance with his participation. He was a very responsible person and could not allow the disruption of the presentation.

Alexander Demyanenko

At the shooting of the series, the actor peelled the retina. I had to make an operation in front of anesthesia. Demianenko suffered it difficult. Soon he again fell into the hospital with suspicion of the stomach ulcer. As it turned out, it was a second heart attack. About the first artist and did not guessed.

Doctors decided to do Alexander Sergeevich Shunting. But before the operation he did not reach one day. The cause of death was the elder.

Many talked about the love of the actor to alcohol. Some even argued that the cause of heart problems was alcohol. For the sake of justice, it is worth recognizing that Alexander Demyanenko really was really not. But according to his friends, he never passed the face of which he lost control over himself and the human appearance.

Buried the famous artist in St. Petersburg, at the Serafimovsky cemetery. A few years later, his second spouse Lyudmila appeared nearby.


  • 1958 - "Wind"
  • 1961 - "Career Dima Gorina"
  • 1961 - "World Incoming"
  • 1962 - "Empty flight"
  • 1965 - "Operation" S "and other adventures of Shurik"
  • 1967 - "Caucasian captive, or new adventures of Shurik"
  • 1969 - "Ugryum River"
  • 1973 - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"
  • 1983 - "Green Van"
  • 1996 - "Strawberry"

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