Natasha Koroleva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Singer 2021



Natasha Korolev is a popular singer of the Russian pop, actress, TV presenter, producer, deserved artist of Russia. The spectacular performer who became famous for nonentive hits in the late 90s, and today she loves to amaze the public with new musical compositions.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Vladimirovna Porn (the real name of Koroleva) was born in Kiev on May 31, 1973. The family consisted of creative people, so it is not surprising that the biography of Koroleva is closely connected with the music. Father all his life worked as the head of the academic choir, Mom - the deserved artist of Ukraine, conducted in Chapel.

When I was going to be 3 years old, she first went to the scene as part of a large choir of radio and television of Ukraine. According to the singer, the debut song performed by her, was the "Aurora cruiser".

At the 7th age, Korolev began to study at the music school in the piano. In addition, in childhood she attended a circle of folk dances in the studio at the chief name named after G. G. Rope. The brightest event in Natasha's biography in those years was acquainted with Vladimir Fastryakov. From 12 years old, the girl sang well, and in her repertoire it was possible to hear the songs "where the circus was left" and "the world without miracles". By fulfilling them, go into the focus of all school matinees.

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In 1987, the young artist became a participant in the Golden Charton contest, where he made a group of "Mirage". Then she became a competition of the competition. Inspired by Natasha, Alexander Sparin, especially for the girl wrote a children's musical called "in the country of children."

In the same year, the performer made his debut on television, taking part in the program "Wyry Circle", and a year later, the leading TV program "Kiev Beauty". The young singer drew attention to Martha Mogilev, music editor of central television. Natasha handed her the record of his songs, which later helped the career of the artist.

The artist always dreamed of tie their life with the scene, but the popularity and round-the-clock employment became an obstacle: she was refused to take into a pop-circus school. The talented singer did not retreat, so soon the Commission surrendered, and she was credited to training. In 1991, Korolev graduated from the school in the specialty "pop vocals".

Personal life

The first husband of Natalia was her mentor and composer Igor Nikolaev. Their relationship began to develop when the pair together worked on the Dolphin and Mermaid project. The principles of Korolev did not give her the right to live with a man in civil marriage, so in 1991 the pair issued the relationship officially. The composer was against the publicity of their marriage, then the singer began to act differently. Together with the parents and employees of the registry office, the girl came to Igor Nikolaev home, where they painted without dresses, bouquet, bread and salt.

Personal life of the artist looked like a fairy tale, but with a bad end. Together, the spouses lived for 10 years, after which the marriage of Korolev and Nikolaev broke up. The cause of the divorce, according to the singer, was the treason of her husband. Others say that I didn't have enough patience to Igor himself, to whom a wife with a reason and without reason arranged scenes of jealousy. After the rupture, former spouses did not speak with each other about eight years. But the singer argues that parting passed without scandals, quietly and smoothly, and the whole hype was fictional.

After years, Natasha and Igor began to communicate and maintain a friendly relationship. The artist says that there is no more negative between them, and with the new chief of Nikolayev Yulia Proskuryakova, she faced a warm relationship and is glad for her former husband that he was lucky to find such a spouse.

A year after a gap with Nikolaev, it became known that the king will soon give birth to a child, but from another man. Her second chosen was Sergey Glushko on nicknamed Tarzan - a prominent man with pumped forms, which is inherent in all stripters. Future spouses met at the working meeting: Sergey came to discuss the fee for the participation of his team in the concert program Natalia.

Roman has developed rapidly, but all familiar singers were confident that this is just a small intrigue to forget the former husband. No one seriously believed in the relationship with the stripper.

However, information about the pregnancy of the singer and the ambulance wedding appeared. A few months later, the pair appeared the son of the archup. To this day, Korolev and Tarzan toure together. Spouses recruit joint songs, and the performer parallels solo albums. For rumors about the marital infidelity, both react with humor and even created a photo session, where Natasha allegedly cares her husband with his mistress.

In 2015, the expanses of the Internet "exploded" from the shocking photos and the video of the queen in nude. It turned out that the spicy materials were dreamed of curious paparazzi from the personal archive of the singer. According to one of the versions, the hackers hacked the phone and merged with Natasha's personal materials to the network, on the other it was without hacking the phone, the actors were stolen by the device himself and had already laid out scandalous materials.

Photos fell to the eyes of the St. Petersburg deputy Vitaly Milonovu, who put forward a proposal to deprive the singer of the status of deserved artist for unethical behavior. The Korolev herself speaks about this that journalists always need to feed the audience with bright events to attract the attention of the public. And since intimate photos and videos were twisted from her album, which is criminalized, no shame feels behind them.

Many fans of the singers agree that intimate video will not disgrace the artist, because all people have personal life, regardless of their popularity.

Later, new details of a strange case appeared. The court set the fact of theft and blackmail. It turned out that the singer not only stole the phone, the attackers demanded a fabulous amount for ensuring that the intimate details of the life of Korolev and Tarzan remained in secret. The couple did not give in to blackmail, and the scandalous photos hit the Internet. After that, Milon took his words back and apologized to the singer.

After such shocking events, the artist began depression, and Natasha was forced to seek medical attention. The woman was worried about the family, and especially for his son, who at any time can stumble upon pornography with the participation of parents.

Later on the ether of the Yutyub-show "Empathy Manuchi", the artist admitted that at that moment was pregnant with the second child. From the experience of stress on the 3rd month she had a miscarriage. Natasha regrets that he could not keep the baby, which for many years dreamed with her husband.


The singer's career was so rapidly ahead that in 1988, despite the young age, she sang on the scenes of the post-Soviet space, and also went with a concert in the United States as part of the Children's Rock Opera "Child of the World". The leading soloist Natasha his appearance discouraged the public. After the speech, she was offered to enter the Luxury University of Rochester. But the girl did not accept the proposal, preferring to America, where he went to audition to the composer Igor Nikolaev.

There were two more contenders, but Nikolaev chose her, although the singer did not produce a special impression on him. Nevertheless, Igor immediately wrote for her the song "Yellow Tulips", called which the first plate Natasha Koroleva soon came out.

The popularity was then started to be overwhelmed: crowded halls and stadiums, people with oakhaps gave artist flowers about which she sang. The composition and its performer acquired fame throughout the Soviet Union and far beyond. With "Tulips" Natasha reached the final of the "Song of the Year".

In 1992, Nikolaev recorded the first joint composition "Dolphin and Mermaid" with the queen. Fans began to show genuine interest to a pair. After 2 years, a solo album "Fan" appeared, and the girl began his career as an independent singer. The artist participated in touring tourists around the cities of Russia, in Israel, gave concerts in Germany and the United States. In 1995 released the second album "Confetti" with three songs, one of which is a well-known "small country".

In the youth of Natasha revealed not only his vocal, but also poetic talent. She asked Nikolaev for a long time to write a song about blue swans for her. Igor offered her various texts, but the singer did not fit anything, and then the composer suggested her to write words herself. From this point on, the queen began writing poems to some musical compositions.

In 1997, the first world tour of the artist was held. She managed to conquer the audience of the CIS countries and abroad. In the same year she pleased the fans with the new album "Diamonds of Tears". At this point, 13 clips were released on the most popular songs of Korolev.

The divorce with Igor Nikolaev was reflected in the work of the singer. In 2001, her repertoire was replenished with musical compositions from the album "Heart", and a year later, the artist released the disgusting disk.

In 1999, Korolev was the first time to sing on the scene of the Concert Hall "Russia". At that time, Natasha seriously thought about his profile education, so I decided to flow in Gitis. In 2003 received a diploma. In the same year, the release of the album "Wrieve or not" was taken, in the records of the songs of which Tarzan took part. The project was successful, and after 3 years, the singer pleased the public to the next disk "Paradise where you" with the participation of the spouse.

The artist is often attributed to the "Mom Lyuba" virus song, which the Serebro group actually recorded. The reason for the confusion was the fact that the mother of the artist's name is Lyudmila, and Natasha devoted to the songs of "Mamuli" and "My Mom Luda is the coolest."

At one time there were rumors that the singer plans to complete the musical career, but Natasha's herself refuted these speculations. She explained: for a while stopped giving cash concerts and speaks only at official events.

The artist went to such a step to find time and strength to create a new repertoire and program. In addition, the singer again engaged in education - he entered the New York Academy of Cinema Articles. She chose a course in the specialty of the operator and the mount member, confessing that he had long liked to engage in video photography and dreams of trying himself in the film industry in this regard.

Soon the lyrical clip "stood and crying", in which the singer struck fans in a new way. A fragile woman of a small growth (160 cm with a weight of 52 kg) surprised the fans accustomed to see her carefree charming beauty.

At the same time, the Singles "Apricot Dreams", "Venetian Autumn", duet with Natalia Medvedeva La Bomba came out. In 2014, Korolev released the "co-advocacy" with Alexander Marshal "I am praised by you." Later in her repertoire, Hits "Time-River", "Home Love" appeared.

In 2015, a new album "Magic L ..." was released, after which Natasha Korolev continued to record singles, including the "No" song "and" I'm tired "saying the popularity of the song.

The actress appeared in the popular program "Secret by Million". In the celebrity show, they try to remember the smallest details of their biography. Natasha told about the family, that he trusts her husband, despite his ambiguous profession and constantly incoming proposals of an intimate character.

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At the end of 2016, Korolev made an anniversary concert in the Kremlin. The speech was called "Magic L" and noted the 25th anniversary of the creative activity of the singer. Natasha fulfilled the songs of the songs and the classics of the Russian pop song, but unknown compositions added to them.

After graduating from the Academy, the celebrity began to implement a new idea. In 2017, she took up the production of the project "Po Added". The group led by a young soloist Anna was already famous for provocative performances and clips.

In 2017, her repertoire was replenished with singles "Autumn under the legs on the sole", "if we are with you" and "My Santa Claus". The second and third musical compositions of the artist performed in a duet with Herman Titov, Belarusian Showman, a member of the project "Marry Buzov". In 2018, he pleased the fans with a new hit "son-in-law", in the clip on which the performer was not only starred, but also Tarzan, along with Mom.

2018 was the anniversary for the singer - Korolev celebrated the anniversary of 45 years. In honor of this event, the artist presented to fans a new show program consisting of the songs of the album "Berry". The festive concert took place in the State Kremlin Palace. Stars of Russian Show Business Soso Pavliashvili, Lev Leshchenko, Denis Klyaver rose to the scene.

Surprised the Kremlin public Tarzan, appearing in the usual concert "costume" - a loined bandage. The song "Wrieve or not" the birthday girl performed in a duet with her son. The archup made a vocal gift of the mother, but on the artistic path he is not going to go. The young man is interested in Japanese and independently entered Moscow State University. Fans noted: the singer is not less effective and sincerity as in his youth.

The events of the creative and family life of Natasha covers in a personal microblog in "Instagram", where the announcements of the new performances of the artist appear, as well as the photo in the home environment, on which it appears without makeup.

Films and TV projects

Natasha Koroleva repeatedly appeared on the television screen. The directors reviewed the actors talent at the singer after her participation in the shooting of musical projects "Old songs about the main thing." The proposals were followed from the creators of television films "Beauty salon", "FM and guys", "Women's Happiness".

However, while these were episodic roles. The main character - the businesswoman Lyudmila, the artist played in the comedy "Single Recipe". In the project, the company on the screen she made up the famous actors Amalia Mordvinov, Victor Rakov, Alexander Lazarev - Jr., Tatiana Vasilyeva.

In 2006, Natasha was occupied on the set of the Ukrainian comedy series "Grandfather of My Dream", where also appeared in the main cast. The actress repertoire at that time was replenished with works in the films "Detectives-4", "Three top", "happy together".

In the Sitkom "My Lovely Nanny" Korolev appeared in the company with the second husband Sergey Glushko. Star fans point out that she is most of all the characters of comedy or comedy musicals. The singer starred in the films "Holiday of disobedience", "House with all inconveniences". The last project with the participation of the singer appeared on the screens in 2016.

In 2008, Natasha was doing business. The artist created the author's collection of jewelry "daughter-mother". A year later, the beauty salon opened, and after another 2 years - the second.

She is also known to participate in the TV show "Two Stars" and "Dancing with Stars". In 2010, the singer appeared in the transfer "Give my life". After 2 years later, the star created the author's show "Queen Prime", but the idea turned out to be unsuccessful, and only one edition was released.

Later, she created another project, this time culinary. The artist led "time to dine" together with the mother, and later with Roman Budnikov and Alexander Oleshko. The program went out for two years.

Tribzana treason

In early September 2020, Natalia Korolev wrote a statement about the disappearance of jewels from her home. Diamonds were stolen in the amount of 5 million rubles. In the course of the investigation, it was discovered that two girls visited the apartment, on which the suspicion fell.

In connection with the development of the case, one of the suspects Anastasia Shulzhenko posted a video in which he admitted in a long intimate connection with Sergey Glushko and his pregnancy from the stripter. She also posted a video complex, which made a couple in the apartment with a married couple during the last meeting with Tarzan. She denied his involvement in the disappearance of jewelry.

The scandal was interested in the creators of the program "in fact" and invited the pregnant mistress of her husband Korolev to the studio of the first channel. During the proceedings, it turned out that Anastasia was not pregnant. The girl works as an actress, and experts suggested that she won the scenario in advance. He helped her, according to psychologists, a friend Mila, who had previously and introduced future lovers on one of the parties.

Korolev commented on a talk show, calling everything that happened by nonsense. She did not believe in treason her husband. The singer stated that law enforcement agencies are engaged in theft, and she, together with his spouse, is located in the Turkish resort. In the proof of said Artist presented joint photos with Tarzan, made on the beach.

Natasha Koroleva now

Now the musical career singer is again on the crest of the wave. Natasha records new hits, performs with solo concerts. In 2019, her discography was replenished with the compositions of "hinges", "symbol of youth".

In 2020, Korolev introduced the track "Let's Gulia!". At the same time, the artist released on all digital platforms and on the official website a collection of songs that have never been published anywhere. In the photo presented on the cover, the fans did not recognize the favorite: they spoke about the plastic, to which the singer was still resorted. Less categorical fans suggested that when creating a snapshot was moved with a photo editor.

In May, the actress was the guest of the program of Andrei Malakhov "Hi, Andrei!", The release of which was called "Surprises Surprises for Natasha Koroleva."


  • 1990 - "Yellow Tulips"
  • 1992 - "Dolphin and Mermaid"
  • 1994 - "Fans"
  • 1995 - "Confetti"
  • 1997 - "Diamonds of Tears"
  • 2001 - "Heart"
  • 2002 - "Shards of the Past"
  • 2003 - "Wrieve or not"
  • 2006 - "Paradise where you"
  • 2015 - "Magic L ..."
  • 2019 - "Berry"
  • 2020 - "Unfinished"


  • 2003 - "Sordrug Recipe"
  • 2005 - "Detectives 4"
  • 2006 - "My Dream Grandpa"
  • 2007 - "Hold me stronger"
  • 2007 - "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors"
  • 2008 - "Golden Fish"
  • 2008 - "Paradox"
  • 2014 - "Women on the Edge"
  • 2015 - "Holiday of disobedience"
  • 2016 - "House with all inconveniences"

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