Marilyn Kerro - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Psychic 2021



Marilyn Kerro - participant of three seasons show "Battle of Psychics" on TNT. Three times clairvoyant was close to victory, but every time only the second one. Despite this, it is rightfully considered to be one of the brightest and talented personalities of the "Battle". As a result, Marilyn made a choice in favor of the family and today practically moved away from affairs.

Childhood and youth

Marilyn Kerro was born in the small village of Estonia on September 18, 1988. According to the sign of the zodiac, she is Virgo, by nationality, purebred Estonian.

Father and mother Marylin wanted a boy. As Kerro tells, in childhood it was deprived of the parent caress. The Father, whom the celebrity does not consider that heavily drank and left the family when she was 5 years old.

With the world of the dead, Mary began to acquaint her aunt Salma as a child. She did not have their own housing, and the only way to earn was to divine residents of neighboring houses. How and when a woman died, unknown. One day, aunt Salma did not appear at home, and since then no one else has seen her. After herself she left the Bible in Starestone.

Biography Marilyn Kerro was closely connected with psychic even at an early age. The girl began to see the future when she was 6 years old. Many knowledge she received from the Spirit of his great-grandmother.

Childhood Marilyn was not like many children. She loved nature and fishing, and she had almost no friends. The girl sat down the spiritic sessions in an abandoned house on the edge of the village.

Mary studied in a simple school and graduated from her honors. There was no money to enter the highest educational institution of money, and the girl began to work. Biography Marilyn Kerro is rich in a variety of professions that had to master. At first she worked as a seller for three months, but he fell under the reduction.

Then she became a packset on the basis of vegetables. But the future head of the television understood that he was worthy of more, she did not want to repeat the fate of the mother. And the next step in her career was the model business.

The parameters of the Figure Mary were suitable for this profession: with growth 176 cm its weight barely reached 60 kg. After graduating courses in the model school, the girl worked as a model in Tallinn 6 years. And today Marilyn is compared with such beauties as Actress Natalia Panova and singer Sandra Schlerket.

Photo Marilyn Kerro since her careers can become an example and a pattern of beauty, style and feed yourself in front of the camera for beginner models. The girl chose this way to prove his real life in society.

Mom supported her, because he wanted to distract her daughter from spiritual "fun." At 16, Kerro experienced anorexia, and after a year it was faced with a more severe disease - Bulimia.

Personal life

Relationships with guys before participation in the project from Marilyn did not develop. Kerro, despite its strength and power in psychic, in life modest and shy. Once she admitted that in her life even there was a situation where she was almost raped.

Before the start of filming in the "Battle", Marilyn was friends with Vitaly Hibert, walked with him on friendly dates, but did not go far about these relationships.

Then Kerro started new acquaintances, and Alexey Poyhabov became her friend. But the guy soon disappeared and not explaining the young witch the meaning of her visions. The girl was not desperate, continuing to develop independently, and she succeeded with glitter.

In the personal life of Marilyn Kerro appeared guys with whom she was comfortable time spent time, but young people could not stand her energy. Everything changed when the participant of the show Alexander Shepp began to take care of Kerro.

At first, the couple argued that between them only professional interest and friendship, but the time showed the opposite. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps continued the relationship after the "battle of psychics".

Lovers began to live together, traveled a lot, shared their experiences and united each other's forces. The Union of Psychics negatively perceived the former girl of the sorcerer Ilona Novoselov. She openedly conflicted with Kerro, and on the "battle of the strongest" girls fought professionally.

At the beginning of the "battle of psychics - 17", Marilyn reported that Alexander gathered things and left. In one of the following episodes, the girl said that, in spite of everything, there is love between them, she will not disappear anywhere.

Shortly after the show it became known that all the same, young people broke up completely. The fact is that Marilyn has long dreamed of a family and a child. In an interview, she joked that he would soon go on the cabbage bed in search of the baby. But Sasha, apparently, was not ready for this.

Soon after parting with Shepps in the network, Photo Mary and Mark Alexander Hansen began to appear. No confirmations about the novel of the couple did not give. But Kerro fans themselves concluded that they meet, because, judging by the pictures, the vacation was held together in Greece. And Kerro's winter holidays and Hansen also became joint.

It is known that he is Norwegz, was married. In marriage he had a daughter. The man is engaged in life, unknown. Mark has an extremely bright and attractive appearance, which immediately noted the fans of the ex-participating "Battle of psychics". His body covers tattoo, on the face and in the ears of piercing.

In February 2018, Mary posted a photo in VKontakte, where her clogged stomach was noticeable. The snapshot spread all fan pages in "Instagram" and many online publications. But everyone was waiting for confirmation from the celebrity itself, because one day she had already played fans like a similar photo. A little later, Kerro confirmed that she was pregnant.

In March, Mary and Mark gave an interview to Sergei Majorov in the "One day" program. Finally, Kerro confirmed that the father of her child is Hansen. She did not hide her joy and admitted that it was happy to become a mother for the first time. The fans calculated that Kerro would give birth in the summer of 2018.

Later in dealing with fans in the telegram-channel, she said that she was waiting for a girl. At the same time, she was asked about the wedding, but Mary decided to dilige on this bill. Probably, while Kerro and Hansen did not believed their relationship.

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On June 29, 2018, Kerro gave birth to the son of Cayus-William, contrary to the expectations of fans. She shared news in social networks. And at the beginning of the 2020, the second child appeared on the world - daughter Celin Marie.

Double names for children Estonian witch gave no coincidence: according to legend, so the person appears two ways, of which he will choose more suitable for himself. According to Mary, the daughter will inherit from her the magical gift. Celine means "unearthly", and this part of the name is similar to the name of the stone of selenit, which symbolizes the ancient Greek goddess of the moon in Selena.

Unfortunately, even children did not save these relationships, and in May 2020 it became known that the spouses broke up. The causes of the divorce they kept secret.

According to Kerro, they and her husband decided to live separately from each other, while they did not cease to be family for their children. Such an existence, according to clairvoyant, will contribute to the personal growth of each other.

"The fight of extrasensories"

In 2013, Kerro first participated in the "battle of psychics" of the 14th season. On the shooting area, the girl was able to hit those present not only with dazzling beauty, but also the abilities.

Methods that Mary raises the souls of the dead, lead to the fear of even convinced skeptics. Its tests begin with blood shedding, which extrasens is sacrificed to the dead.

Next, the girl works with auxiliary tools for rituals: pendulum, candles, mirrors and knives. In addition to other techniques, she practices Voodoo magic - the very "black" of all kinds of magic.

At the set of "Battle of Psychics", Kerro often changed the image: from cute and angel to "bitch" and terrible. The witness entity in this is to be able to reincarnate in seconds from beauty in a monster, frightening others. Some trials Marilyn Kerro passed without a single mistake, hitting the observers with the clarity of the information that was given.

Rivals frankly disliked the red-haired feast. The celebrity was hard to experience these situations, she often wanted to cry. But the extrasensus turned out to be much stronger and did not give the will to tears. In the final of the "Battle of Psychics - 14", the Estonian Witch became the second.

After participating in the "Battle", inspired by Kerro released the book "Reflection of Fate."

In September 2015, Mary was invited to the Estrasence show. Season 6. In the program, its rivals became the strongest participants in the entire history of the project. In one of the releases by the partner of the girl in the disclosure of the mystery of the damned house, which is located in Sterlitamak, was her young man Alexander Sheps.

September 19, 2015 on the Channel TNT began the 16th season of the "Battle of Psychics". All applicants gathered in the glade and were delighted by Marilyn, having met her as a star. But as soon as it became known that she came not to support someone from the applicants, but to compete for participation, the enthusiasm of the magicians was replaced by discontent.

During the season, Kerro passed one test after another, conquering more and more sympathies of fans, skeptics, guests of the show. The singer Linda remained under a great impression of psychic, did not hold down tears and wanted to talk with her alone. In the final, Marilyn took 2nd place again, giving way to the title of winner Victoria Rydos.

Participation in the next season of the project strongly harmed Marilyn: after the final, the girl fell into the hospital. She put vitamins through the dropper. Gradually insomnia and nervous overvoltage passed, Kerro came to normal and decided not to work on wear anymore.

On September 3, 2016, the TNT channel started the next, 17th in a row, the "battle of psychics" season. In the second issue, when 12 participants were already selected, their test was the definition of a person who was followed by the door. There were options that there is a beautiful girl who likes Marat Basharov. At the end of Basharov, a man was announced behind the door as the 13th participant in the battle, Marylin Kerro became.

Unfortunately, this time she could not become the first. From the very beginning of the battle, despite the brilliant passage of tests, Mary considered his competitor to the master of Eastern practices and student Osho Swami Dasha. Just he won the show. For the third time, Marilyn occupies 2nd place. The fans were extremely upset by this, but Kerro learned the philosophically to look at everything.

Marilyn Kerro now

At the moment, the celebrity lives in Estonia, but in Russia she is a frequent guest. Marilyn suits Master Classes on Esoteric and Magic. And in Moscow she has its own magic store. Also products from its boutique are represented on the official witch website. One of the most popular positions is the voodoo doll - the main "tool" of the sorceress. With this subject, as Kerro assures in an interview, you can change the fate.

In addition, fans can be convicted in the strength of the wizards, and for Lovers, Kerro prepared a whole collection of love amulets. Here are the magical items for the implementation of conspiracies and love spells.

In 2018, she opened a similar shop and in Tallinn, amulets and chambers are sold there. But from the last news it is known that now this business is managed by her mother and sisters, and Mary decided to temporarily take a pause. Today, it does not lead techniques, does not diagnose the photo: the sorceress is afraid to harm the energy of his children.

In 2019, Kerro decided to submit to the former beloved Alexander Shepp to the court. As Marilyn clarified in an interview, she was tired of getting a threat from fans of psychic to their address. Relations between them have long been torn, and the fans of the magician still do not take place.

In addition, the witch reminded that the former beloved owe her a large amount of money: she once identified 2 million rubles, which Alexander allowed to business, opening the store esoteric in Samara. Boutique sorcerer designed on his father.

In the spring of 2020, clairvoyant participated in the "Stay at home" promotion. She released a roller on social networks, in which calls to wear masks and wash his arms in order to protect against COVID-19.


  • 2013 - "Battle of psychics. Season 14 "
  • 2015 - "Battle of Psychics. 16 season »
  • 2015 - "Psychics are investigating. Season 6 "
  • 2016 - "Battle of Psychics. Season 17 »

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