Alexey Gorbunov - biography, photo, personal life, movies, news 2021



The filmography of the Honored Artist of Ukraine, the famous theatrical and film actor Alexei Gorbunova has dozens of kinocartin and television serials.

Actor Alexey Gorbunov

His filigree, a thin game fascinates viewers for many years, and the character of Shiko from the Novilla "Countess de Monsoro" has long entered the history of Russian cinema.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Gorbunov was born in Kiev in the fall of 1961. The childhood of the future artist was held on the green island of Rusanovka, where the boy played football with the courtyard buddies all day. Teenager Lesha often traveled to Dynamo Stadium to watch his sports idols train. Still in school, the guy was industrialed by Fangovka jeans, for which one day he even fell into the police. But in high schools, Alexey seriously carried away the theater and, despite the protests of the Father, who saw the Son in a simple and profitable profession like a master of refrigerator repair, decided to enter the theater university.

Alexey Gorbunov

Aleksei Gorbunov could not do to the Kiev Theater Institute named after Karpenko-Karoga, because he was not a member of the WLKSM. But instead of trying himself in another profession, the young man all year before the second attempt was worked out by workers in the Lesia Ukrainian theater. There, the talent of the young Gorbunov noticed the famous actress of Hell Rogologsev. She introduced Alexey with her husband Konstantin Stepankov, who at that time he led the course at that very university, where Alexey Gorbunov was unsuccessfully tried to do the day before.

Alexey Gorbunov in youth

The next year of the young man was still enrolled in the theater university. Alexey Gorbunov graduated from studying in 1984, and the day, when he was awarded a diploma, coincided with the first day of filming in his debut film.

Movies and music

The young artist is incredibly lucky: his debut role turned out to be the main one. In a detective, the director Vladimir Popkova "Cargo without labeling" Alexey Gorbunov played the customs officer Evgenia Sthenko. It is noteworthy that Oleg Menshikov was approved for this role, but the famous actor had to abandon filming due to a dense work schedule. Alexey considers the director with his godfather in cinema. The ass managed to see the potential in the artist and took the main role without samples.

Alexey Gorbunov in the film

At first, the first work was followed by a smaller role in 2 children's multi-sized films: "Makar-Wicker" and the famous "Vacation of Petrova and Vashechkin". But soon the actor had to suspend his career for 2 years, as he was encouraged to army service.

The next major project in the career of the novice artist was the detective "to embark on the investigation", where Gorbunov followed the police form. Materials of the Soviet cinema - Bogdan Mets and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan appeared in the film in the main cast. In 1988, the guy starred in the historic picture "Stone Soul". His young Marina Mogilevskaya became his partner on the frame.

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Then the "dashing 90s" came, and Alexander Dovzhenko's film studio, where Alexey Gorbunov worked, a crisis began. Despite the fact that the actor took for any role, they practically did not pay money. Therefore, in his youth, he had to earn a private worker in order to be able to feed the family. Nevertheless, during these years Alexey expanded the range of his amplua. In addition to the Guardians of the order, he successfully mastered the images of the revolutionary ("pit"), Chekist ("Hunger-33"), a surveillance agent ("Crime with many unknown").

This situation has stretched 7 years, until Vladimir Popkov, who once discovered the talent of the artist, did not invite Alexey for the role of a joke named Shikik in his historical Miscellaneous film "Countess de Monsoro". From that moment on, the creative biography of Alexei Gorbunov rushed up, the artist began to film mainly in Russian-made films. One of the first such paintings in the artist repertoire is the drama of Valery Todorovsky "Country of Deaf", in which Gorbunov fulfilled the role of the supplier of goods.

Alexey Gorbunov in the film

At the turn of the 1990s and the 2000s, Alexey Gorbunov took part in the shooting of 3 point-of-spirited serials with a criminal bias: Kamenskaya, Turkish March and Bourgeois Birthday. All these projects enjoyed success in the audience, as they answered the adventurous spirit of the outgoing era.

The next major role of the actor had to wait for a short time. In 2001, the detective series "Trail of Werewolf", with the participation of Alexei Gorbunov, was released on the screens, in which the artist appeared in the usual role - captain of the police. His crime methods are far from legal, but it leads a consequence to the disclosure of the case. Valery Barinov, Georgy Drozd and others also shone on the screen.

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In 2003, Alexey appeared immediately in several projects in which he was occupied in the foreground. Among these serials were "Station", "Lines of Fate" and "The Best City of Earth".

In 2005, Alexey Gorbunov was first removed from the director Nikita Mikhalkov in the screening of the detective novel Boris Akunin "Stat Counselor". Cooperation turns out to be fruitful, and after 2 years Nikita Sergeevich again invites the artist to take part in the shooting remake of the judicial cofoderma of 1957 "Twelve angry men", the debut work of the Hollywood director Sydney Lumeta.

For the role of the 9th jury, the director of the cemetery, Alexey Gorbunov, as part of the entire acting court of jury, the film "12" was awarded the Golden Eagle in the nomination "For the Best Male Role."

Alexey Gorbunov in the film

Among the following works, the people of Valery Todorovsky were remembered among the following works by the viewers, in which Alexey Gorbunov fulfilled the role of a former saxophonist, the dramatic thriller "one who devies Arkady Strugatsky.

In 2009, Alexey Gorbunov played Garik Sukacheva "House of the Sun" in the debut film of the Sun, where he fulfilled the role of the artist on nicknamed Korean.

The artist works closely with a foreign film industry: In 2013, he starred in the French-friendly film Eric Roshan "Möbiius", where the main roles performed the stars of world cinema Jean Duzharden and Tim Roth.

In the same 2013, the audience saw the beloved actor in the series "Sherlock Holmes" Andrei Kavun, in which Alexey Gorbunov played Professor Moriarty. In the project, he appeared in the society of famous colleagues Igor Petrenko, Andrei Panin, Ingeborgi Dapkin and Mikhail Boyarsky.

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In addition to working in the cinema, the artist in different years led the night music television show "Night alarm clock" and entertaining "Miracle People". Also, Gorbunov worked on the radio: he was a DJ in the Crimean "Radio Dzhankka" and the metropolitan radio stations of Nostalgie and "Continent".

During the acting career, Gorbunov collaborated with the Studio-Studio Square, with a private chamber house M. Nastanteniner and the Kiev National Theater of the Russian Drama named after Lesia Ukrainka. Alexey appeared in the performances of the entrepreneur Oleg Menshikov "Theater Association 814". Later in an interview, the actor admitted that his favorite thing of his life considers work on the radio, in the cinema and on the theater site, he appeared due to the need for earnings.

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Alexey Gorbunov is the organizer and frontman of the "Sadness of the Pilot" group, which performs music in the genre of the author's song. Fans of the singer argue that he is a talented performer who sings the voice and soul. According to the artist, he receives no less pleasure from concerts, and sometimes more than from the game on stage or the set.

In December 2014, the press appeared reports that Alexey Gorbunov decided to interrupt cooperation with Russian cinema and refuse to participate in Russian films due to political views. Information about the visit of the actor to the Dnepropetrovsk hospital to support the wounded soldiers of the Ukrainian army caused a flurry of conflicting discussions in the media. Gorbunov openly declared that it helps the financial Ukrainian army and is proud of the citizenship of Ukraine.

In 2015, Alexey Gorbunov took part in the filming of the series "Guard", glorifying Ukrainian military participants in the ATO area. The film was released on the screens of Ukraine and Poland in May 2015, but due to the conflict of copyright holders, only 4 series was filmed instead of the scheduled 12.

Alexey Gorbunov on the shooting of the series

In February 2016, the Russian erotic thriller "Sanchacha" came out on televisers, filmed in 2013 by Yegor Baranov. The premiere of a 4-serial picture in Ukraine and Russia took place in November 2015. The project was shot in Moscow and Odessa. Alexey Gorbunov appeared in him as a hero of Kavengengen.

In 2016, the actor starred in 2 clips - "Clasp degrees" and "Equipment". His work viewers were also able to appreciate the "Rule of Battle" in the sports film and a single detective.

Personal life

The actor was married twice. The artist Svetlana Lopukhov became the first wife of the artist, who gave birth to Gorbunov daughter Anastasia. But the family life of the couple did not hold down, which led to the divorce.

Alexey Gorbunov with daughter Anastasia

Personal life Alexei Gorbunova made a new round in 2009: the actor connected himself as a marriage with a woman named Irina Kovalev. She gave him the second daughter Sofia. The artist is extremely irritably to the questions of a private nature, does not like, when journalists ask him about his wives and children, so there is almost nothing to know about his cardiac press affairs.

Alexey Gorbunov with his wife

The eldest daughter Anastasia Gorbunova made his first steps in the acting career: along with his father, she starred in the pediatric picture "Trubach". But the girl does not see himself in the movies and dreams of showing the ability on a different field - in design art. Judging by the photo in the media, the actor often appears in the company of the elder daughter in secular events, which gives him pleasure.

The youngest daughter Sofia Gorbunova also appeared on the screen, but not in artistic, but in the documentary project "the person who had."

In early 2015, a tragedy occurred in the artist's family: his younger brother Alexander died in a car accident near Kiev.

Alexey Gorbunov now

In 2017, the actor appeared in the Optimus Gang Youth Online Project. This is a video blog, whose rollers are laid out on the channel in YouTube. Alexey starred in several scenes as an eccentric character. In 2018, the artist spoke in his beloved role - as a radio-winning author's transfer to the "Radio Radio 102.7 FM" in Odessa.

Backstage Optimus Gang and Alexey Gorbunov

In 2017, the science fiction film "Thinkers" was completed, in which Alexey again received a major role. Few, only those who are able to prevent destructive ideas into the world are accepted into the closed society. Hero Gorbunova acts as the head of the secret fraternity.

Alexey Gorbunov in the film

Now the artist is working on the criminal film directed by Yaroslav Lodigina "Wild Field", in which the pastor plays. Also in the near future, the premiere of the film "Other" is planned, in which a man will appear in the ensemble with Olga Grishina and Alexander Radnikov.


  • 1984 - "Cargo without labeling"
  • 1997 - "Countess de Monsoro"
  • 1998 - "Country of Deaf"
  • 1999 - "Bourgeois Birthday"
  • 2000 - Turkish March
  • 1999-2000 - Kamenskaya
  • 2003 - "Lines of Fate"
  • 2004 - "Red Capella"
  • 2005 - "Stat Counselor"
  • 2008 - "Stirsters"
  • 2009 - "Inhabited Island"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2015 - "Leningrad 46"
  • 2015 - "Sarancha"
  • 2017 - "The rule of battle"
  • 2018 - "Wild Field"
  • 2018 - "Other"

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