Stephen King - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Film and Latest News 2021



Stephen Edwin King was born in the fall of 1941 in the American state of Maine, in the city of Portland. The birth of a boy can be called a miracle. The fact is that Nelly Ruth Pillsbury is a mother of the future writer - doctors diagnosed infertility. And when the woman married the second time for the captain of the shopping ship Donald Edward King, the spouses decided to adopt the boy. Came the reception of the son David Victor. And two years later, Nelli unexpectedly became pregnant. The Couple was born the son of Stephen Edwin.

Stephen King in childhood

But the common child could not make the marriage of parents strong. The head of the family had a loving reputation. Being a sailor, he traveled around the world. After World War II, Donald quit from the fleet and settled to work by the trade agent, offering buyers of vacuum cleaners. Its family life. When Stephen turned 2 years old, the father disappeared from his life. A man came out of the house to buy cigarettes and disappeared. Mom declared her sons that the dad was kidnapped by Marciana. According to some sources, the woman guessed that as "Martian" could be a cute waitress from Connecticut.

Running upwards, let's say that a shooting group of one of the American TV channels, working on a documentary about the biography of Stephen King in the 1990s, found his negligent parent. As it turned out, he lived nearby, in the neighboring state of Pennsylvania, with his wife-Brazilian and four children.

After the escape of her husband, Ruth - Pianist on education - had to be tight. She was taken for any low-paid job, just to feed the sons. She worked as a saleswoman in a bakery or servant in rich houses. Woman in search of good work moved from state to state. Family lived in Indiana, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Connecticut. In the end, he stopped in the town of Western Durham in the state of Maine.

Stephen King with Mom Nelly and Brother

Stephen King saw a hard mother, although she never complained. He still realized that society of equal opportunities is a myth for naive people. In fact, life is difficult and unfair.

As a child, Steve became an involuntary witness to the terrible tragedy: a peer died in his eyes, who fell under the wheels of the commercial train. King survived the strongest shock, after which in his memory, the terrible frames of death were embarrassed for some time. They surfaced only a few years later, when he was told about the tragedy. The writer's biographers argue that this event had an impact on his work and inspired to write some works.

Frequent moving undermined the already weak health of Stephen King. Disease measles he has been triggered particularly hard. Then there was an acute pharyngitis, which moved into one of the forms of ear infection, incurable antibiotics. Three times the boy experienced hellish pain when he was pierced by the eardrum. Due to King's disease, he studied in the first grade for two years.

Stephen King in Youth

Perhaps all these vital difficulties have formed a gloomy perception of the reality and tastes of the guy. He adored horror films. The indelible impression on his psyche was the paintings in the genre of Horror "Creator from the Black Lagoon", "Psychoshushka", "I was a teenager-clutter", "Palaces of Montezuma" and "The Sands of Ivodzima". Stephen King in his youth was so impressionable that even watching the cartoon "Bambi" with the scene of the forest fire was the cause of painful nightmares.

The guy's favorite books included "Hulk", "Spiderman", "Superman", Rena Bradbury, and comics about the unclean power of the "horror tomb" and "bikes from a crypt". Later Stephen King admitted that he liked the feeling of fear and the "feeling of full loss of control over the feelings."

Stephen King.

To distract from constant diseases, the boy, encouraged by Mom, began to write. Feather's sample happened at 7 years old. Stephen King wrote a small story about the adventures of Captain Casey. The source of inspiration was the Comic about brave captain. The boy simply retold read. Mom praised the work, but at the same time noticed that Steve could well create something his own. Soon the future writer presented four little stories about the white rabbit on its trial. For each of them, Mom paid him the first "fee" in the amount of 25 cents.


From now on, Stephen King worked, without stopping. His first "bestseller" turned out to be a story written on the basis of film "Well and the pendulum". The guy printed his work in the amount of 40 copies on a hectograph.

In 1959, 18-year-old Stephen King, together with Brother David, began to issue an informational herald, who was called "Dave Leaf". The guys spread it with the help of old mimeograf and 5 cents sold friends, neighbors and relatives. David wrote local news, and Steve - Reviews of films and their own short stories. At the same time, Stephen King first read the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. He became the favorite guy's author. According to him, after acquaintance with the sinister stories of the collection "Melting in the shadows", he had a sense of "return home".

Stephen King.

In high school classes, Stephen King could not decide what to do next: to enter the university or to go a volunteer in Vietnam to collect interesting facts for future creativity. The fact that further life will be associated with the writer, he no longer doubted. Mom convinced the Son, whose entirely there were problems with vision, refuse to travel to Vietnam.

King entered the college, where he began to prepare for admission to the university. And he still settled on a weaving factory. The work was necessary to earn money. Steve glued packaging for the goods and folded them into containers. In the intervals between the work, the clouds of aggressive rats were distilled off in the basement. Later, these impressions became the basis for the story "Night shift".

Stephen King.

In August 1966, Stephen King entered the University of Maine, choosing the Faculty of British Literature. At the same time, he studied at the pedagogical college. Steve and Dave had to be tight, because Mom sent sons only $ 5 per week on pocket expenses, while the starval itself.

At the university, the future "horror king" married. After graduating from the university, receiving a bachelor's degree, he decided to make a living with writing. But it did not bring revenues. Therefore, Stephen King and his young family existed on his modest earnings in the laundry, a student loan of spouses and small fees for the stories of the writer who published magazines.

In the fall of 1971, Stephen King got an English teacher in one of Hampden schools in Maine. He continued to write, but it seems, began to lose confidence in his literary abilities. Once the spouse found in the garbage box the manuscript of the Roman Karry. He threw a draft, without adding a work to the end. The wife read the novel and stood up her husband to add it.

Roman Stephen King.

In the winter of 1973, Mama Stephen King died. The woman did not live a year before the first success of the Son. In 1974, one of the publishers took over the publication of the Roman "Carrie" and paid the writer a fee of $ 2500. Suddenly, for Steve Romance, I liked the readers. Publishing house "DoubleDay" sold copyright to the work of another, larger publishing house "NAL", for 400 thousand dollars. Half the amount received Stephen King.

The writer left the teacher and moved to the neighboring state of Colorado. Here, in the city of Boulder, his second successful Roman "Shine" was created.

Roman Stephen King.

In the late 1970s, Stephen King was created by the pseudonym Richard Bachman. Some writer's biographers argue that the publication of books under the fictional name was dictated by the uncertainty of a novelist in himself. It seemed to him that the success achieved was accidental. Repeating it under a different name, King wanted to make sure about the opposite. Under the pseudonym Richard Bakhman was published a "rage" book. But King seized it from the sale after the minor criminal, who shot classmates in Kansas, found his novel.

Name Richard Bachman appeared under several more King novels: "Long walk", "Road works", "Running man" and "losing weight". It is noteworthy that the surname Bakhman was taken by a writer for "weapons" because he was a passionate fan of the famous Music team "Bachman-Turner overdrive".

Roman Stephen King.

A pseudonym of Stephen King had to give up after his attentive seller of one of Washington's bookstores was exposed. Then the novelist announced that Bachman died from cancer.

In 1980-90, the best books of Stephen King appear. First of all, it is the Roman "Arrows", which became the first in the cycle "Dark Tower". In the same 1982 for record 10 days, he wrote a 300-page romance "Running Man."

In 1996, the book "Green Mile" appeared. This is one of the most beloved Romanov Stephen King. A year later, the writer concluded a contract with the publishing house "Simon & Schuster", which paid an advance payment of $ 8 million for the novel "Bag with bones", and also pledged to give 50% of sales revenues.

Many works of the "horror king" are fused. In 1998, Stephen King acted as a scenario of one of the most popular TV series of those years - the project "Secret Materials", in which Gillian Anderson and David Glukovan played their star roles.

Frame from the series

In the summer of 1999, a minibus shot down a minibus with a writer's dog. Stephen King has diagnosed multiple fractures of the right leg, fracture of the hip, head injuries and lungs. The leg was barely able to save the amputation. For a long time, the novelist could sit for no more than 40 minutes, after which the pain in the broken thigh became painful. This event was based on the 7th part of the "Dark Tower" series of the novels, and also found the display in one of the films of the Royal Hospital series.

In 2002, Stephen King upset his fans with news that he stops the writing career. He is still hard to sit, which does not allow to focus over the next masterpiece. But to the huge joy of fans, the novelist broke the promise to stop writing.

In 2004, the last part of the epic "Dark Tower" was published. And after 2 years, the novelist gave a new product called "Lisa History".

The book of Stephen King.

In 2006, the amateur of Mysteries Stephen King announced that he found the unpublished novel Bakhman Blaise. In fact, it was found by them their own manuscript of student times, which all this time was kept at the university.

From 2008 to 2016, Stephen King, he pleased readers by the collection of stories "After Sunset" and the novels "Drum-ki", "Under the dome", "Dr. Son", "Mr. Mercedes" and "Revival". In the summer of 2016, the "horror king" presented the third part of the "Mr. Mercedes" novel, which is called "post passed."

In the same year, the fans of the talent of the "horror king" gladly looked on the screens a literary evening with the participation of two famous writers - Stephen King and George Martin. The meeting took place in Albuquerque.

Personal life

As mentioned above, with the future wife, Tobita Spruce Romanist met at the university. In those difficult years they had a son Joseph and Daughter Naomi. Later, the second son appeared - Owen. Tabit not alien literary activity - the woman also tried to create, but her nine novels did not use special demand.

Stephen King with his wife Tabit

Personal life Stephen King with his beloved wife has been happily. Together they passed through many tests. At the beginning of family life - through poverty. Later - through alcoholism and drug addiction. In 1999, a letter was supposed to appear in one of the satirical newspapers, allegedly written in Stephen King, in which he admitted that the period of writing the "Tomminoxy" novel fell out of his memory.

Stephen and Tabita with son Owen

As it turned out, the 1980s were really overshadowed by King's addiction to drinking and drugs. In order to convince the writer's destructive habits to appeal to doctors, the native "collected" evidence: they took the banks found in the garbage from beer, packaging from Valium, cocaine and marijuana. Only then, with horror, seeing all this "wealth" on the carpet, Stephen King recognized the disease and turned to the help of specialists.

The first work written by him after recovery was the novel "the necessary things".

Roman Stephen King.

Together with his wife Stephen King owns three estates: in Bangor, Lovellle and Sarasot. The last family visits in winter. It is located on the shore of a warm Mexican bay in Florida.

Today the writer and his spouse has four grandchildren.

Sons of Stephen King also made the first steps in writing. Daughter Naomi writing is not fond of. It is known for being in relations with the teacher of theology of Tandek.

Stephen King

In his free time, Stephen King visits the games of the beloved baseball team "Boston Red Sox". In the 1990s, Spouses sponsored the construction of the "Mansfield" stadium, and in 2014 the writer took part in the collection of funds for people who sick amyotrophic sclerosis.


  • 1974 - Karry
  • 1977 - "Shine"
  • 1982 - "arrows"
  • 1983 - "Pet Cemetery"
  • 1987 - "Extraction of Troy"
  • 1991 - "Fancy Earth"
  • 1996 - "Green Mile"
  • 1997 - "Soldun and Crystal"
  • 2003 - "Cali Wolves"
  • 2004 - Sun Susanne
  • 2004 - "Dark Tower"
  • 2012 - "Wind through the keyhole"

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