Alexander Tscalo - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Wife, Growth, Lolita Milyavskaya, Darina Erwin 2021



Alexander Tsekalo is a popular Russian showman with multifaceted creative abilities. Bright career producer and the lead made it one of the most famous representatives of show business in Russia. And the events from his personal life and today regularly appear in news publics.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Evgenievich Tsekalo in Kiev in Kiev on March 22, 1961 in the family of engineers of the thermal power industry. Alexandra has an elder brother Victor, who also went on the acting path. The future artist in a local school with an in-depth study of foreign languages ​​was studied. From early childhood, Sasha dreamed of becoming a star of television. In school years, artistic abilities developed, participated in the competitions of artistic amateur activities, played in performances and productions.

In addition, the artistic Alexander studied at the music school game on the piano and the six-string guitar. In the high school classes, Sasha created the first musical team "It", the repertoire of which was based primarily on the hits of the popular Western groups "Slade" and "Beatles".

Having received a certificate of secondary education in 1978, Alexander on the advice of parents entered the Leningrad Institute of Technology, at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Paper Industry. Simultaneously with school, Sasha worked in the Kiev chemical laboratory with a fitter and worked as an illuminator and an employee of the scene in the pop theater of the native city of Kiev.


In his youth, Alexander Tsekalo created the artistic quartet "Hat", during the bright performances of which the extraordinary abilities of His and the remaining participants of the team noticed the teachers of the Kiev Circus School. All members of the team without entrance exams were enrolled immediately to the second course. In 1985, the participants of the "hats" graduated from the school and were redirected to work in the Odessa cultural department as part of the quartet.

The first well-known project called Cabaret Duet "Academy" Alexander Tsecalo and Lolita Milyavskaya created at the end of 1985. Upon arrival in Moscow, young artists awaited light disappointment, but the purposefulness and assertiveness of Alexander and Lolita allowed young artists not to break from harsh metropolitan tests and to resist on television.

The Academy managed to win the arrangement of the audience by humor and positive energy. One way out of musicians on the scene caused a smile - High Lolita and Alexander with an increase in 167 cm reminded the vocal ensemble "Sonny and Cher", who gamed fame in the 60-70s in the United States.

Artists thoroughly prepared each number, inventing real theatrical rooms not just with dance, but with the participation of actors. As a result, in 1988, Tsecalo and Milyavskaya debuted on television in the "Disco Sergei Minaev". During the 90s, the musicians pleased the fans with bright clips on the hits "Want, but silent," "When the husband went for a beer," "Doggi", "Moskau". For the performance of songs "I was offended" and "Tu-Tu-Tu" duet was awarded the Golden Gramophone award.

Fifteen years duet toured in the country, pleased with the audience and fans with satirical numbers. Critics and fans noted that many rooms were born right on stage, in the process of improvisation. During these years, seven albums were released, among which "hot dancing", "you want, but silent", "Wedding", "Tu-Tu-Tu-on-on".

In 2000, the Group broke up, but the songs of the Academy remained in the hearts of millions of fans. Six years later, Milyavskaya and Tsekalo again united, but already as TV presenter Show "Two Stars" on the "First Channel".


Coming out of the musical team, Alexander Evgenievich took up a solo career, choosing another vector creative biography. The artist has become TV presenter popular television programs. Along with this, Tsekalo became the producer of the famous Russian musicals "12 chairs" and "Nord-Ost" on the novel of the Russian writer and the playwright of Veniamine Cavery.

In 2006, Alexander Tsekalo was invited to work as leading to the "Channel" television projects "two stars", "big difference", "Minute of Glory", "ProjectorParisHilton", "Mind games". Its partners in the area in television projects became Ivan Urgant, Nonna Grishaeva and other famous personalities of Russian television.

Alexander Tsekalo in the ProjectorParisHilton program

In 2007, Showman took the post of general producer and deputy director of the First Channel on special projects. A year later, Alexander Evgenievich was removed from his position in connection with the reorganization of the guide structure of the directorate of the TV channel, but the artist continued to work the leading television programs.

At the same time, the star of Russian television repeatedly manifested itself in the creation of performances for the Festival "Kinotavr", was the organizer of the creative evenings of the composer of Igor Cool, concerts of Singers Alsu and Angelica Varum. Today, in the account of the TV host, producer and the showman, dozens of television projects for which Tsecalo repeatedly received the "Ovation" award, "Profi", "Star" and "Golden Gramophone".


In addition to a successful career as a producer and TV host popular projects, Alexander Evgenievich Zekalo starred in several films. In the Kinineomedy "Lily of Silver," where his partner was made by the legendary Russian comedian Yuri Stoyanov, Tsekalo played the role of producer Bolotov. The pressing of the story was based on the story, told by Bernard Shaw in the Piigmalion play.

Later, in 2004, Alexander Evgenievich played a secondary role in the Russian television series "Special Forces in Russian 2". At the same time, Tsekalo voiced several characters of foreign cartoons. The voice of the artist says Giraffe Melman from the Madagascar cartoon and Pingguin Reggie from the full-length animation film "Catch the Wave".

Despite the high assessment of the talent of Talent, the audience, Alexander Evgenievich himself does not consider himself a talented actor, so tries to pay cinematography at least time. He notes that the production of TV projects, where he acts as a specialist at all stages of the process has become a viability for him.

The first producest film projects were the comedy "Radio Day" and "What Men's Day", which included participants of the Quartet and Rostislav Khait, Leonid Baraz, Camille Larin, Alexander Demidov.

The television series "Reverse side of the moon" of the director of Alexander Cotta, in which Pavel Derevko played the main character was played by the television series. High ratings of the first part of the series allowed the creators to remove the second part three years later.

In addition to producing, Cequo continued to appear in the frame. One of the works in the movie was the role of the murderer in the series "Method". The crime of the hero of Alexander Tsekalo masterfully opened the investigator Rodion Meglin (Konstantin Khabensky) and his young navigation (Paulina Andreeva).

One of the high-profile projects of 2013 was a criminal film with elements of the erotica "Saransch", who also produced Alexander Tsecalo. The premiere of the picture, the main roles in which Pyotr Fedorov and Paulina Andreeva, took place at the Moscow International Film Festival. The TV series "Major" with Paul became a loud statement of Cequal on television.

In 2015, the release of the dramatic saga "FARTA" was followed, to which Alexander Evgenievich also wrote a script. Film crims and creators of successful TV projects after the premiere highly appreciated the potential of the picture, noting the name of the reaches of the original guarantee of the quality of the future project. Not passed by the viewer and became the favorite tapes "Klim", "Drops", "Chip".

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In 2017, a promising trilogy was launched on the life of the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, when creating elements of a detective and a mystical thriller.

On August 31, the first part of the film "Gogol was published on the screens. The beginning, "in which the stars of the Russian screen were starred - Alexander Petrov, Oleg Menshikov, Evgeny Stychkin, Taisiya Vilkova. The film received recognition from the public. Premiere of the second part "Gogol. Enchanted place "took place in October of the same year. Later on the screens came the continuation of the film - "Gogol. Viy "and" Gogol. Terrible revenge.

Personal life

As with all celebrities and stars of show business, Alexander Tsecalo's personal life became the topic that the producer itself tries not to spread. Thanks to his peculiar attractiveness and ability to tend themselves in society, the showman enjoys a great success in representatives of the fine sex, despite the complex and severe character.

Alexander Tsekalo's first wife was a colleague in the Quartet "Hat" Alena Schiferman. Couple broke through a year of living together.

The second spouse Artist and Showman became Lolita Milyavskaya, with which Alexander Evgenievich lived in a happy marriage for ten years. But the daughter of Eva, who was born when the relationship of the spouses was legalized, was not his native cigal. Lolita confirmed that her husband knew about this fact.

After a loud divorce with Lolita Milyavskaya producer and showman, a long time was in civil relations with Yana Samoilova, which he met at the international competition "Eurovision" at the end of 2000. After parting with Samoilova, Alexander Evgenievich began to change women, every time appearing in society under his arm with a new chosen.

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In 2008, Alexander Tsekalo fascinated and conquered his native sister of the popular singer of Faith Brezhneva - Victoria Galushka, with which a popular TV presenter and producer decided to enter into an official marriage. The pair grows the daughter of Sasha and the son of Mikhail.

In the spring of 2017, rumors appeared that Alexander Tsecalo once again became the Father. Despite the fact that the producer officially did not comment on the appearance of the baby, in many photos of Victoria Galushki in the "Instagram" faith of Brezhnev, users saw obvious signs of pregnancy. And the network has information that the girl stands in taking into account the pregnancy in the Lapino elite clinic.

At the end of 2018, Alexander Tsekalo got into the center of the scandal. In the Italian restaurant in the center of Moscow, the producer rested with his friends and did not hesitate to demonstrate the feelings for a brunette named Darina Erwin. Tsekalo embraced and kissed the girl, and in the interruptions whispering with her and kissed his hands. In January 2019, Alexander Evgenievich put all the points over "I". The showman said that he had long been divorced from Victoria, because the mistress was wrong to call Darin. According to Tsekalo, he intends to marry a new choices.

In March 2019, it became known that Tsekalo and Erwin were secretly married. Darina became the fourth spouse showman. In a new marriage, the life of the celebrity has changed cool. He began to eat right and threw the weight well. In an interview, a happy spouse reported that I forgot about harmful food. Producer became a frequent guest in gym and swimming pools. And Alexander Evgenievich has not badly adjusted knowledge of English - according to his wife, they communicate with each other in English.

Such care for health was not superfluous: both spouses dream of the birth of a child. True, until attempts turned out to be successful.

Alexander Tsecalo now

The arranged personal life had a positive effect on and without a successful producer career. His company "Wednesday", as it became known in 2021, concluded a three-year agreement with IVI. Under the terms of the contract, Cequo should produce for the service of 8 projects annually - any genre.

And in June, Russian television viewers saw the next masterpiece Cequo - the adventure drama "Bender: the beginning." Sergey Bezrukov played the main character in the film about the mentor of the "Great Combinator". Alexander Evgenievich also pleased fans by the appearance in the frame, the truth in the episodic role.


  • 2008 - "Radio Day"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2011 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2012 - "Zolushka"
  • 2014 - "In sports only girls"
  • 2014 - "Major"
  • 2015 - "Sarancha"
  • 2015 - "Translator"
  • 2016 - "Klim"
  • 2017 - "Gogol. Start"
  • 2017 - "House of Porcelain"
  • 2017 - "Trotsky"
  • 2018 - "Gogol. Viy "
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"
  • 2021 - "Bender: Start"

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