Julia Vysotskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, recipes, "Eat at home", Andrei Konchalovsky 2021



Julia Vysotskaya - Russian theater and film actress, popular TV presenter. However, the love of the general public she won not only for filmmakes, but also as a talented chef and the author of culinary books. Over time, the author's project "Eat at home!" turned into a brand, under which the actress produces telecast, books, and also founded a cafe network.

Childhood and youth

Julia was born in Novocherkassk. Her parents divorced when the girl was still small. Then the mother married the second time - so Yulia appeared the younger sister Inna.

Schi Yulia was a military and debt of the service often changed the place of residence. The childhood of the future actress passed in constant moving, she managed to live in Yerevan, Tbilisi and Baku. During study, Julia changed 7 schools.

As the actress says, she had plans to enter either theatrical faculty or legal to become the investigator. Solving not risking with Moscow universities, yesterday's graduate entered the Belarusian Academy of Arts in Minsk. Successful commissioning of entrance exams on the acting faculty predetermined the creative biography of Julia Vysotsky.

Films and theater

After graduating from the university, Julia was invited to play in the Belarusian National Academic Theater. Yankee Kupala. However, that the artist can officially take to work, it should have to have citizenship of Belarus. To solve this bureaucratic problem, Vysotsky concluded a fictitious marriage with a fellow students Anatoly Kotom.

In the Career Theater, Vysotskaya was successful. She played Monu in the play "Unnamed Star" and Madame Smith in the absurd stage "Bald singer". Equipment of the role of Alison in the play "Look in anger" was marked by a prize.

The first films where Vysotsky was filmed in youth, did not bring her popularity. The takeoff of a creative biography took place in 2002, when Julia starred in the film "Durakov House", whose director was a husband of actress Andrei Konchalovsky. She approached the preparation of the role of his character, a crazy girl Zhanna, extremely responsible. Julia attended a psychiatric hospital to better understand the fears and values ​​of their unusual heroine. These efforts were not in vain: at the Festival "Vivat, Movies of Russia!" The actress received an award in the nomination "For the Best Women's Role."

The actress is removed mainly in the films of the wife of Andrei Konchalovsky, but its filmography also includes the Drama "Max" directed by Maes and Tragicomedia "Soldier Decamer" Andrei Peskina.

Since 2004, Julia Vysotskaya plays in the Moscow Council theater. She performs roles in 3 classic plays Anton Chekhov: "Seagull", "Uncle Vanya" and "Three Sisters". Also in 2005 and 2009, played a major role in the play "Miss Jules", which was in the Moscow Dramatic Theater on the Small Bronnaya.

In 2007, the artist received a spouse "gloss" in the drama, the main role of the provincials of Gali, which comes to Moscow to conquer the world of fashion. The film was presented at the Kinotavr Film Festival, where he received a warm welcome. On the screen, in addition to Vysotsky, Irina Rosanova, Efim Shifrin, Alexey Serebryakov, Alexander Domogarov.

After the premiere of the film, Julia published the Gliana Book, written on the basis of the Scenario of Andrei Konchalovsky.

Julia Vysotskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, recipes,

According to the actress, she wanted to write a work in the genre of the Boulevard Woman, which women read in transport or in line to the hairdresser.

In early 2016, Vysotsky appeared in public with a short haircut. Even it was difficult to call it - the actress literally shaved sleep. As it turned out, she changed the hairstyle for the sake of the new role. Julia presented the chief character in the film "Paradise", the director of whom her husband spoke.

The action of the picture occurs during the Second World War, which explains such an unusual appearance of the actress. As Julia admitted to journalists, such a cardinal change of image at her age was not easy, she did not expect her to win. Having learned about this, it still remained faithful to the ideas of her husband and agreed to play his film.

The actress embodied on the screen the image of Russian emigrants, participants of French resistance. According to the plot of the picture, the fate of the former Russian citizen is closely intertwined with the fate of two men. One of them is the French gendarme Jul (Philip Duke), the other is an officer of the SS, the Inspector of the concentration camp Helmut (Christian Claus).

By the way, this role brought the Vysotsky "Golden Eagle" and "Nika". After the premiere of the picture at the 73rd Venice Film Festival, Andrei Konchalovsky was awarded the "Silver Lion" award. The film was also nominated for the Oscar Prize.

In March 2018 in BDT them. Tovstonogov took place the premiere of the performance "Oedip in Colon" directed by Andrei Konchalovsky. In the tragedy of Sofokla Julia Vysotskaya played the role of Antigona. Her partners in the scene were Nikolai Gorshkov, Sergey Losev, Sergey Stukalov.

In 2019, Vysotsky played a major role in the film Valeria Gai Germanic "Moved Wolf". At the show "Evening Urgant", the actress told that the role of his grandmother did not cause her difficulty, the necessary skills, like the daisy goat or bread baking in the furnace, had from her childhood spent on Don.


In 2003, a Sunday culinary show "Eat at home!" Started on the NTV channel, where Julia Vysotskaya shared with television viewers with recipes of favorite dishes. She calls the TV show "Culinary TV series from the life of a young mistress." Also, at one time led the morning program "Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya", and in 2011, I performed a culinary expert in the Ukrainian TV project "hellish cuisine".

Vysotsky began combining acting and gastronomic career. A woman is the author of several dozen culinary books released under the brand "Eat at home. Yulia Vysotskaya recipes ", the total circulation of which is more than 1.5 million copies. In these publications, the TV host shared recipes, tricks and various culinary instructions for the preparation of exotic soups, salads, as well as dough for homemade pies, cakes and cookies.

The "recipe from Vysotskaya" formula has gained its own popularity and divided the Internet, often appearing on the sites that are not related to Yulia.

TV shows "Eat at home!" He received the "Teffi" award, and after 2 years - the sign "approved by the ecologists of Russia" for the propaganda of healthy nutrition and lifestyle.

In 2017, Vysotsky took an invitation from the creators of the program "Wait for Me", which goes on the NTV channel. Her partner Sergey Shakurov and the founder of the search movement "Lisa Alert" Grigory Sergeev became co-supported by the ether.

In the autumn of 2018, Vysotsky gave an hour interview to the actor and blog Vyacheslav Manucharov, which then fell on his Yutiub-channel "Empathy Manuchi". In the process of communicating with the interlocutor, Julia said that it comes from the genus of the Cossacks, so for her the decision of the issues with one "squeezing of the checkers" - the norm. But in relation to her husband, the woman never does this, and Andrei Sergeevich knows how to tactfully smooth sharp corners.

Now the culinary program of Yulia "I like it!" Regularly on Wednesdays and Saturdays comes out on Yutube. Some gears are created in the format of preparation of various dishes from paste to oatmeal and cakes, other episodes are replete with cognitive information on specific foods.


Television and writer gastronomic activity of a woman did not limit himself. She performed as a guest specialist for the Moscow Restaurant Family Floor, in 2008 she became a gastronomic curator of the Russian evening at the World Economic Forum in London, and in 2009 began to work as the editor of the Culinary and Gastronomic Journal "Khlebolsol".

Also, as part of the popularization of healthy nutrition, Julia Vysotskaya initiated the first social network of culinary directivity of Edimdoma.ru, as well as culinary Internet TV channel Edimdoma.tv. Later, the stated social network became rather the official website of Julia and its television program.

Among the projects of the holding "Eat at home!" Three culinary studios of Julia Vysotskaya, restaurant Food Embassy and Cafe "Julina Kitchen", a culinary show on Yutiub-Channel, a network of workshops of the kitchen furniture "Eat at home!", Licensing projects for the production of consumer goods using the brand "Eat at home!". In the assortment of shops of Yulia, dishes, baking devices, household appliances, bags, books and any goods for the kitchen.

The culinary studio Juliya Vysotskaya is engaged in the organization and holding of tourist culinary and tasting tours in different countries of Western Europe, known for their corporate dishes and unusual cuisines.

In the spring of 2015, Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky submitted to the Russian authorities to allocate 1 billion rubles to create a network of national catering restaurants "Eat at home!" Alternative to foreign McDonald's. The authorities responded that they were ready to invest 70% of the specified amount, the remaining 30% would have to look for themselves. Julia Vysotskaya became the official of the Russian network.

The first thematic shops appeared in Moscow at the end of 2016. Then their amount expanded. The project is developing on a franchise, without loan involvement. The network format involves the placement of not only culinary and grocery departments, but also selling other healthy food products. The series took the form of the cafe "At home", where you can quickly and fully eat or pick up ready to eat with you. In the outlet, you can purchase any groups of products, ready-made dishes, pastries and drinks.

Personal life

Personal life Actress has been connected with the name of the famous film director for 20 years. During the trip to Sochi, Julia met Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky in 1996 to the Festival "Kinotavr" in 1996. A stormy novel was set between them, after 3 days the couple flew to rest in Turkey.

After a time, Konchalovsky invited her beloved to London, where the director at that time was busy with filming. In the British capital, Julia graduated from the London Academy of Music and Art. After receiving the diploma, Vysotsky became the wife of Andrei Konchalovsky.

The difference at the age of 36 did not interfere, Vysotsky and Konchalovsky built a strong family. Spouses share not only joint life, but also business and creativity: Julia starred in several films of her husband, and Andrei is a co-owner of the company "Eat at home!". Couple raises two children: Mary's daughter and Peter's son.

In October 2013, as a result of a serious accident in France, Konchalovsky's daughter and Vysotsky Masha received severe injury. The girl was in an artificial coma, in which the doctors introduced her after surgery on the brain.

The stars did not hide that their daughter in a coma, but did not comment on the tragedy. Only in mid-2014, Konchalovsky wrote an appeal to subscribers in Facebook, asking not to dissolve rumors and assured that the condition of the girl was slow, but correctly improving.

After the accident, the family burned out from most acquaintances, launching only close to their lives, while Julia continued to work, play the theater and starve on television.

Active life actresses spawned many rumors. In 2014, journalists were confident that Julia is waiting for a third child. The reason for rumors was that Vysotsky appeared at events in closed stadding clothing. Despite the confidence of the press in the fact that Julia again became a mom, nor a photo of a baby in "Instagram", no official statements followed. The version of the sudden replenishment in the family could not withstand checks. A wave of rumors about pregnancy again repeated in 2020.

In April 2015, as reporters reported, the girl was transported from the French clinic to Italy. Parents did not report the public to the exact location of their child. The state of the health of the machine remained unstable and dangerous. Julia could not understand the child or not.

Behind the girl was worried not only by parents, but all fans of their creativity. At the end of the same year, the press began to argue that the actress is happy news: her daughter Masha finally came out of the coma. This encouraging information was unreliable.

The news about the daughter of Vysotsky is not distinguished by positive trends. Doctors mark positive trend, but the process proceeds slowly. The girl can already breathe without support, and its organs restored work, but it is too early to speak about recovery. First time after the operation, Maria was in the house of parents in Italy, then it was transported to Russia. Now the girl is still in a superficial coma, but relatives do not lose hope for her healing.

In January 2019, a couple of Konchalovsky and Vysotsky after 20 years of marriage decided to get married. The ceremony was held at the Pskov Trinity Cathedral. The spouse did not comment on his decision.

Despite the age and work associated with cooking, Julia retains an excellent figure (the growth of the actress is 174 cm, the weight is 56 kg). The star is often asked if it limits his diet.

"Diet is nothing today, and tomorrow is everything. I am for a buzz every day, let me dosage. "

Such a response actress admitted that the diet does not hold, trying to be disciplined every day, do not move in extremes and physical activity.

In one of the series "I like it!" Julia said that he positively refers to the correction of the face with the help of plastics, if carefully refer to the choice of procedures. Spectators and admiration fans belong to the ability of the actress to follow themselves. In February 2021, a new video appeared on the Yulia Channel, where she tried a new style of clothing - a short dress, emphasizing the long legs of the star.

Julia Vysotskaya now

Now the actress continues to combine classes with creativity and business.

In February 2020, Julia participated in the creation of a designer collection of shoes in conjunction with Economics. The actress itself is not a designer, so the line was formed on the basis of the taste of Vysotskaya and those models that she chooses personally for himself.

In November 2020, the premiere of the new picture of Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear Comrades" took place. The plot tells about the defeat of the People's Demonstration of 1962, which occurred in the city of Novocherkassk. In the film, the main female role is performed by Julia Vysotskaya. At the Venice Film Festival - 2020 tape was awarded the "Special Prize of the Jury", and in 2021 Andrei Konchalovsky received the "Golden Eagle" as the best director.

In an interview about the film "Dear Comrades" with Andrei Konchalovsky Ksenia Sobchak raised the topic of the border of creativity and personal life. The presenter asked whether Andrei Sergeevich was gathering to shoot his wife in high roles, regardless of age, as other famous couples. To which the director replied that his wife is a rather rational, smart, understanding man in order to avoid such mistakes, besides there are many age characters.


  • 1992 - "Go and not return"
  • 1994 - "Imagination game"
  • 2002 - "Durakov House"
  • 2003 - "Max"
  • 2003 - "Lion in winter"
  • 2005 - "Soldier Decameron"
  • 2006 - "Queen's first rule"
  • 2007 - "Gllyan"
  • 2010 - "Nutcracker and Rat King 3D"
  • 2016 - "Paradise"
  • 2018 - "Mental Wolf"
  • 2019 - "Sin"
  • 2020 - "Dear Comrades"

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