Natalia Surkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Natalia Surkov - Russian theater and film actress, deserved artist of Russia. About such as she say: "Real Talent!" And this is true: in every word and the movement of Natalia, professionalism is felt, love and respect for the audience.

Childhood and youth

Natalia was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the working family: the father worked at the factory, and the mother of work was often leaving for business trips to Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the time, the Surkov family was considered a prosperous, because the mother of frequent business trips brought foreign new clothes. The external well-being coupled with an attraction was envy and rejection of surrounding and peers.

The need for communicating and self-expression allowed Natalia early decide to become an actress. As a child, the girl loved to arrange ideas, which attracted friends, and the native and neighbors were supposed to be the audience.

After school, Natalia entered the Gorky theater School, where Valery Sokhonov and Riva Levite were becoming her teachers.

Personal life

The celebrity was married twice. In the first marriage with actor Konstantin Gershov in 1993 she had a daughter of Aglaya. The girl went in the footsteps of the parents and consists in the troupe of the Petersburg theater on the foundry. Mother very warmly responds about Aglaye:"I have such a good daughter !!! She is already a completely adult girl. Our profession - she assumes that you can sometimes see your daughter every day. Therefore, I try to pay attention to her at the maximum - I do not go on any parties, and if I go, I try to walk with her. I once walked a lot to such events, and now I realized that I would not see anything new there and that I would spend this day with my daughter, I'll sit at home with a book, I will walk with a dog, I'll see the movie someone. "

The second husband of Natalia Surkova also became her colleague on theatrical workshop Alexey Titkov. In this union, there were no common children from spouses.

Unfortunately, the second alliance also ended in divorce, and today the actress is not married. It leads a closed lifestyle, studying exclusively by creativity. Natalia Stanislavovna has no personal page with photos in "Instagram", so fans are difficult to learn news from her personal life.

Theater and films

Immediately after graduating from the university, Natalia began working as part of the troupe of the Cheboksary Theater. In his youth, she noticed her and invited the director Semyon Spivak on the stage of the young theater at Lenconcert. Surkov still does not understand that Semyon Yakovlevich saw in it.

The creative cooperation of the director and the actress began not so optimistic. Right during the rehearsals of the first play, Surkova "Tango" partners offered the director to remove Natalia with the role. But the Spika had enough patience to wait 3 months when the actress, according to her, "punched" and she revealed in all its glory.

Later were the roles of "killers" and "Pannochki" in the stations of the same name, Lucille in the "Promanin in the nobility" and the Countess de Sennaya in the Marquise de Garda. Joint work of a young actress and artistic director turned out to be long and fruitful.

Natalia Surkov began to film in 1986, simultaneously with the beginning of work in the young theater. The first work was the role in the musical film "That's this courtyard" about the inhabitants of Leningrad. In the same year, the artist appeared in the episode of the spy detective "End of the" Resident "operation," where she appeared in the form of Soviet young saleswomen. After the first film, the 12-year break was followed.

Even before gaining popularity, already in the 21st century, the actress starred in two famous directors. In 1998, he was lit in the famous TV series "Mentals" by Vladimir Bortko. The first full-length film, in which Surkov starred in 2000, was called "Gladiatrix" (in the English-language version - "Arena"). The picture was the debut work of Timur Bekmambetov.

The first significant noticeable work in the creative biography of Surkova was the role of fortune-tailed Zhanna in the Motheric film "Lines of Fate" (2003), which had a great success among the public. According to Valentina Talyzin, Irina Rosanova, Sergey Garmash, Konstantin Khabensky became partners of Natalia by the frame.

The audience recognition to Surkova came after the role of Anna in the Military Drama "His", filmed by the director Dmitry Meshiev in 2004. This picture was highly appreciated by critics and received dozens of awards: five nominations at the XXVI Moscow International Film Festival, Nika Prize, Golden Eagle, and Golden Aries Awards, and Golden Aries Awards, where Surkova's game was played.

To better feel the role, the actress before the start of filming, together with his daughter, lived among the villagers, performing all the usual hard work for them. Initially, there was a little chance to get the role of "Russian women" in insufficiently disturbed Surkova. However, Dmitry Mesheyev saw her as an Anna and demanded from the actress to score at least 8 kg. Natalia scored 24 kg. For the work in the film "Own" she received a prize of the guild of actors of the American cinema.

2005 brought the artist to participate in one Alka Military Drama on the pupils of the choreographic school who went to the front. Natalia got the role of Military Feldscher. And in the screening of Roman Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", which was undertaken by Vladimir Bortko, it appeared in the form of the secretary of Anna Richardovna. Alexander Galibin, Anna Kovalchuk, Oleg Basilashvili, Sergey Bezrukov, Vladislav Galkin, Alexander Abdulov, shone in the acting ensemble of the mystical series. In the melodrama "Princess and Beggar" Surkov, tried the role of the station homeless.

Another noticeable work of Natalia that time was the role of Catherine Great in the TV series "Favorit", for her, the actress received the prize of the film festival "Vivat, Movie Russia!" In the nomination "For the best female role." In the film, we were talking about the relationships of the Empress and Grigory Potemkin (Igor Botvin), with whom the queen decided to secret marriage.

Natalia Surkov in the role of Catherine the second

The celebrity is not afraid of experiments, so in the black comedy "7 cabins" took up the characteristic role of the heroine named Louk. The film gathered a star acting company: Christina Kuzmina, Alexey Barabash, Mikhail Evlanov, Fyodor Bondarchuk and Alexander Yatsenko. At the same time, the artist was transferred to the era of the Board of Nicholas II, which was recreated in the TV series "Stolypin ... Nearby Lessons". Natalia embodied on the screen the image of the chairman of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

There was no critics and the role of Mother Shura in the film "One War". In 2009, Surkov was awarded the Prize of the Amur Autumn Film Festival in Blagoveshchensk. In 2010, the 2nd part of the military film "We from the Future" came out with her participation on the screens.

The Surkova filmography includes a number of rating paintings: "1814", "Musketeers Catherine" and "Brothers of the Karamazov". Natalia Stanislavovna starred in three films Nikita Mikhalkov: "12", "Burnt by the Sun: the upcoming" and "Sunflow".

The most noticeable work was to participate in the social drama "Fool" director Yuri Bykov, who came to the screens in 2014. Natalia played the role of the mayor of the provincial city. The film "Fool", called "the most evil and merciless film of the 2014th," reveals all the unsighteousness of the bureaucratic machine and the human indifference. The picture received the prizes of the Film Festival "Kinotavr", the European Cinema Film Festival in Grenoble, the Film Festival in Locarno, Nika Prize, and the "White Elephant" Guild of Kinovydov and film critics for the best female role of the second plan (Daria Moroz).

The year for Surkova turned out to be a harvest. The actress played Grigory Rasputin's wife in the series "Grigory R.", heroine Zoya in the melodrama "Long Way home." 2015 brought Natalia participation in the melodramatic comedy "Divorce at your own request", where she starred with Konstantin Yushkevich.

Natalia Surkov as Elizabeth Petrovna

Natalia Surkov in 2016 became the best actress of the second plan for the role of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in the TV series "Great". One of the most expensive projects in the history of Russian television and the first channel came to the country's screens at the end of 2015. Shot to the audience TV channel "Russia-1" was presented with a television film "Ekaterina". The role of Elizabeth Petrovna in it was performed by Julia Aug, which received a similar prize a year to Surkova.

It is possible that the choice of actresses was due to their external similarity. Together, actresses could be held in the "fool" - the role of the assistant to the urban chapter, which Surkov played, was proposed by AUG. However, after reading the script, Yulia recommended not to repeat the image of the city holder, and the director followed its advice.

In 2017, Natalia starred in four projects. The actress appeared in the rating series "Dr. Richter". In the tragicomedy "CARP frostbitten" performed the role of an employee of the registry office. The main roles (the elderly provincial and her son working in the capital in a prestigious position) were played by Marina Neelov and Yevgeny Mironov. Alice Freundlich also starred in the film.

In early 2018, the premiere of the fantastic film "Lachab of the debtor" took place, where Surkov reincarnated to the indict. Then the biographic film "Lev Yashin was released on the screens. Goalkeeper of my dreams ", in which the actress played a stepmother of a young football player.

In the same year, the premiere of the film "Two ticket home" took place. In it, the celebrity starred together with Evgeny Tkcholuk. Her heroine - Hell Petrovna. According to the plot, the main heroine Lyuba Vasnetsov is brought up in an orphanage and dreams once move to St. Petersburg and become a flight attendant. Ahead is a bright future. However, on the day of the graduation, the girl learns that she is not a round orphan: her father is alive. And the girl decides to find him.

Natalia Surkov now

In 2020, Natalia Surkov starred in several projects. Their first of them is the series "Bomb". In the center of the plot, a brilliant scientist Mikhail Rubin, who must accomplish the state of the state at any cost. The picture also starred Aglaya Tarasova and Evgenia BRIC.

In the 2nd season of the series "SIFR" Natalya Stanislavovna performed the role of Mother Kima, which was played in the first. The picture talks about how the life of girls from a special group has changed several years later.

Now the actress is engaged in shooting in several films and shows that the audience will see on the screens in 2021. "AISE" is a historic drama. She tells the story of the daughter of the Daughter of Circassian Prince Aisk, which was kidnapped by the Turks and sold into slavery, and after the French ambassador. Natalya Stanislavovna performed the role of a secondary character - Madame Bollingbrok.

"Ugryum River" - a new screen version of the novel Vyacheslav Shishkov. In the center of the plot - the family of thunder. Surkov tried out the image of Marean.

In the film "Roasted Chicken", the story is about the criminal world of St. Petersburg led by the thief in the law of Uncle Kolya. The actress appeared in the painting as a mother-in-law.


  • 1986 - "This is this courtyard again"
  • 1997-1998 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 2001 - Gladiatrix
  • 2004 - "His"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2005 - "Favorit"
  • 2007 - "12"
  • 2007 - "1814"
  • 2009 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2010 - "One War"
  • 2010 - "Tired by the Sun 2: the upcoming"
  • 2014 - "Sunflow"
  • 2014 - "Grigory R."
  • 2014 - "Fool"
  • 2015 - "Great"
  • 2017 - "CARP frostbitten"
  • 2017 - "Lachab of the debtor"
  • 2018 - "How I became Russian"
  • 2019 - "Ip Pirogova-2"
  • 2019 - "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams "
  • 2020 - "Bomb"
  • 2020 - "SIFR-2"

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