Dmitry Isaev - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, wives, children, parents 2021



"Rarely bastard, but terribly charming," "Inborn Aristocrat", "Fantastic Look", "Smiling smudge" - so fans describe Dmitry Isaev's kinoherroev. In his filmography, mainly serials, but the created images deeply transmit the inner state of the artist. The actor dreams of a classic character or "to be in the hands of the director who will help to change under the influence of some kind of perky material."

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on January 23, 1973 in Leningrad. The family had, according to him, tough female raising aunt and mom, makeup of a large dramatic theater. From childhood, the actor engaged in music. At the end of the 7th grade, he entered the Music School named after the Roman Corsakov, which threw, without having taken with the teacher in the question of choosing the repertoire. Now on the violin Isaev does not play. The ownership of the tool was useful for the debut role of young Mozart in the French film "Debussy, or Mademoiselle Shu-Shu."

The athlete of the young man did not at the insistence of the mother who said that "With such a father it is impossible." So Dmitry found out that his parent - Vladislav Stroelchik himself. Euphoria on this occasion was not, but a certain inner connection with his father felt. Take the famous surname The illegitimate son Vladislav Stroelchik did not want.

Acting Biography Isaeva began at the age of 14 in the theater "Shelter Comedan". Olga Volkova, at that time a beginner actress took the patronage over him and sent to theatrical university. From the second attempt (for the first time he poured the exam on history) Dmitry entered Ligitmik. In parallel with study, he worked as a fitness coach, a massage therapist, television and radio.

Films and theater

After graduating from the university, Isaev continued to work in the "shelter of the Comedan", while at the same time going to the stage in the theater named after the Commissioner. Later, the TEAT "NITIY", ANTREVIZATION named Andrei Mironova, "Electro Stanislavsky", Moscow independent theater "Empire Stars" were added to them.

Dmitry's filmier for a long time was in sleeping condition. True, the episodes in the films "Gangster Petersburg", "Streets of broken lanterns", "Mangown", "Chronicle of Love". The main role of Tsearevich Alexander in the TV series "Poor Nastya" with Catherine Klimova became a real triumph of the actor and brought recognition of the audience. Then followed the "sins of fathers", "return of the prodigal dad" and "Quartet for two." In the TV series "War and Peace" of 2007, Dmitry fulfilled the role of Nikolai Rostov.

In the drama "provocateur" hero Isaeva - Edaki Robin Huds of modernity, secretly piercing court over those who cannot be reached by the official judiciary. In the thriller "Blue beard" he is oligarch, who has one after another, the wife is dying. In melodrama, "Hear my heart", "Vise Silence" and "Golden Cell" Characters Dmitry break the life of provincial girls. By the fault of the plastic surgeon, which was performed by an actor in the series "Stranger in the Mirror", a popular singer has to be replaced by a twin. Heroes with a positive aura got to Isaev in the "Klyas to defend", "Road home", "Shadows". Also, the actor starred in the series "Give me Sunday" with Catherine Kuznetsova.

Having stirred up the 45-year-old frontier, Dmitry realized that "happiness, maybe in money, but we need to take a break, the opportunity to exhale, spend more time with the child."

Before you go into a creative vacation, the actor presented to the court of the audience the drama "Alien". In the film, the main character in his execution is a plastic surgeon, a woman's husband, lost memory.

In 2019, the screens came out the spy detective "Legend Ferrari". In the title of the picture, the name of the first Soviet explosion of Elena Golubovskaya is being played, with which she worked under cover in Europe and created the current agent network so far. The main role was performed by Olga Pogodin. In addition to Dmitry Isaev, Sergey Gorobchenko, Pavel Delong and Konstantin Kryukov, were involved in the producer project Alexei Pimanov. Also, the actor starred in the TV series "Detective per million".

The list of scenic works of the artist was replenished with a comedy "Features of the National Marriage", the drama "Angel Day", the classic production of "Master and Margarita", the entrepreneur "Dog's Heart".

Personal life

In marriage with a fellowship, actress of the Petersburg Theater "Aquarium" Asay Shibarova, Doublers of Polina and Sofia were born in Isaev. At a young age, the girls appeared in the films "Swing" and "Russian Ark". Spouses decided to divorce when children were 4 years old. Dmitry then did not earn nothing, began to drink, but understood that daughters could not grow in such an environment.

With the second spouse, Ballerina Inna Ginkevich, the actor lived 6 years, made friends with her daughter an animate. The Honored Artist of Russia told that he put her own career on the altar of love, taking on the role of a personal husband's husband. Thanks to her, Inna claimed, Dmitry became a star of cinema, got rid of depression and alcoholism. And in response, she received a betrayal: Isaev went to her close girlfriend Oksana Horn.

Dmitry himself in an interview with Boris Korchevnikov in the program "The Fate of Man" said that the difference of characters, temperaments led to the rupture. Tight communication with the girlfriend of the ex-wife began only six months after the divorce.

In addition to the conclusion of official marriage in the registry office, Dmitry and Oksana married the church. In June 2014, Christina, the daughter of the horn from the first marriage, appeared Brother Alexander. The actor waited for the birth of a son with impatience.

The third marriage did not prevent the emergence of new rumors about Isaev's novels on the side. The media caught the actor in love with Nonaya Grishava. Allegedly at the colleagues on the "Warsaw Melody" spectral relationship with the scene moved to life. Paparazzi managed to make a photo of kissing couple. In the absence of reaction from Oksana, journalists concluded that the woman is trying to save the family and closed his eyes on what is happening.

The setting for several months fell out of the repertoire of the Moscow Regional Tyus, which manages Grishaeva. But popularity was so great that the performance was returned, and Dmitry's role was handed over to Entra Beroev.

From Moscow to gain strength, Isaev seeks to house, which built in the reserve on the Oka. There, according to media information, the actor, together with the neighbor a musician, is passionate about the breeding of flowers.

Dmitry fans created numerous fan communities on social networks. In "Instagram" there is an unbelievable page signed by the name of the artist, which publishes personnel from personal life, from shooting sites and theatrical scenes.

The artist did not communicate with the daughters of Polina and Sophia for a long time. The new spouse Shibarova was engaged in their upbringing. However, when Dmitry acquired means, he resumed communication and even built a workshop for girls in his own home. Mutted Polina and Sonya are engaged in interior design.

In one of the interviews, Dmitry Isaev confessed that he had a period when communicating with her son was not easy. At that time, the little Sasha was four years old. There was no understanding between his father and son. Each interaction with the child eared for Dmitry with great stress, after which he had long come to himself. The actor managed to overcome the crisis, and now he gets his son. The artist pays the heir to the maximum time.

Dmitry Isaev now

The actor continues to play the theater. In the spring of 2020, Dmitry participated in the "Rock Passion" in Serpukhov. Initially, Igor Livanov should play in the performance, but the artist fell ill, and Isaev replaced him.

Dmitry participates not only in creative, but also in social projects. In June 2020, Isaev supported the action "Nowhere to hurry," where the motorists called on the speed and road rules, as well as be attentive driving.

In October 2020, Dmitry Isaev took part in the Meridian Filian Festival and visited the Primorsky Territory. As part of this project, he played in the play "In Search of Happiness".

In 2021, the actor took part in the program of the writer Tatyana Ustinova "My Hero". He shared his details. Dmitry Isaev said about childhood, he said that he was "crazy", since it was rich in work, in particular music by music. At the same time, the artist admitted that he played a violin not in his own will, but at the request of the mother - she hoped to make a musician from his son who can travel abroad.


  • 2003 - "Gangster Petersburg"
  • 2004 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2006 - "Return of the Prodigal Pope"
  • 2008 - "The informations of fate"
  • 2010 - "Hear my heart"
  • 2011 - "Pautinka Baby Summer"
  • 2012 - "Wild 3"
  • 2013 - "Golden Cell"
  • 2015 - "Points of Support"
  • 2017 - "Stranger in the Mirror"
  • 2018 - "Shadow"
  • 2018 - "Alien"
  • 2019 - "Detective Million"
  • 2019 - "Legend Ferrari"
  • 2020 - "Detective on Million-2"

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