Sasha Savelyev - biography, photos, songs, personal life, news 2021



Sasha Savelieva - Russian singer, graduate of the 1st season of the television show "Factory of Stars" producer Igor Matvienko, soloist "Factory" group, winner of Russian premiums "Song of the Year" and "Golden Gramophone".

Singer Sasha Savelyev

In the early 2000s, three charming vocalists - blonde, brunette and redhead - made a serious competition of the popular Herls-bend "Brilliant", and the songs "not guilty", "about love", "Romance", "Sea calls", "We Such different "," Factory girls "," light lights "included in the top ratings of leading Russian radio stations.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Savelev was born in Moscow in the family of a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences Vladimir Viktorovich Savelyev and his wife Hope Alexandrovna. Parents began to engage in the development of the girl, barely stood on their feet. According to the sign of the zodiac, the newborn turned out to be Capricorn.

In 3 years, Kroch went to the figure of figure skating, where he studied at the famous figure skater of Irina Moiseyeva. Such an early start quickly brought fruit: a few years later, the girl was enrolled in the Olympic reserve. It is thanks to love for sports, grafted from early childhood, Alexander achieved success and amazing physical form today.

Sasha Savelyev in childhood

In 5 years, Sasha went to the music school. Dunaevsky and graduated with honors in two directions at once: Flute and Piano. Here the talent of the girls manifested itself especially brightly, she spoke with concerts on well-known metropolitan areas and even in the Kremlin. Before the parents, the choice was sharply selected: to continue sports training or all efforts to attach to the success of the daughter in music. The biography of Alexandra Savelyeva could work out otherwise, if Sasha itself did not choose art.

Sasha Savelyev in youth and now

Natives supported her decision. The future singer was given to study the folk branch in theatrical music school. While studying, she sang folk songs in a children's choir ensemble called "Kuvichka", which toured throughout the country, visited the border. Among the significant concerts of the musical team - performances in the concert hall. Tchaikovsky, as well as with the orchestra. Osipova in Olympic. Choir singing liked Sasha, and after graduation, she decided to become a choral conductor.

Savelyeva filed documents at the same time in 2 educational institutions: "Gnesinku" and the School named after Alfred Schnitke. A talented girl entered both universities, and again she had to choose her further path. Sasha chose Gnesin school.

Singer Sasha Savelyev

During the training, the girl organized a student music team together with fellow men, who performed songs predominantly. The girls successfully performed at various concerts and festivals.


In 2002, the talent show "Star Factory" started on the first channel, and Sasha Savelyeva passed all the qualifying tours. As a result, Igor Matvienko, created on the project by producer Igor Matvienko, the female pop group "Factory" entered 4 charming soloists: Irina Tveva, Sati Kazanova, Alexander Savelyev and Maria Alalykin. On the project "Factory" managed to take the 2nd place.

Sasha Savelyev as part of the group

Six months later, Maria Alalykin, in the past, the winner of the beauty contest "Beauty of Russia 2001", suddenly leave the group after the first touring tour. The official reason for the care of the artist called the deduction from the Institute and the desire to continue studying. Changes in the group were for the remaining "manufacturer" painful. As Sasha Savelyeva spoke in an interview, Maria's departure from the group became surprising and real shock for her, since the girls had already managed to make friends.

Nevertheless, the new trio won the vast popularity and love of the public. Their songs "About Love", "Oh, Mom, I fell in love with", "5 minutes" and others quickly became hits and months did not go from the peaks of the charts. Easy and densite style of execution, fragile elegant beauty "manufacturer" brought a team deserved success.

In 2004, Lölik's song presented a group of two prestigious awards in the musical world: "Golden Gramophone" and "Foot Heath". A year later, according to the Glamour magazine, the team receives the title "group of the year". And in 2006, the popularity of the "factory" trio overshadows at that time the leaders of the scene - the group "Brilliant". At the same time, the girls receive the second Golden Gramophone for the song "Not Guy."

Just such awards on the account of the Group 4: In 2007, the factory received a statuette for the New Year's song "ignite lights", and the latter was awarded the team for the composition "Do not be born beautiful."

Clips were removed for many group hits. The director of some of them became Fedor Bondarchuk. He removed the video on the songs of "Factory Girls", "Sea calls" and "not guilty." On the song "Films of Love", Alan Badoev made the clip.

Sasha Savelyev with Irina Tonoye remain in the factory group from the very beginning of its existence, and Sati Kazanova left the team in 2010, solving more attention to solo creativity.

Catherine Lee came to Sati's place, ex-participant of the HI-FI team. But after 3 years, the girl was forced to leave the group on the state of health - on the shooting of the video "Do not be born beautiful" Katya Lee received a serious back injury. Now the third "manufacturer" is Alexander Popov, who received fame thanks to the Konstantin Meladze project "I want V VIA".

Today, the trio has 3 albums released. The first - "Factory girls" - appeared in 2003, in 2008 2 more were 2 - "We are so different" and the collection "Best and Favorite".

In the Sasha Savelyev team, it is considered the most balanced participant who firmly adheres to its principles. As part of the Savelyev group participated in numerous photosets for men's magazines, including erotic. Among these publications, Playboy, Maxim, Fhm, Penguin and the XXL magazine can be noted, where the photo of the Savelyeva's shop in a swimsuit was placed on the cover.

In 2012, the girl was chosen face Collection of Palette ICC Hair Collection "Dazzling Blondes".

Sasha Savelyev in a swimsuit

Despite the fact that in the factory, the singer feels quite comfortable, from time to time she thinks about the solo career and takes steps in this direction. Sasha Savelieva has for many years for many years is a constant participant in the ranking of the "One hundred most beautiful people of Moscow".

The popular singer demonstrated acting talent on the shooting sites of several TV projects. She performed Kameo in the popular Sitkom "Club", played in the episode of the film "Snow Angel", appeared in the acting ensemble of the Comedy "New Year's Shatts". One of the Savelian filmmaster was the role of Anna Rusayeva in the criminal detective "Women on the Edge".

Actress and singer Sasha Savelyev

I tried my hand to Alexander and as a TV host. In 2014, she, together with the famous actor Konstantin Kryukov, led a show of fencing, which was called "Duel". The transfer was broadcast on the TV channel "Russia 2".

Today Sasha Savelyeva continues to work on new projects in the popular team. Rumoring, she prepares a solo album, but the singer itself does not confirm this.

In 2016, a new composition appeared, named "Sunday me." It is noteworthy that the husband of Sasha Savueli Kirill Safonov became the director of the clip to the song. But the main thing is that this is the debut solo composition of the singer. It is possible that she will enter the Savelya solo album, who has long been waiting for her long-standing fans. In the video, the new hit Sasha tried to tell the story of his love. In the same year, the solo repertoire of the artist was replenished with a tek "I chose you."

Personal life

The personal life of Sasha Savelyeva due to the popularity of the "factory" often became the object of gossip in glossy publications. About the early novels of the participants of the pop group know a little. At 18 years old, the girl met the sound operator, who was not a guy for a short time. After the successful start of the singing career of Sasha, their way was separated. Soon in the life of the artist, Denis Shashkin's figure, vocalist from the "Disiscia" group, looked around. But this novel turned out to be short.

Sasha Savelyev and Alexey Yagudin

In 2007, at the set of an entertainment TV project "Ice Age" Sasha Savelyev met the Russian figure skater Alexey Yagudin, who became her partner on the show. Romantic relationships were raised between the artists, which were even awarded the "Wedding Gossival of the Year" award in the Nomination "Marriage 2007". But after half a year, the couple broke up. Yagudin went to the figure skater Tatiana Tutmyanina and after 2 years he became a father.

The singer would not stay alone for a long time. In February 2008, at a party in a karaoke club, she met actor Kirill Safonov. After a fleeting meeting, the artist got the phone of the girl from the producer Alexei Vorobiev - Katerina Groundman-Valdek, who was friends.

Sasha Savelyev and Kirill Safonov

Recognition in love followed on the first date. Cyril said the cherished phrase on Hebrew. Soon the novel converts into something more, and in 2010 Sasha Savelyev and Kirill Safonov got married. The ceremony took place in the fabulously beautiful Moscow estate Tsaritsyno.

From time to time, rumors appear in yellow editions and social networks that the couple broke up. Once again about the divorce of star spouses spoke in the spring of 2016. But this time Sasha Savelyeva denied a lie, told reporters that they laughed with her husband for a long time, reading in one edition of the divorce, and in the other that he would soon be married.

Wedding Sasha Savelya and Kirill Safonova

The fact that between spouses peace and consent confirms Producer Igor Matvienko, who simply describes the formula of happiness Sasha and Kirill:

"He is filmed in the movies, and she sings the songs. And they all are good. "

Sasha Savelieva says that her husband and marriage changed greatly. Now she looks at a very different way, because "pink glasses" disappeared. The singer though argues that work remains a priority for her, but it is recognized that they have been planning a child with her husband for a long time, without which the family is not a family.

Sasha Savelyev with her husband

The press often appear publications about pregnancy Sasha Savelya. But while there is no children in the family. With subscribers of the personal "instagram" "manufacturer" generously shares new photos, which often appears with her husband.

Often, the pair becomes a guest of television gear. In 2014, after entering the screens of a popular television series with Cyril in the lead role of the "smile of the messenger", the spouses visited the television show studio "Evening Urgant". Safonov and Savelyeva responded to Ivan Urgant on questions about favorite songs and each other's films. After 3 years, the artists visited another project of the TV presenter - the Smak program. In the process of making chocolate muffins, television viewers learned about the collaboration of spouses.

Sasha gladly visits the theatrical premieres of her husband and even goes with Kirill on tour. Safonov in turn participates in the creative life of the Music team "Factory" and a solo career of the spouse. Cyril in a joke calls Sasha Savelyev "Sunflower Witch": the singer considers the fields with a flowering sunflower to the place of force.

The artist has a pet - dog breed Jack Russell Terrier named Bastic. According to Sasha, its four-legged friend is a creative and positive nature. The dog is able to distinguish toys of different colors, understands its owners with a half-clow.

Sasha Savelyev now

Now the artist successfully combines the singing career with the model. In 2017, she concluded a contract with the Mary Kay cosmetic company and became Ambassador trademark. Together with other vocalists of the "Factory" group, Sasha released new singles - "Butterflies", "Vova Vova", "could".

Alexandra Savelyev and Kirill Safonov in the Czech Republic in 2018

In 2018, together with his spouse, the singer celebrated the 8th anniversary of the wedding. The couple surprises the surrounding rare devotion to each other, which infrequently happens in the families of artists. Year was rich on travel. Savelyev and Safonov visited the Czech Republic, went to Israel and Georgia. Romantic journey on the anniversary they spent in Milan.


  • 2003 - "Factory girls"
  • 2008 - "We are so different"
  • 2008 - "Best and Favorite"

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