Jared Summer - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, "Joker", "Instagram", "Oscar" 2021



Jared Joseph Summer is an American Oskarone and soloist of rock band 30 Seconds to Mars. Nature generously gave it talents. His vocal creativity for 20 years no longer leaves indifferent fans of alternative rock.

Childhood and youth

Jared was born on December 26, 1971 in the city of District, Luizan. Summer is not one child in the family, he has a senior brother Shannon. The creative abilities of the musician, transmitted from the mother of Constance, were manifested in small age.

Parents divorced, even when the boys were children. The woman supported sons as she could.

Their father, marrying the second time, happiness never gained. In another family, men were born two more children, after which he died soon. Mom singer also married after the collapse of the first marriage. Hummage was adopted by Jared with his brother, but also this family existed for a short time, soon the second spouse was divorced with their mother.

Little Jared since childhood knew how to express the initiative in time, was a confident and developed child. The schoolboy began to earn the first money for another 12 years. Then he settled in a dinner washer of the dishes, and after 4 years he began to work a doorman. As a child, the actor traveled a lot with his family, so the biography is full of bright memories of childhood.

The change of location was not a novelty, since Grandfather Summer served in the air forces. After graduating from school, the future star began studying at the Philadelphia University of Art, where he chose the direction for the study of painting. A little later, a young man was transferred to the University of Fine Arts in New York. As a student, Jared wrote the first scenario and played in the painting "Crying joy" a major role.


In 1992, Jared moved to Los Angeles to become an actor. The experience of filming from a beginner artist at that time was already, but the popularity of him came after the series "My so-called life", where summer played by Jordan Catalano. After the debut, he began to invite to take serious full-length films.

The real glory came when summer played together with Alicia Silverstone in the film "Cool and Nursing". In 1995, Jared made his debut on the big screen in the episodic role in the patchwork belt. In 1996 played one of the main roles in the movie "The Last of the Great Kings", Kristina Ricci was shot there.

Next year, the actor starred instead of Tom Cruise in the Poludidocumental Film "Prefronteen". The biographical project about the athlete, the Olympic Nadezhda of America, Stephen Prefersteen, tragically left the young life. Jared managed to cope with the role, the prefersteen sister when viewing the tape did not hold out emotions and tears.

In Tandem with famous actors, George Clooney, Nick Noli and Seun Penn Jared starred in the Drama "Thin Red Line" in 1998. In the same year, the artist got the main character in one of the most successful horror "Urban legends".

After the fruitful period of work in 1999, the actor with appeared in the paintings of the Fight Club and "Interrupted Life" paintings, and after a year later the summer filmography was replenished with the projects "Requiem for a Dream" and "American Psychopath".

In the cult film "Requiem for a Dream", the artist played the role of a drug addicted guy who passed all the stages of social and personal degradation. Together with him, Ellen Borshin and Jennifer Connelly (Oscar laureate) were filmed.

The actor seriously approached the project. To create an image, it was necessary to throw out overweight, for Vegan Jared it did not make difficulty. Subsequently, the artist will not yet demonstrate the ability to control the weight, but it turned out to be easier to lose weight than to recover.

In 2004, Jared played the historic epic of Oliver Stone "Alexander" Hephaestion, a friend of the Macedonian Tsar-Conqueror. Angelina Jolie, Antlene Hopkins, Colin Farrell starred in the militant. The picture is successful all over the world, except America, they did not love the tape.

In the drama of the killer of John Lennon "Chapter 27" Summer tried to play his hero Cepmen's brand as truly. For the sake of role in the film, he had to recover by 27 kg. The guy was hard to cope with this task because of the veganism. Daily before bedtime, he drank a mixture of cream ice cream with soy sauce and olive oil. Jared constantly felt like not in his body, always a tagged actor after the completion of the project immediately began to engage in weight loss.

In 2009, the summer participated in the filming of the painting "Mr. Nobody", which later received a prize at the Venetian Film Festival. For her, the awards went for the best biographical role and the Golden Lion Prize.

Summer together with Matthew McConaehi appeared in the film "Dallass Chub Buyers" in 2013 - to work on this project, the actor brought himself to anorexia. But the victim was justified - the image of the shemale brought Jared Oscar in the nomination "The best male role of the second plan".

In 2016, the summer starred in the "suicide detachment" director David Ayer. In a superhero militant with elements of comedy, he appeared in the guise of Joker - unbalanced villain from comic. For the role, the artist painted his hair into an acid-green color and so much got into the image, which continued to read the dirteuate on the set and outside the frame. Actress Margot Robbie Jared threw a box with a rat, after which he left for all actors surprise in the form of a dead pig.

2017 was noted by the participation of the artist in the militant "Running on the blade 2049" about the confrontation of people and "replicants". The main heroes of history presented Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford. The rental fees were modest, but the tape became the laureate of the prestigious Oscar and BAFTA premiums.

In 2018, the actor filmography was replenished with the crime drama "Outsider", in which the artist played the main role - the American soldier Nika Lowell. The plot unfolds in 1954, while reducing the American presence in Japan. After serving the punishment in prison, the hero saves from the death of the prisoner Kiyashi. In gratitude for the life of Yakuza helps to escape and offers work in the mafia clan.

In 2019, Jared created his own director's project - the documentary "One day from America's life". The project was filmed within 1 day, but in its creation 92 film crews sent on July 4, on Independence Day, in different parts of the country.


In the cinema summer left a serious imprint, but his development was not closed only on acting skills. Now a man knows as the frontman of an alternative group of 30 Seconds to Mars, created with his older brother in 1998. Jared writes songs himself, is a vocalist and a guitarist of the team, and Shannon Summer is a drummer, Tim Kellehercher - Bassist, Brequist Olite - keyboard player. Until 2018, Tomo Milishevich collaborated with the group - violinist and guitarist.

The team does not sing under the phonogram - this is the main principle of the team, so all concerts of 30 Seconds to Mars pass live.

The 1st album of the group released in 2002 with the simple name 30 Seconds to Mars. The premiere of the 2nd disk took place in 2005, and over the 3rd collection, the group had to be seriously worked. In connection with litigation with the record company, this Is War recorded company was released only in 2009.

The album was successfully sold out and caused even more interest in the group from fans, so the team immediately went to the world tour, also spoke in St. Petersburg at the Tuborg Green Fest festival.

Summer showed his talent and in director. His efforts were created clips on the songs of The Kill, from Yesterday, Kings and Queens, Do Or Die, City of Angels and others. The musician has 2 favorite guitars that were created by Master Steve Maksweig. The singer gave them name: "Pythagoras" and "Artemis".

In 2018, a new American album was released, which became for Dzhareda's discography 5th. The musicians of the group of 30 Seconds to Mars have passed the pause 5 years after the release of the 4th disk. The brothers changed the concept of sound, creating a musical material in the electro-pop genre. The main topics of the songs of the new Collection of the singer - politics, sex and glory.

The singles of the album were presented earlier during the group speeches in the Walk On Water tour. The disk hit the first positions of the American, Australian and German charts.

The RESCUE ME song creates a clip. In the musical composition, we were talking about such concepts as faith and freedom. Not only artists and models were invited to filming, but also ordinary people who extended a variety of emotions in front of the camera.

In 2015, during the world tour, the summer came to Moscow and visited the show "Evening Urgant", and in 2018, Ivan Urgant published on the air of the video ideas of Jared, in which the musician invited the audience to his concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg in The framework of the new tour Walk On Water. During the Moscow speech in the Olympic SC, the frontman invited Urgant on the stage, where he was taken by the role of a guitarist when performing a song Dangerous Night.

In 2019, 30 Seconds to Mars performed at the Annual Park Live International Music Festival in Moscow. The rock band became the chadliner of the 2nd day.

Personal life

The personal life of Jared is accompanied by swiftness and minimalism in terms of relationships. In 1995, the actor was in love with Christie McDaniels, shot at the time in the series and unpopular now. Later, the singer appeared with Tila tequila - a scandalous TV presenter, stripper and pornstar.

Crista Ein (model of the male journal Penthouse) after the summer disappeared into the most peak of their novel, declared the press that she would put it on the 7th place from the 10 best guys.

In 2003, Jared was seen on walks with Britney Spears, but the singer told the press that he was just a cute, they are not a couple.

Roman Summer and Lindsay Lohan spun after their filming in the film "Chapter 27". Relations launched a few weeks, but, as sources reported, with random meetings after parting, they approached each other and accelerately talked.

Sensual friendship was observed between Jared and Paris Hilton. When the girl was 16 years old, they had a frivolous youthful relationship with the current star. And in 2008, their passionate kisses were noticed for the first time.

In 2005, the actor had a novel with Ashley Olsen. After a time after parting, they tried to restore the relationship, but unsuccessfully. Earlier, the summer was seen in the company Sharon Stone, but the confirmation of their connection did not follow any of the parties.

Serious and long relations of Jared with actress Cameron Diaz lasted 4 years, up to 2003. Lovers harmoniously looked together, and it went to the wedding. But Cameron did not forgive his beloved "non-serious" Roman with Paris Hilton, which he learned about from newspapers.

In 2004-2005, star handsome had a rapid novel with Scarlett Johansson. The actor fell in love in the model and actress Catharina, and after 3 years the singer secretly met with actress and model Amber Atherton. Summer novels about novels with models Anna Vyalitsyna, Anastasia Krivosheva. But none of these girls has become the wife of Hollywood's star. The artist is still not married and has no children.

A large number of novels with recognized Hollywood's beauties do not interfere with the actor to periodically make hints of their homosexuality, but this information has not yet received real confirmation. In one of the interview, the actor said:

"You know, a person becomes famous when rumors appear about his non-traditional sexual orientation."

The singer leads a personal profile in "Instagram", where its portrait photos and videos are most often emerging, dedicated to the musical work of the group of 30 Seconds to Mars.

Today, Jared looks no worse than in his youth. With a height of 175 cm its weight does not exceed 69 kg. The secret of youth and the perfect physical shape of the star are veganism, training and yoga, healthy sleep, good heredity and abandonment of alcohol.

Summer is considered one of the most stylish Hollywood people - he loves experimenting with styles, for which he received the status of a fashion insider. A variety and multicolored hairstyles allow the artist to create memorable images. The actor regularly affects fans with pink or blue hair, then oblique to the shoulders and beard.

According to the media, the artist has been found with the Russian model Valery Kaufman (since 2015). Insider information, periodically appears in the network that the couple spends the weekend and summer introduced the beloved with his mother. At official events, Jared and Valeria did not show together, and the frontman himself did not comment on these rumors.

Jared Leto now

In January 2021, the premiere of the criminal drama "Devil in the details" took place. In the center of the plot - the search for the serial killer in Los Angeles. Deputy Sheriff Curne Joe Dicks Dicon and Sergeant Jim Backster intend to find a criminal. The investigation unexpectedly reveals the relationship of the case of the elusive maniac and 10-year-old crimes. Pictures have a star cast - the roles played summer, Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, etc.

Also published an adventure fighter "Morbius", Spin-off "Man-Spider", in which Jared embodied the image of Dr. Michael Morbius itself. Character since childhood suffers from a rare blood illness, which pushed him to create a unique medicine, but at the same time the inventor had to pay a high price - it turned into a vampire.

In production now there is a continuation of the Kinineomix "Square of the Suicide", which is called "Self-suicide". Colleagues of Jared on the set in this project were Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman, etc.


  • 1994-1995 - "My so-called life"
  • 1997 - "American Gorki"
  • 1999 - "Fight Club"
  • 2000 - "Requiem for a Dream"
  • 2004 - "Alexander"
  • 2005 - "Armory Baron"
  • 2006 - "Lonely Hearts"
  • 2007 - "Chapter 27"
  • 2013 - "Dallas Chub Buyers"
  • 2016 - "Suicide Society"
  • 2017 - "Blade Running 2049"
  • 2018 - "Outsider"
  • 2020 - "Morbiow"
  • 2021 - "The Devil in the details"
  • 2021 - "Suicide detachment: Mission Skill"


  • 2002 - 30 Seconds to Mars
  • 2005 - a beautiful lie
  • 2009 - This Is War
  • 2018 - America.

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