Maria Kozhevnikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Instagram, Husband, Films, Children, "University", Actress 2021



Glory and recognition of the public came to Maria Kozhevnikova with the role of the Hunters for men Allochka Grishko from the Youth Series "University". When the actress became a deputy of the State Duma, reproaches fell on it. Many were indignant - in what right blonde from jokes, shot for "playboo" takes place in the Russian parliament? But Maria did not pay attention to critics and perceived the position as an opportunity to promote his political views.

Childhood and youth

Maria Kozhevnikova is a radical Muscovite. Russian actress was born on November 14, 1984. Father Maria Alexander Kozhevnikov - Russian hockey player, honored master of sports and two-time champion of the Olympic Games. Father achievements were an example for a small machine.

Almost no one has doubts that Maria will become an athlete. In some sense, it happened: the girl became a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, but a magnificent figure was prevented to continue his career. Kozhevnikova is not complete, but in the championship standards, the proportions did not fit. The growth of medium (174 cm), while the celebrity was distinguished by a strong physique.

The future star of Telecommus recalled the time with a smile. Maria told reporters that, despite the innate stubbornness, he gladly pleased parents. Masha did not refuse to help the mother, was polite with adults, played in the rolling games, loved to read poems and dance. Despite training, Kozhevnikov did not forget about the lessons and school. Beauty learned well, responsibly performed tasks.


Approaching sports, Maria chose the acting career. The artist entered the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art, combining studies with participation in the music team "Love Stories", to which he joined in 2002. Unfortunately, the group never managed to take off to the musical Olympus, and Kozhevnikov devoted the released time to catch up with the actress skills.

At first, Kozhevnikova was removed only in episodes. In 2002, Masha managed to get a small role in the series "Live Rublevka". The list of films with her participation also includes the "gift of God" and "hearty". But the desired popularity of the work of Kozhevnikova did not give.

The flourishing of the creative biography of Mary began with the tape "Univer". The actions took place in the Moscow "dormitory", whose student life became the storyline. Then Maria with brilliance passed the casting for the role of one of the main characters - the blondes of Allochka.

Heroine Kozhevnikova, on the one hand, greedy and unprincipled, does not shine intellect. But in the depths of the soul, Grishko remained a good-natured girl from the Russian depth, which is ready to support a girlfriend Tanya (Valentina Rubtsova) and other neighbors in a difficult moment. In the new part of the project, the audience learned that Alla was still parted with Maikl's graduate student (Ararat Keszan) and rushed out of the "University" to build a career in the capital.

Sitter about the hostel made an indelible impression on the viewer and became one of the most popular TV series TNT. Thanks to the role of the Mercenary Alloy, Grishko, the artist gained popularity and became a sex symbol. Snapshots Mary flashed in Russian glossy publications, in 2009 Kozhevnikov even starred for Playboy magazine. On 5 out of 8 frames of the published photo session, the Star "Prosch" appeared nude.

Masha said that she had something common with the heroine. Both fall into incomplete situations. The actress strangely attracted the bruises, injury, cuts. But the rest of the girl is absolutely different. Kozhevnikova got used to working on himself and seek everything on his own, unlike a cunning and desperate heroine.

The series not only revealed the acting talents of Mary, but also emphasized the musical. Together with the performer, Kuzi's role, Vitaly Gogunsky, Kozhevnikova recorded a patriotic composition "Who, if not we", which the actors have repeatedly asked to fulfill at events. The song Kuzi and Alla gained incredible popularity.

When Masha changed the film from the political tribune, the palm of championship in Sitkom went to Anna Hilkevich. The new heroine has a new corona word: "Naissez" instead of Allyochny "Pipetz".

In 2012, Maria struck fans with the role of a cheeky woman in the "Spirie" film. Fans and critics indignantly said that Kozhevnikova played the "cheap". But the actress did not see anything strange in his act. The actress believes that the actor should be able to reincarnate in different hypostasis, even negative.

In a detective, I believe - I do not believe "Maria changed the role, imagined in the unexpected image of the lieutenant colonel of the investigative committee, which was tired of shifting papers. A young woman took advantage of the crisis in a relationship, replaced the place of residence and retrained in a private owner. Help in the investigation of crimes provided a friend trusting horoscopes and intuition.

In February 2015, the long-awaited premiere of the tape "Battalion" director Igor Ugolnikov, where Maria received the role of participants in the fighting of the First World War. Mary Kozhevnikova filmography was replenished with the strongest and serious work since the start of the acting career.

Scheduled facts were present in the scenario: on the initiative of the Provisional Government, a decree was made to create women's battalions. This step was to raise the morale of those who did not believe in despair. Kozhevnikova sacrificed a thick hair for participation in the "battalion". Moreover, the actress is not just triggered, changing long curls on the square, Maria decided on a more difficult step: left without hair, shaving sleeping.

Directly in the frame of the artist saw her head as other colleagues on the set. Kozhevnikova admitted that he was not without excitement experienced this moment. The victim was worth: for the game in the painting Maria received the Golden Eagle Prize.

So not completed the 2014 project "Sport without Borders" producers devoted to the Olympic Games in Sochi. In the comedy film, which was shot in Australia and Russia, in addition to Mary, involved Gerard Depardieu in the mailing coach of the Male Skiing team. Kozhevnikova took the role of a talented athlete removed from the competition, which the new coaching headquarters attracts as motivators to improve the results of the team.

In 2016, the star worked on the shooting of the melodrama "How to get a neighbor." In the picture of the heroine of Mary Kozhevnikova - the writer, who the restless neighbor in the performance of Konstantin Kryukov prevents focus on writing the next work.

Other, the drama character got Mary in the TV series "execute you can not pardon." The plot unfolds in the post-war Leningrad around the former intelligence of Nina Muravyeva, who is trying to build a peaceful life with his beloved man. But the city gang kills a young man, and the heroine begins to revenge. Nina is not going to wait until the police catch criminals, and methodically shoots murderers and thieves who flooded the city.

Kozhevnikova at the time of the start of the shooting learned about the next pregnancy, but did not refuse to participate in the picture. The actress dreamed of such a role and devoted the job of the grandfather, commanding regimental intelligence. The future mother mastered the hand-to-hand fight, learned to shoot from small arms, ran through the woods in the ammunition.

In the Military Drama of 2018 "Sobibor", the Contentant of the Central Image of Konstantin Khabensky first performed as a director. The film talked about the mass escape of prisoners of war and the Jews from the concentration camp "Sobibor", which was located on the territory of Poland.

Proposal to move to the screen forgotten events of the Second World War, Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky was put forward. Mary Kozhevnikova got the role of the prisoner of the Camp Selma Winberg. The heroine actresses, like other characters, there are real prototypes.

Selma with her husband Haim Engel was lucky to flee from "Sobbor". Spouses sheltered the Polish family, then the spouses moved to Israel, from there - to America. The couple lived in a happy marriage of 60 years, waited grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Mary later said that, while taking care of the role like which there was no one before, she did not feel fear - only responsibility. And he considered the right thing that artists from different countries were invited to casting. "This movie needs now to the world viewer, because the way they are trying to flip, rewrite the story, is unacceptable."

The shooting was remembered by the Kozhevnikovoy that at the site no one had a language to joke to discharge the situation. Talk to the abstract topics the group could only return to the hotel. And all the way to her at 2 o'clock the actors were silent.

Politics and social activities

The political position of Kozhevnikov for the first time clearly expressed in 2011, joining the "Young Guard of United Russia". At the same time, he became a trustee of the All-Russian Popular Front, participated in the primaries of the ruling party in Tomsk.

Already in December of the same year, Maria became a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation VI convocation from the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia". Being a member of the State Duma Committee on Culture, initiated the draft law "On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Intellectual Rights in Information Telecommunications Networks".

Kozhevnikova came to the Duma due to the aggravated sense of justice and the desire to help, the artist honestly worked for all 5 years, not just nominally attending meetings, but also offering and supporting ideas and projects. In just this period, it became co-author of 105 initiatives. Even people who are skeptical in relation to Mary admitted that she broke the behavior of many stereotypes about blondes and actresses.

Maria herself to the political stage in life was treated as a chance to openly voiced its problems with high stands and offering solutions. "Because I want to live here, raise children. And it seems to me, now it's time when youth began to hear. For young people, the future of this country, and we also have to participate in it, "the celebrity shared.

The artist had to be met for the characters embodied on the screen. Kozhevnikova argued that she was not a comedian in his soul, he dreams of filming, which would stay in memory for a long time, and get an Oscar. Art, as Maria spoke in an interview in the time of deputy, is a powerful impact tool.

The latest projects involving Mary Kozhevnikovy prove that a large mother has developed the role of students looking for a better life, and turned into a serious dramatic actress. Nevertheless, in VII, the convening of the State Duma Kozhevnikov did not pass. For a long time, we had a rumor that she was going to give his mandate the insightful work of the artist Joseph Kobzon, but Mary had repeatedly refuted this news.

At the end of the authority did not leave a political career and agreed to the proposal of the head of Krasnogorsk Radia Habirov to become a member of the city public chamber. One of the questions, the study of which a large mother paid attention to, is the organization of full-fledged school breakfasts. In 2020, Kozhevnikov re-elected for the next term.

Back in October 2011, Maria became a member of the Board of Trustees of Children's House No. 39 in the Moscow Region. On the "Instagram" page, the star often publishes posts in support of mothers and children. In 2014, Kozhevnikov was honored with the 88th place in the list of 100 most influential women in Russia.

Personal life

The lifestyle of Mary Kozhevnikova changed after the premiere of "Univers." The army of fans literally built under the windows of the actress. In 2009, rumors swept that Maria would soon marry the Chelyabinsk businessman, the President of Miruel.

Maria Kozhevnikova and Ilya Mitelman met in 2008 at a party dedicated to the series "Univer" in the city of Chelyabinsk. Already a year later, the lovers submitted a statement to the registry office, but the wedding did not happen. The actress was not able to withstand unreasonable attacks of Jealousy Ilya and diverged with a potential fiance.

Since 2010, Maria began to meet with one of the leaders of the Moscow complex "Manege". At the beginning of 2011, the couple planned a celebration, but also with this man attitudes the actress did not work out.

Soon the celebrity still started the family. The personal life of Kozhevnikova has changed dramatically after exploring Evgeny Vasilyev in 2011. In 2013, Mary married her husband in St. Nicholas Cathedral in Nice.

The young family quickly acquired children, and, judging by the date of birth of the firstborn, at the time of the wedding Mary was pregnant. On January 19, 2014, the first child was born, which parents called Ivan. After a year, January 26, 2015, Kozhevnikova gave birth to the second son, who was named after Maxim. In June 2017, Maria Kozhevnikov became the mother for the third time. Son Vasily was born in one of the Moscow clinics.

Children - not a reason for refusing to lead a secular lifestyle, solved the actress, for which it was not once subjected to reproaches. In 2016, Maria appeared in the extreme circus show "Without insurance", where the question of motivation honestly replied that after the birth of two weather, she became simply necessary to test himself and his body, re-feel young and power.

The judges estimated how boldly, despite the already mature age and the responsible status of the mother, Maria performed acrobatic numbers, and called Kozhevnikov an example and inspiration for the rest of the representatives of the fine sex.

Later, Masha published a sharp post in the social network that the mother of 3 children has the right and dance, and go to the cinema, if there are reliable people who look after siblings. The parent must be happy, not a zeal, and sometimes part with the child in order to achieve and save an emotional connection.

Maria Kozhevnikova now

Later, the actress has become more time to devote the family. The press more often began to appear the photo of the Kozhevnikovaya surrounded by sons. So, in February 2021, journalists captured Maria at the premiere of Children's film Oleg Pogodina "Konk-Gorbok". Together with the star before the premiere of Paparazzi, the little Maxim, Vasily and their charming girlfriend - the young model of Anfis Goncharov picked up.

But, if the film engineer moved to the actress to the background, then the politics and social sphere of Kozhevnikov leave not ready. Snapshots in swimsuits still appear in the instagram account of celebrities, but today candid pictures are lost behind family personnel without makeup and publications relating to the public position of the Krasnogorsk official.

On the Maria Alexandrovna page, subscribers will learn not only about the benefits of the products that it advertises, but also about the dangers of palm oil. Expans the artist and discontent with the education system. In May 2020, he expressed doubts about the accuracy of statistics on COVID-19, which Victoria Bonya supported her. I indignant Kozhevnikov and the assignment of the title of general by the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Irina Wolf.

In addition, Maria personally helps large families. And the efforts were not in vain - at the beginning of the year it became known that in the ranking drawn up by Romir, the former deputy entered the top 5 leaders of the confidence of citizens.


  • 2005 - "Lawyer 2"
  • 2005 - "Rublevka Live"
  • 2007 - "Mad"
  • 2007 - "The right to happiness"
  • 2008 - "And still I love"
  • 2008-2011 - "University"
  • 2011 - "Spirieless"
  • 2013 - "Red Mountains"
  • 2014 - "Battalion"
  • 2015 - I do not believe
  • 2017 - "execute cannot be pardon"
  • 2018 - "Sobibor"
  • 2019 - "Woe from Wit"

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