Anna Samokhina - biography, personal life, photos, movies, illness, death and last news



Anna Samokhina is a Russian actress, singer and TV presenter, a woman of amazing beauty and difficult fate. Her star rose in cinema at that difficult period when old templates collapsed in the industry, and it seemed there was nothing impossible or unauthorized, which could not be shown on the screen.

The memorable appearance and charm made an artist of the sex symbol of a perestroika film. The biography of Anna Selfie was saturated with diverse and bright roles, and her short-lived life was a kind of reflection of all the characters played. The image of the self-geofer will forever remain a manner of the Russian Femme Fatale - bold, inaccessible, mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful.

Anna Samokhin in childhood

Anna Samokhina (in Maiden Podgornaya) was born in the small Siberian town of Guryevsk, which is located near Kemerov. As most of the inhabitants of Kuzbass, her parents were busy in the steel industry: the father was a worker in the foundry shop, and the mother of Anna Grigorievna worked in the Design Bureau. Soon after the birth of the girl, Podgorny moved to Cherepovets for the construction of a new metallurgical plant.

The childhood of a little Ani was not easy: the father had an insurmountable thrust to the spirits, which to thirty years turned him into a chronic alcoholic. The family lived in the room of the factory dormitory, so that Anya and sister had to sleep on the floor of the shared kitchen.

Anna Samokhin with parents and sisters

In one of his interviews, Anna Samokhin frankly admitted that she saw that children and adolescents were not needed to see. Her and sister did not surprise neither drunken fights, either the mat and the ringing of broken dishes, no screams and female squeals. The atmosphere in the hostel, where the Podgorny family lived, was oppressive. Many of the neighbors spoke as her father. Mom was constantly crying, was irritated and fell on the children. In fact, she brought up them alone. When Ana was seven years old, his father died.

By all the truths and untrue mothers managed to knock the room in the communal service. Curious coincidence helped: a woman wrote a letter to the Central Committee to its namesake, a member of the Presidium of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikolai Podgorny. The room was immediately given. But the family has not become easier.

Anna Samokhin in youth

Probably, the craving for art from Anna Selfieme appeared, as clever of that gloomy life she lived. It was a kind of escape from harsh reality into the world of beautiful. The girl studied at the music school. Piano, bought by Mom after moving to a communal service, Anya accepted as a gift over. She dreamed of him for a long time. Mom Anna Grigorievna dreamed that her daughter would learn music and marry the military with a separate apartment. And the girl really diligently practiced on the instrument, which largely determined her artistic future.

At fourteen, Any took to the Cherepovetsky People's Theater. At first, the girl did not associate her future with the acting career. The decision to become an actress was rather impulsive: the first love of a fifteen-year-old girl, German Volgin, parents sent to study in Moscow "from the sin of away", counting self-milenut too frivolous. To show the beloved that he was lost, Anna Samokhin decided, by all means to achieve fame on theatrical field.

Anna Samokhina

In 1978, Anna entered the theater school of Yaroslavl, where Sergey Tikhonov became her mentor. Falling in love and passionate nature, the student Podgornaya already in the second year married and changed the last name.

After graduating from the university, a young family was sent to the distribution to the Rostov Theater of the Young Spectator. A year later, Anna Samokhin gave birth to Sasha's daughter. Due to pregnancy, the work in the theater had to interrupt. Decree was not easy, she began severe depression.


As it often happens, the first role of fame did not bring. Anna Samokhina participated in the episode of the film Igor Voznesensky "Recognize the guilty." The second time the artist fell on the filming pad only five years old, but this work provided it with a rapid tillery of film directions. Anna played a major role in the film "Prisoner of the IF Castle" director Georgy Jungvald-Hilkevich, filmed by the Roman Alexander Duma "Count Monte Cristo."

This adventure film was a great success, and Mercedes Character performed by self-kept in favor of the audience. In the "prisoner" by the partners of Anna on the set, such mastted actors were steel as Mikhail Boyarsky, Alexey Petrenko and Alexey Zharkov.

Anna Samokhin as Mercedes in the film

The next loud work of Samochina was the Criminal Drama of 1988 "Thieves in the law" director Yuri Kara. This film on the works of Fazil Iskander has become a bright illustration of the restructuring period, therefore was very popular, not looking at crushing filming of film critics. The audience of the picture was almost forty million spectators, which provided the executiver with the role of the fatal beauty of Rita National Glory in her literal understanding.

Nevertheless, in the life of Anna Samokhin very much differed from his characters - capricious spoiled beauties. She was a modest, deeply believer man, but with all this possessed a huge charm.

Anna Samokhina

The following films in which Anna Selfin played, became historical costume films "Tsarist Hunt" and "Don Cesar de Bazan". Her classic appearance was perfectly combined with lush dresses of the left era, which was on hand directed by Vitaly Melnikov and Jan Frido.

Unfortunately, after the collapse of the USSR, a forced pause came in the creative biography of self-sewn. In the ninetie films rarely starred, so Anna was content with passing roles in commercial films.

Then Anna Samokhin became the artistic director of the studio "Range". In 1996, at the Film Festival in Monaco, she introduced the Telfilm "Thunder over Rus", which was fulfilled by Oleg Borisov and Sergey Bondarchuk.

Anna Samokhina

In the absence of work, Anna Samokhin led various events - from the days of the city to private parties and the first corporate time at that time. Its partner of Confearance was the Honored Artist of Russia Nikolay Pozdeev. Later he told that for a talented actress, the conference was a kind of outstand. Anna wanted and could play, but they did not offer roles. But as soon as she was again invited to the theater and cinema, she gladly threw this occupation.

The end of the nineties was marked by the work in the TV series "Streets of broken lanterns" and the film "Chinese service", and in two years she was invited to shoot a mystical television series "Black Raven", where self-checker had to play a character completely opposite to her by nature - an offacarious witch hell Zakharzhevskaya.

Anna Samokhin in the series

At the beginning of zero actress achieved success in private entrepreneurship. Anna Samokhin opened two restaurants in St. Petersburg, calling them "Lieutenant Rzhevsky" and "Count Suvorov", giving a kind of tribute to their past acts in historical films. But soon the artist realized that her restaurant business attracts little and abduct the time and strength she could give the scene. Therefore, the institutions were sold, and Anna Samokhin focused on working in cinema and theater.

Anna Samokhin in the film

In the past five years of life, the audience began to see a favorite star on the screen. Anna Samokhin appeared in the new seasons of the "Gangster Petersburg". And in 2010, played in two rating series - "Family House" and "Flame Color". Her last work in the cinema was a comedy Roman Kachanova "Gene Concrete", where the actress played Katya, the first love of the main character of Gooche Kutsenko - the authority of the genes.


Theatrical biography of Anna Selfie has more than thirty performances. Thanks to the spectacular appearance, it was taken on the role of fatal women: the beauty of Berrtold Breht, Margarita from "Master and Margarita", Mikhail Bulgakov, Josephine in the "Wheel" theater "Wheel".

In addition to the Rostov Tyus, Samokhin worked at the State Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol, after the disintegration of the Union renamed to the Baltic House. Here the actress played in the "Swedish Castle" and "Children of Ryak".

Anna Samokhina

Anna Samokhin was also very in demand in private entrepreneurs. Its last bright works were the roles in the performances of "St. Petersburg Syndrome", "Arlekino", as well as the "Fallen wife of the engineer of Mumbretti".

In recent years, the artist regularly went on theatrical layouts. Most often, she appeared on the stage of the Russian entrepreneur named after Andrei Mironov and the Comedy Theater.

Anna Samokhina

In February 2009, Anna Samokhin was supposed to start the rehearsals of the new performance "Ah, this huzha Nasreddin," where she and Dmitry Kharatyan were given key roles. But due to health problems from these plans I had to refuse.

The fans of the actress and theatrical critics argue that the best work of Anna Samochina in the theater was the main role in the comedy play "Celebration's culprit", which was put on the scene of the Small Comedy Theater in St. Petersburg. Today, this theater carries the name of the star.

Personal life

Samanen was married several times. Her first student marriage with Alexander Selfie collapsed in 1994. The family was born Alexander's daughter, who went in the footsteps of Mom and became the actress. Alexander Samokhina externally looks very similar to his star mother.

After the divorce, Anna met Businessman Dmitry Konorov, who became her second husband. It was he who helped create the studio "range" and put on his feet own restaurant business.

Anna Samokhin with Sasha's daughter

The second marriage also turned out to be unsuccessful, seven years later, the spouses were separated. After that, for three years, the actress did not have a relationship, but in 2004 it became closer to his old friend Evgeny Fedorov. He was far from the world of art and worked as Deputy Head of Pulkovo Customs. Their joint life lasted long: in 2006 they broke up.

After parting with the third husband, Anna Samokhin argued that she was no longer going to get married. That at its age is the main thing - the state of comfort and freedom. She fell into the work with his head, which brought her real satisfaction.

Anna Samokhin and Dmitry Nagiyev

The stars' personal life was constantly under the closer attention of the press. The actress according to the reviews of colleagues and friends was so feminine, spectacular and sexy that no one could resist her. His colleagues in the scene and viewers fell in love. According to some information, Anna Selfin was associated with Romantic relations with Arnis Licitis and Dmitry Nagiyev for some time. With Licitis, the actress came close to the filming of the "prisoner of the IF Castle". And with Nagiyev, she recorded a joint music album in 1995. A clip appeared on one of the songs.

Anna Samokhina

Some sources claim that the last beloved Anna Selfie was producer and actor Konstantin Kuleshov. After the death of the artist, he told about a romantic connection with Anna. But the relatives and friends of Samochina then made a statement that these "recognition" of Kuleshov - only the fruit of his imagination. Anna was the shaft of his children, but there was no romance in their relationship.

Disease and death

At the end of 2009, Anna Samochean became the strong pain in the stomach. After a deep survey, terrible disease was discovered - the terminal stage of the stomach cancer. As many media wrote, the causes of the disease could become perennial diet, "injections of youth" and constant stress. But the daughter of Anna Selfoy claims that there is no "stem cells" of her mother and did not resort to rigid diet. This is the fiction of journalists.

In the material plan, it was also not so bad. The woman was going to rest with her sister on Goa. But suddenly he felt sharp pain. Doctors diagnosed the 4th stadium of the stomach cancer, neglected and inoperable.

Anna Samokhina

The disease developed rapidly, but until the last day, Anna Vlanedovna fought with death. She tried both traditional medicine and chemotherapy. Exhausted and in hopeless condition, she spent its last days in the hospice, refusing meetings with relatives. The actress wanted her beloved to remember her forever young, beautiful and healthy.

The hospice staff was amazed and surprised by the fact that until the last day of life, this woman behaved very adequately and courageously. Impeccable makeup and hidden under the shine of the consequences of chemotherapy - such was Anna Samokhin in the most tragic finale of his earthly existence. As a man believes, before his death, she managed to compete and bind. I said goodbye and asked for forgiveness from your loved ones.

Grave Anna Selfie

On February 8, 2010, death won: Anna Selfie did not become. She was only 47 years old. The family decided to bury the actress, where she taught: at the Smolensk cemetery, next to the grave of the former mother-in-law and mother of the first husband. Thousands of her fans gathered on the funeral of the funeral, their native, all the men of Anna Selfie, who played an important role in her life.


  • 1988 - "Prisoner of the IF Castle"
  • 1988 - "Thieves in law"
  • 1989 - "Don Cesar de Bazan"
  • 1990 - "Tsarist Hunt"
  • 1999 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 1999 - "Chinese service"
  • 2001 - "Black Raven"
  • 2003 - "Gangster Petersburg"
  • 2009 - "Love is not what it seems ..."
  • 2010 - "Family House"
  • 2014 - "Gena Concrete"

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