Vitaly Hibert - biography, photo, psychic, personal life, news 2021



Cute redhead guy Vitaly Hibert is known as a talented esoteric and a mystic, which has uncomfortable extrasensory abilities. Popularity came to the disciple of Natalia Banteeva after the "Battle of Extrasens-11". Before the show, a man preferred to hide his abilities. After the victory, she began to drive around the country with seminars on which he spoke about God, about the paths of finding truth and inner freedom.

Vitaly Hibert.

In the audience, Hibert, according to his own words, through meditation enters a certain state of consciousness, misses universal love, which fills the energy that gives to the hall. But the extrasens did not encourage purposefully attend these meetings. On the contrary, it believed that people simply should feel happiness and seek God inside.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Vladimirovich Hibert was born the second of three children on March 21, 1988 in the capital of Kalmykia, the city of Elista. Psychic has two sisters. The parents of the boy did not have supernatural abilities, so Vitaly first in the family "not like that." At birth, he was already "strangely beautiful," not similar to other children. In the maternity hospital, all women of the medical staff and the femoirs flew to look at this miracle.

Vitaly Hibert in childhood

Hibert's childhood took place in the most ordinary apartment of a 5-storey building. The young man studied in a secondary school, in a class with a legal bias. In childhood, Vitaly felt the growth of paranormal abilities, saw and understood something inexplicable, but completely this talent was revealed immediately.

In the biography of Vitaly Hiberta there is a tragic page - a loss of a loved one. Mom Polesens died from cancer when he was still very young. Doctors discovered "ordinary inflammation" and simply destroyed a woman, assigning warming up. Subsequently, the tumor began to progress quickly. Vitaly took the youngest sister to relatives so that the girl did not see the fading mother.

Vitaly Hibert realized his superpowers in childhood

According to Hibert, during the funeral, he saw the ghost of the mother, but this was not afraid of this. Then the young man realized that he sees the fact that the other is beyond. He also understood that it was better to be silent about his abilities, since in society it could not understand. Hibert seriously began to study esoteric. Vitaly's father treated the Hobby of the Son as a fad, but he did not stop getting involved in unknown.


In the "battle of psychics" Hibert came as an ordinary guy. Vitaly 2 o'clock to Ether asked the family to enable the TNT channel at the appointed time. The father of psychics was greatly surprised, and the sister, on the contrary, was delighted. Before that, the Events of Hiberta frankly did not like the program, but for the sake of Vitaly had to be watching to the end. Vladimir Yakovlevich was amazed by the abilities of the Son. I almost cry, he called Vitaly and said that he was proud of them. Psychics impressed his father's confession, it was important for him that the parent perceives him so.

Vitaly Hibert on the first test

In the 11th season of "Battle", Hibert failed the qualifying test and pointed to the correct car, already leaving the site. Then he did not find a chair with hidden jewels, did not recognize the gay in the company from 6 people and the grave of Wolf Messing, but decided that the man accused of murder was not guilty, and got rid of the unclean strength of the villagers.

With the help of the Astral Body, Vitaly, in 3 minutes, found a way out of the labyrinth, spoke about the causes of suicide of a young girl, prompted a man that his wife and children should be sought in a religious sect. In addition, the psychic was not mistaken in response to the question of how many photos are invested in a white envelope according to the 7th release of the show.

Winner of the 11 season

Later, a test participant with a homosexual called the editorial office with a request for a personal meeting with Vitaly. A young man was removed to change life and expected that Hibert, magically affecting female hearts, would help you meet a girl.

Vitaly tells without difficulty about other people, and he speaks reluctantly about himself. From the moment of participation in the "Battle" became the idol and the object of lust of many viewers. In prediction, Vitaly Hibert believed the whole country. Psychic persecuted on the street crowd of fans.

For Vitaly Hiberta voted 42 thousand spectators

Among the environments of the man there are those who do not consider him "God's dandelion". There were suspicions that Vitaly was an actor who played his role. Psychic responds to such suspicions with a smile. He won the "battle of psychics", having collected more than 42 thousand spectator votes.

After the release of the 1st series "Battle" fans flooded the Internet messages with confessions in love. No one could then assume that as a child, Hibert considered himself ugly, doubting that his beloved would appear. In his small town, the extrasens was the object of ridicule due to the color of the hair and freckles. The boy was teased, but Vitaly did not break. The mockery, rather, increased self-esteem and helped become more decisive.

Extrasens Vitaly Hibert

Vitaly since childhood was keenly felt false and injustice, so it does not try to bet on their abilities. Directly declares that although it has a supernatural gift, but cannot cure fatal diseases, guarantee wealth or mutual love, so it will never promise the desperate people like this. He believes that everyone who appeal for help can actually cope with themselves, if you prompt in time - how - and send.

After takeoff, Vitaly disappeared from the television screens and refused any suggestions related to shooting, but in the summer of 2015 she took an invitation to the special issue of the "Battle of Psychics". Former "sunny boy" surprised viewers. Hibert has changed: he lost heavily, came to the show with long hair and beard. The faithful fans began to worry about the idol, frightened that mystic was crazy. But Vitaly explained his grasp and the appearance of the fact that he tried to cope with unexpected popularity.

Vitaly Hibert changed the image

Now the extrasens is cut again and returned the image to the public. Vitaly does not advise online, does not lead esoteric practice, but conducts seminars and writes books on the fact that everyone can disclose extrasensory abilities.

From personal receptions, Hibert refused because he does not want that in the future a person to him would be tied and shifted on psychic solving problems.

"I wonder that people develop were self-sufficient so that no one depend on that each of you become an independent unit of magic."
Book Vitaly Hiberta

In his most popular book, the "modeling of the future" Vitaly convinces readers that everyone can affect destiny. Under the modeling of the future it is understood to get rid of doubts, the creation of the feeling in the inner world that the object of desire exists, he touches. For example, a person who dreams about a mobile phone must clearly imagine how the apparatus holds in his hand, feels all the faces and corners. And the wishing to get rich hears the rustle of the bill. If the plans to buy an apartment should, enter the meditation, walk around the rooms, "see" the color of the walls, sit on the sofa.

Guided by this approach, Hibert and came to the "battle of psychics": do not win, and already the winner.

Personal life

About the personal life of Vitaly Hiberta wanted to learn many fans, counting on the attention of a prominent guy. The extrasens said that the first 17-year-old passion called Marina. The young man experienced strong feelings, because the girl reminded Mom. At that time, Vitalik was 18 years old. Marina first began to show the signs of attention, and when he finally achieved his love, the guy became uninteresting her, and the girl turned away from him. Psychic tried several times to return his beloved, but to no avail.

Vitaly has repeatedly attributed relationships with celebrities, but due to the stealth of psychics, the rumors were not confirmed and did not refute.

Vitaly Hibert and Victoria Kamakhina

In the 12th season of the show, Hibert, who turned out to be a clear Victoria Kamakhin, who turned out to be a clairvoyant Victoria Kamakhin, who in the final lost Elena Yasievich and Anatoly Lednev, heatured because of the 3rd place and broke out with obscene Tirara. After a conversation with Vitaly with the eye on the eye, the girl glowed with happiness, and the fans hoped for the origin of feelings.

Conversations about the novel of psychics and the popular singer Maxim surprised rapidly. Celebrities met at the concert of the artist and began to communicate, but the food for the yellow press did not give. Maxim is a believer and does not perceive magic and other attributes.

Vitaly Hibert with fans

At the show Vitaly predicted the solo career and the popularity of Yulia Kogan, who was then the soloist of the Leningrad group. Later, the singer told that he did not think about a similar side of creativity, since it was not to complain about what, but agreed to participate in the transfer from curiosity and interest in mysticism. However, it turned out on the screen so that Julia "poor-unfortunate, only Vitaly said that everyone was hurt. Everyone told me there that I am above what I do. And everyone understood everything perfectly that this is not what I should do. "

Vitaly Hibert and Julia Kogan

There were rumors about Hibert's relations with Marilyn Kerro. The Estonian Witch confirmed that Vitaly was one of her first Moscow acquaintances, but friendship ended, without starting - Mystic unfaithfully responded about the abilities of the Baltic beauty.

Another possible contender on the heart of psychics was called the participant of the reality show "House 2" Nelli Yermolaev. After a divorce with her husband, the girl looked in love, and Nelly's mutual attraction and Vitaly noticed all the familiar Hiberta. Vlad Kadoni made a loud statement, which managed to light up on telestroy, and in the "battle of psychics". Nelly found the words of the Black Magus provocation and the desire to reanimate interest in his own person.

Vitaly Hibert and Nelli Ermolaeva

Psychic says, allegedly knows that he is waiting for him in the future, and such an ability will be gained by those who seek their practices offered. That's just not answering questions about his wife and children.

Vitaly Hibert Now

Vitaly Hibert travels with seminars in Russia and the CIS countries. The collected facilities of psychics sends to charity. In addition to the personal site, Mystic has headed the page in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, where publishes photos and videos from traveling, with aid help for children's homes, shelters.

Vitaly Hibert at the seminar in 2018

Judging by the posts on social networks, in 2018, Hibert visited the Crimea, in the middle lane of Russia and in the Urals, charged with energy in Nepal monasteries.

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