Alexander Yatsenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Filmography, Wife 2021



Alexander Yatsenko - Russian actor and movie actor. The first fame came to him after the main roles played in the popular Russian films of the masted directories. He is recognized as a genius not only cinematographers, but also the audience. Heroes of Yatsenko distinguish impulsiveness and sincerity. The Contractor admits that it often experiences flour creativity and uncertainty inherent in many talents.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Yatsenko was born in May 1977 in Volgograd. Parents did not have a relationship to cinema. Father walked along the Volga in the post of captain of the ship, and the mother, with the words of the actor, was a "typical intelligent", which has 3 higher education. It was my mother who taught the boy to read, along with her he handed over the waste paper and acquired books.

In the 10th grade Sasha began to visit the club, whose members were preparing cabbagers, holidays and performances. The first success to the high school student came after the execution of the role of Pinocchio. In Volgograd, Yatsenko tried to enter the studio at the experimental theater, but did not pass the selection, after which he went to Tambov, to the Institute of Arts. There he became a student of the Director of the Faculty, who after a series of transformations was changed to the pedagogical department.

To get to Moscow has helped the case - an acquaintance with graduates of the course Mark Zakharov Olesya Zheleznyak, Dmitry Dyughz, Sergey Frolov, who advised the guy to try to their master. In the capital, good luck did not immediately smiled at Alexander, at first he studied at the Rights of the Wolvers and only by the end of the 1st semester was credited to the course. True, the actor did not succeed: 4 months before the presentation of the student's diploma was expelled from the institute (they say, the cause of deductions was the fight).


Alexander Yatsenko's creative biography began when he was a student of the 3rd course of guitis. The actor played a major role in the dramatic comedy "Chic" of Bakhtiyar Sudoynazarov. High thin artist (height - 180 cm, weight - 70 kg) organically fit into the image of the hero nicknamed pin.

The first triumph Alexander Yatsenko celebrated after entering the screens of the "Soldiersky Decameron" paintings by Andrei Pokhkin, who brought the actor awareness and the first award - Prize III of the Moscow Festival of Russian Cinema "Moscow Premiere". The next large project was the famous melodrama "I do not hurt" Alexey Balabanova, who came to the screens in 2006. For the brilliance, the role of Misha in this project, Yatsenko awarded the "Kinotavra" award.

In 2010, Alexander appeared in the main role of the tragedy "Who am I?" Together with Zhanna Friske.

Yatsenko played in many modern paintings of Russian cinema. The brightest and rating of them are the drama Boris Khlebnikov "Long happy life", the popular series "Thaw" Valery Todorovsky. In the historical TV series "Catherine" with Marina Alexandrova, who played a major role, the actor appeared as Emperor Peter III.

In 2016, Alexander presented three new films in which noticeable roles played. This is a detective thriller Renata Davletyarova "Pure Art", where Yatsenko met with the actress Anna Chipovskaya, and the film-catastrophe of Nikolai Homeriki "Icebreet". Especially loud was the third project "Duelant" Alexei Mizgirev, where the talented artist played Yakovleva Jr..

In 2017, Alexander Yatsenko played a major role in the Drama Boris Khlebnikov "Arrhymia". The film was shown in the competitive program of the XXVIII Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr". After the release of the director's painting invited to talk to his Youtyub-Channel Yuri Dwell, loving to ask uncomfortable, acute questions.

Later, Yatsenko was awarded "Niki" for the best male role. This is the second similar prize in the film of the artist. He received the first to work in the dramatic series "Insight".

In September, Yatsenko became the guest of the Evening Urgant program together with Irina Gorbacheva, also played a major role. Artists told Ivan about the picture, where the plot was the center of the plot. At first, according to the plan, Arrhythmia was to become a comedy. But the young couple was awarded the profession of doctors, and turned out to be drama, where heavier situations and patient history are superimposed on problems in personal life.

In 2018, the venue of the audience was presented to the screening of Roman Alexei Ivanov "Baddance". The painting about the guys who returned from Afghanistan and realized that the country he had sent them to war, they are not needed. Alexander created the piercing image of Hermann Neolin. The acting was presented to Sergey Makovetsky, Tatiana Lyalin and Alexander Gorbatov.

In 2019, the artist played in the epidemic film and the Military Drama "Corridor of immortality". Also Yatsenko starred in the projects of "sample" and "Ugryum-River".

Alexander appeared in the comedy "Year of Culture" and "The Year of Pigs, in Science Fiction" Chernobyl Zone of Alienation. The final".

The main premiere of 2020 was the historical series "Grozny", in which he played Ivan the Terrible in his youth. The king in adulthood presented Sergey Makovetsky. Also, Tatiana Lyalin, Konstantin Kryukov, Igor Mikurbanov and other actors starred in the picture.

In November of the same year, the premiere of the sports melodrama "Streltsov" took place. Yatsenko became the head of the sports committee, and Alexander Petrov's young ascendor star.

And in December, the mini-series "Dead Souls" was released, where Yatsenko appeared in the role of Mezhev, son-in-law Nozdrev.

Personal life

About the personal life, Alexander Yatsenko never tells. About the heart affairs of the actor is only known that from 2006 to 2014 he lived in a civil marriage with a popular actress Elena Lyadova. But after 8 years, the spouses broke up because of the treason: the actor's wife spun a stormy romance with the main character of Leviafan's chief character Vladimir Vdovichenkov.

At one time Alexander Yatsenko was married to the make-up of Marina Rozhkova, which gently called Marusya. Lovers got married after the birth of the son of Miroslav in 2015. Interestingly, the actor took the child's childhood himself. They took place at home, and the midwife just did not have time to get in time due to traffic jams. Colleagues call Yatsenko perfect father. The son became the frequent hero of the "Instagram" of the Father, which is a nomino without verification and does not attract a large number of subscribers.

At the end of 2018 it became known that Alexander threw his wife for the sake of new hobbies. His choices became Ksenia Ivanov, a graduate of the production faculty of the capital's university. The girl younger than the actor for 9 years. The second son of Artist Arseny was born in new relations. The pair registered marriage after the appearance of the baby on the light.

Yatsenko posted a photo of the heir in "Instagram". Judging by his news in the social network, he tries to spend more time with children and draws inspiration in communicating with them. Alexander admits that he is rolling nature, so it is difficult for him to stay always in a good mood.

Periods of the depressive state increased by Yatsenko after the death of mother and father. The departure of parents Alexander experienced hard, the help of his older sister was assisted. The birth of arsion breathed a new life into the actor. Now Yatsenko admits that happy in the family. At the end of December 2019, a child, son Alexander, appeared in the family. In 2020, the couple marked in the temple.

Alexander Yatsenko now

The actor took part in the shooting of the thriller "Captain Wandes Flag" with Yuri Borisov, the announcement of the date of release is scheduled for 2021. The picture received state support - it was chosen from 76 projects presented at the presentation of the copyright movie in 2020.

Yatsenko starred in the drama "Turn and throw out", the comedy "sample", the criminal picture of the "grilled chicken", the screening of the Drama of the Ugryum-River.


  • 2003 - "Chic"
  • 2006 - "Soldier Decameron"
  • 2006 - "I don't hurt"
  • 2011 - "Horde"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2014 - "Catherine"
  • 2015 - "Silent Don"
  • 2015 - "Insight"
  • 2016 - "Duelist"
  • 2017 - "Arrhythmia"
  • 2017 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 2018 - "Year of Culture"
  • 2019 - "Chernobyl 3. Alienation Zone"
  • 2019 - "Epidemic"
  • 2019 - "Corridor of Immortality"
  • 2019 - "Odessa Steamer"
  • 2019 - "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone. The final"
  • 2020 - "Grozny"
  • 2020 - "Dead Souls"

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