Joseph Kobzon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Songs, Family, Cause



Joseph Davydovich Kobzon - Soviet and Russian singer, deputy of the State Duma of Russia II-VI convocations. The owner of many professional awards and premiums. His energies could envy many young colleagues, because he managed to lead an active tour, political and social activities.

The biography of Joseph Kobzon is no less interesting than his political statements, because the People's Artist of the USSR and the Russian Federation is simply "to store comments" for journalists and observers.

Childhood and youth

Joseph Davydovich was born in September 1937 in the city of Yar (Donetsk region). His mother was forced to pretty early to "become adult", as his father left the family when the girl was almost 13 years old. At such a young age, Ida began to earn a living by the cultivation and sales of tobacco.

Shortly before the birth of the son of Ida Isaevna Shohet-Kobzon became a folk judge. Joseph Kobzon has repeatedly talked in an interview that it was Mother in many aspects that is still a moral guidance for him.

The childhood of Joseph Kobzon was sufficiently saturated. Future celebrity has repeatedly had to change the place of residence. Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the family moved to Lviv. From there, the father of Little Joseph went to the front of the political officer, and the mother moved again - this time the "destination" was Yangiyul in Uzbekistan. Joseph Kobzon's father no longer returned to the family: after the injury gained, a man was rehabilitated for a long time. In the hospital, he met a woman who was married and stayed in the Russian capital.

In addition to Joseph, three children grow up in the family. In 1944, Mom with the children returned to the Donetsk region, to the city of Kramatorsk. It was there that Joseph Kobzon went to the first class. In 1946, his mother re-married. This marriage brought the future People's Artist of the USSR two more consolidated brothers. True, in Kramatorsk, the family of Kobzon lived for a long time - in the late 40s they again moved. This time in Dnepropetrovsk. In this Ukrainian city, Joseph graduated with honors from the eighth grade and entered the Dnepropetrovsk mountain college.

In this educational institution, Joseph Kobzon is fucked by boxing, but after the first serious injuries, the artist decided to leave dangerous sport and engaged in creativity. The scene of the mountain technical school has become the place where the beautiful baritone of a young singer first sounded.

Personal life

The personal life of Joseph Kobson was not so smooth as a quarry on stage. But three women with whom he tied up his fate turned out to be talented, bright and incredibly charismatic.

The first wife of Joseph Davydovich - Singer Veronica Kruglov. On the circular Kobzon married in 1965. Veronica at that time was an incredibly popular singer. Her hits "Top Top, Baby Holds" and "I don't see anything, I can not hear anything," the whole country sang. Bohemian beauties, like a husband, often disappeared on tour and rehearsals. There was no time to arrange the arrangement of the family nest. Husband and wife almost did not see each other. Their joint life was actually not so.

It seems that it was foresaw Mom Joseph Davydovich, Ida Isaevna. She immediately opposed the marriage of his son on the artist, realizing that nothing good would not come from this union. Two years later, in 1967, the couple broke up. Veronica Kruglov married another famous artist Vadim Mulerman. A few years later, the singer went to live in America. In one of the interviews, Kruglov frankly admitted that the marriage with the Soviet stage of the stage was barely broke it.

In the same year, Joseph Kobzon married the second time. And again - contrary to the will of the mother - on the artist and singer Lyudmila Gurchenko. Together, the spouses lived for three years. Later, Gurchenko admitted that this union turned out to be the biggest mistake of her life. Initially, it seemed to her that she would be able to change her husband, "rebuild" him under him. But it was not there. They often quarreled and did not want to give up each other.

Lyudmila Markovna wrote in his memoirs that she was unbearable to hear teasing from a loved one, who in a difficult period of her creative career, smiling, asked: "What are all these are removed, and no one calls you?". She cried from resentment and at one moment realized that he would no longer want to live together.

Spouses, as it should be two stars, constantly toured. In touring trips with popular and beautiful young people, various romantic adventures happened, about which "benevolers" immediately reported, embellishing and instilling various spicy details. Mama Joseph Kobzon did not love daughter-in-law, she answered her the same coin. In the end, Gurchenko completely stopped communicating with her husband's relatives.

After divorce, two stars did not communicate long forty years, trying not to intersect at various events and pop parties. The artist preferred not to talk about the second marriage.

Iosif Davydovich, who had long dreamed of a strong family and the faithful, economic spouse who would give birth to him. He firmly decided that this woman would not be connected with the Bogmen and the world of show business. He wanted home comfort, a quiet pier and delicious borscht.

Such a woman Joseph Kobzon met in the early 1970s. The beauty was called Ninel Mikhailovna Drizin. She turned out to be under him for 13 years. It was a modest girl with a good Jewish family, smart and economic. And most importantly - she did not dream of showing business, although familiar argue that all the necessary qualities had for this. Today, this woman knows how Nelli Kobzon. The third chosen one immediately liked the mother of the artist, who instantly appreciated her wise looking view of a woman.

Together lived together since 1971. Nellie Kobzon gave birth to her husband two wonderful children. First, the firstborn - son Andrei appeared. Two years later, Natalia's daughter was born.

Andrei first went the footsteps of the Father and dedicated music for some time. He was a drummer and performed with the musicians of the Resurrection group - Alexei Romanov and Andrey Sapunov. But later, the guy threw music and took up business. He was the director of the famous metropolitan nightclub "Juno". Then engaged in real estate operations.

Natalia's daughter was a press secretary from the famous fashion designer Valentina Yudashkin. She married a citizen of Australia, a lawyer Yuri Rappoporta.

Children presented their parents seven grandchildren - two boys and five girls in which her grandparents had a soul grandfather and carefully followed their successes.


In 1956, the future Patriarch of the Soviet pop, and then the new hope of a 22-year-old singer Joseph Kobzon called for the army service. Until the end of the 50s he sang in the song ensemble and dance of the Transcaucasian Military District.

After dismissal, Kobzon returned to Dnepropetrovsk. Here, in the local palace of students, singer and met his first mentor - Head of Chorus Leonid Tereshchenko. He undertook to prepare Joseph to enter the conservatory. Tereshchenko was engaged with a student according to an individual program, realizing that in front of him a unique talent.

Pedagogue took care and that his student is not hungry. He arranged Kobzon to the Chemical Technology Institute, where the guy for several months for a rather modest fee rubbed with alcohol gas mask in bomb shelter. The teacher guessed that his talented student would certainly make a brilliant career, but he did not even suspect that this modest young man would soon become a star.

In the 1959th Joseph Kobzon - the soloist of the All-Union Radio. Here he worked for 4 years. At this time, his individual performing manner was formed, according to which the singer began to learn. This is a harmonious combination of Belkanto technique and ease. In 1964, Kobzon is twice the laureate. He won the All-Russian Competition of the Astradi Artists and at the Festival in Polish Sopot. In the same year, Joseph Davydovich becomes the Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR.

Song contests, musical festivals, presenting premiums, awards and regular ranks from the mid-1960s firmly enter the life of Joseph Kobzon. The young performer delegates to the international competition "Friendship", which was held in Sottarsa. In Warsaw, Budapest and Berlin, the Russian singer managed to conquer the first places. In 1986, Joseph Kobzon becomes a folk artist of the USSR. No in a huge country of man who would not know his name and did not hear this lyrical bariton.

From the mid-1980s Joseph Davydovich Kobzon teaches pop vocals in the famous Gnesinka. He has many talented disciples, among which the most bright Valentine easily accessible, Irina Othieva, Valeria.

Joseph Kobzon visited concerts at all Soviet construction projects. He spoke before the military contingent in Afghanistan and the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. In his repertoire, more than 3 thousand songs. Among them are many hits of the 30s, who previously performed Claudia Shulzhenko, Isabella Yuryeva, Vadim Kozin and Konstantin Sokolsky.

Despite its respectable age - Matra in 2017 turned 80 years old - he was a permanent guest at the "Song of the Year" festival, New Year's "blue lights" and at all festive concerts. Sometimes Joseph Kobzon appeared on the screen in the most unexpected duets with popular youth groups and singers. So, in 2016, he surprised and pleased with his joint performance with Yegor's crum. Interesting and unusual became his joint compositions with the Republic of the Republic. Some of their songs ("Dress", "White Light", "Drozda") became hits.

Many fans of Joseph Kobzon's talent love his daughter's song on the poems of Irina Molbulina. The composition "Evening Tolenny" performed by Matra with Gregory Leps and Alexander Rosenbaum - for many one of the beloved. And yet the main song of the artist is called "moments" from the cult film "Seventeen moments of spring". More penetrating than Joseph Kobzon, this composition could not be fulfilled by anyone.


Joseph Kobzon has always been a man with an active life position. He is a famous politician. He began his political career in the 1990s as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The artist has repeatedly elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

In 2002, Joseph Kobzon was not afraid to enter into negotiations with the invaders of the theater center on Dubrovka.

Like many other Russian artists, Joseph Kobzon actively responded to the public television in Ukraine - he was among those who signed the appeal of cultural figures directed by President Vladimir Putin. In this appeal, it was indicated that Kobzon supports the policies of the President in Crimea and Ukraine. The position of Joseph Kobzon led to the fact that the European Union included the artist into his "black list" of Russian citizens who are prohibited from entering the EU territory.

Due to the scandalous-condemning statements of the artist included Ukraine and Latvia in their "black lists". In many Ukrainian cities, the singer was deprived of the status of the "Honorary Citizen". In January 2015, Kobzon selected "Honorary Citizenship" in his native Kramatorsk.

Due to the sanctions of the European Union, all assets of the artist in Europe are frozen, as are the assets of other colleagues in the sanction list. But Joseph Kobzon assured that it bothers him a little - he continued to ride with concerts in Donetsk and Lugansk, and also publicly supported the militia. At the end of November 2014, Iosif Kobzon was awarded the status of the Honorary Consul of the Donetsk People's Republic in the Russian Federation.

Another scandal Joseph Kobzon created himself personally, refusing in 2014 from the status of the People's Artist of Ukraine. This decision he also accepted under the influence of his political beliefs.

The famous artist also considered the right decision of the Russian Federation to refuse to participate in the Eurovision contest, which in 2017 passed in Ukraine.


Joseph Kobzon did not hide that he enjoyed a wig, put it in 35 years. One day, Ida Isaevna admitted that the reason for the early baldness of the Son was the categorical reluctance to wear a hat in adolescence. Even the 40-degree frosts could not force Joseph to get drunk, which was the cause of early loss of thick hair.

In 2005, it became known that the artist survived the most complicated operation to remove the malignant tumor. News that Joseph Davydovich was a bladder cancer, quickly spread and alarmed his fans and admirers of talent. The operation was carried out in Germany. Operational intervention has weakened the immunity of the elderly artist. Added inflammation of lungs and kidneys. But the incredible thirst for life and the power of the will, supported by the love of relatives, raised the artist with the bed and even returned to the scene.

In 2009, the artist was operated on the second time and again in Germany. Five days after the heavy operation, Joseph Kobzon went to the musical festival in Jurmala and even sang "live", surprising and delighted his fans.

In 2010, the talent admirers of the Matra were alarmed by the news that at a concert in Astana Joseph Davydovich twice lost consciousness on the stage and fainted. As it turned out, cancer caused anemia. But according to the recognition of the artist, he could not lie in bed for a long time. Yes, and could not live without scene. At home, he did not find a place. The scene and viewers for the artist were the best medicine he is despondency and disease.


At the end of July 2018 it was reported that Joseph Kobzon was emergency hospitalized into the neurosurgery separation, where it was connected to the machine auxiliary ventilation of the lungs. The state of the health of the People's Artist of Russia was estimated as consistently severe.

On August 30, 2018, it became known about the death of Joseph Kobzon. The conchine said relatives of the singer. Joseph Davydovich was 80 years old.

Kobzon bequeathed to bury himself on the Vostrikovsky cemetery next to his mother. Farewell to the Soviet and Russian performer in Moscow and the funeral took place on September 2.

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