Iza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", plastic, songs, guf, age 2021



Iza Anokhina (Dolmatova) is a popular beauty blogger, a secular lioness, singer. In "Instagram" and "Twitter", it leads accounts dedicated to fashion and style, and has a large number of subscribers and fans. But she is known to the general public at all as an Internet stylist, but as the ex-wife Rapper Guf.

Childhood and youth

Aiza Anokhina (Maiden name - Vagapova) was born in Grozny on December 10, 1984. Instadian zodiac sign - Sagittarius. Azia nationality causes some questions, but still many sources are confident that she is Chechen.

In childhood, a girl with his parents moved to Moscow, where he received education. At the end of the Middle Educational Institution, he studied at the Moscow Health School, and then entered the Moscow Linguistic State University at the Faculty of Law and Economics.

About childhood and adolescence In the biography of Isa, little is known, the Anokhina prefers not to spread, despite the fact that now she is a very popular person in social networks.


His Career Iza took up after a divorce with Rapper Guf. In 2013, the blogger appeared on TV. She changed Romu acorn on the show "Normat Chart" and became his new lead. Also, the celebrity played in the film "Gazagolder", voiced the television speaker in the cartoon "Ollie and Treasures of Pirates" and, together with Raper, the Kravtsch recorded her first song and took off the clip.

Woman is fond of fashion and style. In Metropolitan Tusovka positions itself as a fashionable designer of jewelry and accessories.

Together with her friend, she opened Showerum. True, soon Iza cooled to this occupation, although he was thinking about restarting the site with the author's collection of clothing and jewelry. But the fashion industry and beauty did not care for her. It is the owner of the AI ​​Lab image laboratory. The studio provides the whole complex of beauty services, from manicure to massage.

In April 2018, Iza became a member of the reality show "Pregnant" on the TV channel "Home", where she shared motherhood experience. As a TV host, Anochen appeared in the TV project "Love for Survival". He started at the beginning of 2020. Shooting took place in Cambodia.

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In April 2018, Iza introduced his debut rap album The Monkey on the courts of the audience. True, in musical creativity her name sounds differently - a (z) IZA. The plate gave rise to a lot of noise: in the songs the performer is rigidly, without choosing expressions, poured the vices of modern society. And on the eve she released two tracks in which the "rink passed" by the former spouse.

The premiere of her clips Rollin 'and Zakat turned out to be a loud. According to critics, Iza said a new word in the domestic female rape. Instead itself does not consider himself a professional singer. She belongs to music as a hobby that brings pleasure not only to her, but also her fans.

The same spring on the TV channel "Friday" started a new project "Voice of streets", where rappers were to fight for a contract with Gazgolder label and 3 million rubles. Izu Anokhina was invited to the show as a jury member. Of course, it was not without a scandal. The conflict occurred right during filming.

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The celebrity commented on the performances of the Milky Rapper (Ivan Bredneva). According to her, she already heard something similar in the studio, and it was even better fulfilled. It was not silent for this musician, but called her "queen rap", which was extremely insulted by a woman. She was indignant and left the studio with the words:

"I am an adult aunt, and some puppy tells me some nasty things?"

In addition to music, the celebrity in 2018 presented his own collection of clothes, and also held one of the issues of the Eagle and Rushki program. Russia". Her Mary Ivakov became its coordinvous show. Instadiva visited Elbrusye, where he tried her strength in rock climbing.

Extreme was the TV presenter to taste, and after a year she became a member of the Fort Boyard project. In the 5th issue, Victoria Bonia, Anna Khilkevich, Anna Sedokova, Maria Ivakova appeared together with Anna Hilkevich. They managed to make money on the project 680 thousand rubles, which they gave to charity.


Anokhina is one of the few media personalities who do not hide from the public hiking to a plastic surgeon. In 2020, she had an operation on lifting his forehead and eyebrows. Thus, celebrities managed to get rid of small wrinkles, which appeared with age.

Previously, she spent plastic nose on medical testimony, and also changed the shape of the lips. In 2017, the result of liposuction of the bikini zone and an increase in Iza buttocks demonstrated in the pictures in a swimsuit. Anokhina manages to follow the appearance and remain in the form, as in the youth. Today, with growth, 165 cm its weight does not exceed 53 kg.

Personal life

Personal life Iza Anokhina began to be discussed by the press after acquaintance with Rapper Alexei Dolmatov, speaking under the pseudonym Guf. At that time he was a soloist of the Centr group. Young people first met near the nightclub, where Alexey expected friends. The guy drew attention to the pretty ice that smiled at him, but he did not count on further relationship with his beauty.

Later it turned out that the Isa with Guf has a common acquaintance, so the pair managed to exchange not only a couple of phrases, but also telephone numbers. After the first meeting, the girl periodically crossed with Alexey in common parties and even at the side of the snowboarders, although the guy did not know how to ride. Several falls put Dolmatov in an awkward position, but nevertheless, Isa with pleasure he had instructed him. This meeting made a special impression on RPER, and he could no longer think about the girl.

Upon arrival home Guf dedicated her song Ice Baby, and after a while decided to invite a date. At first, Iza perceived him as a friend with whom comfortable and fun, but over time I realized that they fell in love.

Dolmatov experienced about the upcoming acquaintance with the father of Isa - General FSB. In fact, Pope turned out to be a pleasant man with an excellent sense of humor. The musician was strongly worried about the first impression of his beloved grandmother about his chosen.

Soon the bouquet-candy period ended with a wedding. And in 2010, the baby appeared in the family, whom the parents called themselves. The name of the boy was chosen with a secret meaning: in Chechen language, it means "approximate to God."

The relationship between Guf and Isa could not be called smooth. At first, the girl did not know that he was fond of drugs, but the rapper did not deceive and confessed himself in a detrimental dependence. Anokhina decided to help her husband in this problem, which did to the last days of living together. In 2013, it became known that the couple was separated. Iza commented on the divorce by numerous treasures of the spouse.

During family troubles, Anokhin supported the girlfriend Alena Vodonaeva. Celebrities decided not to be sad about the problems in his personal life (Alena also divorced her husband shortly before) and gave themselves vacation on Sri Lanka. Friendship Izi and Alena seemed perfect, fans even created groups in social networks dedicated to star friend.

However, the warm relationships were not eternal: they quarreled when Alena began to work with a person who was previously disliked, and Isa in connection with this accused Vodonaev in sales.

In October 2015, Isais Dolmatova married the second time. The chief of the Internet star became Dmitry Anhin, who is 6 years older than the beloved.

They met Bali. Iza long exposed a photo of a beloved man in "Instagram" so that his face is not visible and it was impossible to understand who her new chosen one. But journalists still managed to calculate it.

The second husband of Isa was engaged in business and was fond of surfing, a man received public fame only because of this marriage. Wedding Izi and Dmitry, except for the official marriage, also envisaged wedding. The lush ceremony was held in Las Vegas. The family settled on Bali.

In the summer of 2016, the celebrity was briefly left the paradise island. She participated in the TV show "Friday" called the "young lady-peasant". As part of the transfer, the woman changed his life with a simple girlfriend Karina and went to the village near Orenburg. While Karina enjoyed tropical landscapes and caught the waves, Iza on the Orenburg Bazaar traded milk. Nevertheless, both received incredible impressions and were satisfied with the project.

In the same 2016, fans learned that the secular lioness is pregnant for the second time. A happy woman shared with subscribers by all news: the pregnancy was easy, which was pleased with the future mother. But at the same time, Anokhina admitted that he had already lived in Moscow, she had problems with vessels and panic attacks.

In October, the spouses became parents. Births passed literally live, besides Heru Supporting a husband, in the ward of the Moscow hospital, there were also journalists armed with cameras. They dismissed childbirth that was dragged and lasted 20 hours. Initially, the woman planned to give birth naturally, but in the end, I had to make an emergency Caesarean. Isais gave birth to a son, whom Elvis called.

Railing a child a couple decided on Bali. First, Isa and Dmitry equipped the house on the island, and secondly, the young mother was sure that the sun and the fresh air of a tropical Bali is much more useful than Moscow winter.

About this and many other Iza told in his instagram account. So, in January 2018, Anokhina reported that he dreams about her daughter and had already invented her name. Woman frank with his subscribers. For example, once, posing a photo without makeup, it demonstrated problem areas of skin on her face.

In January 2020, the audience shocked the news - Iza and Dmitry decided to part. One of the reasons for divorce TV presenter called the fact that for the second spouse she always remained the "former Guf".

Parting of the spouses turned out not only difficult emotionally: Anokhin decided to sue his ex-wife a common business. The pair owned the beauty salon in Moscow, who Iza was going to buy out from Dmitry, but he did not agree.

In May 2020, Anokhina became the heroine of the online show "Alena, Damn!". In a frank conversation, the TV presenter said that in the first year of relationship with Dmitry Anokhin lost her firstborn. The girl had a miscarriage due to nervous tension. Also, the instabagoker gave a large interview in the Agatha program Minkyzate "Honest Divorce".

In the summer of 2020, it became known about the novel by Iza Anokhina and Oleg Miami. The celebrity has kept intrigue for a long time, but the first public has presented a joint photo singer. Later, the blogger confirmed the information. The relationship of the couples started back in 2019. According to Instadiva, Oleg fell in love with her first and dedicated to the sentence of a song.

In relation to the pair, her former husband of Guf unexpectedly intervened. He demonstrated a photo of Miami's photo in the company of other women. Anokhina demanded from Oleg explanation, and he in turn was indignant by the behavior of Rapper. All news from the personal life blogger decided to share with the public in the new show "Super Isa", which in the summer of 2020 launched the Super Channel.

In October of the same year, Iza put the final point in relations with Dmitry, changing the name on Dolmatov. And April 2021, the celebrity reported that he finally broke up with Miami. During the novel, the couple more than once experienced large quarrels. According to Isa, and this time she tried to save the relationship, but nothing came out.

For some time she enjoyed loneliness, during this period she was attributed to the novel with Ilya Blanco. There were even joint photos and videos on which tender kisses were captured. However, Iza did not perceive these relationship seriously, commenting on them quite extensively.

In June, the blogger became the heroine of the Confession show. In it, the artist admitted the biggest mistake in his life - as it turned out, she took an abortion from Oleg, frightened the loss of several significant projects. Dolmatova reported that he would never forgive himself for this step, given her dream of his daughter's birth.

Were in an interview and bright moments. One of these was the news about the long-awaited reunion of former spouses. An attempt to establish relations with Guf has become a difficult solution for Isa. Kisses with him, as the star admitted, were unusual, as if kissing with a relative.

Iza did not make any forecasts for the future, trying to live real. She repeatedly repeated the words of love for his father herself, accusing his former girl Julia Queen in the fact that that "happy" in touch with Raper.

However, the day the day after the publication of this news, Dolmataya's Hayer received a big reason to mood over the star. In the Storsith of his instagram account, Iza with a folded face reported on betrayal. Later it became known that Guf returned to the Queen, and she did not force the public to languish in anticipation of fresh information and put together a joint photo with an artist.

Iza Anokhina now

Isa, despite the difficulties in his personal life, continued to lead her page in "Instagram", sincerely sharing with subscribers with experiences. Of course, among the comments met and negative, however, Dolmatov was already accustomed to them.

Strong stars and after participating in the "Musicti" show with Maxim Galkin. On the air she appeared with Lime Vaikule. And in the network, the audience noticed that the former wife of Gufa looks like a worse than her opponent. In addition, the release of the transmission The audience was called frankly boring, because they considered: to raise an ice to a new musical direction wrong.

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