Prokhor Shalyapin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Prokhor Shalyapin is a scandalous famous singer. The performer has good vocal data, but his name pops up much more often in the yellow press than in the list of music shows. The artist gave himself for his relative Fedor Chaliapina, married a wealthy lady aged and arranged a scandal with a DNA test. In addition, now nude vocalist photo sessions and its intimate pictures are constantly appearing in the network.

Childhood and youth

Prokhor Shalyapin (real name Andrei Andreevich Zakharenkov) was born in Volgograd on November 26, 1983. Father worked all his life by Stalevar, and his mother was a cook at the same factory, where the husband worked. When Prokhoru was 10 years old, his father first got into a psychiatric hospital, where she subsequently went to treatment.

In childhood, when the boy studied in a younger school, he already tied his life with music and seriously engaged in vocals. Also, the guy mastered the game on the bayan and sang in the city chore. After a time, Prokhor began to perform in the show group for children and adolescents "Jam".

In 1996, the young man wrote his first song called "Unreal Sleep", and after 3 years he participated in the musical show "Morning Star", where he took 3rd place. At the 15th age, Shalyapin went to conquer the capital. In Moscow, he entered the music school of Ippolitov-Ivanov, and in a few years he was in the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini.


In 2011, support for several familiar musicians contributed to the fact that the first album of Shalyapin "Magic Violin" was released. The audience did not appreciate the works of the singer, the debut plate was divided into relatives and relatives.

The popularity of Prokhor Shalyapin was overtook only after his participation in the selection of the "Star Factory - 6". Then the artist managed to conquer the judiciary and the audience and reach the final. During the competition, a young executor presented many bright numbers at the reporting concerts. One of them was a duet with "Empress" Irina Allegrova. The couple performed the hit "Say" from the repertoire of the artist. Soon the vocalist concluded a contract with producer Viktor Drobysh.

In collaboration with Dr. A musician created modern treatments for Russian folk songs and romances, which later became the main repertoire of the singer. They were a guy business card, which opened tour of tour. In many cities, Russia, they are gladly listened to how vocalist performs such compositions as "White Swan" or "Dubinushka".

In 2007, Tandem broke up, Shalyapin and Drobysh ceased after a series of scandals. Since 2008, the artist began shooting clips to his songs. The artist's repertoire began to be replenished with such hits as "beloved", "Ah, these black eyes" and others. In 2013, the discography of the artist was replenished with a legend plate.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the artist works a lot, constantly fueling the public with its creativity, the attention of the audience is more chained to the scandalous personal life of the Shatapin and his women. The first beloved performer became Alla Penyaeva, who possessed a million state. The woman helped the guy to enroll in the capital's university so that he received a higher education, and provided it with an apartment and car.

In 2013, Prokhor Shalyapin married a businesswoman Larisa Copenkina, which at that time was 52 years old. The novel was covered in many programs, among whom was "male / female", and the wedding became one of the most scandalous and loud in 2013. The family of the singer did not accept this marriage. In 2014 it became known that Prokhor Shalyapin and his wife were divorced.

During a marriage with Copenkina, Salapina had a novel with Anna Kalashnikova, who was already pregnant at that time. In March 2015, Salipina and Kalashnikova had a son of Danya. The couple often appeared on the Russian talk show, in particular, in the transfer "Let them say." Artists decided to legitimize the relationship, but because of numerous conflicts they did not work. In addition, it turned out that the son of Anna gave birth not from Prokhor.

In the same year, at the premiere of the film "Mafia", the singer was noticed in the company TV presenter Tatyana Sudets. The couple did not hesitate to photographers, posed on the cameras, which caused rumors about a possible romantic feeling that broke out between the guests of the premiere. However, these speculations did not find confirmation.

In search of the bride, Prokhor appealed to television. Andrei Malakhov even helped the showman organize a television show on the first channel, which was called the "Bride for Shatapin Prokhor". Long static handsome man (its growth is 197 cm, and the weight is 77 kg) in bachelors did not sit. In November 2017, the Contractor revealed the identity of the new Beloved. She turned out to be Tatyana Gudseva - the lady is not media, far from show business.

The couple repeatedly became a guest of the rating television show. Lovers and on the program "In fact," where the real age of the bride and a number of other facts of its biography were found out. But this information did not affect the feelings of the artist. Later, the missing people began between young people, which they also chose to find out using a lie detector. It turned out that Prokhor and Tatiana change each other.

In April 2018, a secular society began to discuss the novel between Prokhor and the former wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - Pianist Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The actor supported the woman during the scandalous divorce, and after was noticed in her company.

Now the couple is still together and demonstrates the perfect union. Both are thinking about children, but the marriage to register is not in a hurry. Together, Prokhor and Vitamin took part in the program "The Secret of Million", where they shared with TV presenter of the Kudryavtseva and the public with their feelings.

The alliance with Vitalina turned out to be fruitful and in creative plan. In 2018, the pair presented the song "I will no longer". In the same year, the artist was invited to the role of the TV presenter of weather forecast on the NTV channel. Chaliapin also participated in the TV file "five per one." Prokhor's concerts were held in the capital and other cities of the country.

In May 2019, Shalyapin and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya gave a joint concert on the playground of the cinema at home, as well as recorded a new track "People from the Screen". 2019 brought a new title to Prokhor Shalyapin. The musician fell into the top 100 most stylish Russians. In September, a couple visited several theatrical performances, including the play "for two hares" with the hope of Babkina, which the performer shared with fans in "Instagram". However, in November, the pianist and singer declared parting.

In 2020, the buddy of Shalyapin, the photographer Viktor Pankratyev said that 10 years ago, the singer had a rapid romance with a popular actress of Soviet cinema Svetlana Svetlynaya. At that time, the difference between the in love was half a century. According to Pankratyev, during this period, the actress has changed very much, it looked, began to wear a mini and make a bright makeup.

In the proof of this, joint photos of the ladies with Prokhorom appeared on the network. When these "confessions" became known to the Svetlynaya himself, the performer stated in an interview that it was just rumors. Immediately Svetlana Afanasyevna remembered Vitalyna Tsymbalyuk, saying that the former wife of Armen Gigarhahanyan and Shalyapin - "One Plan".

Prokhor Shalyapin now

In 2020, Prokhor did not cease to be a frequent Tok Show guest. In November, the program "In fact" appeared an unusual guest - the saleswoman from Ivanovo, Victoria Timofeyev. The lady told that for several years there was a mistress of the singer. The couple met in the city of Brides, where the artist came with a concert. There was a mutual attraction between them. And soon the artist invited the beloved to move to Moscow, took the apartment for her and helped materially.

Victoria, according to her, closed his eyes on the connection of Shalyapin with the rich lady - Prokhor convinced that these relationship was not serious for money. But when it became known about the pregnancy of Timofeeva, the singer drove her from removable housing. The future mother agreed to do a DNA test to prove the fatherhood of the "seducer." The artist himself did not comment on this situation. At the beginning of the year, journalists learned that he had a new cardiac hobby - a millionaire from Canada, Tatiana Davis.

On the ether of the Star Program, the singer admitted that he could not forgive his father even after his death. The artist reported that he still remembers how he and his mother had to run away from the snow from an aggressive parent, who rushed to them with a knife. During the funeral, Father Prokhor did not feel pain of loss. In the same program, the singer told about the cousin, which encroached on his apartment. In the fall, the fans saw the artist by the participant of the exciting show "Full Blackout", leading Sergey Svetlakov.


  • 2005 - "Magic Violin"
  • 2013 - "Legend"

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