Marina Blue - biography, personal life, photos, movies, cause of death and the latest news



Marina Golub - actress theater and cinema, whose films participated in international festivals and even visited Cannes, TV presenter. She was remembered to fans with their numerous images of noisy, rustic, but nonsense and fun women.

Marina Grigorievna Golub Born on December 8, 1957 in Moscow, in the family of Artist Ludmila Gruzh Great and Colonel Gru Grigory Goluba. Acting craftsmanship attracted Marina from early childhood. At the end of the secondary school, the future actress firmly decided to enter the Studio Studio MCAT. Mom girls did not support her aspirations to become an artist, as it was well aware of all the intricacies of this difficult profession. The female persuasion did not help, Marina came from the first to torture for the course of Manukov.

Marina Golov

The young actress was one of the best ones. The leaders had no doubt that Gully reins huge heights in theatrical art. Critics belonged to the marina favorably, because reporting speeches were excellent. Despite this, at the end of the Studio School in 1979, Marina did an unexpected step even for himself - refused to work in the theater. Having too eccentric character, Blue did not quite fit into the official theater of the time. Then, on the advice of mom in the biography of Marina Goli, a page called "Estrada" was opened.

Marina Golov

Marina Grigorievna, analyzing his capabilities, decided that she could have something in this genre. Then the actress began to work in the department of satire and humor of Moskoncert, where it remained for the whole three years. The pop-up scene for Marina Golubo opened with a performance in the passage from the "Maternal Field". The audience were stunned by her feed and immediately loved the rising star.

Films and theater

In 1981, Marina Goli received a proposal from Konstantin Raykin to enter the body of the Satirikon Theater troupe, which was organized by him after leaving the "contemporary". Then she had to play a role in the formulation of Raikina "Persons", with which the actress brilliantly coped. Until 1987, Sachirikon was for the Blue Second House, after which she agreed to play in the formulation of the new Shalom Theater Alexander Levenbuk.

Marina Blue on the theater scene

At that time, the career in Satirikon was not quite successful, so the performance "train for happiness" in Shalome became for Marina Grigorievous new breathing. The statement has gained success among the audience and critics. For a long time, the troupe toured with the "train" in the USSR and Europe. But the debut formulation of the theater "Shalom" turned out to be the last bright picture.

Working in the theater, Marina Grigorievna, already started to film, although in small episodic roles. One of the most significant works in the filmography of Marina Golub at that time was the heroine of Verka from the Dilogy "Youth Peter" and "at the beginning of glorious affairs." Of course, the blue was not full of optimism from such glory. The days flashed, took years, and the prophetic glory of the student years did not occur. Marina Grigorievna was upset about this, but never thought to throw acting. She was inherent to look for herself and develop further than lowering hands on such not so important life details.

Marina Blue in the theater

Optimism of Marina Blue subsequently led her creative potential on television. Its first television program is "a holiday every day", for which the actress independently wrote scenarios. She liked another step in her career, but the project took too much time. Marina could not mostly develop on stage.

One day she fell a chance to participate in the filming of the new TV project "Understand Me", where I noticed the general producer of ATV. Then he approved the actress to the new project "Eh, Semenovna!", Which immediately loved TV viewers.

After participating in the program, Marina Grigorievna disappeared from the theater scene. But in the shadow, the artist was not long. Already in 2000, she received a proposal from the British director of Declan Donnellan to play the role of the Horses of Corchma in the formulation of Boris Godunov. In the same year, she played the best role in the play "Vassa Zagronnova". At the same time, the actress was shot in the film "Wedding", which participated in the Cannes Festival, received a prestigious award in Germany and the Russian Award "Window to Europe".

Marina Blue in the film

For a long period, a woman felt a creative splash. Photo of Marina Blue and the last news about it began to fill in glossy editions. The actress did not have time to receive offers from directors who were dreaming of her participation in new filmms. Marina Grigorievna, without any problems, was part of the role of any heroine, feeling a measure, by no means replaying neither the stage or in the frame. The brightest films with the Marina Goli can be called the works "Diary of the Killer", "Narrow Bridge", "Guardian Angel", "Poor Relatives", Detective "Taxi for Angel", Comedy "Five Brides".

Marina Blue in the show

Popular actress has always been a welcome guest on television. In 2010, she joined the team of the TV show "Girl". The program was devoted to personal life and everyday problems: the transfer of four famous leading and invited guests discussed some eternal theme, such as treason or first dates. In 2014, Marina was already as a guest participated in the program "Wife. The history of love ", in which famous artists talk about their family life.

Marina Blue and Elena Yakovlev

The last picture of Marina Blue became New Year's comedy "Friends Friends". Together with Elena Yakovleva, she played two ladies aged, which desperately seek a gift to her girlfriend. As the movie shows, the gift they find only in sex shop. Happy buyers immediately robes, and from that begins the main plot of the paintings.

Personal life

Marina Grigorievna had three official marriage, her husbands were worthy people, but no one was able to keep the actress. The first time the actress became the wife of the entrepreneur Evgeny Trinoin, the marriage with which was very quickly broken. After the divorce, former spouses retained friendly relations, because they had a joint daughter Nastya.

Marina Blue and daughter

For the second time, the actress married Vadim Dolgachev's actor. The couple met in the years of work at the Sachirikon theater, and when Marina left there, their union broke up. The cause of the divorce was alcohol, Marina wanted her husband to succeed and sought something more, and his ordinary life was fully satisfied, he began to get involved in alcoholic beverages.

Marina Blue with a second husband

Then the third husband appeared in her personal life - Actor Anatoly White. It was a separate story in the biography of the actress. Marina Golub and Anatoly Beneched in 1995, their union for many became a surprise: the difference in the age, social status, demand in the profession. Evil languages ​​have repeatedly discussed that it was thanks to Marina White gained professional growth, he was invited to projects, films, and later he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia, after which he "switched" to the young designer Irina Moskvich.

Marina Blue and Anatoly White

After 10 years of marriage Marina Blue and Anatoly white divorced. There were no common children.

The latter love actresses became a businessman Mikhail Kravchenko. He conquered the marina with his almost Hollywood appearance and beautiful courtships: he liked to indulge his chosen, give her flowers and gifts. But the happiness of lovers was short-lived. Mikhail was shot directly at his own entrance. The customer of the murder did not find. The death of his beloved man soles the artist.

Car accident

In 2012, a car accident was happening in Moscow, in which a talented actress Marina Golube died. The date of her death is October 9, 2012.

On the way home in the car "Hyundai", in which Marina Grigorievna rushed, crashed into a "Cadillac", who spat on the red light. The actress and the driver "Hyundai" died on the spot.

Stock Foto Crash Marina Blue

As the eyewitnesses tell, the car accident was terrifying, at first glance it was clear that there was no victims. Only the next day, friends and fans actresses learned that she was in a terrible accident. Crossroads of Vernadsky Prospect and Lobachevsky Street became a mourning place for all lovers of her work.

Alexey Rusakov

The culprit of the accident, which caused the death of Marina Blue and her driver, escaped from the scene. Later Alexey Rusakov was detained by the police. The court sentenced Rusakov to 6.5 years in prison.

The grave of marina puzzles

On October 13, the coffin of the actress was installed on the main stage of the MHT named after Chekhov, so that everyone could say goodbye to Marina Golly. Later, by resolving relatives, she was cremated.

On October 18, 2012, the burial ceremony took place the burial actress. The funeral was held at the Troyeksov cemetery, Marina Golube's grave is on the Alley of Actors.


  • "Peter's Youth"
  • "Citizen Lyoshka"
  • "Wedding"
  • "Bindube and King"
  • "Lyube Zone"
  • "Russian Waterville"
  • "Russian Amazons"
  • "At the corner of Patriarch-2"
  • "Drongo"

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