Zemfira - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Renata Litvinova, Albums 2021



Zemfira - Russian rock performer, author of texts, composer and musical producer. She laid the direction in Russian music, which journalists identified as a female rock. The popularity of the singer, rapidly soaring in the tops of all radio stations, has not been recessious for many years, her songs continue to confidently conquer all new fans.

Childhood and youth

Zemfira Ramazanova was born in Ufa in the intelligent Tatar-Bashkir family. Her father Talgat Talhovich taught history, and the mother of Florida Khakiyevna worked as a specialist in therapeutic physical education. The girl had a senior brother named Ramil, with which she had a trust relationship

The talent of Zemfir to music revealed early, since 5 years old, the future singer studied in a specialized music school.

In his youth, she was fond of the work of the "Cinema" group: according to the celebrity, the songs of Viktor Tsoi and Tom York largely influenced her formation as a musician. In the school years, Zemfira cleaned, focusing on the streets of their hits under the guitar.

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In his youth, Ramazanov seriously engaged in basketball. Despite the fact that the girl was in the team below everyone (subsequently, its growth was 173 cm at a weight of 58 kg), she became the captain of the Junior Russian national team. Thus, in the last grades, a dilemma stood in front of it: sport or music. Zemfira chose the last and entered the Ufa School of Art for the separation of pop-jazz vocals.

Personal life

The personal life of Zemfira for the whole musical career was filled with all sorts of rumors and speculation. The beginning of this was put on this singer, at the very beginning announced the coming wedding with the leader of the group "Dancing minus" by Vyacheslav Petkun, which was advertising.

After dating Zemfira and Renata Litvinova began to spread rumors about the unconventional orientation of the girlfriends. There were even rumors in the media that the stars got married in Stockholm. Women did not comment on this information.

In 2010, in the family of Zemfira occurred - her older brother Ramil drowned in the river during underwater hunting. A year earlier, Dad singer Talgat Talhovich died from a long disease, and at the beginning of 2015, the singer lost his mother.

Since then, the celebrity is trying to take care of the remaining nephews of Arthur and Artem, at the end of 2013, Zemfira created a joint musical project with them. There are no own children from the singer.

Zemfir is dedicated to the page in "Instagram". Photos that appear in the account are mostly made at concerts and other secular events. She also has a page in Vkontakte, on which she sometimes communicates with fans, lay out new compositions, publishes announcements of speeches and even candid posts, for example, about colleagues. For example, in 2019, Zemfira criticized the young singers buckwheat and a coin, and not only for the texts and manner of execution, but also for appearance.

Later, the subscribers asked if she would ever be a guest of the show Yuri Dudia. Zemfira replied that it does not matter in principle, because it does not need it, and in general the process of public interrogation itself leads to horror.

In the summer of 2019, Zemfire had to contact the law enforcement agencies about the fan attack. The young man pursued the performer for a while, and in conclusion, and at all broke her car, which stood in the parking lot near the house of the artist in Moscow. Vandal explained his actions at the police station by wanted to attract the attention of the singer.


The biography of Zemfira changed Cool in 1997, when at the annual rock festival "Maxidrome" a cassette with her songs came across familiar journalists in his hands at that time the producer of the Mumi Troll group Leonid Burlakova. He decides to give a chance to a talented performer, and at the end of 1998, the performer records its first album "Zemfira" at the Mosfilm Studio.

The minimization of the first album was made in the British capital under the leadership of Ilya Lagutenko, the frontman and the leader "Mumiy Troll". Also to produce a new executive, Anastasia Kalmanovich helped, was organized by the organization of tour. The release of the disk took place in May 1999, while individual songs - "AIDS", "Rockets" and "Chamomile" - entered the rotation of radio stations a little earlier.

The album had a deafening success, over the first six months more than 700 thousand copies were sold. For 3 songs, clips were removed: the "Ariversic" video library ("ships") immediately won the hearts of thousands of fans with their extraordinary approach to installation and director. The face of Zemfira on this video was shaded. There were rumors that the singer is the Side project of Laguthenko himself.

The second album "Forgive me, my love" ("P. M. M. L.") became the most popular disc of 2000 in Russia, as well as the most commercially successful from the entire discography of Zemfira. The track "I was looking for" from the new album sounded in the cult film "Brother-2".

The plate includes other compositions, which later criticism and fans called the hits of Zemfira: "Raw", "Want?", "Sky of London", "Dawns" and others.

The increased popularity rather than pleased Zemfira, and at the end of 2000 she went into a creative vacation, taking part in only one project dedicated to her musical idol Viktor Tsiu. The artist recorded the song "Cuckoo" for the concert "Kinoproby".

The circulation of the next plate "fourteen weeks of silence", which included the songs "The girl who lives in the network", "Infinity", "Macho", stepped over a million disks, and the singer herself in 2003 received the Triumph Prize.

In 2005, the cooperation of Zemfira begins with actress and director Renat Litvinova. Ramazanova was invited to create music for the film Litvinova "Goddess: as I loved." Subsequently, Renata spoke director of the clip on the song "Results" and many subsequent works of the singer. In 2008, Litvinova released a full-length musical film "Green Theater in Zemfire", later received award "Steppe Wolf".

In 2007, Zemfira wrote the composition "I met you", dedicated to her Marina Tsvetaeva. According to the singer, the text was written by her early in the morning impressed by the poetess of the poetess "Anne Akhmatova", published in 1915.

The subsequent work of the artist only strengthened its popularity in the Russian rock chain. In 2010, the Journal of Athens amounted to the list of "50 best Russian albums of all time. Choosing young musicians. " The debut album of the performer took the 5th place on this list, and the album "Forgive me, my love" - ​​43rd.

In 2013, the sixth studio work of the performer "Living in Your Head" came out. From a musical point of view, the album is distinguished by the abundance of riffs and original rhythms, and melancholy and death became the central theme of poetry. In the work, the recent personal losses of Zemfira clearly reflected, fans and critics found the record too depressive.

In 2016, the release of a concert album "Little Man. Live "whose songs sounded performed by the singer during her tour tour 2015. From the scene, the performer declared fans on the cessation of concert activities. Zemfira confirmed his words on the broadcast show "Evening Urgant".

In 2018, the singer presented the new song "Joseph", written on the basis of two poems of Joseph Brodsky. Diana Arbenina called the new track "Sad song for sad people."

Now the artist appears mainly at musical festivals and concerts. So, in the company Renata Litvinova Star Rock scene was seen at Bosco Fresh Fest 2019, dedicated to modern music, which was held in Moscow.


For his cool, the singer received a unlawful title "Girl Scandal". Periodically, news about conflicts with actipers appeared in the media. Being already popular, Zemfira came up with a store employee. At one time she was attributed to the use of narcotic drugs, and once the performer and flew at all from his own concert.

In recent years, the clothes and hairstyle of the singer in recent years prefers and rubbish - turtlenecks, jeans, narrow pants, men's shoes predominantly black, disheveled hair. Occasionally it can be seen in the dresses, always dark and tight. However, it was not always that, at the dawn, a career, the performer often went on the scene in feminine outfits of frivolous colors.

Vladimir Pozner, trying to record an interview with Zemfira, noted that she, though interesting, but extremely difficult to communicate. He also noticed dislike for questions in it, noting that she was extremely tense most of the conversation. According to Posner, the performer has an explosive temperament, any trifle can withdraw it, but later she sincerely regrets his flashes.

Zemfira now

In 2020, Zemfira decided to resume permanent speeches. At the beginning of the 2021, she released a new song "Angry Man", which became a soundtrack for the film Renat Litvinova "North Wind" and caused numerous discussions.

And on February 26, the long-awaited new album of the singer "Borderline" came out. It includes such compositions as "Austin", "Abyuz", "Wait for me" and others. Celebrity gave comments on each song on the record. So, according to her, "OK" is "hello toi", and "coat" is one of the few light songs. Poster to her, the performer wrote in one day, even when he lay in the hospital.


  • 1999 - "Zemfira"
  • 2000 - "Forgive me my love"
  • 2002 - "Fourteen weeks of silence"
  • 2005 - "Vendetta"
  • 2007 - "Thank you"
  • 2013 - "live in your head"
  • 2021 - Borderline

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