Maria Kravchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, Comedy Woman 2021



The KVN and the comedy woman's humorous show Comedy Woman Maria Kravchenko seems to be born in order to merry people and raise them mood. Its sparkling jokes and reincarnation in the "Ponte Girl" so bought to the image of Masha, which is differently not perceived.

Childhood and youth

Maria Kravchenko was born in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the frosty January 1985. There was no artist in the family of future artist artist. To the theater and cinema, none of the parents or relatives had a relationship. Dad worked at the school of physical education teacher, mother - technologist at the textile factory. In the provincial city, which was famous for the industry, few young people dreamed of becoming an actor. Not dreamed of this and Kravchenko. Although it is worth noting that Masha grew up a creative and artistic child.

Maria Kravchenko before and after plastic

Parents noticed and took her daughter to music school. But it would be not true to say that Masha adored music lessons. She mastered the game on the piano, but did not dream of the whole further life to sort out the keys and participate in the academic concerts of Philharmonic. Therefore, the girl continued to search for himself in another direction. She undertook to study foreign languages, planning that he would become a teacher of English.

After graduation, she went to the capital. Maria did not escape the temptation to try to enroll in the theater university, but failed at the exams. In order not to return home and not to waste time, she, as she planned earlier, went to the introductory to the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys at the Pedagogical Faculty, where he received a higher education. Soon after, Kravchenko entered Moscow Financial and Law University ("Advertising and PR").

Personal life

The image of "Gopnitsa", which the train reached out for Maria in real life, played a cruel joke with her. The same guys began to be gathered around her, for which "Bloomy Romance" was close and native. But the girl's intelligent and differ from the on-screen heroine about other men with whom there is something to talk about, you can go to the museum or theater. But there was no such next.

At one time, Mary Kravchenko remained unsettled. In search of happiness and second half, the girl even went to the project "Let's get married." But the guy, at first glance, what Masha dreamed about, in real life turned out to be different.

And yet the artist waited for her narrowed. In early 2015, fans spoke about the pregnancy of Masha. And in the spring of the same year it became known that Maria Kravchenko became a mom. She gave birth to a daughter from the producer of Konstantin Zolotarev, who removed his wife in the project "Women against Men." Previously, creative people were familiar to the KVN games, but there they were shared by almost a whole generation of players: the future husband of Mary is 9 years old and perceived by the club's veteran.

The proposal of the hand and heart man did in Cuba, where he flew after Maria, secretly from her. Early in the morning, Konstantin called the beloved room, which was already on 5 months of pregnancy. The groom touchingly stood on one knee and presented a dedication ring with a diamond and a harvested bouquet.

For Zolotarev marriage with Kravchenko second. From his first two children - Barbara and Sofia. In marriage with Masha, a third daughter was born, named Victoria. In "Instagram", Maria Kravchenko immediately after the birth of the firstborn laid out a photo of a cot newborn. Later, the girl was baptized in the Orthodox church, the godfather of Victoria became a friend and colleague Maria Ekaterina Varnaba.


Already during the study, Maria met Catherine Varnava, familiar today, all and every star "Comedy Wumen". Girls brought a great sense of humor and the desire to realize themselves. After several rehearsals, Kravchenko and Varnabaw appeared on the institute scene.

Together, they played comic miniatures who liked a fun student brethren. Soon, a few more female students joined friends. At one moment, the girls understood that this is a fun community nothing else like the finished women's team KVN. For a shorttenance, it was called "MISIS". However, not all team participants turned out to be as talented as Maria Kravchenko and Katya Varnaba. Perhaps therefore the women's team of the club cheerful and resourceful did not gain fame and loud successes. The girls participated in several festivals and KVN forums, but, without seeing prospects, they lost their past enthusiasm.

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In 2005, the "MISIS national team" began to decay. Mary Kravchenko and her faithful girlfriend did not agree with such a development. Girls decided that it was too early to put the point on the career of comedy artist, because everything was just beginning. Ideas and ideas were a lot. Therefore, Kravchenko and Varnava left the dilapidated team and joined the new KVN team "The team of small nations".

Under the auspices of the club of cheerful and resourceful Maria Kravchenko and her colleague received a new impulse. The girls began to perform at various festivals. Often, these were comedy scenes in which Nikolay Gigani and Renat Fathullin, team colleagues participated.

Creative biography of Maria Kravchenko began to turn new chapters. In 2005, Masha's debut on a large scene took place. "The team of small nations" spoke in the Premier League KVN. The team was waiting for success. The guys got to the final, but took only the 4th step.

Next year, Maria Kravchenko, together with the players, the teams again hit the screens of televisions: "The team of small nations" performed in the Higher League. But the first game turned out to be the last. The team repeated the sad story of the "Misius national team".

Artists failure only harden. They decided not to turn off the selected path. The girls joined another KVN team to the women's team "their secrets". At the Sochi Festival, the female "battalion" flew to the first speech. But Mary and her unchanged colleague in the asset were at that time 12 performances in various teams that KVN lovers saw on TV. The girls were recognized.

Comedy Woman.

In 2007, Maria Kravchenko, still in the ranks of the team "its secrets", tried the strength in the new comedic project Made in Woman Natalia Epprican. Soon the show got a new name - Comedy Woman. It passed a little time, and the producers of the TNT channel drew on the comedy show. Debut "Comedy Wumen" on TNT took place in November 2008. From the first appearance of a humorous project on the screen, Kravchenko turned into his central person and the main heroine.

Having taken it scenic image of a broken girl, which knows the price, I liked everything and remembered. Masha was familiar with many representatives of this type still in her youth in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Therefore, the image created by it was surprisingly realistic. Kravchenko becomes the permanent participant of the "Comedy Woman".

Later, the actress replaced the image of the courtyard on the role of his wife, which constantly saw her husband. Her partner on comedy scenes was Oleg Vereshchagin. Together, they appeared in the miniatures "Temperature of her husband", "on guard of the child's sleep", "Winning in the lottery" and others.

In recent years, Maria Kravchenko joined the project fans by the appearance in the Supermarket of Love. As it turned out, Masha's musical education was still useful. Together with her, Ekaterina Baranova and Sysoeva's hope worked over the vocal numbers.

I tried Kravchenko my strength and on theatrical scene, fulfilling the role in the entrepreneurial play "Wedding". This formulation of the director Nina Chusova was built on the basis of the "Wedding" plays Mikhail Zoshchenko and the "strong feeling" of Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov. According to Mary, working on the same platform with professional actors, she realized that she had nothing to learn from the masters. In addition, their collective game clearly lost professional cavancers, the success of which always depends directly from the sense of partner.

Also, the performer had time to play in the "Angels on the Roof" layout with Catherine Walnava. The acting was supplemented by Evgeny Borodenko and Andrei Soskov. As a result, the audience revealed a touching lyrical story, in which eternal themes were presented through the prism of humor.

In 2019, Katya and Maria became the guests of the Humorous Show "Studio Soyuz". Together with the leaders, the participants of the popular KVN team from Tyumen, the artists passed several competitive tests, demonstrating the ability to solve musical rebuses and masterfully improvise.


Talent Actresses did not remain unnoticed by producers and high-quality film directions. In 2011, Maria played the Comedy "The Best Film 3D" Celebriti. In the main cast, the comedians of the TNT channel and the stars of the Russian screen were involved - Garik Harlamov, Alexander Baluyev, Mikhail Efremov, Valentin Smirnitsky.

In 2015, the filmography of the performer was replenished with a new project, in which Maria made his debut in the lead role. She reincarnated into the heroine Sonya in the comedy Tair Mamedov "Women against Men" about three couples of newlyweds who managed to quarrel with each other during a joint wedding trip.

In the film, in addition to Kravchenko and Roman Yunusov, who played her heroine her heroine, starred Alexander Golovin, Denis Kosyakov, Nastasya Samburskaya, Natalia Rudova. After 2 years, the filming of the second film of the franchise "Women against Men: Crimean Vacation" ended.

Maria Kravchenko now

At the end of 2019, rumors appeared in the press on the closure of the "Comedy Woman", which was confirmed in a few months. The reason for the completion of the work of the popular female show has become low ratings. For the participants of the team, this news has become unexpected and shocking.

In addition, in the context of the proliferation of coronavirus, touring activities was limited. However, in the current situation, Maria was not confused and continued to discover new creative horizons and the verge of acting profession. The performer managed to fill the gap of youth - the lack of professional theater education.

In 2020, Maria continued to be improved in the acting sphere. In October, Kravchenko posted his photo in the "Instagram" with the Diploma of the Theater Institute. Boris Schukina. During the pandemic period, the exams took place through Zoom. In an interview, Maria admitted that he was considered "old" on the course, so in the graduation play "Children of Arbat" on the work of Anatoly Rybakov received the role of Sofia Aleksandrovna Pankratova, Mom of the main character.

During the training, Kravchenko revealed the talent of the plastic actress. In the same month, she became a guest of the Tatiana Ustinova's program "My hero". In the program, the performer shared with the audience the secrets of the biography, working on television, in the theater, told about colleagues from "Comedy Wumen", about personal life.


  • 2011 - "The best movie 3D"
  • 2015 - "Women against Men"
  • 2018 - "Women against Men 2: Crimean Vacations"

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