Ekaterina Klimova - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, husbands, actress, children, "instagram" 2021



Ekaterina Klimova - Russian actress of the theater and cinema, which is known as a performer of romance. The artist is called the personification of spring - it seems that time and circumstances are not dominated over it. She remains a loved one to the public, with no image attached to her. Catherine admits that he is glad when her films help the audience to change their lives for the better.

Childhood and youth

Catherine was born in Moscow on January 24, 1978 in the family of a housewife Svetlana Vladimirovna and free artist Alexander. A year after birth, the father's daughter was condemned for unintentional murder, and next time he saw Katu only after 12 years.

Children's years, the actress remembers with a smile. Games, development and maturity She associates with a sister by Vika, who took direct participation in nursing education. Girls together sent to the camp, small pranks like the first rounded cigarette in the kitchen sisters committed together.

As a child, Katya was not an exemplary student. The exact sciences for her were darkness, so the exams had to be slyly. Klimova managed to bribe teachers with chocolates, flowers, and somewhere just a good word. In the team, the girl was more than friendly. During trips to the camp, together with the Katya class, began to perform in theatrical productions. Since then, a dream about a big scene originated.

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As Catherine later recalled in a conversation with the TV presenter of the "Fate of Man" program by Boris Korchevnikov, the father after returning home was able to find a common language with daughters, and the restless character of Kati told hard methods, for which the actress is grateful to him. In 2010, six months after the celebration of the 60th anniversary, the man died suddenly. Alexandra Klimov broke off the thrombus.

After school, the dream began to gradually exercise when Klimova entered the Schepkin School, which graduated in 1999 with a red diploma. The actress recalled in an interview, which then felt in his native environment.

At the final exam, Ekaterina Klimova got a role in the production of "romance". The girl performed in an old dress, which was long dust in the covers of the Small Theater. The actress decided that he would not be able to go out in such a dress, so he was reproving it at night and decorated with beads.


After studying in the Shchepkinsk school, Ekaterina Klimova went to the theater of the Russian army, where he immediately played Dzentemon in the play "Othello". For the work in the production, she was awarded the Prize "Crystal Rosa Viktor Roshov". In addition, Catherine was involved in the performances of "miser", "a lot of noise from nothing" and others.

The actress always paid attention to theatrical career. In 2014, she appeared in the production of Boeing Boeing, "Conspiracy in English" and "Master and Margarita" of theater of M. A. Bulgakov, where he played the main female role.

After 3 years, the artist shone on the stage of the Atelier Theater ("Independent Theater Project") in Love Letters on the play of the American playwright of the 20th century Albert Ramsdell, where Gosh Kutsenko spoke her partner. At one time, Catherine collaborated with the "Theater Company Sergey Vinogradov", and also participated in the theater projects of P. A. Stein.

In addition, the celebrity taught scenic speech and acting in the children's modeling agency, worked in advertising on radio and TV. Klimova starred in the video of Stas Mikhailov on the hit "Save me."

Her voice timbre appreciates many composers and director, so the songs performed by Klimova sound in many filmmakers and musicals. And the musical composition on the music of Ivan Burlyaeva, where the stars of the screen sounded, was used in the room of Tatiana Navka and Alexander Zhulin, which they set for the TV show "Ice Age. Cup of professionals. "


The first role of Catherine Klimova in the cinema in 2001 was Jeanne d'Albre in the film "The poisons, or the world history of poisoning" directed by Karen Shakhnazarov.

Then followed by a few more episodic roles in the tapes "Truckers" with Vladislav Galkin and Vladimir Gostyukhin, "Times are not chosen" with Anatoly Vasilyev and Alena Yakovleva, "Moscow windows", where the starting actress worked with Igor Petrenko.

Creative biography of Catherine Klimova survived an unprecedented jump after the release of the series "Poor Nastya". Peter Stein invited Peter Stein to Samples of the Multiserious Movie, which she played in the Oscar film. Klimov immediately approved the role of Natasha Repnina, the character of which caused the warmest emotions from the viewers. Dmitry Isaev, Elena Korikov, Daniel of fears also starred in the film.

The unconditional success of historical telenovella, which was broadcast in 34 countries of the world, entailed a number of proposals in well-known projects. Ekaterina Alexandrovna was filmed in the series "Sins of Fathers", "My Prechistenka", "Kamenskaya", "Thunderstorm Gate".

The next round of the popularity of the actress received after the release of the screens of the fantastic film "We from the Future" with Danil Kozlovsky in the lead role. The proposal to participate in this picture of Klimov received from the director Andrei Malyukov, who later trusted Muscovite more than once again to play diverse characters in his projects.

In one interview, Ekaterina admitted that this is her favorite director. The film is notable also to the fact that Klimov performed the famous romance in the ribbon "for all thanks, good friend."

Later, the star film photography was replenished with a criminal drama "Once in Rostov", where Vladimir Vdovichekov and Kirill Pletnovev played the main roles, as well as the series "Mosgaz", "Dragon Syndrome".

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In 2012, the artist played in the historical drama "Match", the main characters of which were Sergey Bezrukov and Elizabeth Boyarskaya. Catherine Klimova took a secondary role here, with which she perfectly coped. The shooting of the film was held in Ukraine.

In 2014, the melodrama "Lovers" with the participation of the actress and other stars of the screen - Anton Khabarova was filmed, Ravshanki Kurkova and Darya Ekamasova. The film premiere was announced in the Evening Urgant program.

To reiterate his talent of the actress was able to in the film "Grigory R.", the role in which Klimova called the gift from the beloved director Andrei Igorevich Malyukov. Vladimir Mashkov, Ingeborg Dapkin and Andrei Smolyakov turned out to be partners in the shooting area.

Catherine is grateful to them for the work experience gained. Participation in this picture is noteworthy for the actress by the fact that for the first time she played a real person who existed in history. This is Anna Celebov's Freillus, who was hotly honored Grigory Rasputin.

Ekaterina Klimova and Kristen Uyig are similar

In May 2017, there was a premiere of the television series "According to the laws of military time", where Catherine performed the main female role of the investigator of the Dnipropetrovsk thro-Svetlana Elagina. Colleagues on the shooting area of ​​Klimova Steel Evgeny Volovenko, Maxim Drozd, Igor Petrurenko and others.

In the same year, the artist was involved in the series "You all take me!" and "Torgsin". And in December, the audience saw the star in the New Year's film "The Christmas Trees". Klimova performed the role of TV presenter Ksenia.

At the beginning of April 2018, the shooting of the last season of the TV series "Youth" began. The artist joined the acting in the role of the sports director of Bears Victoria Kashtanova, who set itself the goal of charm of exemplary family man of Sergei Makeev, Character of Denis Nikiforov.

Appearance of actress

According to Oksana magazine Fedorova Moda Topical Ekaterina Klimova is the most stylish actress of 2016. This edition honored the actress, the mother of four children, the awards "the most tender mother".

Klimova admits that the appearance in the profession actresses is very important. It looks great, not addressing the plastic operations and "beauty injections". The actress does not hide his beauty secrets from the public: she visits one cosmetologist for many years, several times a week goes to the pool, sailing a couple of kilometers.

Thanks to physical stress, her figure remains slim, which can be judged by the pictures in a swimsuit. With growth, 169 cm weight fluctuates in the range of 55-56 kg. In an interview with the actress shared that there is equally and sports in her life, and the diet is proper nutrition. And the star of the movie loves massage and Pilates.

The fans of the Russian star have long been told by the amazing similarity of Catherine Klimova and American actress Kristen Wig. Women not only similar features, but also prefer the same hairstyle, it is a loose shine of hair, and various haircuts with bangs or without.

Catherine has already loved the decorations, catchy outfits, precious stones. This affected both adult life. The actress is the official face of the Spanish Tous brand.

Personal life

Ekaterina Klimova has always attracted the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. From school age, her heart was inconspicuous. A young man, and later the first husband of Kati became Ilya Khoroshilov. The guy studied at the same school as the future actress. In his youth, he mastered a serious profession - jewelry, to which his father added.

The couple began to live separately from the parents. In 2002, the spouses were born daughter Elizabeth. Relations between Katya and Ilya lasted 12 years.

Couple failed to save the family: a new chosen one appeared in the life of Catherine. Later the former spouses remained friends, especially since Ilya married a friend Klimova - actress Elena Biryukova. The daughter's daughter was born in the new family. This event has become joyful news for Catherine.

Elizaveta Khoroshilova graduated from Lomonosov Private School - an elite educational institution. She is interested in landscaped design, playing the guitar, in high school he made his debut in the stage formulation "Decembrists: a feat in the name of love."

When Klimov was involved in the shooting of the series "Moscow windows", she played on the same platform with Igor Petrenko. Young people met in the school. Katya was older colleagues for a year. According to the scenario, the Heroes of Klimova and Petrenko had a serious novel that ended with a wedding.

The same thing happened in life. Klimova and Petrenko, playing love in the frame, fell in love with each other, but after the end of the filming, everyone returned to his second half. They were afraid of the feelings, being obliged to close and family.

A year later, everything turned over. Igor could not throw out Catherine from his head and eventually called. At that moment, the relationship with the spouse of the actress began to collapse. When Catherine's voice heard Petrenko's voice tube, I realized that without this, a man could no longer live.

A month later, the couple passed away, and soon Klimov and Petrenko got married. In marriage, the spouses gave birth to two beautiful sons, rooting and Matvey.

This Union lasted for 10 years, and in 2014, as if thunder among the clear sky, the news thundered: Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko officially issued a divorce. In fact, the family broke out in the summer of 2013. Some editions argued that the cause was the fleeting Roman Kati.

During the filming of the painting "Love in the Big City - 3" paparazzi found her in Los Angeles with the novel archup, the ex-soloist of the Chelsea Group. Ekaterina Klimova and the musician immediately stopped the relationship, but it did not save the family.

Later, in an interview, the celebrity asked for forgiveness from those who believed in their love with Igor and took an example from them. Petrenko in a conversation with a journalist laid a majority of responsibility for the divorce. Another man expressed the opinion that Ekaterina is better no wife and mother.

However, a man for a short time remained idle. Already in the winter of 2014, it became known that the young actress Kristina Brodskaya gave birth to Igor daughter, which was called Sofia-Carolina. September 19, 2016 Couple legalized the relationship. Artists not only got married, but also married. And on January 30, 2017, the spouses were born the second daughter.

For some time, Catherine managed to hide a personal life from prying eyes. However, rumors about the novel of the actress with the gel Mesha, who under 8 years old, penetrates the press. The couple met on the set of the series "Wolf Heart" in Lviv.

At first, Catherine did not pay attention to a high black-haired guy. But gela fell in love immediately. Mesha more than once claimed that he drowned in the green eyes of the future spouse. Moreover, there was a case when the actor specially played the scene with a kiss so that the director demands to revise the double. A young man worked beautifully, and Catherine surrendered.

Lovers refused to comment on the relationship, but in June 2015 the media reported that Ekaterina Klimov and Gela Moles got married. At that time, the actress was already pregnant with the fourth child. On 2 October 2015, Bella daughter appeared.

Later, the journalists found out that Gela did a sentence of a beloved 2 times: the first - in the midst of the Central Park of New York, and the second - on the Eiffel Tower.

For the first time, the spouses appeared together publicly only in June 2017 at the closure of the Moscow Film Festival. In the same year there were rumors that steam on the verge of divorce. But Katya and gela did not comment on such statements.

Interestingly, in 2016, Ekaterina Klimova, Gela Meshi and Igor Petrenko were filmed together in the criminal series called "Black Cat". The multi-sieuled film was removed in the criminal case of the Gang "Black Cat", wrapped in Moscow in 1950-1953. Igor fulfilled the role of captain of the police, and Gela is the leader of the gang. Catherine got the role of the former wife of Major Shein.

In the plot between Petrenko and Mesha there was a fight. Later, in an interview, Gela admitted that Ekaterina's former husband respected. The actor noted the professionalism of Igor and was glad to make a chance to work together with such an artist.

In 2019, the relationship of Meshi and Klimova approached the final: in May, the artist officially filed a divorce into the Khamovnic Citizen Court. The reason for the separation of Catherine called emotional burnout at work.

Klimova fans follow the favorite star in the Instagram social network. Woman often pleases fans with personal and working photos. Network users have repeatedly noted that the celebrity is managed to come into form after childbirth in record time.

Bali and Barcelona are beloved. An actress jumps with a parachute, flies on a paraglider, chasing a motorcycle. And this is not surprising: the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, under which Ekaterina was born, the love of adventures and experiments is peculiar.

Now the personal life of the climate is not available even for the most devoted fans. In April 2021, she appeared in a chic dress at a solemn event - the opening of the Moscow Film Festival. In the photos from this day, the mother of four children was alone, which indirectly confirms: the heart of the star is free.

Ekaterina Klimova now

In April 2021, a broadcast of the 4th season of the series "According to the laws of military time began on the first channel. Victory". The picture Klimov continued to develop the history of his character - the investigator Elagin. The director of the project this time was Sergey Vinogradov, who in an interview noted: the heroes of the tape are difficult to navigate in the post-war world, when everything was mixed and not clear where the enemies, and where friends.

Catherine Aleksandrovna is also involved in the production of the 5th part of the series, the patribution over which also took vinogradov. In addition, Klimova continues theatrical tour with the play "Master and Margarita".


  • 2001 - "Moscow windows"
  • 2003 - "And in the morning they woke up"
  • 2003-2004 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2006 - "Thunderstorm Gate"
  • 2008 - "We are from the Future"
  • 2010 - "We are from the future - 2"
  • 2012 - "Match"
  • 2013 - "Love in the Big City - 3"
  • 2014 - "Wolf Sun"
  • 2014 - "Grigory R."
  • 2017 - "New Trees"
  • 2017-2020 - "According to the laws of wartime"
  • 2018 - "Molodezhka"
  • 2020 - "Actively search"
  • 2021 - "Red Hood. Mystery of the last Volkoboy "

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