Denis Kosyakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Denis Kosyakov, Films, Twitter, TV series 2021



Denis Kosyakov - theater and film actor, a recognized humorist, screenwriter, producer, winner of the first season of the show "Laughter without Rules". The general public is known for comedy serials. Now, in addition, he actively leads his own Youtyub Channel.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born in Zelenograd on May 1, 1984, on the day of the solidarity of the workers. Being small, even thought that the parades were in honor of his birthday. Denis was brought up in a family, far from show business, Olga Aleshkin's mother worked as a nurse, and the father of Gennady Kosyakov - Agronom.

In the elementary classes, the future humorist studied on some fives, but then the schoolchildren began problems with behavior: jokes and draws of Denis regularly led to torn lessons, and his mother was often called to school for "preventive conversations." Fortunately, a relative believed to the sages of the son of philosophically and did not strongly scold the boy. Parents tried several times to give him to sports sections, but the young perturbator of calm a long time was held there. As a child, he read a lot and walked into a literary circle.

And from 11 years old, Denis began to attend the Zelenograd Theater Studio. Already in the last school classes, the student finally realized his acting calling. After receiving secondary education, the young man entered the MHAT School Studio. But after four months he was expelled, as Kosyakov says, for eternal deals. But it did not stop him. Soon, Denis decided to try his hand in the Schukinsky school, where his mentor was the actor Yuri Sllykov.


For the first time, the audience saw Kosyakov not as an actor, but as a humorist. Like many popular comedians, the creative biography of a young man began with the "club cheerful and resourceful". In the student of Denis, a long time was held by the captain of the Zelenograd team KVN "UO".

In 2007, he first tried himself as Standap-comic, performing in "Comedy Club" with copyright miniatures. At the same time, he took part in the show "Laughter without Rules", where in the end won a unconditional victory.

In the same year, Denis became a member of the humorous television show "Device League", where the acting charisma and an excellent feeling of artist allowed him to win the love of the public. Also, the Kosyakov-comic career contributed to participation in the programs "Comedy Battle" and "Deadly evening" on the TNT channel.

Over the next years, the actor has become in demand as a TV presenter. On the TV channel "Yu" he led the program "Ready for all" and "Teach Wife Steering". In 2017, the performer "was relocated" to TV-3, where he led to "be or not to be 2. The Russian Championship for TV series" and "Chernobyl. Discussion zone. Also, the comedian was leading on some tests in the "battle of psychics".

In 2016, Denis with other screen stars presented his culinary skills in the program "Put, if you can." The main figure showed the famous restaurant Dmitry Levitsky, and the judges are his colleagues and media person. In the 2020s, fans saw Kosyakov in the entertainment transmission "The case was in the evening." In the same year, the actor participated in the "weak link", where 3 rounds could pass.

The artist managed to appear in advertising - not only due to its popularity, but also an attractive appearance, an increase in 190 cm. The comedian was filmed in commercials of TWIX chocolate bars, MTS cellular operator and McDonalds restaurants. Kosyakov is the owner of the agency for organizing holidays - leads weddings, corporate parties and other solemn events.


In parallel with participation in humorous transmissions, the actor also went to castings in films or TV shows. For some time he was not lucky, and the samples were unsuccessfully or brought only very small roles. In 2005, a year before the end of the university, the Contractor received his first filmmaker in the tape "Soldiers 4" - Lesnik, who was accepted for Deserter.

For 3 years, Kosyakov managed to play in episodes in the top ten films and serials, among which "Balzakovsky age, or all the men ..." and "happy together". And one of the few major roles in the series "silent witness 2" was not remembered by the audience and did not receive recognition.

In 2008, the shooting of the series "Love around the area" started, where one of the key heroes got comic. Character Vanya, whom Denis played, "not working anywhere and does not even know how it is done." His partner on the ribbon was Calm Day Elena Tashaev. In 2011, the Actor has moved away from his humorous image. Kosyakov starred in the drama "Honey Love" and in the criminal detective "Moscow. Three stations. "

Yet the comedy genre of Denis did not let go. In his head there lived a lot of humorous ideas that he managed to realize in the project "Zaitsev + 1". The humorist became the author of the scenario of this humorous series. The multi-seater film was broadcast on the TNT channel from 2011 to 2014. The artist confessed himself in an interview that being a screenwriter for him is extremely interesting, but complex, "hell", work. The artist could play one of the main roles, but refused. Kosyakov appeared in the series only in episodes, but he played them brilliantly.

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In the series, the actor appeared in front of the audience as a careerist Igor. At first, the Hero of the humorist worked at the Zarnitsa cafe, and in the 2nd season - the seller in the shop of mobile phones "Sotonist". The main roles got Mikhail Galustane and Philip Kotov. A little later, Gerard Depardieu joined the acting.

In 2016, the comedian starred in the "Island" comedy project for the TNT channel. It was his second job, where Denis spoke as an author's script, and also became a creative producer. The picture ridiculed numerous television reality shows. According to the plot, the main characters are going to be filmed in such a program, but shipwreck.

Instead of participating in safe and verified tests, faced with the real nature. Many young people worked in the picture, but already extremely popular actors: Eugene Kulik, Janina Studilina, Irina Vilkova and others.

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The series was shot abroad: in Dominican Republic, Thailand and in Seychelles. Because of this, he became the most expensive multiserial project of the channel. March 8, 2018 started the 2nd season, which was met by the audience no less warmly than the first.

In 2015, a full-length film "Women Against Men" with Kosyakov was published. His colleagues on the set became Nastasya Samburskaya, Roman Yunusov, Alexander Golovin, Maria Kravchenko and Natalia Rudova. All of the same bright acting they starred in the continuation of this romantic, but funny story. The second part was called "Women against Men: Crimean Vacations."

In 2016, Denis took part in the filming of the movie "Classmates". But, despite the star cast (Svetlana Khodchenkova, Dmitry Khrustalev, Anton Makarsky, Olga Kuzmina), the picture was coldly gathered both by the audience and film critics. Kosyakov filmography has been replenished and the picture "Out". Thriller is an absolutely inconspicuous genre for the artist. In the picture with the actor, Ingrid Oerinskaya, Irina Antonenko and others appeared.

Personal life

Despite the popularity of the artist in the female half of the population, the personal life of Kosyakov is not pleased with the paparazzi scandals. Denis is an exemplary family man. In 2011, a wedding of humorist was held with the elected element named Elena, with which the actor was in relations for ten years.

A year after the marriage, the artist became dad. The son of Denis Kosyakov became the names of the father. No noisy scandals, a humorist with his wife, did not underpire, at least the press and fans about them are unknown. Even at the shooting of the "Island", Denis took the family with him. The actor's spouse quickly bored: the island was half uninhabited, and in the paradise corner there was nothing to do, but the little son was delighted. In July 2017, the artist became a father for the second time. Elena Actor gave birth to the second son, Dmitry Kosyakova.

In February 2018, Kosyakov became a victim of thieves. His cottage in the suburbs robbed. He said that the attackers penetrated the house through the window. Denis was not subject to home theater, audio systems, televisions in the kitchen, clothes and $ 2,000, which the spouse forgot in the bedside table. After the robbery, the damage from which was at least 300 thousand rubles, the shoals immediately set the alarm and hired private security.

The actor, in addition to participating in family life, raising children, actively leads accounts on social networks. He has a video blog on Yutubeub, where he most often makes films' reviews. Does not bypass the comedian side and paintings with your own participation. Denis does not hesitate to analyze his roles and easily recognizes the errors found. A regularly screenwriter replenishes photos and a video own account in "Instagram".

In 2019, being a passionate fan of "Top", the performer managed to realize the long-standing dream into reality - became the author of the board game based on the fantastic blockbuster "Avengers: the infinity war." The heroes of the Universe "Marvel" inspired her creation of the artist. And in the 2020th Niza Gams store, the Niza Gams store appeared video, captured Denis, Evgenia Bazhenova (Badcomedian) and other bloggers, "tested" "Cherberry".

Denis Kosyakov Now

In 2021, the comedian continued to please fans with new reviews on his Youtyub-Channel, analyzed new editions of KVN and mobile games. In March between Denis and the popular comic, the conflict broke out a conflict. The scandal broke out after the joke of Edward Matsaberidze about the unwillingness of Dolgopolov to go on the Manege Square to support the oppositionist Alexei Navalny - the Stenaper himself reported on Twitter.

Kosyakov I liked the joke that Alexander was angry - the comedian broke out with obscene Branju in the address of Denis and Eduard. The actor could not leave such insults without an answer and "spoke" on the net with an equally bright "speech", remembering the early conflict of Dolgopolov with Semyon Slepakov.


  • 2005 - "Soldiers 4"
  • 2008-2010 - "Love in the area"
  • 2011-2014 - "Zaitsev + 1"
  • 2011 - "Honey Love"
  • 2012 - "While the night will not separate"
  • 2014 - "fraternal bonds"
  • 2015 - "Women against Men"
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2018 - "Women Against Men: Crimean Vacations"
  • 2016-2018 - "Island"
  • 2018 - "Women Against Men: Crimean Vacations"
  • 2020 - "Perfect Family"


  • KVN
  • "Laughter without rules"
  • "Comedy club"
  • "Dead League"
  • "Comedy Battl"
  • "Deadly evening"
  • "Ready for all" and "Teaching wife to steer"
  • "The fight of extrasensories"

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