Zoya Berber - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, TV series, "Instagram", in a bathing suit, filmography 2021



Zoya Berber has been held by the honorable place among the most popular actresses of Russia. Few people know that the star was randomly the star. But she quickly realized that the acting profession was her calling, and continued to delight the public with bright screen images.

Childhood and youth

The celebrity was born in the fall of 1987 in the Russian city of Perm. She was called in honor of the grandmother, and the sonorous surname went from grandfather, Grek by nationality. Mom has an actress, Julianna, German, Jewish and Tatar roots.

The future star grew in the family of an engineer and geologist, but a creative atmosphere reigned in the house. The father wrote music and played the guitar, Mom mastered the violin, the aunt played the piano, and the uncle and grandfather - on the saxophone. Therefore, every family gatherings turned into a real concert. It is not surprising that the little Zoya is already in the early years of biography for creativity. She studied at a music school, but soon realized that it was not for her.

When the artist was 7 years old, the parents divorced. But it did not for the girl tragedy, as they continued to maintain warm relationships and take care of his daughter together. Dad managed to marry twice twice, and soon the star had sisters Maria and Anna, as well as Brother Yasha, with which she was very close. Even after the death of the Father, all his children continue to communicate.

Estimating Berber fell on heavy for the country of the 90s. According to the performer, she was friends mainly with boys, because of which he grew hooligan. The study was given a girl hard, she often strolled and repeatedly changed educational institutions. Mom, who graduated from school with a gold medal, first tried to influence her daughter, but then reconciled, I said on her success in creativity.

Already then, Zoya demonstrated talent for the art of reincarnation. She studied in a class with acting bias, participated in all school productions and was a star. He was fascinated by the girl and the dances she was engaged in 4 years old. Later, the artist entered the choreographic college, but did not become a great dancer.

After grade 9, the girl decided to submit documents to the local sewing technician on the fashion designer. The profession seemed not very attractive, but it did not imagine where it was still possible to go with the top three in the certificate. But Berber knew how to sew, and the parents were calm that the daughter would be able to make a living.

The fate of the performer decided thanks to a happy chance. Her stepfather was an actor and once suggested a dispute, according to the terms of which Zoe was supposed to enter the acting department. He helped prepare for submission of documents to the Perm State Institute of Art and Culture.

At that time, Berber was already 20 years old, and so that she was not immediately deerated because of the age, she lay down the Commission that she had forgotten the houses. The artist's creative contest was successful, and the sake of writing the writings had to be engaged in the tutor in the Russian language. As a result, the star became a student Boris Milgra.

But on this misadventures did not end. During the study, Zoya again turned out to be the most lagging on the course. There were gaps in school knowledge, so I had to urgently crap urgent. But since then the performer loved to read.

Actress's diploma was not destined to get a diploma, because soon she learned about the casting to the project, which changed her life. Later, she was called from the university and offered to pass exams so that they still get a document about higher education. But free time in dense chart almost does not remain.

"Cool guys"

The role that the actress brought the popularity and love of the audience, became the heroine of the series "Real Guys". According to the memoirs, Zoe, on the casting she did not even get words. She appeared in front of cinematographers in a shapeless sweatshirt and sports pants, but they still could see the feminine and sophisticated Lero in her. Already after a joint sample with the on-screen partner, Nicholas Naumov, it became clear to them that Berber was suitable for filming.

But the actress herself was not sure that he wanted to be filmed in such a large-scale series. This meant that she had to quit the institute, without accustomed to just six months. I scared and unknown, because the project could turn out unsuccessful and would be a stigma shadow for the rest of my life.

At first, Berber decided to talk to the parents who advised her to take a chance, and not regret the missed opportunities. But the decisive word remained behind the producer Anton Zaitsev, he personally came to the artist to convince her to take it, and managed to find the right words.

Zoya Berber - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, TV series,

In addition to Nikolai Naumova, Anton Bogdanov, Stanislav Tlyashev, Maria Rotnikaya and Valentina Mazunina, who have become close people for her close people during the years of filming. They helped the star were not confused before the camera and tune in to work, because before the "real guys" she had no experience of filming.

After entering the screens, the series became a hit and repeatedly launched. The secret of the success of Berber considers the fact that the project's heroes are close and understandable to the audience. During the years of filming, she managed to crush with her Leroy, who, according to the actress, helped her to become feminine and learn to change comfortable jeans on elegant dresses.

Together with the heroine Zoya was repeatedly worried about love dramas and the birth of children. It is on the site of "real guys" she first felt pregnant before became a mother in real life. Later, the actress admitted that he scolded himself for depicting the process of tooling the child was too idealized. But then she had the opportunity to correct when Lera became pregnant in the plot.


Although the "real boys" became for Berber with a happy ticket, shooting almost cost her further career. As soon as the directors learned that she was filmed in the TV series from TNT, immediately refused to listen. At first, the girl was not worried, because it was too busy with the work that took 12 hours a day. But soon the actress realized that it was time to get rid of the label of the bitch, which cinematographers hung on it.

The first who considered the dramatic talent of the performer became Egor Baranov - the director of the series "Farca". At first, he was also skeptical, but quickly realized that Zoe was perfect for the role of hope. Alexander Petrov became the on-screen partner of the performer, with which she fell into a bed scene. According to the actress, she worried about this, and to get rid of awkwardness, they tried to know each other as much as possible. As a result, managed to work.

At the square of the comedy "Happiness! Health! " either did not cost without surprises. Berber played the bride, whose wedding turns out to be on the verge of a breakdown, when a former guy returns from prison. According to the memoirs of the stars, the creators of the picture hardly did not decide that her heroine must read Rap as a gift to the groom. Only a few minutes remained for writing poems, but the artist coped with the task.

2019 was marked by the yield of thriller "Phantom" with Yuri Chursin, Pavel Mikikov and Timothy Tribuntev. In the project of celebrities got the main role of the girl named Anastasia.

In the melodrame of David TKebuchava "nine lives" Zoya again appeared in a dramatic image. Even before the start of the shooting, the director warned that the artist would have to try hard to not get lost against the background of stars such as Alexander Samoilenko, Inga Obold and Yevgeny Dobrovolskaya. The performer literally knocked out of his strength, but it did not work in the frame to cry. Because of this, I had to go on tricks and use a mentholic pencil.

But with the tricky scenes, there were no problems, because the actress loves extreme and has a high pain threshold from nature. On the shooting, Berber volunteered to independently perform a trick at an altitude of the 10th floor. The advertising trailer entered the frame where the heroine almost breaks down. About this idea, the artist warned only cascaders and later received a reprimand from the director.

The film "Girls is different" in the same year is a new look at the situation that begun in the classic "in jazz only girls" and "Bachelor party in Vegas." Vladimir Yaglych, Artem Suchkov and Roman Popov, who had to try on female dresses on the set, became colleagues. The performer appeared in the image of a confident athlete and especially for filming was training surfing.

The next memorable work that filmed the star filmography was the series "Project" Anna Nikolaevna ", the premiere of which was held in March 2020 on the Kinopoisk HD platform. The artist embodied Android, who entered the service to the provincial district office under the cover of the Deputy Minister's daughter. It was not so easy to get into the image of the robot, but the performer found a way out - constantly analyzed everything that happens on the site. It helped maintain a impenetrable facial expression.

Among the colleagues, Berber was Sergey Garmash, with whom she was happy to work. The actor demonstrated professionalism and helped with all their forces with a young colleague. Even suggested her words when she could not get together for shooting the scene.

Zoya Berber - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, TV series,

But Zoe's tricks were given without problems, and this time she managed to cope with them almost without the help of a cascaderal. The actress admitted that this was a decisive factor, because of which she agreed to shoot. The star has long dreamed of trying forces in the form of a superhero, and she finally had such an opportunity.

With frank scenes, the performer also coped as much as possible. As they decided to have a heroine body with the director, they decided to attract a dublersh for some frames. The choice of a suitable actress was discussed collectively, and the result of Berber was satisfied.

During the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the star also did not remain without work. On Quarantine, she starred in the comedy "Love in a non-working week," where Roman Popov became her partner. Since the artists have already worked together, they were comfortable on the site.

Another work of self-insulation was the mini-series "Plague!". The performer very much wanted to be filmed in a comedy about self-insulation during the Middle Ages, so I tried to show my most funny parties on the casting and could like the creators. She was approved for the role of the daughter of Baron Marta.


According to the recognition of the artist, in the theater she plays with the same impact as in the movie, because this is a significant part of her life. In the past, Zoya was involved in the performances of the "Scene-Hammer" theater in Perm, where heroin "Camera" and "Riverside Drive" embodied. Later, the celebrity was invited to the Perm "Theater-theater" on the role of Sophia Pavlovna in the formulation of "Mount from Wit".

Appreciated the work of the actress and the Moscow public. In the theater named after Maria Nikolaevna Yermolova, she went on stage in the company Margarita Tolstoganova and Sergey Kempo. Using the language of gestures, music and emotions, they retell the story of the poems "demon" Mikhail Lermontov.

The artist and with the Moscow Gubernsky Theater, whose supervisor is Sergey Bezrukov. There she plays in the play "Leviafan" on Boris Akunin's book and in the plastic walled drama "Caligula". In the "Adventures of Fandorin", the performer shall divide the role with Anna Snatkina and Valery Mini.

Tele Show

In addition to filming the cinema and games on the Berber scene actively appears in the TV show as a participant and as a presenter. In 2017, she, together with the former Cavencen, Hero Gigashvili led the program "Sport moment" at Moscow 24. The inhabitants of the capital, they not only talked about sports, but also tried to stand on skates themselves, ride on the maps and horses, mastered the tricks of judo and weightlifting.

Soon after that, the actress began to work on the "My Planet" channel, where she was entrusted to lead the program "One day in the city" about travels that the star love so much. Together with the colleague Diana Jalalovoy, she visited the cities of Europe, Latin America and the former USSR. She especially liked Budapest, Yaroslavl, Rio de Janeiro.

Since Zoe is a TNT star, it is often invited to other projects of the TV channel. So, the audience could watch the actress fighting for a victory in the music show "Studio Soyuz" and entertains the audience in the program "Improvisation".

Personal life

Berber does not hide information about personal life. The first love of the artist was the guy from Perm, which she described how high and naked shaved. But his star helped his girlfriend, and she, on the advice of her grandmother, did not make disassembly and was happy for them when they created a family.

Zoya Berber and Alexander Sixyp

Later, the performer met love on the shooting area of ​​"real guys." Its chosen was the screenwriter Alexander Sixhezov. In 2015, the pair had a daughter, which was called hope. As the godfather for the girl chose Vladimir Selivanov.

Even after the birth of the child, the star did not rush with marriage, since the word "marriage" scares her. Lovers lived together, and in an interview with the actress often told about their warm relations, but in 2020 Idylli came an end. Alexander and Zoya announced parting, but continued to bring up their daughter together. Now the artist pleases the photo with the heirement of instagram subscribers.

Zoya Berber now

In 2021, several projects with the participation of the actress came immediately. The beginning of the year was marked by the premiere of the 2nd season of the comedy "Project" Anna Nikolaevna "," in which Zoe returned to the image of Android, forced to get along with people, without causing suspicions.

Zoya Berber - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, TV series,

The audience was then able to appreciate the work of the artist in the film "Standap under cover". She embodied a pregnant girl who was engaged in Standap. To be born into the image, the performer was inspired by the work of foreign comedians and consulted with professional humorists.

In March, the comedy "on the knee" took place about a small man, dreaming of big cinema. Ivan Filippov played the main character of the project, and Berber got a small, but noticeable role. Already in May, a detective was released, the shooting of which was completed back in 2019. I managed to work the star to work on the continuation of the sensational series "Trigger".


  • 2010-2013 - "Real boys"
  • 2015 - "Farca"
  • 2018 - "Happiness! Health! "
  • 2019 - "Retribution"
  • 2019 - "Nine Lives"
  • 2019 - "Phantom"
  • 2019 - "Girls are different"
  • 2019 - "New Year's repair"
  • 2020 - "Plague!"
  • 2020 - "Real boys against zombies"
  • 2020-2021 - "Project" Anna Nikolaevna "
  • 2021 - "Sunshub"
  • 2021 - "Love in the non-working week"
  • 2021 - "Standap under cover"
  • 2021 - "Knee"
  • 2021 - "Trigger-2"
  • 2021 - "Official"

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