Nikita Presnyakov - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, growth, "exactly", "instagram" 2021



Nikita Presnyakov - Actor and Clipmaker, whose career and popularity are just beginning to grow. He starred in the top ten films, and also tried himself in voicing foreign cinema and director of short films. And also, despite the desire to develop exclusively in the film industry, achieved success and on the musical field.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born in London on May 21, 1991 (Zodiac sign - Taurus), in a star family, which already has two generations of famous artists. His parents are popular musicians Christina Orbakayte and Vladimir Presnyak-Jr., which, in turn, also continued the case of parents. From the mother of Nikita - the grandson of the Primateonna of the Russian estrad Alla Pugacheva. On the line of Father Grandma he has another singer - Elena Presnyakova, and the grandfather is the composer Vladimir Presnyakov-Sr.. Also, the artist has consolidated brother and mother's sister (Denis Baisarov and Claudia Zemtsov) and a consolidated brother for Father Artemia.

It is quite natural that, born in the family of musicians, the boy in childhood was surrounded by a creative atmosphere. He understood that he, as the grandson and son of famous singers, may be recognized on the appropriate field. However, not wanting his successes to be associated with star parents, Nikita decided to choose another profession.

The future artist loved the cinema and dreamed of becoming a director. Especially they attracted films of the genre action. The "Matrix" trilogy brothers Vachovski became for a schoolboy "Kinobibiy". Imitating the main character of the neo trilogy, he was engaged in oriental martial arts, as well as extreme sports.

Seeing such a passion for cinema, Pugacheva presented his loved grandchildly for the birthday of the camcorder, and over time, his interest is not a UGA. After graduating from school, he continued her education at the Directory Faculty of the New York Film Academy. 5 years later, in 2009, the young man received a bachelor's degree.


The acting debut of Nikita Presnyakova became a small role in the Russian fantastic Thriller "Indigo", shot in 2008 by the director Roman Jugunov. For the first time, he played the main character - Ilya Roshova - in the film "Visiting $ Kazki" Grigory Konstantinople.

In 2014, the filmography of Nikita replenished the "Ghost Hunt", "corporate" and "copies of the pass" (the main role of Dima Stechkin, a graduate of the police school).

Also, the actor starred in all series of the popular New Year Russian comedy "Trekli" and "Yolki-2", where I embodied the image of a taxi driver Pasha Bondarev, Faith Brezhnev secretly in love with the singer. In the film "Yolki last", which went to hire in 2018, Nikita got an episodic role.

A graduate of the New York Academy of Cinema Presnyakov-Jr. himself takes advantageously short meter. He became a director of a number of copyright short films, as well as a clip on the song "Tasty" singer from Kazakhstan Tamerla Sadvakasova, who has been his close friend for many years.

In 2017, the premiere of the painting "Maximum blow", producer of which Alexander Nevsky spoke. In Ribe Nikita played himself. He was lucky to work with the Western and Russian Cinema Stars - Eric Roberts, Mark Dakascos, William Baldwin, Maxim Vitorgan, Anna Khilkevich.

Music and television

Having tried my strength as a film actor, Nikita took part in the TV project "ShowmasTGOUON", where he won the 1st place. Also, his duet with the participant of the project "Voice", the singer from Yekaterinburg Olga Klein, took 2nd place in the TV show "Two Stars".

A year later, the young man divided the Dubzovy victory with Irina Dubzova in the show-in-point reincarnation show. For this, the artist had to try on the images of Kurt Kobein, Yuena McGregor, John Bon Jovi, Philip Kirkorov and even Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. In the form of Freddie Mercury, the singer performed the "Bohemian Rhapsodia".

In October 2014, the creative biography of the actor was replenished with a reward in the "debut" nomination at the breakthrough of the year - 2014 ceremony according to Moda Topical magazine.

And yet the musical roots of the artist at a certain point were about themselves to know. In 2014, Nikita collected his group called Aquastone. Later, the team was renamed Multiverse. Already in the summer, the group spoke at the New Wave Festival in Jurmala. There, the team for the first time performed the composition "The heart of the prisoners does not take", which Vladimir Presnyakov recorded with Nikita and his musicians.

In February 2015, the team released a single called Radiate. Following, September 23, 2015, the first video on the song "Shot" came out. He was happy to have all Russian-speaking musical channels.

The same autumn group was invited to participate in Limp Bizkit concerts. The team performed as a special guest. Following the guys took part in the TV project "The main scene" and became its finalists.

The team performed in clubs in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Peaceful, South Sakhalinsk; He took part in contests and festivals. The musicians have an official website where you can find out information about the nearest performances of the team. Nikita also leads the Youtyub Channel.

It is worth noting that the press is not just the artist songs, he himself writes texts and music. For example, he owns the authorship of the composition "Angel wing".

The first and while the only album of the collective called Beyond was published on September 24, 2018. Frontman told the fans that the material for the collection was preparing for 5 years. Total represents 13 tracks. It is a conceptual work, which entered both songs with songs and new hits. The appearance of the disk was perceived by the fans of Nikita with delight.

Also in 2018, another joint composition of the Father and the Son "Airports" appeared. She entered the program of the festive concert "Vladimir Presnyakov - 50!"

In 2020, the premiere of the movie "Trigger" was held, for which Nikita Presnyakov, Sergey Kashirin and Olga Nikulina recorded the track Where Did You Sleep Last Night. In addition to this Caver version of Hita Nirvana, another 11 vocal compositions entered the soundtrack of the series, including songs of the Multiverse group (Everytime and To Pray).

Personal life

Personal life of the grandson of Primateonna is constantly under the sight of the paparazzi. His impressive growth (192 cm with a weight of 79 kg) and the tightened figure attracts a lot of girls. For 4 years, he met with an actress and model from Kazakhstan Aida Kaliva. The guys met in New York during the study of Nikita in the Film Academy and held together in the role of lovers in the film "Angel Case". The tabloids are the same and dealing with the headlines about the approaching wedding of young people. However, in 2014, the future musician broke up with beauty. According to rumors, the gap with Kaliva was associated with the new novel Nikita with Tatyana Antoshina.

In May 2014, Alena Krasnova settled in the heart of the young artist. At the time of dating she was still a schoolgirl. The meeting occurred naturally, as the summer cottages of Nikita and Alena are located next door. A month later, joint photos were published in "Instagram".

For the first time, the couple officially appeared in the public at the premiere of the film "Corporate". Presnyakov presented his girlfriend to friends and Nikolai Naumov, the star of the series "Real Guys". The relationship among young people was with enviable success. The artist with the lover together spent the time at sea. His girl does not like high-profile parties and prefers to stay in silence.

Slightly later, the journalists appeared an intriguing rumor. According to their version, Presnyakov no longer met with Alena, who sowed a singer and left him, but managed to find a new girl - makeup artist Lydia. The couple was seen in secular events, as well as in the cafe and bars. Nikita, according to the press, admitted that he did not want to partition, but did not hold his companion next to him, who cooled to him.

After some time, the artist was again saw in the Krasnova society. As it turned out, young people resumed a relationship after parting, realizing that together they were better than separately. Lovers stayed in separation only a few months, but after reunification they do not part. Alain began to accompany Nikita at various events, and the musician came to the girl for graduation. He also did not miss the case to confess the feelings for his half in social networks or interviews.

Father Presnyakova did not hide that he hoped to see his grandchildren soon. He often spoke about this son and hinted with every opportunity. The pair itself did not give comments on this reason. In the press, the information appeared more than once that the actor will soon acquire the heir. When Nikita was asked about it directly, he answered with a smile that he plans to become his father once, but he was unlikely soon.

July 27, 2017 Nikita married Alena. The painting of the lovers took place in one of Moscow's regulations, after which the newlyweds staged a magnificent celebration on the occasion of marriage in the elite suburban cottage settlement in the territory of the sanatorium "Barvikha". Among the guests were like close and relatives of young (Christina Orbakaite, Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalia Podolskaya), and no less famous guests: Philip Kirkorov, Alexander Buynov, the family of Yudashkina and others.

The pair looked harmoniously - the high, sports physique of the bride and fragile, elegant bride caused delight among friends and relatives. Later, the admiration of newlyweds was divided into the Internet users: Nikita and Alena responsibly approached the creation of a wedding photo session.

The bride and groom were creatively reacted to the solemn event, for which they chose the subject of parallel reality. The hall was decorated in gentle-lilac colors, for the evening a special aroma was developed for the evening, and each guest was the bottle with the spirits of Anreal, the newlyweds worked on the creation of which.

Denis Kosyakov was invited as a leading event. The first dance of the couple was preparing under the guidance of circus artists. The room, for the sake of the execution of which Alena had to change the chic dress on a short suit, was saturated with tricky elements. The dance ended with the flight of the newlyweds to the ceiling itself. For a concert program, Todes ballet was invited, the Nerves group, the singer of Christina Si and the Marseille group.

After the marriage ceremony, young people went to a wedding trip to Cyprus. But it lasted long, as soon as the actor was scheduled for the Gull Musical Recasses on the scene of the Moscow Theater of the Moon. In the play of Presnyakov appeared as Treplev.

After the wedding, the newlyweds began to cause elevated interest among instagram subscribers. There were rumors about pregnancy Alena. The spouse of the musician even had to make a refutation.

As Nikita explained later, speaking on the broadcast of Lera Kudryavtsevaya "Secret by Million", they and his wife do not yet plan the birth of a child, but they want to live for themselves.

A young man adheres to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. He visits a gym daily, vegetarianism is attracted, it prefers extreme sports in his free time - Parkour, Skating, Diving.

The body of Nikita is decorated with plenty of tattoo. As the musician says, in old age he wants to be a "tattooed grandfather." In the hands of the singer, images of Filin, a mechanical clock dial. He began to think about tattoos at a young age - already at the age of 13, - but I decided to fulfill the dream only at 23 years old.

In the summer of 2020, the actor infected COVID-19 and was forced to undergo a course of treatment, the roller of this press posted in the social network. The musician was disturbed by a sharp cough and a high temperature, and the test confirmed coronavirus. A similar diagnosis, according to Nikita, was confirmed by his friends. He called on subscribers to show vigilance. The artist served the laid time on quarantine and dug the course of antibiotics, nothing threatens his health.

Nikita Presnyakov Now

In 2021, Nikita worked on the film "Gardemaryna-1787", in which the Korsaka junior played. With his colleagues on the set, Dmitry Kharatyan became his colleagues, Alexander Domogarov, Mikhail Mamaev, Mikhail Boyarsky.

In May, Presnyakov visited the "Fate of Man" show. In a conversation with Boris Korchevnikov, the artist shared stories from his childhood, and on the air program showed video archives with her father, mother and famous grandmother.

Nikita told about his becoming as a musician. Now, a young man admitted, he no longer agrees to duets with his father, since he decided to develop in his direction. Not without question about the heirs: the singer complained about the close attention of the press by this moment and expressed the hope that someday the long-awaited replenishment in the family would happen.

As for the career, Presnyakov became a member of the musical of the provincial theater, it literally absorbed all the free time of the artist. Few earlier, his group released the first Russian-speaking single "quieter, quieter than pleased fans.


  • 2008 - "Indigo"
  • 2010 - "Christmas trees"
  • 2011 - "Treets 2"
  • 2014 - "Ghost Hunt"
  • 2014 - "Cops Freight"
  • 2014 - "Corporate"
  • 2014 - "Angel Case"
  • 2015 - "Intersection in space"
  • 2017 - "Maximum Blow"
  • 2018 - "Trees last"


  • 2018 - Beyond.

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