Emin Agalarov (Emin) - biography, personal life, news, photos, songs, instagram 2021



Emin Agalarov is a Russian businessman and singer, Azerbaijani by nationality. The career of an enterprising person is rapidly gaining momentum - it successfully implements projects in various fields: the musical and hotel industry, cinema, trade and many other things. Business development does not prevent him from being a wonderful father and find time for a personal life device.

Childhood and youth

Emin Arasogly Agalarov, better known to fans like Singer Emin, was born in Baku in December 1979. According to the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. His parents, Mom Irina Grill and Father Araz Agalarov, studied in the same class. Their first love managed to grow into more, they got married at the last courses of institutes: she finished the pedagogical, and he is Polytechnic.

When the boy was 4 years old, the family moved to Moscow. In childhood, Emin quickly acquired friends. He went to school, behaved like ordinary children, while his father had no suspicion that the son had fallen into a bad company.

His father, a well-known businessman Araz Agalarov, by rumors, in his youth himself visited such a situation, so I decided to send a scray to Switzerland. There Agalair Jr. was held up to 15 years, after which he continued his studies in the United States. His younger sister Sheila was also educated in the United States, in Fashion Instituteof Technology.

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Emin from 13 years old was an independent guy. His desire to become materially independent and making money itself helped to achieve success at an early age. The guy has been looking for earnings all the time, turning out different options - ranging from supermarkets before building your own business.

He worked in the electronics store by the seller, later in the same quality worked in a shoe boutique. Today, a man argues that this experience was very useful to him in life.

Living in the States, Emin Agalarov created a site for the sale of matryoshek and watches. In his youth, he did not even think that someday would enter the business of the Father.

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Later, learning more about the case of the parent, Emin Agalarov realized that he was interested in what he was doing. As a creative man, Agalarov united a pragmatic, intellectual person with a good sense of humor and a subtle taste.

After the end of the New York Marymount Manhattan College, Emin Agalarov received a business manager in the field of finance. The young man understood that the work in Tandem with his father would be more efficiently trading with matryoshki in the United States, so he returned to Moscow. Here the creative and commercial biography of Emin Agalaryov began.

Music and business

Today, Emin Agalarov is the first vice president of the group of companies of the Father Crocus Group. Affairs go well, but on this the potential of Emin did not have exhausted at all. Back in America, he began to show interest in music.

The painstaking work, a firm character and the desire to achieve success in the musical sphere allowed Agalarov to release the first album in 2006. The disk called Still did not become the only one. Soon the discography of Emin Agalar was enriched with three more albums: incredible, obsession and devotion.

In 2011, Emin on the initiative of David Lynch was nominated for the Grammy Prize as the opening of the year. Many fans of pop music celebrated the fascinating voice of the artist and a genuine passion in his performance.

In May 2012, the singer acted as a special guest at the Eurovision contest. In the same year, the release of the album after the Thunder took place, after which Agalairov was invited to sing at the concert Jennifer Lopez in Baku.

In winter, 2013, Emin Agalarov presented his debut Russian-speaking album under the name "on the edge", which includes 14 new compositions. In addition, the Russian singer and Italian tenor Alessandro Safina quail the famous composition of Muslim Magomaeva "Blue Eternity" ("On Sea, Sea"). The fans know that the star of the Soviet pop - the idol of Agalary, but there is no relative communication between them.

With the release of a new disk, the singer did not pull and in early 2014 presented the "Pinning" album. He entered the song "Call me", which he performed in a duet from Ani Lorak. A few more songs performed by Emina with other stars were falling into the record: He sang the song "Bereg" with Stas Mikhailov, with Gregory Leps - "Hi, Earth", with Soso Pavliashvili - "I repent."

2014 for a popular artist was especially successful. His Russian song "I am best I live" ("I live so") received the Golden Gramophone Prize and became a hit, a clip was made to him, in which Paulina Andreeva starred. Emin Agalarov went on tour through the cities of Russia.

In 2015, Emin gave fans at once two new albums - More Amor and "8 in Fallion". The latter entered the joint composition with Gregory Lepsus "I like women."

Amateurs of their work, Emin Agalarov regularly indulges new songs and discs. In 2016, he not only presented a new album Loveis A Deadly Game, but, together with Sergey Kozhevnikov and Gregory, Leps became the organizer of the Heat Festival, which in July passed in the capital of Azerbaijan.

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Participation in the "Heat" adopted the brightest stars of the pop Russian. In the same year, Emin Agalarov recorded two new songs in a duet from Ani Lorak, this composition "I can not say" and "say goodbye."

In 2016, with new and loved old hits, Agalarov went on tour in the country, coming 50 cities of Russia. Emin's concerts had a deafening success. Together with Alexander Kuzmin, the singer released a duet album "Sorry, my love", which included such hits as "Siberian frosts", "in weightlessness", "Summer fragments".

It is noteworthy that one day, Donald Trump himself starred in Emin's clip. The current US president appeared in the video for the 2013 song in Another Life. Agalarov does not hide what is personally familiar with the Trump, because the "Crocus City Hall" has repeatedly passed the contest "Miss Universe", and, as you know, Donald Trump is the owner of this contest.

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Supporters of the Democratic Party of the United States hurried to report that Emin Agalarov is involved in attempts to influence the American elections. The singer himself stated that, despite his acquaintance with Trump, never tried to influence the outcome of the presidential election by voting.

As for business, then the Emin Agalarov has time to go much. He heads many projects. For example, it owns a shopping center at the Crocus City Mall MKAD, which contains the Crocus City Hall Concert Hall. And another singer and businessman oversees a network of vegas shopping and entertainment complexes, a network of restaurants "Crocus Group" and the developer project Sea Breeze Resort in Azerbaijan.

In 2016, Emin fell into the epicenter of the scandal. In the Rose Bar Bar, which belongs directly to Agalarov, an unpleasant incident occurred. The manager cafes drove a person from the institution with disabilities. Having learned about this, the owner of Bara Emin was extremely sad. He personally apologized for the actions of his employee who, of course, was dismissed.

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However, from Agalairov apologies did not limit himself. The singer offered a young man cooperation. He asked him to act as a consultant - a man who will help conduct trainings that increase the level of tolerance among employees.

In 2017, the singer had a new hobby - movies. First, he received his first role in the movie "Night Change", and secondly, he became his producer. With a small work, Emin coped brilliantly, because he was not playing different heroes in his musical clips. The premiere of the picture in cinemas took place in June 2018.

Later, the artist released the video for the song "Incredible", in which he played with Diana of the Poggarten in love. The video was created in an unusual way: besides cameras, the performers themselves were filming what was happening to smartphones. At the same time, het "heart in half", which Agalarov performed in a duet with José Mamedov.

It is engaged in Emin and charity, for example, in March 2018, after the tragedy in Kemerovo, he went to the touring tour, the reversed funds from which were transferred to the Muslim Magomaeva Charitable Foundation.

Subsequently, the Fund sent the assembled amount (about 15 million rubles) to the Kemerovo Department of the Red Cross, as well as on individual programs for assistance for victim families.

Often, Emin demonstrates the excellent sense of humor. So, in 2018, a photo appeared on the artist's page in the "Instagram" on which he appeared on false. The singer admitted that the first time appears in public without a wig. The post scored more than 9 thousand comments. Later it turned out that the agalars thus joked.

Earlier, the artist introduced the public with a comic clip, which in 2015 congratulated his father with the anniversary. An Emin and Mikail, Irina Agalarova, Vladimir Vinokur, Lion Leshchenko and the culprit of the celebration and the culprit of the celebration itself were illuminated in the Godfather's video.

In 2019, Agalarov presented the new lyrical composition "My Girl" and the same disk. Soon the singer took part in the new collaboration, performing a duet with Jony Hit "Fireplace".

Personal life

Emin Agalarov owns several properties in different countries of the world. This is a house in New Jersey, and a huge mansion on the Caspian coast, and Penthouse in a residential complex on Red Presnya. Singer has Russian citizenship.

The wedding of Emin Agalarov coincided with the release of his first album in 2006. The wife of the singer was the daughter of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev - Leila Aliyev. Young celebrated the wedding twice, in Moscow and Baku.

It is known that Emin Agalarov and Leila Aliyev began to meet after a number of traditions and customs. Before the direct offer, the guy first asked permission from the father of the bride to care for his daughter, and then she asked her hands.

In 2008, a happy couple became the parents of the twins, the sons called Mikail and Ali. Emin Agalarov and his wife Leila were broken between the two countries for a long time. The spouse lived with twins in London, and a man dwell in Moscow. Every week, the father of the family tried to visit the family, and Leila during the separation period was engaged in public activities.

In May 2015, it became known that the spouses officially broke up. It is noteworthy that they did not make a secret from the divorce and immediately announced it on their pages in social networks.

The cause of parting, Emin Agalarov frankly told in an interview after a couple of months. He admitted that they did not have a personal relationship with Leyla, but I did not want to imitate family life. Contrary to rumors, none of them changed each other, no mistresses who wrote yellow editions, was not from Emin.

Former spouses retained friendly relations. According to Emin, today they are even warmer than in the years of marriage. A businessman still cares about the family and proud of the children. Now his sons are often a guest in the house of the Father.

Popular, wealthy and static handsome man (height 180 cm, weight 78 kg), besides, according to Hello magazine! The most stylish man in Russia - 2016, could not stay alone. In 2016, it became known who he was found with. Emin Agalairova noticed next to the girl in which Miss Mordovia was recognized by the 2004 Alena Gavrilov. Photo with the model Emin Agalarov placed on page in "Instagram".

In the spring of 2016, the pair appeared on the awards of the journal Hello!, And then at the charity ball, which was satisfied with the Foundation of Mikhail Rudyak. And in 2017, the premiere of the new video of Emin Agalary was held on the Goodlove song, where Alena got the main role.

July 14, 2018 it became known that in the personal life of the singer there were serious changes. Emin Agalarov and Alyona Gavrilova got married.

The wedding ceremony was held in the Agalarov Estate Golf Club near Moscow, which belongs to the Emin family. Lovers decided not to attract increased media attention to the celebration, but still some of the details of the marriage of finding journalists managed.

Andrei Malakhov led the marriage ceremony, and among the guests, Emin's colleagues on stage and business Grigory Leps, Timati, Valery Meladze, Alexander Serov, Zara, Stephen Sigal and others were seen.

At the end of 2018, Alyona gave Emineu's daughter, which was called the name of Athena. Snapshots with a girl Singer often places in the Instagram account. According to the artist, he is ready for at least twice to become dad.

Unfortunately, family happiness was short-lived, and in May 2020, Emin said that he was divorced with Gavrilova. He did not comment on what was happening. Alena Gavrilova confessed to the "Instagram" that the news of the divorce found her by surprise on the birthday of the mother.

In the network, the fans of the singer immediately began to build guesses about the cause of the separation of the couple. Some assumed that the artist gave way to her parents who initially did not recognize the second wife's son and not even attended the celebration of marriage.

After some time, it became known that Emin meets with Fatima Sadykova, the daughter of the Deputy Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan. According to rumors, the couple has already been engaged and it is going to legitimize the relationship. True, the culprits themselves themselves do not comment on this. And in January 2021, Agalarov was noticed with Gavrilova and her daughter in the Emirates.

Emin Agalarov Now

In the spring of 2021, one of the largest transactions of the music industry took place. Emin, who was previously owned by Zhara Music label, sold his Studio Warner Music Group. The amount of the contract, according to rumors, was $ 25 million. Subsequently, the subject of the Treaty was renamed Atlantic Records Russia, and Bakhtiyar Aliyev (Bahh Tee) fully took upon himself, before that he was a co-owner of the brand. By the way, Emin himself continued to develop his brainchild, but already as an artist.

In an interview, Emin shared that when the offer was received from the Warner Music Group, he understood: it is more profitable to take it to make new projects to the reversed means. In addition, part of the target already has - in 2021 the first anniversary of the "Heat" festival was planned, the location of which was moved from the capital of Azerbaijan to Moscow.


  • 2006 - Still.
  • 2007 - Incredible
  • 2008 - Obsession
  • 2009 - Devotion.
  • 2010 - Wonder
  • 2012 - After The Thunder
  • 2013 - "On the edge"
  • 2015 - "8 in the fall"
  • 2017 - "Sorry, my love"
  • 2018 - "The sky was not afraid"
  • 2019 - Good Love
  • 2019 - "My Girl"

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