Alan Badoev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Max Barsky, Jeanne Badoev, Clips 2021



Alan Badoev is a popular Ukrainian clipmerecer, director, producer and TV presenter, is known to the general public with stylish video clips. Their number over the years of fruitful work is calculated by hundreds. The director works closely with the stars of the Russian, Ukrainian and foreign pop, and is also a producer of several large-scale television projects.

Childhood and youth

By nationality, Alan Badoev - Ossetian. He was born in January 1981 in Beslan, in North Ossetia. This city after the tragic events of 2004 is known to each Russian.

Soon the parents of Badoev moved to the Donetsk region, in Gorlovka, where the childhood of the future clipmere was passed. Alan went to the Gorlowian secondary school No. 2, where, according to him, he first fond of art thanks to sensitive and caring mentors.

The oppressive atmosphere of the mining town and a rather aggressive social environment harden in the future director's character and strengthened the desire to create beautiful in opposition to the surrounding reality. Life in Gorlovka well prepared a young man for survival in the metropolitan metropolis.

Since Alan did not particularly apply to the hobby of directory and cinema, his decision to do after school in the Kiev Institute of Culture and Arts became for close surprise. Nevertheless, no one to repair obstacles to yesterday's graduate, and in 1998, Badoev was successfully enrolled in the university.


As a supporter of a practical approach to learning, Alan Badoev began to shoot documentary cinema already at the 1st year of the institute, while his fellow students listened to general and introductory disciplines. Already then, in youth, perseverance, diligence and the amazing fruitfulness of the famous clipmaker manifested themselves. The first works were subsequently merged into a single cycle, which the director gave the name "Life, Two Two". The films of this cycle were noted by the prizes of the film festivals of "Sapridge" and "Golden Vityt".

Having tried your strength in documentary films, the director starts experiments in the genre of a gaming short meter. Among the works of Badoev, the period can be distinguished the short films "Kolos and Stern", "Trail 2000" and the film "Five minutes, or the legends of the dead time". At the Student Film Festival Fast Fest Weekend, these film guides received a prize. Especially the jury noted a professional director's work and an innovation of Alan.

In 2002, Alan Badoev receives the first recognition as a screenwriter. For the scenario for film "Angels live opposite" His student of the 4th year, awarded the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary for his contribution to the development of art in Ukraine, as well as for displaying witty problems with highly artistic language.

A few years later, the director removed the melodrama "Orange Love". This film was marked by the Award of the Open Film Festival of CIS countries and the Baltic Baltic "Film". In addition, on the non-constructive show of the Cannes Festival, the picture has gained warm reviews of film critics. The main characters in it were played by Alexey Chadov and Olga Makeev.

In the creative union with composer Igor, Alan Badoev was directed by the Mademoiselle Zhivago musical film, consisting of eight parts. The main role in it was performed by the famous French singer Lara Fabian. In the manufacture of this tape, about 30 km of film film was used, and the decorations of the Zevwentsim concentration camp were built in the Kiev region.

In 2012, the director participated in the creation of Mother's Malnach, dedicated to the International Women's Day. Badoev belongs to the novel called "partner".


At the final stage of his training at the Institute of Culture, Alan Badoev finally decided on his calling: he decided to make the production of music video on pop stars songs. At that time, this niche in the video production of Ukraine was not busy. At the same time, new pop singers, singers and groups appeared every day, and all of them were necessary to loudly declare themselves. Clipmaker discovered for himself "Golden Priis". So began the bright creative biography of Alan Badoev. But from international recognition it was separated for several years.

The first noticeable work of Badoev became a clip for the song Irina Bilyk "Snow". At that time, the singer replaced the image and the language of the performance of the songs, so the video was to be very different from all her early works. Alan coped perfectly with the task. Withstand the desired style, he managed to underline the atmosphere and mood of the song.

A new, close to European and American vision of a young clipmaker provided him with increased attention of stars of the Ukrainian scene. In 2004, Alan Badoev shot 6 clips, among which it is necessary to note the English-speaking song of the singer Ani Lorak A Little Shot Of Love. The video on the composition is kept in trendy in the season of turquoise tones, and the concept of the clip sends the viewer to the American south.

After the bright and memorable video of Badoev on the song "L.M.L" from the director there was close cooperation with the team "VIA Gra" and its producer Konstantin Meladze. Since then, the group is removed from the clipsmaker regularly.

In 2016, a creative meeting of the Clipmaker and Singer Tatiana Reshetnyak took place. Together they created a number of clips on the songs of "9 lives", "love", "Autumn" and others. Video posted on Youtube hosting every time became hits, the number of their views reached several million already in the first days after the publication. The director did not cease to be surprised at the talent and musical nature of the singer, Tatiana answered Alan with reciprocity, hitting his ability to reveal the image of the artist on the screen.

Sometimes Alan Badoev works for free - "When the artist is very like, and his budget is limited" or when he wants to translate any idea that has long seen in the head. So it came out with a clip of the singer Alekseev on his hit "Drunk sun".

The director works closely with the Moldovan artist given by Balan. The fifth joint project was the clip for the song Hold On Love. The leitmotif of the work served as the phrase "Do not be afraid of what inside you." "For the first time hearing the track Hold On Love, I immediately wanted to make a video in the style of filter films. I saw a dark and mysterious atmosphere and, of course, sex that hovers in the air. To the end, the story has developed after understanding that the hero is given to be a pastor! " - told Badoev.

In connection with the provocative clip on the song Anna Sedokova "Chantaram" the name Alan Badoeva fell on the first pages of tabloid. The video turned out to be so brave that it was immediately forbidden to broadcast on Russian TV channels. Its accommodation on the personal channel of the singer in Youtube was also questioned. Anna Sedokova was worried that the video will be prohibited and for broadcasting on hosting, but it was possible to post it.

A little later came the joint work of Alan Badoev with Sergey Lazarev - a video on the song "Give up". At the idea, the singer gets wound in the heart from the boom arrows and suffers in search of his beloved. The clip turned out to be dramatic, but with a happy finale.

TV project

From April 2010, Alan Badoev became a creative producer and director of the humorous TV show "Povented in Ukraine". In addition, he directed the talent show "I want to Meladze" and "I want to in Via Gru."

In 2011, Alan Badoev, together with his wife, Jeanne Badoeva led on the canals "Inter" and "K1" cognitive transmission of travels called "Eagle and Rushka". After the 1st season of the show, due to a dense work schedule, he left the project, focusing on the director.

Realized Badoev and in producing. The first wards were the singer Max Barsky and the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group Misha Romanova. Then Alan began to promote Vyacheslav Basula, the TV show "I want to Meladze."

Badoev is engaged in organizing large-scale events. In 2019, he and his team were responsible for the solemn part of the Independence Day of Ukraine.

Personal life

Badoev is a bright and talented person, so his personal life has always been interested in secular chronicles. For 9 years, clipmeaker has heard an exemplary family man, his wife was Zhanna Badoeva. The director even has a tattoo on the right shoulder, which is dedicated to the TV host. The drawing was naked in Rome during the filming of the "Eagle and Dishki".

The couple raised the son of Zhanna from the first marriage, Boris. Soon they had a daughter of Lolita. But the children did not save this union, in August 2012, the spouses unexpectedly divorced.

The reason for the divorce Alan and Jeanne Badoev, according to the spouses, is that for 12 years of their life together, their feelings are faded. A strained work schedule did not allow them to give each other enough time. Nevertheless, they remained in friendly relations.

Alan often happens in Italy, where the former spouse with children now lives. New husband Zhanna - Businessman Vasily Melnichin. The director pays all his free time to communicating with her daughter, the birth of which calls the most important event of his life.

The fuss of the feelings of the spouses to each other is the official version of the cause, separating the creative pair. But rumors that circulated one time in social networks, hinted on a different version. The wanders whispered that together Alan Badoev and his wife, Zhanna, could not be due to the unconventional orientation of the clipmaker. Social society discussed that Alan allegedly meets with a popular singer Max Barsky.

A gay scandal flared on this soil. The network got a photo with a joint holiday of Badoev and the Barsky in Thailand. The director and the star produced by him met the New Year in warm edges. For the sake of this vacation, the singer was first refused from New Year's corporate.

Note that Alan Badoev did not perform a public camining out. Max Barsky is one of the most successful projects of producer, so he has no time and desire for refuting rumors.

In May 2016, Badoev accompanied the Barsky during a concert in Lviv. Unfortunately, because of the well-known events in Ukraine, performers who speak in neighboring Russia, condemn sharply. Because of the riots, Max's concert was barely disappeared and began 2 hours later. But faithful fans managed to defend a pet and hear his songs, for this Alan Badoev thanked them from her page in "Instagram".

Previously, the talented clipmeaker had the courage to protect against the attacks of Ani Lorak. Then, in the spring of 2014, her clip came out to the song "Malva", in which documentary frames were used with tragic events on Maidan.

For this, the singer was accused of a tragedy in Piara. Then, too, from the page in "Instagram", Alan Badoev asked "not to peck his" and not "turn into a chicken coop."

After the start of cooperation with Tatiana Reshetnyak Alan Badoev began to attribute a novel with the ward. The words of the clipmaker themselves pushed on such species of fans. Badoev does not hide what is experiencing a creative rise when communicating with the singer. Working with Reshetnyak, only a day he managed to remove 4 clip for the artist. Their noticeable joint work was the video for the song "Fantastic Zhіnka". In addition, the couple starred in a frank photo session of the Edition of XXL and gave the interviews to journalists.

Information about the novel with Tatiana Reshetnyak flew on the background of the post in the "Instagram" of Badoev, in which the director appeared in the company Zhugia Brunettes. At the picture, the clipmeaker gently hugged an unknown companion and kissed her into her hair. Alan's fans suggested that this girl is a new post of stars. In addition, Badoev left a romantic inscription under the photo. The laconic phrase consisted of 2 words - the "rays of the Sun".

Whatever it was, but this novel did not receive a continuation. After some time, the director was suspected that his lover allegedly was Alexander Gudkov.

New rumors about the personal life of Alan Badoeva appeared at the beginning of 2021. On his page in "Instagram" there was a provocative photo on which he hugs the singer Misha Romanov. The same photo was published in the actress account. The former soloist of the Pop Group "VIA Gra" added a signature: "I love you. Happy Birthday". Fans immediately began to leave comments suscepting them in the novel.

Badoev's growth is 170 cm, and the weight is 62 kg.

Alan Badoev now

In March 2021, the ARTIK & ASTI duet introduced the clip to the song "Hysteric", the director of whom Alan Badoev became. Shooting took the whole day. They took place in Kiev. Artists remained delighted with the finished clip, which confirmed the professionalism of Badoev.

In the same month, the light saw another work of Alan - the video for the song Bestseller, which was performed by Max Barsky and Zivert. Work on the movie in the style of Cyberpunk took about 6 months. It has a social sense: people totally absorbed technology, and virtual life replaced real.


  • 2006 - "Orange Love"
  • 2012 - "Moms" (novel "partner")
  • 2013 - "Mademoiselle Zhivago"


  • "Eagle and Rush"
  • "Want to Meladze"
  • "I want in VIA GRU"
  • "Posted in Ukraine"

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