Victoria Isakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Good luck smiled Victoria Isakova not immediately, life as if experienced for strength. After the death of the artistic director, it was expelled from the theater without explaining. The status of the star of cinema actress received when four dozen movies were already behind the shoulders and brilliant theatrical roles. Popularity, according to Isacova, in a number of other positive moments makes it possible that every artist dreams about - choose what you want to do on stage or in front of the camera."And I still remain with my ideas about myself, with the same requirements for myself, with the same glances for the profession and on yourself in the profession," says Victoria.

Childhood and youth

The star of Film Achievements "Mirror" and "Thaw" Victoria Evgenievna Isakova was born in October 1976 in the Dagestan city of Khasavyurt. Father - Poet and football administrator, Mom was a housewife and engaged in raising children. In the family of Isakov, there were three of them: two daughters and son, Vika - the younger. When the girl was 12 years old, the family moved to Moscow. The reason for the move was the enrollment of brother to the school of the Olympic reserve.

This event has become decisive in the fate of the future actress. Later she admitted that the resettlement in the capital predicted her future. If Isakov had not left Khasavyurt, Victoria would follow the example of most of the same age: would marry and acquired a bunch of kids. In Dagestan, this is a typical model of women's behavior. About implementation in the profession, besides, such "immodest", as the actor, not taken there.

In Moscow, Victoria Isakova went to a specialized school with an in-depth study of English. Already then the girl realized that her scene was insurmountable. Parents wanted the younger daughter to receive a serious specialty, which would guarantee a peaceful life. They dreamed of a prestigious university, there was plenty of such in the capital.

However, Victoria did in his own way - he entered the rati-guitis at the Faculty of Actor. A year later I was transferred to the MCAT Studio School, on the course to the incomparable and beloved Oleg Efremov. According to Isacova, Oleg Nikolayevich lectures, as Woking, could listen for hours.

After graduating from the university in 1999, a beginner actress settled in MHT named after A.P. Chekhov, where he served until 2001. The creative biography of Victoria Isakova began on the stage of this famous theater. She played a few bright roles in the production of Alla Pokrovskaya, Roman Kozak, Oleg Efremova and Marina Brusnikovnaya.

The first prestigious theater award - the "Seagull" premium - got a young artist in 2003. In the theater named after A. S. Pushkin, together with Paul, she played in the play "Viy".


In the cinema Victoria Isakov made his debut in 1998, in student years. The first episodic role is a pensioner in the TV series "Chekhov and Co." - has become a good start in Isochka filmography. In 2000, she was offered a more serious role in the historical drama "Empire under blow."

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The turning point for the actress was 2006. The girl reincarnated into the villain of Sinilgu in the adventure-free tape "Piranha Hunt". Her partners in the shooting platform were the stars of Russian cinema Evgeny Mironov and Vladimir Mashkov.

In the same year, Victoria Isakova received a role in the film Larisa Sadilova "Requires Nanny." These two films have become for an actress ticket to a big movie. Eminent producers began to notice a young talent, and the audiences are increasingly enjoying paintings with her participation.

Often in your projects, Victoria invites the husband - director Yuri Moroz. His drama "Point", the heroines of which were his wife, daughter Daria Moroz and actress Anna Ukolov, struck the audience. The artists played the priestens of love with broken fate, who stand every day on the street in anticipation of customers. For this work, all three were awarded the Silver Hugo Prize.

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In 2008, Yuri Moroz submitted to the court of viewers by the screening of Roman Fedor Dostoevsky "Brothers Karamazov". In this multiserial project, Victoria Isakova played Katerina Ivanovna. She perfectly felt the character and received Forest Reviews of Film Crims. The premiere of the tape took place on the first channel.

Loud glory hit the Victoria after entering the screens of the sensational series about the cultural life of the Soviet Union of the 60s. The project was called "Thaw". The role of Ingi Krustalavoy, fading beauty-actresses, who is aware of sadness, which agitates and becomes unnecessary, executed Isacova brilliantly.

In this film, Valery Todorovsky collected the color of modern Russian cinema: Mikhail Efremov, Evgeny Tsyganov, Paulina Andreeva, Anna Chipovskaya and many others. The series was accepted by spectators and film critics with delight.

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In the same 2013, Victoria Isakov appeared in one historical tape - the series "Mirrors", where he played Marina Tsvetaeva. This is a key role in the film. The drama Marina Migunovoy also received a flattering reviews. The actress managed to literally be awesome an audience: she was so unlikely to read the poems of ingenious poets that some impressionable viewers spoke about reincarnation. As it turned out, Migunov allocated Isakov from six contenders and was satisfied with his choice.

In 2014, Victoria Isakov first tried his strength as a TV presenter. She participated in the program "Real", which went on the "Friday" channel. The project is positioned as a "program for real intellectuals". Its essence is a demonstration of outstanding short-acting directed by world names. And another 2014th memo for Victoria Isacova and her fans with a picture of the painting "Inquisitor", in which the actress played a private detective Natalia Pavlovna Serebryanskaya.

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In March 2015, Russia-1 channel presented the spectators a large-scale project - a psychological thriller "Rodina", in which Victoria Isakov and Vladimir Mashkov appeared. The artist played analytics of the Counter-Terrorism Center of the FSB Anna Zimin. This picture is a remake of the Summer Israeli Project "Prisoners of Security".

Nobody even challenges the star status of Victoria Isakova in Russian cinema. Actress every year confirms his talent, pleaseing fans with new projects. In 2016, 3 pictures were released on the screens, which they spoke a lot and argued. This is the dramatic tape of Kirill Serebrennikova "Student", the 12-serial film "Mata Hari" and a tragic mini-series "Drunk firm", in which Isakov again met with Mikhail Efremov.

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In the "student", Victoria Isakov reincarnated in a biology teacher, which enters into an acute philosophical discussion with a fanatical religious adolescence. His played by a young talented actor Peter Skvortsov. The premiere took place within the Cannes Film Festival. The film was awarded the prize of the independent French presses named after Francois Chale, after which the right to show a number of European countries.

Filming an international project about the famous spy-Kurtizanque Mate Hari was held in Portugal, Russia and Ukraine. The Russian star turned out to be in the key role.

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At the very beginning of 2017, the TV viewers saw a new comedy series "You all requalify me!" Where Victoria Isakov appeared.

In 2017 and 2018, the actress appeared on the screens in the separation films, among whom "Optimists" and "Demon Revolution", where she got the role of Inessa Armand. Isakov also participated in the filming of the film Renat Litvinova "about love. Only for adults."

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In the touching short film, Anna Melikyan "Tenderness", filmed on a mobile phone, Victoria plays a woman to a dispute looking for a sexual partner. Evgeny Tsyganov again appeared in the frame with actress, the voice-over text reads Konstantin Khabensky. It went to his fund from a charity evening, on which the film presented to the audience.

The name of the series "Particle of the Universe" speaks for itself. Speech in the picture is about space, and about love. In the center of the narration - the relationship between members of one crew, which has an important mission to eliminate an accident on the ISS. The drama is that the heroine of Isacova, the spouse of one cosmonaut, wants to go to another. Men before and during the flight should be abstructed from personal experiences, and a woman is silent to suffer.

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In the drama "Anna Karenina", set by Karen Shahnazarov, Victoria played Dolly Oblon, in the musical tape "Loggy!" - Opera singer, sitting in prison, in a detective "Satan Operation" - employee of the Design Bureau from which secret documents disappear.

Gregory Constantinople, who shot Isakov in a "drunk company," invited the actress to the comedy "Russian demon." This is the name of the restaurant who wants to open for the beloved woman the protagonist in the performance of Ivan Makarevich. The film was marked by the "Kinotavaur" prize for the director and selected for a special idea for people with hearing problems.

Personal life

The first serious love came to Victoria Isacova in student years. Unfortunately, she was dramatic. Wika broke out a novel with a talented classmate Alexander Chizhevsky. This was told by the former fellow countryman Isacova and Chizhevsky Sergey Novikov. Alexander did not live to graduation 2 weeks. Early in the morning he was shot down by an unidentified car. The girl was seriously worried about the loss of his beloved, but managed not to break and focus on the career.
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After 3 years, the personal life of Victoria Isakova acquired the meaning: the actress met a man who was loved by - directed by Yuri Moroza. With him, Vika introduced a friend of Daria Moroz, who accounts for a director's daughter. Dasha, I could not even think that the Father, 2 years ago, I buried my wife and her mother Marina Levtov, there will be a connection with a girl who is under Him for 20 years. Yes, and the difference in the age between the stepmother and the padchier is completely insignificant. After some time, Daria understood and took the relationship of Yuri and Victoria.

Family life of the couple did not immediately work out happily. The trigger of characters was long and painful. In addition, at the very beginning there was a tragedy that overshadowed a joint existence. Victoria gave birth to a daughter called Masha. But the motherhood was short-lived: Isakov lost the child. The baby had a congenital disease that brought her life to the 4th month.

Spouses hardly survived the mountain, but did not leave the dreams to have common children. Now they are happy and full of hope for the best. In November 2018, Isakov first told Vadim Vernik in an interview that a girl had appeared in the family. The event occurred, presumably in 2016, but parents decided to preserve it in secret, so the exact age of the baby is not known. There is no official confirmation that the daughter called Barbara.

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Joint photos of the star couple are often published on the Actress page in "Instagram". You can see the Victoria showing a figure in a swimsuit, in the frames of the film "Union without sex" or on the pages of Maxim magazine. Celebrity with model parameters (growth - 174 cm, weight - within 55 kg) starred for glossy editions back in 2007. To preserve slightness and attractiveness, Isakov costs without diets and fitness:

"Ten performances are completely replaced by simulators per month."

Free time Victoria is spent on travel - in the youth loved to explore new places, combine "lying" rest with hikes.

Victoria Isakov now

In the TV series "Tell the Truth", released on TV screen in March 2019, Victoria Isakov and Pavel Trubiner played spouses, at first glance, living well safely, while the wife did not suspect her husband in treason. In search of truth, the heroine hires a private owner, and the investigation materials give rise to new questions.

Victoria Isakov

Another on-screen family of the actress created with Konstantin Lavronenko in the melodrame "You hear me?", Only now the situation is the opposite: a woman suspected on the side.

The sports tape "One breath" was based on the biography of a 23-fold champion and record holder of the world in Fridaiving Natalia Molchanova, missing in the Mediterranean Sea. Vladimir Yaglych and Maxim Sukhanov became partners of Victoria Isakova on the film.

Victoria is involved in a large Russian-Chinese project dedicated to the legendary reconnaissance Richard Zorge. The main role was entrusted to Alexander Domogarov, and Isacova - the image of the German ambassador in Japan, held in close relations with the Soviet spy. Japanese actress Zion Nakamaru is playing unofficial wife Zorge. For authentic entourage, the film crew headed by Sergey Ginzburg went to Shanghai, since only there were decorated decorations corresponding to the past 30-40 years.

The series "Wongozero" ("Epidemic") - a picture of a completely different genre, a fantastic thriller. Key heroes are a group of Muscovites, rescue from a deadly virus in Karelian forests.

In an ordinary life, these people would never meet and even more so would not help each other, their orbits of existence are so distinguished. But there is no medicine from the disease, and when there are children and old people, everyone has to choose, which is more important - to remain a person or survive. This task, along with Victoria Isakova, solve Kirill Kyaro, Alexander Robak and Mariana Spivak.

The film trailer is already presented in Cannes at the International Festival of Canneseries TV Series, the premiere is expected on the TV-3 channel specializing in mystical and mysterious.

In the 2020th main premiere with the participation of the actress was the sports drama "One breath", telling about the fate of the champion in Fridayving Natalia Molchanova. Here Victoria got the main role. And on the eve of the show, the artist gave a frank interview with Irina Shikhman in the program "And to talk?", In which it shared the details of personal and creative life.


  • 2006 - "Piranha Hunt"
  • 2006 - "Nanny is required"
  • 2006 - "Point"
  • 2008 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2014 - "Inquisitor"
  • 2015 - "Motherland"
  • 2016 - "Mata Hari"
  • 2016 - "Student"
  • 2016 - "Drunk Firm"
  • 2017 - "Optimists"
  • 2017 - "About love. For adults only
  • 2017 - "You all resect me!"
  • 2018 - "Children"
  • 2018 - "Russian demon"
  • 2019 - "Tell the Truth"
  • 2020 - "One breath"

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