Nikita Zverev - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



Nikita Zverev is the Russian actor and movie actor, in whose piggy bank is a lot of bright roles. This is the "Palestinian" from the militant "Russian translation", and Lieutenant Sukharev from the Military film "Stronger Fire", and biathlete Dobrynin from the Blue Nights Melodrama.

Nikita Zverev

Possessing different traits of character, the heroes of Zverev - people volition and purposeful. The actor filmography includes dozens of work.

Childhood and youth

Nikita Zverev - Native Moskvich. He was born in the summer of 1973, grew up in a big and creative family. His father was engaged in the organization of circus tour. Nikita's mother in his youth graduated from the Institute of Culture, but due to family circumstances decided to direct all his strength to maintain home order. "Circumstances" were four children: Junior Nikita, Christine's sister and Alexey Brothers and Anton. A large family often satisfied improvised sketches and presentations on home holidays, then Nikita and a desire to become an actor began to become an actor.

Nikita Zverev in youth

When the boy turned 12 years old, Mom gave him to the theater children's studio. In one formulation, the young artist got the role of hooligan. The boy was so born in the role that his talent was celebrated by the famous guest of the evening by Lydia Novitsky, who was a colleague Konstantin Stanislavsky.

In the school years, Zverev played a major role in the formulation of "Fedota-Sagittarius, a deleted well done." Nikita's growth was lower than the average, so to look at the stage higher, the boy was forced to wear boots with heels. And he often visited his father, where to get acquainted with a circus life. After graduating from school Nikita, I tried myself as a clown and gymnast, but quickly realized that the circus was not for him. Some time, Zverev worked as a builder and made an attempt to create his own business.

Full Nikita Zverev

Finally, realizing the acting calling, the young man decided to get a full-fledged theater education. Nikita Zverev entered the Schukinskaya school, but he studied there for long. After a month later, the student considered the level of teaching in "Pike" was insufficient and decided to submit documents to another university. After a long random, Nikita chose the famous guitis, where students gave a classic theater education.

In Gitis, Zverev studied in the workshop of Peter Naumovich Fomenko. According to the artist, it is precisely this level that he was then looking for, and even today Nikita responds about his mentor with deep respect.


Nikita Zverev learned the diploma of theatrical university in 2001. During the graduation performance, the game of a young talent noted Oleg Tabakov. A graduate gladly accepted the proposal of theatrical genius and became the artist of Tabakcoque troupe. This theater gave 5 years of life.

Nikita Zverev in the play

Preparation for performances took almost all the time, had to abandon numerous invitations to film filming. Help and gratitude towards "Tabakcoque" and her head were huge, but Nikita Zverev still left the theater, so as not to break between two quarries. This decision was not easy for him.

According to Nikita Zverev, he no longer wanted to bring colleagues in the "tobackerka", painting around for shooting. In addition, he often had due to a dense schedule and work in the theater to abandon bright roles in the movies. Respect for Oleg Tabakov and colleagues on "Tabakcoque" forced the actor to make a choice.

Nikita Zverev in the theater

Theatrical biography of Nikita Zverev in "Tabakcoque" is 7 performances, among which is present as a Russian classic ("at the bottom" of Maxim Gorky, Vaska Sidel) and modern productions ("Synchron", "Long Christmas Lunch" and "Tito Lami" ).

However, the artist could not completely abandon work in the theater. Therefore, periodically, the audience see him in the MHT layout named after A. P. Chekhov and in the "Workshop Peter Fomenko" theater.


Debut filmmaster Zverev became an episodic role in the film "Lion's share", released in 2001. Then he appeared in the criminal drama of Alexey Sidorov "Fight with the shadow" in 2005.

In the same year, the artist was invited to shoot the TV series "Talisman of Love", where his character was the brother of the main character of Vasily Koltsov, a kind, but unrestrained simple guy. Another notable work of the 2005th is a multi-melting melodrama "multiplying sadness."

Nikita Zverev in the film

Then the series "Russian translation" was followed, where the partners of Zverev were held on the set of film actors - Sergey Celine, Alexander Pashutin and Sergey Veksler. By the way, all risky tricks in this project Zverev performed independently, without resorting to the help of professional cascaders. This helped a circus experience.

Often, the audience see the artist in the role of bold and heroic guys. Such Nikita Zverev appeared in the film "Thorning Gate", playing a soldiers of the GRU special forces.

Nikita Zverev on the set

Most actor roles are positive heroes. In 2008, Nikita Zverev accepted the proposal to fulfill the main role in the TV series Darya Poltoratskaya "Lace". His character, a journalist named Cyril Potapov, attractive to the viewer with the mind and purposefulness. According to the artist, all the characters, whom he plays, something similar to himself.

Another positive hero of Zverev, who saw the viewers in 2008 - athlete-biathlonist Vladimir Dobrynin in the nostalgic series "Blue Nights". Dobrynin, being expensive from the Olympic team, becomes a simple "physical culture" in the summer pioneer camp. Colleagues of the artist claim that in real life it is the same as his Vladimir Dobrynin - reliable, friendly and shy. Nikita Zverev will not pass by, if he sees that they offend a person, whether it is a woman, a child or an old man.

Nikita Zverev in the film

Nikita Zverev took his own niche in Russian cinema. A year come out for several films with his participation. In 2013, he starred in the rating projects "Masha and the Bear", "late repentance", "second chance". In the military picture of "save or destroy" Nikita played the main character, the head of the interlocks, who went to the rear of the enemy in search of the son of Stalin's Son. Anna Snatkina, Anna Gorskova, Vadim Kolganov, reincarnated in other participants in the team.

Daria Moroz and Nikita Zverev on the filming of the film

And in 2016, the artist was pleased with the fans of a criminal film "Provocator". The series was discussed about an employee of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anton (Andrei Chadov), which leads the life of "under cover". He commits Madhosud about the people who will officially be punished for atrocities. In addition to Nikita Zverev, who appeared in the frame in the form of the oligarch, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Tatyana Arntgolts, Daniel Spivakovsky starred in the film.

Personal life

Nikita Zverev's first wife, Julia Zhigalina, met the future husband at the beginning of his film director. Daughter was born in this marriage. Unfortunately, the child failed to strengthen this marriage, and the spouses soon divorced.

During the filming of the Ukrainian series "The Territory of Beauty", Nikita Zverev began a novel with an actress Yulia Mavri. Relationships developed rapidly as in a fairy tale: flowers, serenadas and joint travels. Nikita Zverev and Julia Mavrina played a wedding and officially registered relationships.

Nikita Zverev and Julia Mavrina

However, the crack appeared in this union soon. In 2011, Nikita Zverev again spoke in the press. It was rumored that his marriage falls apart. A man always refrains from comments, preferring not to make a personal life by the general heritage. It is known from some sources that the couple divorced in the same 2011.

Nikita Zverev and Maria Bychkov

Today, next to the actor, the new Beloved - Beauty Maria Bychkov. Photo of a collaborative holiday with her husband Nikita Zverev Marusya placed on a personal page in "Instagram". According to some information, in 2016 the pair legalized its relationship and lives in a happy marriage. There are no shared children from spouses yet.

Nikita Zverev now

The success of the artist on the screen confirms the number of films with his participation that appear annually. In 2017, Nikita pleased fans with a large number of roles. Andrei Vorontsova's main character he played in the "Provincial" melodrama. In love with the character of Zvereva, the girl Ksenia presented on the screen Alexander Vlasov.

Nikita Zverev - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021 21627_12

In the melodramatic TV series "You are my light" Nikita reincarnated in the businessman Hirda Gradov, who was unreasonable by reproaches an employee of the flower shop Natalia (Maria Glakov). But it turned out that their matured children decided to get married. Parents are forced to play a sense of sympathy to each other and suddenly fall in love themselves.

With the participation of Nikita Zverev in the same year, the filming of the popular TV series "Ikra" were completed, the drama Alexei Pimanov "Crimea", the melodramatic thriller "Quiet People". One of the last projects over which the actor works is the detective "revenge". According to the plot of the paintings, the main character at the resort meets with a married couple, but the meeting is not accidental. Along with Nikita Zverev in films, Kirill Kyaro, Svetlana Smirnova-Marcinkevich, Nikita Panfilov.

Nikita Zverev on stage in 2018

In 2018, Nikita Zverev visited the Theater Contest of the XVI Festival "Amur Autumn", where, together with Elena Break, Anna Barochevoy, and Maxim Konovalov presented the entrepreneurial play "related links". The scene occurred at the base: Nikita, the executor of the leading role, did not fall from the closet in time, so it was necessary to start the show again. Spectators reacted to the incident with understanding.


  • 2005 - "Fight with shadow"
  • 2005 - "Multiply Sadness"
  • 2006 - "Thunderstorm Gate"
  • 2006 - "Russian translation"
  • 2007 - "stronger fire"
  • 2008 - "Lace"
  • 2008 - "Blue Nights"
  • 2010 - "Wanted" "
  • 2013 - "Masha and the Bear"
  • 2015 - I do not believe
  • 2016 - "Provocateur"
  • 2017 - "Icra"
  • 2017 - "Crimea"
  • 2017 - "Quiet People"

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