Max Barsky - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Zivert, Bestseller, Clips, Concert, Music 2021



Max Barsky is one of the most shuffling and scandalous Ukrainian singers, who conquered the entire post-Soviet space to the penetrated voice, extravagant acts and non-standard solutions. He has fans not only in their native country, but also beyond, since the artist actively tours and regularly records new songs, which subsequently occupy top places in the musical charts.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born on March 8, 1990 in Sunny Kherson, in the south of Ukraine, under the name of Nikolai Nikolaevich Bortnik. Since childhood, he had creative abilities, but showed them in visual art. He dedicated to the local art school for 10 years, in which he received education along with studying in secondary school.

At the same time, the young Max showed himself on a musical field. He repeatedly performed in school years with youth vocal teams at the children's festivals and wrote his own musical works. Family and acquaintances well took his work.

When the boy turned 11 years old, his father left the family, as he later confessed in an interview, from the memories of his parents, he had only scenes with manual design, permanent quarrels and alcohol addiction. He himself wonders how after all this managed to keep a healthy psyche. They did not communicate for many years and recalled only after 17 years. And in 2017, his father died. The Barsky told about the ten-year-old audience at the next concert in February 2018.

At the age of 12, the young man demonstrated his native sister written by a self-lyrical song in English. She appreciated it and offered to fulfill on a family holiday. Speech was the starting point of the star's music biography. Then the Barsky changed his own priorities and realized that instead of the artist he would become a singer.

The turning point in the life of the guy was the time when, after graduating from high school, he chose a university. Parents insisted the Son to enroll in the Academy of Internal Affairs. But he did not give way to parental desires, deciding to become a student of the Kiev Municipal Academy of Pop and Circus Art, where he was enrolled without problems. About the fact that Max served in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, there is no information on the network.

"Star Factory"

An irresistible desire to get to the big scene pushed the artist to participate in the rating Ukrainian show "Star Factory - 2", whose producer was Natalia Mogilevskaya. The young man in 2008 passed the qualifying round and became a member of the popular vocal project. This moment can be considered the beginning of his musical career.

Needindroprity, discrepancy and ability to imply impretate themselves helped the boric quickly conquer recognition of fans, because it was impossible to notice him among other participants. As part of the project "Star Factory - 2", Max presented two hits - "Stranger" and "Anomaly", which became leaders of hit parades of most musical radio and televisers.

Created and filled with Max songs were good, but they were not caused by the large-scale popularity of the singer. During one speech, the loves of the public right on the stage took a sharp item from his pocket, which began to cut the veins. The scandalous act called in the literal sense of the word real hysterical of the public. The artist himself said that it was devoted to Svetlana Lobod, which never answered him with reciprocity.

Barsky began to discuss in the Ukrainian media, describing his act on stage as a successful PR-move.

From the project "Star Factory", the singer left himself, deciding that solo work will quickly bring recognition and career growth than the glory of the "manufacturer."

Solo career

In 2009, the female audience of the modern stage presented a debut solo album 1: Max Barskih, which included 13 bright compositions recorded in the best musical studios of Kiev. Along with this, the artist for the year recorded 4 clips, which was overnight by Ukrainian hits. The singer shielded S.L compositions. (The name implies the name of Svetlana Loboda or "Bitch-Love"), "Empty", "Agony" and the DVD song, which he and Natalia Mogilevskaya performed a duet. Soon there was a "tired sun" song, which brought the artist no less recognition.

2010 became especially fruitful. In addition to the vocal career, the shuffling singer showed himself as an actor. Max has successfully passed the qualifying samples in the music novel "Mademoiselle Zhivago" and was invited to the role in this film. Max Barsky and Lara Fabian played the main roles in one of the 11th series "Mademoiselle Zhivago". The singer perfectly entered the image of a Russian soldier, insanely in love with Fabian's charming Frenchwoman.

After the triumphal 2010, which brought Max a popularity and recognition in the whole CIS, he shielded another hit "Lost in love | Losing "in 3D format, thanks to which he became the first performer in the entire post-Soviet space, debuting on television scans in such a format. The new Single of the Barsky became the leader of the charts and headed "EuroChite Top-40" Radio "Europe Plus".

With the speed of hurricane, prestigious awards of the domestic show business began to raise. Barsky received the Muz-TV premium in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year", "Crystal Microphone" in the nomination "Singer of the Year", and also became the owner of the Award "Video of the Year" and "Best Male Presentation" on OE Video Music Awards in Latvia.

In 2012, the singer released the second album Z.DANCE and wanted to express himself at the prestigious vocal Eurovision contest. However, he could not be defeated in the qualifying round, he gave way to Gaitan just a few points.

In 2013, the loved holders of the public released a new composition "on Freud", and after her, the same album. A year later, the digital version of the record was released, and the Radio Lux FM would have entertained this Valentine's Day, every hour of the holiday launched one new song. In March 2014, Max sang Ukrainian-speaking "lullaby" and began writing new tracks.

In parallel with the songs in Russian in 2015, the repertoire of Max was replenished with tracks in English, which the singer released on behalf of his alter ego Mickolai. Musical compositions were announced on YouTube.

At one time, the singer was pleased with the fans only by Kavevami on the songs of other performers or video clips on their own compositions. Then he released the "Girlfriend-night" track, which later entered the album "Fogging" (2016). A singer toured with a new disc in Russia and the nearest abroad, during the year giving concerts in Moscow, Yaroslavl, Astana, Kiev and other major cities.

The artist himself considers his success and the popularity of the merits of a joint creative team with the most famous clipmaker Alan Badoev, who is the producer of the Barsky.

In 2017, Max released new singles "February" and "My Love." On a joint speech with Svetlana Loboda, which took place at the Muz-TV awards ceremony, Barsky surprised and spectators, and colleague. During the execution of the song, the young man passionately kissed the singer, which was recorded photographers and camcorders. In the pictures you can see how the star sincerely surprised at the action of Max.

The year became for the artist "Harvest" for musical awards. Max was awarded nine awards and two nominations. So, the "fogs" brought the Golden Gramophone award, and the clip "My love" was recognized as the best on Love Radio Awards. In 2018, Barsky became the winner of Top Hit Music Awards as the best performer, and again for the song "Tumani".

2018 began for the artist by the tour tour of the United States, which was called Tumany World Tour. The schedule of concert includes seven American cities, as well as one in Canada. Before performances in Seattle, Los Angeles, Toronto Max was worried, but he noted the friendly of the public. Returning to his homeland, he recorded the track and clip "Make louder". Later created the second version of the hit, for the execution of which the Russian Rapper L'One was invited. The musician from Russia is included in the Black List of the SBU, but the duet took place.

The popularity of the single was so great that the leadership of the Viber messenger decided to release the thematic stickerpak, which was made in a bright yellow color scheme. Now users of the network will be able to use stickers together with the "Make Loupe" messages, "on your wave", "I want to dance", "Dancing to the morning" and others. Also in the "Vaiber" a community of singer fans appeared.

In the summer of the same year, he took part in Baku's festival for the second time in Baku, calling it a big holiday, a period of meeting with friends and excellent mood.

Then Max Barsky began to prepare for a solo concert in Moscow, he took place at the end of May 2018 at the Megasport Sports Palace. The artist announced a speech in the personal account in "Instagram". On the radio, the remixes of his tracks created by other musicians or DJs began to sound more and more often.

At the beginning of 2019, the artist pleased the fans with a new mini-album, calling it simple and concise - "7". The official single plate was the composition "unearthly", she received the first fame long before the release of the clip. Seeing that the song "came", the artist was not lost and called it the future tour of the tour, which were scheduled for 2020 in nearby states, as well as in Finland, Germany, Sweden, Great Britain and Canada. However, due to a pandemic of coronavirus infection, the tour had to be postponed until 2021.

In the summer, the artist shocked fans with the news, which leaves the scene. Allegedly he tired of tense graphics, permanent performances, because each time it returns to the house where no one is waiting for it. Max decided to take a time-out to establish a personal life. True, a formal commentary appeared later from the musician team, from which it became clear that it would be only a vacation, the Barsk career was not going to complete the career.

At the end of November 2019, the artist presented a new track "Lei, without regrets," he became the first single from his new album "1990", which Barsky promised to imagine later. He called this song with a bright challenge with gray weekdays and manifesto against other people's condemnations. And later removed the clip, according to the tradition of the film was engaged in Clipmaker Alan Badoev. The video involved 40 actors and more than 50 costumes. For authenticity, a two-storey facade of the New York residential building, which served as the main decoration was erected.

In the same year, Barsky presented a clip to the song "Berega", publishing it on "Yutube". According to the artist, he decided to return the viewer at the beginning of the 80s. The main location for filming was chosen studio complex of the national television company of Ukraine. In the summer of Barsky for the first time acted on "Autoradio", singing this composition.

Barsky and now continues to actively develop as an artist and is still in demand on television. In March 2020, he became a guest of the Evening Urgant program on the first channel. On the air, the performer called fans on the next upcoming concert.

Soon he presented another song "The sky pours rain", which went to the new album of the Barski "1990". This name of the record received this year of Max, the artist closes the musical trilogy, consisting of three disks - "fog", "7" and "1990".

Personal life

Max Barsky does not like to spread about their relationship. After the public scandal on the topic "Max Barsky and Svetlana Loboda", in which the young performer argued the love of the singer attempted suicide right on the stage of the vocal show "Star Factory - 2", he repeatedly tried to melt the ice in the heart of his beloved. Max publicly recognized the lobode in love and dedicated to the song.

Despite the fact that the ex-soloist "VIA GRA" did not answer a talented and cute guy with reciprocity, Loboda and Barsky, nevertheless recorded a joint duet and an erotic clip on the hit "Heart beats", together they even conducted a creative tour of Ukrainian cities. After birth, Svetlana Loboda daughter Max made a public statement that henceforth his heart is open for love.

Soon it became known about the novel of the singer with the participant of the new "VIA Gra" Misha Romanova. The girl lived in the Kiev apartments for several years and was his childhood friend. Max's beloved also comes from Kherson, they learned together in the Municipal Academy of Arts of Kiev.

The couple in love was often seen together, Max Barsky and his girlfriend attended secular parties, cinemas and cafes. Young people called relationships friendly, however, their friends and acquaintances believed that there was something more similar to love between Misha and Max.

In February 2016, Max surprised everyone at the Grammy-16 closed part. The singer openly hugged the model Masha Rudenko model, famous for his novel with Mick Jagger, the soloist The Rolling Stones.

Nevertheless, joint photos and videos were not ceased to appear on the personal pages of Max and Misha, according to which it was clear that tender relationships remain between young people. In April 2018, Misha Romanova announced the care of the group, on official information - on maternity leave.

Later, in an interview, the artist told that only friendship was only friendship between him and Romanova, to a colleague on stage he experienced awealle feelings, but there is nothing more than this between them. Their relationship ended, and after breaking the pair managed to preserve warm feelings.

Also, a man debunked rumors about his children. At first, Max was attributed to paternity regarding the daughter of Loboda - Gospel, and then began to call the dad of the son Misha - Martin. He rejected that the singer falls to him a civil wife, although it did not exclude that in the future their relationship could resume.

It must be said that Barsky at all times enjoyed high attention in women. In addition to an attractive appearance, the female half of the fans also marks his sports figure - with an increase in 186 cm, the weight of Max is 81 kg.

Max Barsky now

In the professional biography of the artist, there were already moments when his hits became international. So it happened with the composition of Bestseller. The duet with ZIVERT and the stunning clip reached the first places in the street charts of a number of countries. In Ukraine and other CIS countries immediately after the release, the song entered the top 3 radiochants. And in Bulgaria, which was completely unexpectedly for performers, got into the five leaders of the SHAZAM service.

The clip was filmed in Dubai. In an interview with Barsky, told about the story of the video: "This is a story about the solitude in the style of cyberpunk." The main idea of ​​the composition was to show the identity outside the real life, because today more and more people are spent in social networks. Heroes of the clip Max and Zivert learned a special plastic to show how a person would be moving while under the control of artificial intelligence.

Another big event in the creative life of Max was tours, scheduled in 2019. NEZEMNAYA tour started in June 2021 in Minsk.


  • 2009 - 1: Max Barskih
  • 2012 -
  • 2012 - Brutal Romantic
  • 2014 - "Freud"
  • 2015 - Words.
  • 2016 - "Fogs"
  • 2019 - "7"

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