Konstantin Kryukov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Films 2021



The artist, lawyer, hemologist - about these sides of Nature Konstantin Kryukov is often forgotten. He is known primarily as a representative of the famous creative bondarchuk dynasty. Another surname is not misleading anyone for a long time.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Kryukov was born in Moscow in February 1985. His mother - Actress Alena Bondarchuk, Father Vitaly Kryukov - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Uncle - famous director Fyodor Bondarchuk. Grandpa and Grandma - Matters of the Soviet film industry Sergey Bondarchuk and Irina Skobsev.

Early childhood bone passed in Switzerland. Grandfather considered his duty to protect the grandson from the on-screen career and tried to instill a love for visual art. The young man graduated with honors from the art school in Zurich, on returning to Moscow went to an educational institution under the German embassy.

Putting out the external exams in the last two grades, Kryukov entered the Moscow branch of the American Institute of Gemology. At the age of 16, he became the youngest specialist in precious stones. Then Konstantin received a diploma and a law academy.

However, the actor considers painting - likes to write alone in his own workshop in Prague. The artist's work is marked by the Order of Franz Kafki. The well-known directions of Milos Foreman and Stephen Spielberg have honored this award.


Hooks admits that he does not know how his biography would have formed if it were not for the film "9 Rota." He passed the casting on the general reasons and played a fighter with the call sign of Joconda, who was honored with the readiness, charm and an excellent sense of humor.

The next work of Konstantin was the role of a beginner writer in the "three semi-arrationals". His character, positive and charming, warmly greeted by the audience. But the image of the lifetime of life in the youth picture of the "heat" was not so successful. In the television series "Love as love", Kryukov was offered to play a man of unconventional sexual orientation, but the artist refused. As a result, he turned into an emigrant returned from Canada, who is difficult to get used to Russian realities.

The work of the bone is very diverse: it is equally easily coping with both the role of a registered cynic ("Pickup: Remesure without rules") and simple romance ("swallow nest").

In the historical TV series "Star of the Empire", the actor played a noble prince, and in the filmization of the Pelevin novel "Generation P" appeared in front of the audience in the image of a modern, confident creative crew. In addition, hooks participated in the shooting of the television series "Soldiers".

For a couple with a rabban, Konstantin became the main acting face in the film "What Men Cream!". With her, the actor met and on the set painting "Fugitives".

The creators of Kinononells "Sex, Coffee and Cigarettes" called their product of an intellectual comedy, inspired by the film "Coffee and Cigarettes" with Kate Blanchett. The hooks lit up in the frame in the education administrator of Gerard Depardieu restaurant.

In the series "Cult" his character leads a religious sect. In the sports drama "Champions" ON tried out the image of the figure of Anton Siharulidze, in the "eternal leave" - ​​the assistant capital of the cruise liner, which operates the maid of the oligarch Valery Fedorovich.

Then the artist filmography was replenished with a comedy "I remember - I do not remember" about the "resettlement of the souls", the criminal drama "Pennsylvania" about the disappearance of the child, the ribbon "escape, catch up, fall in love." In Sitkom, "in Moscow is always sunny" Konstantin and Alexander, the child was reincarnated in children of Irina Apksimovoy and Dmitry Astrakhan. In the fantasy "Vurdalaks" hooks played the scene of the Empress, in the "Save Pushkin" - the genius of Russian poetry.

Jewelry business

Jewelry is a passion of Kryukov. The first decoration, the "Angel" ring with a unique tricky diamond, the artist presented his mother. Wedding rings for their own wedding made himself.

In 2007, Konstantin founded a personal jewelry brand, produces luxury products. For the spread of mass products, a contract with the Estet jewelry house was concluded. In the international market, the interests of the Russian businessman presents the British company The Saplings specializing in the author's decorations.

The hooks itself is limited by clock and cufflinks, does not give jewels and grandmother. Irina Skobseva prefers vintage decorations and put on only in exceptional cases.

Personal life

The first wife of the Actor Evgenia Warsaw in 2007 gave him a daughter Yuya, and next year the spouse divorced. About the causes of Konstantin, not loving to spread about personal life, told only in 2019: "Walking around".

The second time the hooks married Alina Alekseeva. She is a certified lawyer, worked as a PR manager, now leads the project "Astra" on the sale of paintings by Russian artists. There are no children from the pair yet.

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"Instagram" acthers are extremely restrained, almost official in content. The photo illustrate travels, talk about new projects in movies and theatrical performances.

Konstantin owns English and German languages ​​(French since childhood is difficult), writes poems, loves to read, in his free time he is swimming and photography.

Konstantin Kryukov Now.

In 2019, Konstantin completed work on two projects. In the first, detective, the action unfolds in the 19th century. The character of the actor, externally similar to Alexander Pushkin, is the same name. Only name is Alexei, and he is not creative from him: the young man is looking for a cute fraud. Premiere of the film "Agatha and Sisk. The Queen of the Villarytov "took place in September.

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The second picture is the melodrama "Legend Ferrari". The main role here was performed by Olga Pogodin. The tape tells about the employee of the Research of the Red Army Olga Golubovskaya, the founder of the Soviet Residency in Western Europe. Hooks appeared in a woman lover.

The bright premiere of 2020 was the series "Grozny" about the fate of Ivan Grozny. The image of the king was divided by the actors Sergey Makovetsky and Alexander Yatsenko. Konstantin got the role of Prince Andrei Kurbsky.

In October 2020, it became known about the tragedy in the family of Konstantin: his grandmothers did not become, the actresses of Irina Schetseva. She died in 93 years.


  • 2005 - "9 Rota"
  • 2006 - "Three Semirations"
  • 2007 - "Mother's Daughters"
  • 2009 - "Soldiers: Demobel is inevitable"
  • 2011 - "without a trace"
  • 2012 - "Solo on the saxophone"
  • 2013 - "while still alive"
  • 2013 - "Sex, coffee, cigarettes"
  • 2014 - "Champions"
  • 2014 - "Spiral"
  • 2015 - "One left"
  • 2016 - "Run, catch up, fall in love"
  • 2017 - "Vurdalaks"
  • 2017 - "Save Pushkin"
  • 2018 - "Fugitives"
  • 2019 - "Agatha and Check. Queen of the Villarytov "
  • 2020 - "Grozny"

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