Arseny Romashin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Parents, Son Series 2021



Arseny Romashin is a young Latvian actor, famous for the role in the Russian mini-series "Son". Now the guy is studying at school, travels and posts photos with beautiful views on his page in Facebook, and seriously about the biography of the artist does not think.


Arseny Romashin was born in Riga (Latvia), in 2018 he entered the Adazi Free Waldorf School, where the alternative education system was practiced without estimates and textbooks, and the children instead of the craft offered independent research and find regularities.

The parents of the actor got married in 2001. Svetlana's mother studied at the International Erickson Coaching University, Father Pavel Romashins also worked as a personal coach on self-development, in 2012 he led the course "what men do not say". Kucha had a daughter from the first marriage Elian, who lives in Jerusalem. Aunt Arches on the Mother line Irina Pak studied the installation and operation of electrical equipment in the Riga Technical College.


In 2014, Romashains played the role of Vanya Kuzesenna in the series "Son" of Amalgama Studio, who also released an "Angel in Heart" with Catherine Spita and "Teach me to live" with Cyril Kyaro. The premiere of the tape took place on May 11, 2016 in Kazakhstan.

According to the story, the Hero of Arseny was taken from a family residing in Finland on a false charge of cruel appeal after the neighbors saw a child crying. The father of the boy, politician, had to make a choice between a career and family. He played his Andris Keeshs, familiar to the Russian audience for "dislike" Andrei Zvyagintsev. Mother, Russian by origin, embodied on the screen Maria Mironova, Andrei Merzlikin appeared in the image of the investigator, and Dina Korzun played the leader of the Mother's Mother's movement.

The series was devoted to the horrors of juvenile justice and the tragic difference in mentality. The heroine of Mironova tried to split the Finns with tears and plenty that in the Scandinavian country was considered as a manifestation of mental impassions and only aggravated its position.

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For its role Arseny received a prize for the best debut at Sochi International Film Festival and filmmake in 2017. At the event, 45 paintings were presented, of which 33 gaming, including the "Nagorny sermon" of the Korean director TEHE, "Victoria and Abdul" with Judy Dench, "In another life" Jason Wiggard. Outside the competition showed "Matilda" Alexei Master, the "bid for love" of Artem Mikhalkov, the film "One War" of Faith Veroleva. Svetlana Toma, Rolan Joffe, Sergey Sholokhov, Cyril Rings. Within the framework of the festival, a meeting was held with Natalia Varley near the river Mzmitt, that very, from where her heroine in the "Caucasian Captive" pulled Schurik.

Also, the Son won the visitor jury at the Amur Autumn festival and took the 2nd place at the "Radiant Angel" contest, whose spiritual trustee was the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, and the jury was headed by Vladimir Menshov. At the event, Valery Todorovsky films took place at the event, "lived" Eduard Parry, "Consonance" Natalia Kononenko and others.

Arseny Romashin now

As of June 16, 2021, on the first channel, the premiere of the series "Son" was outlined in Russia. The tape show was announced back in July 2018, after Siparta with Alexander Petrov, in April 2019 and in the 2020th, but each time was canceled. You could only see her on the digital TV channel "Time", but now the film finally went to a wide viewer.


  • 2016 - "Son"

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