Alexander Golovin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Daria Melnikova, Films, "Instagram", Age 2021



Alexander Golovin is a Russian actor who worked in different roles, but I remembered the audience as a charming cadet from the pleiades of the series. An intelligent and a nice character gathered an army of fans thanks to a good-natured smile, instiving confidence. But in life, Alexander sometimes falls in situations that make fans think about the moral qualities of the idol.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Pavlovich was born in the Czech city of Brno, where the father of the child, a military pilot, sent the service. The mother was a housewife and was engaged in the education of Sasha and the older sister Evgenia. After the Father resigned, the heads of the head returned to Moscow to open a small shopping store in the capital.

The acting biography of Alexander began by chance. Mother decided to record Sister Sister at the School of Models of Glory Zaitsev, but the son thus stunned to casting and his. Brother and sister were credited to study, where Golovin noted Andrei Belkin, the artist of the theater "Contemporary", who taught the skill of reincarnation. A sensitive teacher and a professional helped the boy to reveal the talent to the fullest.

First work and "Cadet"

The first acting head of the head was filmed in the Nike Borzov "three words". By that time, Sasha reached 10 years. It is worth noting that later the star of screens will not appear in music videos. Among the performers who invited Alexander, Mika Newton and DJ SMASH mean.

Two years later, Sasha received an episodic role in the film "Palenitsa Liar" Vitaly Moskalenko, where celebrities were filmed in the foreground, as Sergey Bezrukov, Anna Samokhin and Igor Yasulovich. Comedy gathered mixed reviews. On the site "Kinopoisk" Rating tapes amounted to 5 balls out of 10.

The next stage was the key image in the painting "Lord of Lizad", where the child played the little cadet of the maritime school Vanya. Blond-haired little growth guinea conquered the audience. This work largely determined the future of the role of a young artist.

In 2002, the Golovin first starred in the humorous van of "Yelash", which was then broadcast on weekdays on the first channel. During the career, Alexander managed to play in 15 episodes of the project.

At the same time, the young actor, not going to stop at what has been achieved, I decided to try the forces on theatrical layouts. Alexander passed the samples in the children's troupe of the spectacular show "Nord-Ost" and entered the story as the first executor of the role of Sani Grigoriev as a child in the first Russian musical. Golovin, not engaged in professionally music, was surprised by vocal talents.

Now the theatrical experience of Alexander Golovina has more than a dozen performances, among which there are works on the reasons for already sensitive projects ("We play Elash", "Cadet Blues"), and the plays based on classical works (Decameron, "Viy") . The lack of profile education did not prevent the artist to collect ovations at the admiring hall.

And yet, Alexander admitted that he liked to shoot in the movie more than playing on stage. And the point is not in popularity. The ability to move the unsuccessful frame allows the actor to feel freely, experiment with reading characters or at least rest between the doubles. The theater requires constant voltage.

At the age of 15, Golovin received one of the main roles - Mikhail Obolensky in the patriotic multiserial tape "Cadets". The acquired role was developed in the hero of Makarov Makarov in a large-scale project "Cadet", which continued by the television series "Kremlin cadets". In addition, afterwards Alexander voiced this character in a computer game based on popular TV series.

The picture about the life of cadets was filmed in the present Suvorov School in Tver. As the actor claimed, the image of Cadet during the filming was so pleasant with him, which can be fully considered an alter-ego of the artist. Makarov's discharged with humor and charm made a character of a pet fan of the series.

Adult Career

However, the first serious cinema paper, according to the estimated critics, is considered to be the role of the bent of Konstantin Chernov, the cat in the dramatic militant Alexander Ataismian "Babes", filmed by the name of the same name Vladimir Cunin. At the shooting, Alexander fell by chance, thought she would not even have time for casting. But Sasha managed and passed samples, although the idea of ​​a historical film originally did not like the artist.

Young actors have been preparing for the surveys for a long time, have passed serious physical training. The guys learned to handle the weapons and received basic practical knowledge by extreme mountaineering. This allowed the performers to make most of the tricks on their own.

Nevertheless, the film was caused by many contradictory responses and complaints due to the provocativeness and free interpretation of historical material. With the fact that critics agreed that the heads played above all praise. For high skill, Alexander was honored by Kinonagrada "MTV-Russia" in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year."

Alexander Golovin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Daria Melnikova, Films,

A significant place in the filmography of the actor is assigned to comedies. Against the background of others, the cycle of New Year's humorous paintings "Christmas trees" is highlighted. Funny novels traditionally enjoyed success among Russians during the winter holidays.

In the TV series "Daddy's daughter", Alexander appeared in the controversial image of the computer science teacher, who during the broadcast tape managed to fall in love with two sisters Vasnetsov, Galina Sergeyevna (Elizabeth Arzamasov) and Masha (Miroslava Karpovich). The project, which published 20 seasons, paid attention to both musical accompaniment. Some compositions belong to such rock teams as Uma2RMan, "Bumblebees" and Akado.

Encouraged actor and on television. So, in 2011, Alexander learned the ballroom dancing in the popular program "Dancing with the stars", where the partner gumped was the TV presenter of the "House-2" show Ksenia Borodin.

In 2014, Alexander depicted the Nationalist of Vadik in the film "Ch / B". Alexey Chadov, incarnating in one of the key characters, in an interview with the online newspaper Ridus explained that the tape was aimed at strengthening the ties between nations within the country, which is necessary, since the Russians live "on the eve of the Third World War".

In 2015, Sasha appeared in the foreground in the comedy "Women against Men". In the plot, the love of three school pairs turned into three weddings, followed by a trip to Cuba. But on the very first day of staying on vacation, the beloved collapsed. Sora has grown into a real floor war. The on-screen spouse Alexander Golovina played charming Natalia Rudov.

In the spring of 2016, Alexander tried out the image of Alexei Repnin in the Hero Military Drama. The main role in the picture was performed by Dima Bilan. Based on real events, the tape was created with the support of organizations such as the Foundation of St. Basil the Great and Ministry of Culture of Russia. Unfortunately, the film failed at the box office, having collected less than 102 million rubles. under the budget 222 million rubles.

In 2017, Alexander Golovin went to Central Asia for two weeks for filming at the local adventure comedy Welcome to Kyrgyzstan. The invited celebrity visited places as the picturesque lake of Issyk-Kul and the city of Karakol and Bishkek.

One of the central roles was performed by Sasha in the series "Rostov". The plot of the tape turned into the 20s of the last century. The multi-sieuled film tells about Ivan Kozyrev, in the former times - a regidvist, which manufactured in Rostov. But changes occur, and the young man returns to his hometown to bring up order.

The 2020th was marked for grubs with bright premieres. In an unusual for fans, the form of a truck driver appeared in the painting "Broken Mirror". Alexander was able to control cumbersome wagons, which was not at all embarrassed by an artist who had good driving skills.

However, in the Belarusian thriller "Spays Boys" the heads are not immediately recognizable. And the point is not in sliced ​​hair. According to the audience and critics, the film really turned out to be bloody. The degree from viewing increases and due to the fact that a terrible story is based on the real case that happened in Gomel in 2014.

Personal life

Golovin is not married, so actor fans regularly find out if Alexandra has a relationship and who is an artist girl. According to the artist, when popularity came, the family could not get used to the invasion of fans.

The low handsome man (height 173 cm) was loved by the young spectators so much that the admirer found out the address of the idol and painted the entrance to the recognition in love. And the president of the "STS-Media", Alexander Radniansky even demanded a gauge number. Therefore, Sasha had to change the phone several times a year.

During the "Cadet" epic, Alexander was confirmed in an interview, which never fell in love. For the sake of fair, it is worth saying that the time for the relationship of a young artist at that time was not. Therefore, the most difficult turned out to play a romantic relationship. The guy made friends with a partner on the series Elena Zakharova, but the love of speech did not go. In the late conversations with the press head, on the contrary, began to call himself very in love.

Alexander was often attributed to the connection with his colleagues. For example, the press was shuffled about the novel with Leroy Kozlova, which for some time spent partner Sasha on shooting in advertising of expensive jewelry, and with Linda Tabagari. There were rumors about the secret relationship with Darya Melnikova. However, not completely groundless. In the late interview, Dasha admitted that he had long experienced an unrequited feelings for the groove that kept a girlfriend in strict Friend.

The end of 2018 was marked for an artist with a large scandal. Former Golovin Pasia, Belos Svetlana Belogurov, said he brings up her daughter from Sasha. Lovers met for some time in 2017. But, according to Belogurone, after Svetlana learned about what was in position, Alexander decided to put a point in the relationship.

Svetlana came to the esters of the federal channel show, told the story of the novel with the actor and the birth of the daughter of Olivia. And besides, I turned to a lawyer and a secular Lioness Kate Gordon to oblige a child to oblige a child. In June 2019, the court recognized the paternity of Alexander and obliged to pay the mother's mother alimony. True, later the Star Lawyers were able to reduce the amount of payments from 200 thousand rubles. up to 2 minimumts per month.

But with those whom the head considers the family, the artist has a warm relationship. Sasha is close to her mother, which gives advice and helps to keep budget. Alexander is friends and with a sister, and the niece calls the sun and does not make souls in the baby.

For the personal life and creativity of the celebrity, fans are monitored on a personal head page in "Instagram". So, on March 25, 2021, Alexander created an excitement, posing a romantic photo with a mysterious stranger, whose face did not fall into the frame. A number of media noted that the girl is like an actress Alexander Sobotovskaya (Popov).

Alexander Golovin now

Golovin is in demand in the profession, regularly participates in new projects. But in the summer of 2021, Alexander's name fell into tabloids, not because of creative success. The fact is that his colleague Daria Mityicashvili accused a star in sexual harassment.

Mityicashvili reported an incident that occurred in the Moscow Bar, on social networks and wrote a statement to the police. However, the representative of the actor Anna Starodamova explained the fifth channel that a little-known performer decided to reconeach at the expense of glory of the head.


  • 2001 - "Lady Lizad"
  • 2006 - "Babes"
  • 2010 - "Christmas trees"
  • 2011 - "Treets 2"
  • 2013 - "Treets 3"
  • 2014 - "In sports only girls"
  • 2014 - "Christmas trees 1914"
  • 2016 - "Hero"
  • 2016 - "Christmas trees 5"
  • 2017 - "Grail"
  • 2018 - "Women Against Men: Crimean Vacations"
  • 2018 - "In sports only girls"
  • 2018 - "Oracle: Game in Dark"
  • 2019 - Rostov
  • 2020 - "Forbidden zone"
  • 2020 - "Broken Mirror"
  • 2020 - "Spays Boys"

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