Timur Rodriguez - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Nationality, Real Last Name, Wife, Growth, Show 2021



Timur Rodriguez is a popular Russian actor and singer, a well-known participant in many rating TV projects. The artist was not afraid after the brilliant telicarmers to start everything from scratch and move their dream into life. The path to the musical Olympus Timur began with cooperation with the Russian pop stars, but soon took place as a solo performer.

Childhood and youth

Showman was born in October 1979 in the Russian city of Penza in a creative family. True surname singer - Kerimov. The Mother of Artist, Efimovna Zlata, by the nationality of the Jewish, teacher of foreign languages. Father - Azerbaijani Mikael Ilyasovich - was the actor and founder of the puppet theater.

From an early age, a passion for the scene has been observed in the future star of the Russian pop. The boy constantly walked school by running into the theater, where he showed his talent in scenes and performances. In addition, Timur at the insistence of parents visited 7 developing circles, including a sports section of athletics, dancing and choir.

After graduating from school, Rodriguez entered the Pedagogical University, where he received a higher education in the specialty "Lecturer of French and English." In his student years, he met his future partner on stage Pavel Will, who studied him in one university. The young men played in the KVN team "Valeon Dasson" created by them at the university.

Time Timur Rodriguez, Timur Rodriguez, worked in a singer in local nightclubs, fulfilling the repertoire of George Michael and Elvis Presley.


In Moscow, a young man came to build a musical career, but started from afar. Having won the "MTV Russia" channel, Timur received the place of leading in the projects of the World Championship and "Natural Exchange".

The creative biography of Showman continued on the radio station "Hit FM", where the artist was invited by DJ, and on the R & TV TV channel, where he worked with a music editor.

Timur Rodriguez - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Nationality, Real Last Name, Wife, Growth, Show 2021 21696_1

The most popularity of the actor brought a humorous show "Comedy Club." Timur Rodriguez conquered TV viewers with original and incomparable musical performances. The comedy project resident appeared on other TNT channel programs - for example, he participated in the transmissions "where logic?", Studio Soyuz.

In the rating television show "One to one!" Rodriguez won a few project issues. Especially surprised by the singer in the image of his nyushi colleague. He became the third winner of the final of the competition, typing about 150 thousand spectator votes.

And in the fall of 2020, the premiere of the Gold Gelendzhik show was held, one of the leading Rodriguez was chosen. Together with him, the projects of the project were Christina Asmus and Ivan Okhlobystin.


Timur's singer made his debut on a big stage in 2010. The first songs of the vocalist were "sick with you" and "about you." In addition to solo compositions, Rodriguez and Ani Lorak Duet recorded hit "Hobbating".

The artist's clips always fell into the rotation of popular Russian music TV channels. Not passed unnoticed premiere video on the track Out in Space.

In 2013, Timur's vocal work was rated outside of Russia. Foreign fame singer brought the single Welcome to the Night, which was recognized as the best foreign hit of the Latvian musical television channel OE.

Lyrical composition "Happy Birthday!" Was presented a year later. The video clip was created with the participation of the ensemble of classical instruments.

Rodrighes became the first pop artist who received the right to hold a show concert in the historical walls of the famous Mary Ermolova Theater.

Within the framework of this concert, the Contractor presented the first director's work - a short film called "New World". Svetlana Khodchenkova and Konstantin Khabensky played the main roles.

In 2019, Timur released a new track "Without you easier", and in the fall, hit "Gori-Gori clearly!", Included for which the symbolism of pre-Christian Russia was used.

Another lyrical tek "Depth" The artist was pleased with his fans in 2020. In the video, the wife of the singer Anna starred on the song. Together with Gregory Leps, the artist presented Hit "Thank you." The premiere of the composition took place on the Ether Urgant program.


Music career for Rodrigza in priority, but also about the replenishment of the filmography of the artist does not forget. For the first time in the screens, Timur came on the screens in 2005, starring as Rapper in the film "Spare Instinct". After the appearance, Timur marked in a remake "Service Roman. Nowadays". The premiere took place in the year of the 40th anniversary of the release of the play "Corses", which was based on a comedy scenario.

Together with Garick Harlamov, Rodrigsez appeared in the lyrical comedy "Mom-3". Despite the fact that the film entered the top 3 tables of Russian rental fees, film critics met it cool.

With his participation, the comedy "Roots" took place, where the stars of Russian cinema were played - Mark Bogatyrev, Elena Varkochkin, Anna Ukolov. Rodriguez's hero surprised the audience with his crazy actions. The ability to think about the set and attracted Timur to the project.

Personal life

In the youth, still being an unknown artist, Timur met with Diana Solovyva. Rodriguez was not ready for a serious relationship, although he was beautifully cared for a girl. The desire to build a career at that time he was stronger than to find a family. Later, the couple broke up.

Nevertheless, the personal life of the musician has developed successfully, like a career. Showman is married to business woman Anne Girl. With the future spouse, he met in the metropolitan nightclub. At that time, Rodriguez had already become popular in society and believed that it was able to make every representative of the opposite sex be able to make each representative of the opposite sex.

The buggy interest of the TV presenter caused genuine indifference of the girl to the stellar person of a man. It turned out that Anna never watched the Comedy Club show and not the "fanateette" from Timur.

For almost a year, the singer cared for his chief, but dares to open only in 2007. Rodriguez and the girl played a modest wedding and to this day happy in marriage. Timur's wife gave her husband two children. Firstborn Miguel was born in 2009, and the second son of Daniel was born in 2012.

Now for the life and work of Timur, the army of fans watches in "Instagram". Mostly, the artist is divided with subscribers of work photos, but sometimes makes an exception for family frames.

Another question that interests the musician fans is what an artist has an increase and weight. It is just known that the weight of the showman is 65 kg, but the riddle comes out with the second parameter. Timur himself mentioned that his height is 172 cm, but Internet users suggest - in fact, the "height" of Rodriguez is not more than 165 cm.

Timur Rodriguez now

The place in the Timur Rodriguez, Rodriguez, ranked in the project "Mask", the start of which was given in the spring of 2020. The television show immediately intrigued the public with his unusualness. The resident "Comedy Club" noted that the program is not so much a vocal competition as an exciting quest for recognizing artists.

In 2021, Rodriguez appeared in the second season of the show. This time the singer surprised the public by appearing in the frame in braces. Fix the bite decided and his colleague - Regina Todorenko. New issues pleased with the audience interesting reincarnations, and Timur promised to appear on New Year's transfer in a duet with the finalist Julia Parshuta.

In addition, Rodriguez's judicial experience used in the new project "Russia" "I see your voice" - adaptation of the South Korean show I CAN See Your Voice. The program needs to determine the real vocalists and those who are only pretending to the musician. In addition to Showman, Nikolai Fomenko, Raper St, Valery Meladze and others also entered the jury.

Rodriguez himself took the participant's place, or rather the captain of the team, in a no less popular TV show - "Music intuition". The rival group was headed by Alexander Revva on the project.

The next solo premiere was the incendiary composition "Dances". In the clip on the track, in addition to the vocalist, the musicians were starred - Fedor Lokshin (drums) and Vasily Zubkov (keyboards).


  • 2013 - "Oh you"
  • 2015 - "New World"


  • 2014 - "You are-you"
  • 2014 - "Happy Birthday!"
  • 2017 - "Bunny"
  • 2017 - Tamara
  • 2017 - "For You"
  • 2019 - "Without you easier"
  • 2019 - "Gori-Gori clear!"
  • 2020 - "Depth"
  • 2020 - "Thank you"
  • 2021 - "Dance"


  • 2005 - "Spare Instinct"
  • 2006 - "Golden Flooring"
  • 2008 - "Happy together"
  • 2008 - "Soldiers-15"
  • 2010 - "Maskvichi"
  • 2011 - "New Adventures of Aladdin"
  • 2011 - "Service Roman. Nowadays"
  • 2012 - "Red Cap"
  • 2014 - "Moms 3"
  • 2020 - "Roots"


  • "Acquaintance with parents" (MUZ-TV)
  • "Natural Exchange" (MUZ-TV)
  • "MPA Championship" (MUZ-TV)
  • "Dancing without rules" (TNT)
  • "Suitcase stories" (world)
  • "Music Ring" (NTV)
  • "MINUTE CASE" (Russia-1)
  • "I can!" (Russia 1)
  • "Wild games" (STS)
  • "Everything except usual" (TV-3)
  • "One to one!" (Russia 1)
  • Gold Gelendzhik (TNT)
  • "Eagle and Rusk" (Friday!)
  • "Mask" (NTV)
  • "I see your voice" (Russia-1)

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