Olesya Zheleznyak - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Probably, today it is difficult to find a viewer who would not know who Olesya Zheleznyak. It is really difficult not to notice. And not only because the actress is famous for high growth, but, above all, due to the brilliance of comedy roles.

Childhood and youth

Olesya Vladimirovna Zheleznyak was born and grew up in the family, which was far from cinema and theater: the mother worked for the seamstress, the father is a loader. In the 50s, parents moved from Ukraine to the capital, both were rustic residents. In addition to Olesya, two more daughters grew in the family. Thanks to the older sister, Lyudmila Zheleznyak in childhood was addicted to reading. And he was fond of dancing.

Parents were mundane, so they did not plan to see the Alesy actress. But instead of the Plekhanovsky Institute of the National Economy, to which the mother pointed out his daughter, the girl headed to the choreographic studio of the college of culture. She was accepted for the teacher of Lyudmila Foytzova.

Future artist gave dance classes for 2 years, but then a children's dream still led her to the Theater Studio on Arbat. Unfortunately, the Studio closed soon, but Zheleznyak managed to fall in love with the theater forever.

Therefore, the next step was to enter guitis, to conquer which from the first attempt was failed. In a young age, Oles had to get in the circus cordure, good, a slim figure and choreographic preparation made it possible to do this (with an increase of 180 cm, its weight did not exceed 64 kg). The future actress was even managed to visit Tours in Japan. But the second attempt was crowned with success, she was lucky enough: Zheleznyak enrolled on the course to Mark Zakharov.

Personal life

The celebrity married in the early 2000s. The personal life of Olesy Zheleznyak was happily. With the future spouse Spartak Subchenko, she met on the classrooms of preparatory courses in VGIK. Even when both applicants were enrolled in different theatrical universities (the young man fell into the Schukin school), the novel continued to develop. Having received diplomas about higher education, young people decided to get married. The wedding was modified modestly, settled in the "two-bed" spouse on Kutuzovsky Avenue. "Well, in his free time I give birth to children and engaged in their upbringing," the actress jokes.

Children at Olesy Zheleznyak four. Savely was born in 2004, Agafya - in 2006, Prokhor - in 2011 and Thomas - in 2013. Woman perfectly time to combine motherhood and work. The secret, as she says herself, in a properly organized work schedule and life. And also - in the help of the husband of Spartak Subchenko, also an actor who helps his wife in household matters and raising children. Spouses call themselves "wrong actors", but feel happy surrounded by a large family.

Zheleznyak - responsible mother. She raises children without nanny, while not throwing work. Often you have to take kids on tour and shooting. The celebrity admits that he does not remember when it fell normally. But she is a workaholic and satisfied with such a rhythm of life. Free time prefers to spend surrounded by relatives, the spouses rarely go into the world, live closed life. How the family life of Olesy is arranged, you can see the program "While all at home".

In 2020, rumors appeared that the actress is waiting for the fifth child. However, they were false. At least, on social networks, Olesya did not report what was preparing for replenishing in the family.

According to Zheleznyak, its only girlfriend became a colleague Tatyana Kravchenko. Yes, and that women communicate only at work. Olesya rarely uses social networks, her family pictures will not meet in "Instagram". But the actress has a personal site, where she introduces fans in detail with the schedule of performances.


The theater biography of Oley Zheleznyak started in student years. At first, these were episodic roles in the play "Marriage Figaro" and "Juno and Avos", where the beginner artist was entrusted that she was best able to dance.

Reflect on where to go after receiving a diploma, Oles did not have to. At the end of the study, Mark Zakharov asked the girl to bring her photo for the lobby and attribute documents to the Lenko personnel department. So Olesya realized that she was admitted to the famous theater Zakharov. In 2000, she was given a diploma, and the actress began to regularly go to the scene.

By no means immediately, the Master called the novice artist "Young Glood". On the way to success happened and thorns: Zheleznyak once admitted that he came with the nervous breakdown to the hospital. It happened at the rehearsal of the play "Barbarian and Hehetik", where Leonid Armored was critically told Mark Zakharov: "If she is so playing, I will leave the scene."

In his youth, Zheleznyak felt uncertainty in herself. But she was supported by the senior colleagues in the workshop, and the actress was able to overcome timidity and stiffness on the scene. Now Olesya plays diverse roles in leading performances and entrepreneurs: "Va-Bank", "five evenings", "cherry garden", "Lady Visit" and others.

In all these productions, young actress had to play with the masters of the scene, such as Alexander Abdulov, Inna Churikov and Oleg Yankovsky. Especially easy and comfortable Oles was played with Yankovsky. He, cheerful and kind, with something reminded her father. Oleg Ivanovich was an excellent partner with an excellent sense of humor and incredibly generous. I knew how to rejoice in the success of colleagues, which is rare quality in the actor's environment. Olesya played with Yankovsky in the productions "Seagull" and "Jester Balakirev".

Among the most striking roles of the artist, which she played on the Lenkom stage, Clara in the play of Alexander Morfova "Lady Visit". This is a deep tragic image that has opened the audience a new Zheleznyak, previously familiar only by comedy roles.

The most fruitful for the actress was the cooperation with the director Roman Samgic. Zheleznyak introduced into most of its performances. Theatralls remembered the production of "Bestcomll". This is a comedy on the work of the French playwright Mark Monastery. Here Olesya played with such stars like Julia Menshov, Mikhail Polikamaco and Andrei Ilyin.

2017 The celebrity began the triumphal premiere of the play of Roman Samgin Duenya, where she got the main role. This is ironic, bright and positive design, in which acute social problems rise.

In 2019, the actress played in the play "Love and Pigeons", which opened the theatrical season. She got the main role of Nadi. Touching and incredibly funny setting did not leave any viewer indifferent.

Today, in the piggy bank, the actress has many awards, but most of all the first. For a bright game at the beginning of the career Olesya, the Award of the International Fund named after Evgeny Leonov and the Debut Prize for work in the play "Brutal Games". The actress was awarded twice award of the Moscow Komsomol Center. And she became the laureate of the prestigious theater award "Seagull-2002".


Most viewers of the post-Soviet space countries, Olesya Zheleznyak became known after the appearance on the screen. Debut artists in the movie turned out to be successful: the first role brought success. This happened in 2000 in the film of the director Tigran Keosayan "Lily Silver". The actress brilliantly played the provincial Zoi Myslage, which later became a star star. In this film, many hints on the biography of the Zheleznyak itself. Its partners in the film were all famous Yuri Stoyanov and Alexander Tsekalo.

Then followed the rating Sitters "My Lovely Nanny", "Kings of the game" and "Rustic Comedy". In the film "A completely different life", Olesya reincarnated in the tack of shur. In the plot of melodramas about the difficult fate of the main character, Zheleznyak brought a notch of humor, which hesitated the dramaticness of the events taking place.

At the same time, the actress reincarnated in the story of the second plan in the romantic comedy "Love in the Big City", where Alexey Chadov was brilliantly played, Villa Hapasalo, Vera Brezhnev. She also could not pass by the offer to play in the miracle melodrama. The main character in its execution after the occurrence of pregnancy is solved on an abortion. But then a miracle happens - her tiny baby begins to communicate with the girl.

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And in 2010, the filmography Zheleznyak replenished the series "Svati", where she brilliantly played Larisa Buankin. Comedy artist organically fit into the acting ensemble, where Fedor Dobronravov, Tatiana Kravchenko, Anatoly Vasilyev, Lyudmila Artemieva, Nikolai Dobrynin. Later, Olesya appeared in all subsequent seasons of this comedy series.

Among the work of the actress, the roles in the comedies "Newlyweds", "8 first dates", "White Mavr, or intimate stories about my neighbors". The popular project in the repertoire of the artist was the cinema "Nanniki" about two unfortunate tour managers Dima and Mishe (Nikolai Naumov and Ararat Kescan), which are departed to Turkey to important negotiations. Instead of recreation, young people turn out to be one for one with three children of their boss - the metropolitan business woman (Olesya Zheleznyak).

Soon, the celebrity appeared in the main acting composition of the New Year's melodrama "with me what happens", in the medical drama "doctor". Also played in "Alone Mila", where I reincarnated in the cook.

Olesya Zheleznyak and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in the series

In 2015, the actress was invited to the dubbing of the cartoon "Puzzle". She voiced sadness. Olesya happily agreed to try himself in a new role:

"I was pleasantly surprised by the offer to voice the sadness, because I usually offer me the roles of funny, clockwork and broken characters, although in life I am pretty lyrical nature."

In 2017, the premiere of the comedy "lucky case" directed by Roman Samgin, with which Olesya works tightly on the theater site. In this film, she received the role of the main heroine of Mashki.

Often, the artist, whose name is known today, appears in the popular TV show. In 2007, she led the project of the NTV television channel "You are Superstar!". And in 2008 participated in the 2nd season of the TV show "Ice Age".

In 2016, Olesya became the heroine of the program "My Hero", and a year later - "alone with everyone." Julia Little She talked about the difficulties of large motherhood and how she managed to combine the duties of the mother with the work. Another frank interview with the actress gave Boris Korchevnikov in the "Fate of Man".

Olesya Zheleznyak now

Now the actress is removed not as often as at the beginning of a creative career. Olesya explains this by the fact that a lot is busy in Antenpuriz. She responsibly refers to his profession, so it is equally laid out during the game, whether it is the stage of the capital's theater or a scene of a rural club.

In 2020, the mini-series "Kazanova" came to the screens. This is a criminal picture about Alphonse, which produces fraud. To confuse traces, he decides to make the next victim of the investigator, which leads his business. In addition to Oley Zheleznyak, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Anton Khabarov, Katerina Spitz and Irina Pegov appeared in the detective drama.

Another rating project of 2020 is the series "# Sidnom", which is dedicated to the topic of quarantine. The main character of Gennady Borisovich Flowers - the owner of the company "Klinhoz". Even during self-insulation, he continues to work, because business needs to be kept afloat. Therefore, he supports communication with colleagues online. Zheleznyak reincarnated in Tatyana Ilinichna, which occupies an accountant.

In addition, it is known that the series "Shatta" series is being done on the 7th season, in which Oles can be seen in the usual role. According to the plot, the characters of the narrative will move in their fantasies in the XIX century and turn into landowners. The premiere is scheduled for 2021.

Now the actress also plays in the Taganka Actors Commonwealth theater. In November, fans could see it in the play "Pygmalion".


  • 2000 - "Lily Silver"
  • 2002 - "Provincial"
  • 2004 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2004 - "Caution, asster!"
  • 2010 - "Shatta"
  • 2012 - "Nanniki"
  • 2012 - "With me, this is what is happening"
  • 2012 - "White Mavr, or intimate stories about my neighbors"
  • 2015 - "Punts for Bun"
  • 2016 - "Country of Miracles"
  • 2017 - "lucky case"
  • 2018 - "Day to"
  • 2020 - "Kazanova"
  • 2020 - "Sidelon"

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