Anna Chipovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Anna Chipovskaya - a hereditary actress. A young woman called one of the first beauties of the Russian cinema shines on the covers of glossy publications, in advertising of popular brands, and in life the theater and pastime with family and friends prefers.

Miniature (growth of 168 cm, weight 54 kg) and some kind of childhood in appearance helps ane to well fit into the image of Turgenev air heroines, but it is closer characteristic, multi-layered roles. Real estate, enviable replenishment Filmography Artist does not consider to be a personal achievement, and real professional victories, according to her, and in the fingers to recalculate.

Childhood and youth

Anna Chipovskaya was born under the zodiacal constellation twins in 1987 in the family of the E. B. Vakhtangov Theater Actresses Olga Chipovskaya and Jazz Musician Boris Frumkina. The father was much older than the mother, at the time of the birth of the child - the man who headed the ensemble under the company of gramzapsy "melody".

Apparently, a large difference in the age has become fatal and decisive, a crack appeared in the relationship, as a result - a divorce. Now Boris Frumkin lives in Berlin and comes to Russia only on tour. But the relationship with the daughter musician saved and supports. Moreover, the father had a significant impact on her daughter in terms of musical addictions: Anna is a big fan of jazz, although the game on the piano never caught.

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Little Anya Chipovskaya rose behind the scenes of the Wahtang theater, where the mother worked. As the girl recalled, she was nursing Matra - and Vasily Lanova, and Galina Konovalov, and Julia Borisov. Was it worth waiting for another when Anna said in early youth, he would be an artist. And although parents, as well as grandparents, saw the girl with a translator and even gave to the German linguistic gymnasium, her perseverance struck this wall: after the 9th grade Chipovskaya filed documents for admission to the Schukin theater School.

Unfortunately, the girl failed the exams. It was a painful, but useful blow to pride. The future actress descended from heaven to Earth, prepared pretty and the next year became a student of the Studio Studio MCAT. So the creative biography of Anna Chipovskaya began.

Personal life

Chipovskaya's personal life tries to keep the castles for family and gracefully evade answers to questions about the intimate. Anna - a rare guest on the parties and infrequently appears on the pages of the tabloids. However, her stormy romance with the singer Alexei Vorobyev, who persistently achieved the attention of the actress for more than a year, still leaked to the press.

Sparrow himself and told that he loved Any, but the explosive temperament of both was the cause of the gap. Clips on the incendiary songs "Bam-Bam" and "New Russian Kalinka", in which Anna starred was left.

She demonstrated their own vocal data on television - in the "Evening Urgant" performed a Duet with the Black Swan Track from the Single of the same name. The voice of the artist sounds in the song "Nirvana" Where Did You Sleep Last Night used as a soundtrack to the Thriller "Cold Front". And in the joint project "Bi-2" and "Quartet and" Anya came to the scene as a soloist of the group.

For four years, Chipovskaya met with Daniel Sergeyev, creative director of the Moscow advertising agency Firma. He has a son from the first marriage Marcus. According to the media, the choice of daughter approved and mother. However, the husband's musician businessman never became.

The cause of partition was the banal jealousy of Daniel to work and partners beloved on stage. Later, the actress said that boring, narrow-minded men near her place was not found, but the list of human qualities, to whom she would have trusted, did not make up.

Chipovskaya admitted in an interview that he did not see sense in marriage and did not want to start a traditional family, sit with children. Even in childhood, the actress did not dream of a prince on a white horse or an ideal spouse. Anna Grezil about travels and distant countries. The plans of the girl implemented a new beloved, colleague on the workshop Dmitry Endallese. Artists played a couple in love in the comedy melodraman "Horoscope for good luck."

The Communication is not only on the screen, the press of Chipovskaya's friends told the press between Anja and Dmitry. Endalz actress has long liked, and, having learned about her gap with Sergeyev, the young man began to delicately care for the girl. However, the pair does not demonstrate feelings in public. Presenting at the Festival "Kinotavr" comedy "Blokbaster", in which both played leading roles, the artists kept just like friends.

By the way, close friends of Chipovskaya are just actors, classmates Alice Gorshkov and Anna Seleden, as well as the daughter of Konstantin Raykin Polina Raykin.

Anna leads an account in "Instagram". She has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. The celebrity lays out a photo and video of new theatrical performances, occasionally shares with fans of personal pictures in a cafe, in a swimsuit and with new haircuts, with a domestic pet - Kotomki. She calls the pet with her superman, and himself - his absolute slave.


In 2009, Chipovskaya graduated from Konstantin Rakein at the MCAT Studio School and was accepted in the Tabakov Oleg Tabakov. During his studies at the university, Anna fully successfully played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater Cavalina Kavalii in the formulation of Amadi, as well as, in the "Albatross Dance". These were debut steps on theatrical layouts.

In "Tabakcoque" Anna immediately received serious roles. The actress played a fans in the play "Mad Day, or Figaro's Marriage", Elena Vasilyevna Carmina in the "Marriage of Belugina", Glaping in "Wolves and Sheep". In February 2016, the premiere of the play was held with elements of melodrama and tragifars in the Railway entourage "Unnamed Star". Anna Chipovskaya went on stage in the main role of Mona. Pavel Tabakov became a partner of the artist in the scene.

"I adore the theater, rehearsal, so I'm going to the movies less often. I do not chase the glory, for career successes, for money - I agree only on the roles that attract me. If I'm not interested, I will not work. "

To this day, Anna plays in the formulation of Kinaston, telling about the English theater of the 17th century. In the role of the actor-bisexual of New Kinaston, who submits the public to reincarnation in women, is Maxim Matveyev. On the play of American playwright Jeffrey Hatcher in 2004, the film "Beauty in English" with the participation of Claire Dens, Billy Krupp and Rupert Everett.

In the Chekhov "Three Sisters" partners of Chipovskaya are Arina Avtushenko ("Lev Yashin. My dream goalkeeper") and Alena Lapteva ("Dr. Zaitseva Diary").

The "Elder Sister" play, written by Alexander Volodyin, familiar to the audience on the film examination of Georgy Natanson, in which Natalia Teniakova and Tatyana Doronin are involved. The director of the Tabakov Theater gave the spectral name "Sister Nadezhda", and Anya plays Wife Kirill. The role of the latter is trusted by Denis Nikiforov.


Offers to work in the cinema Anna Chipovskaya began to receive even while studying. In the 1st year, for example, starred in the series "Operation" Color of the nation ". On the set, Anya was able to shoot various types of weapons, collect the machine, perform dangerous tricks.

From work in the surviving "styles" proposed actress on the 2nd course, Chipovskaya refused, not wanting to interrupt their studies. Oksana Akinshina received the role and, naturally, became famous. But Anna claims that he does not regret - it means that it was not her role.

But from the image of a disadvantaged girl in the comedy "Missing Fishing" she could not refuse. Crazy heroine Chipovskaya in this film shot from a grenade launcher. The artist claims that for some reason it seemed very interesting to turn into a person who went crazy. These were new experience and new emotions.

In the picture "Male season. The velvet revolution "Ana had to play the most complex psychological role of suicides. But the actress coped.

In 2012, the first success came to the artist. The recognition brought the character of the beloved of the main character in the film distribution of the Spy Roman Boris Akunin. The film director of the Second World War, Alexey Andrianov, was awarded the Nika Prize as the opening of the year. In addition to Chipovskaya, in the adventure tape "Spy" was shot by Danil Kozlovsky, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Andrei Merzlikin, Vladimir Epifantsev. Critics unanimously stated that the picture became one of the most vivid events of spring 2012.

About another war, with Fawn, told the project "1812: Ulansky Ballad". Chipovskaya played young Princess, who accidentally learned about the state secrets of Russia. She liked the most afterwards to walk around the vicinity of the medieval castle and remember the ancestors, the Poles by nationality.

The famous actress woke up when a wonderful film Valery Todorovsky "Thaw" came out on the screens. True, here Anna had to be filmed in bedside scenes, which was quite difficult, but it was worth it. The girl attracted the attention of critics from the heartfelt acting game, and her forms liked the male audience. Anna Chipovskaya was invited to a photo session for glossy men's magazines "Maxim" and GQ.

The celebrity believes "thaw" with its most successful film. Yes, and the company of Russian cinema stars made an indelible impression on the actress. Rent Anya dedicated to her father-musician, timed to his 70th anniversary. And he was satisfied with such a gift, highly appreciating both the kinocarthine itself, and the Maryana performed by Anna.

Also, the actress received the role of a young star in the "Computor" tape on the novel by Alexander Gromov, where Chipovskaya and Eugene Mironov debuted in the genre of fiction. Shooting took place in Iceland and turned out quite difficult.

In 2016, Anna appeared in the multi-detective drama "Secrets of the City of En". She played a curious and daring blogger, which prevents the investigation.

In June 2016, the premiere of the detective thriller "Clean Art" with Anna Chipovskaya was held in the lead role. The actress appeared in the image of the photographer, which finds a favorite young man (Peter Fedorov) killed and discovers that it is hunting for unknown reasons.

At the International Kinoryanka in Cannes, Marché Du Film presents a fantastic thriller "Blood on a dance floor", in which the action unfolds in the future, after the third world war. Power belongs exclusively to men, and women are the people of the second grade. The ladies create a coalition to combat the current situation, headed the Heroine Svetlana Khodchenkova community, Anna Chipovskaya and Svetlana Ustinova.

In October, the actress appeared in the superplain comedy. The initial short film "Day of All Lovers", which was mixed with love relationships, drugs and casinos, turned a full-meter producer and screenwriter Vasily Rovensky. His projects "I remember - I do not remember!", Odnoklassnitsy.

On March 23, 2017, Melodrama "On Love" came to the screens, in which Chipovskaya again got the main role. Anna's heroine, a young translator, happy in marriage, but a random meeting makes thinking if it really is. The girl meets a man to which he pulls truly, and rushes between family and love. The role of the husband of the translator played Alexey Chadov, lover - Dmitry Pevtsov.

The film "Year in which I was not born" is the film adaptation of the same name of the Oleg Tabakov theater. The picture told about the period of the 80s, about the party boss, whose prosperous life scatters in front of her eyes. The main role was played by the famous Khukruk, other characters went to Anna, as well as Darius Moroz, Natalia Teniakova, Pavel Tabakov.

In the same 2017, the actress appeared in the image of Dasha Bulavina, the wives of the hero of Leonid Bichevin, in the TV series "Walking on the flour", the film release of the novel of Alexei Tolstoy about how the intelligentsia experienced a revolution and then followed by a civil war. The most difficult for celebrity, according to her confession, became the scene of the death of a child, after which Chipovsky even had bloodshot. Fortunately, on that day, Anna did not have to play more, and she slept the rest of the day.

Anna Chipovskaya in the series

The artist read recognition in the international arena, since the Rights of the film bought the Greek TV channel ERT-3 and the American NetFlix platform, negotiations are underway with representatives of companies from 10 countries.

The director of the series Konstantin Khudyakov invited Chipovskaya to a new project called "End of the Season". This actress told the fall of 2018 on the page in the social network. Anna and two Yulia, Peresild and Snigar, will play sisters living in the Baltic city and, like Chekhov's heroons that dream of moving to Moscow.

In the drama "Winners" Character Chipovskaya - a spouse of a famous lawyer, a woman who provides reliable rear and family peace. Husband and wife together for many years, but retained freshness of feelings, respect and warmth. In the life path there were adversity and losses, had to make difficult decisions. And now the family will have to fight the prosecutor, which removed the reputation of a lawyer. Nikita Panfilov, His assistants played Evgeny Antropov and Nikita Efremov.

Anna Chipovskaya in the series

Anna's heroine in the comedy Fyodor Stukova "Baker and Beauty" - "dorous" movie star. The character of Nikita Volkova for the spoiled beauty at first only the object of ridicule and the way to have fun, but sincere feelings change the attitude of the girl to life and others. The project attracted the actress not only by the character of the heroine. Chipovskaya wanted to play in the film, where the series stacked in 25 minutes, and the story is told quickly and dynamically.

In the summer of 2019, Dmitry Endalz presented at the festival in Kaliningrad directorial debut - a short film Snail Knight with his girlfriend and Ivan Makarevich in high roles.

The Action Drama "Intervention" unfolds in the corridors of a provincial hospital and a nightclub. Anna played a patient a surgeon who fell in love with his healer. The director suggested her role during a party when both, according to the actress, were not quite sober. But the farther Chipovskaya read the script, the more I understood that it wanted to "turn inside out, because it is powerfully felt parallel with the heroine."

Anna Chipovskaya now

In the summer of 2020, the first Russian network of network content opened. The event was organized by the Ministry of Culture, Roskino and the Moscow Government. Anna became his informal face and, together with Endaltsev, introduced the series "Loking", shot on a smartphone. In the center of the plot - a couple of former lovers, forced to sit in the same apartment for self-insulation.

In the same year, a close friend of Anna Roman Volobuev released the comedy "last minister" about an official accepting unexpected decisions. The same unpredictable and image of the actress: She is the director of the development of the company, which removes the films of category 18+.

Criminal drama "Masha" - hello from the dashing 90s. Chipovskaya played a girl, in the friends of which the murderers and robbers are ruling. Only with age heroine understands what contacted people guilty of the problems of her family.

Also, the actress filmography was replenished with the series Fyodor Bondarchuk "Psych". Konstantin Bogomolov, Elena Lyodynova, Igor Vernika became partners of Anna on the shooting.

And the first premiere of 2021 was the picture of Angelina Nikonova "Has anyone seen my girl?", Where Chipovskaya, together with Alexander Gorgilin played the main roles.


  • 2004 - "Dear Masha Berezina"
  • 2005 - "Male Season: Velvet Revolution"
  • 2008 - "Labires of Love"
  • 2009-2010 - "Brother"
  • 2011 - "Tree-2"
  • 2012 - "Conductor"
  • 2013 - "Tree-3"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2014 - "Fir-tree shaggy"
  • 2015 - "Horoscope for good luck"
  • 2016 - "Pure Art"
  • 2017 - "Blockbuster"
  • 2017 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 2019 - "End of the Season"
  • 2020 - "Last Minister"
  • 2020 - "Laying"
  • 2021 - "Has anyone seen my girl?"

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