Arthur Smolyaninov - biography, personal life, photos, news, Daria Melnikova, movies, actor, divorce 2021



Arthur Smolyaninov is the Russian actor of the cinema and theater, whose talent for the Russian viewer opened Valery of acceptors, for one summer, turning yesterday's tutor in a promising artist. Today, the artist is actively filming the cinema, while he managed to give the creative evenings, where the role of the musician is trying.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born in Moscow on October 27, 1983. His zodiac sign - Scorpio. Smolyaninov - the Cross Son of Ivan Okhlobystin. Fans tortured the actor with questions about the nationality of parents because of his non-Slavic appearance. In one interview, the artist confessed that he was "half-breed": Mom by nationality Russian, Dad - Jew.

By the motherboard Smolyaninov - the descendant of the famous merchants of frost. Let Arthur Sergeevich does not play in the MHT or in the theater of Konstantin Stanislavsky, but his great-grandfather Savva Timofeevich Morozov at one time helped Konstantin Sergeevich building the Moscow Art Theater.

Sergey Pogolotsky's father went out of the family, and the boy with 2 younger brothers Emelyan and Vladimir and Sister Natalia brought up Mother Maria Vladimirovna, a drawing teacher. For 4 children, it was difficult to keep track, as a child, Arthur was not distinguished by the priesthood character and diversity.

Because of the behavior, the teenager had to change 7 schools. The future actor even was registered in the child's children's room. At the age of 13, he participated in the attack on the seller, but in the darkness took place in the case of hooliganism only as a witness. However, thanks to the intervention of fate, Arthur's biography did not go on the inclined, and suddenly changed. The role in the movie became a happy case that changed his life and allowed to break out of a disadvantaged environment. But his youngest brother Emelyan was so lucky, the young man was condemned for 19 years for participating in attacks and murders.

Teenager during school casting noted the Russian director Valery receptions. Having caught a kind of charisma boy, the director suggested Arthur to play in the film "Who, if not we". The picture was successful at the Film Festival in Artek, and Smolnyanin himself received a prize in the nomination "Best Actor-Teenager".

Inspired by this beginning of the film director, Arthur Externus passed school exams and entered the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art. The mentor of the young actor was the famous Soviet director and teacher Leonid Efimovich Heifets. In 2004, Smolyaninov graduated from the university, after which his professional career began.


After the film, the artist starred in the Drama "Triumph" about the life of the Russian province. Then the first serial work of Smolyaninova took place: the actor played in the detective TV series "The Secret Sign", in which the topics of sectance, drug addiction and segregation were relevant for the modern generation. After there were shooting in the comedies "Mars" and "Chic", as well as in the Drama "Dad", removed based on the work of the "Sailor Silence" of Alexander Galich.

All-Russian success came in 2005 together with Fedor Bondarchuk Fedor Bondarchuk "9 Rota". Initially, the artist was tried to the role of the Joconda, but she went to the nephew director Konstantin Kryukov, and Smolyaninov convincingly and brightly opened the character of ordinary Oleg Lutaev with a call sign. The film greatly influenced Arthur Sergeyevich, the actor himself appreciates this character as a transition to a new professional level.

Also, the audience rated the tapes "Heat" and "the last bottom of", in which the artist got the main roles. Sergey Garmash, Nina Usatov, Julia Snikir became Arthur Tagged in the "last" slaughter ".

Arthur Smolyaninov - biography, personal life, photos, news, Daria Melnikova, movies, actor, divorce 2021 21571_1

The role of Smolyaninov in the heroic film "On the edge" is noticeable. The actor played the border guard Andrei, who finds caches with huge parties of heroin transported across the border. To take revenge on the military, the gangsters decide to execute him. Miraculously avoiding death, the protagonist remains disabled, but exposes the major mafia grouping and dismisses his love.

The writer Edward Topol was the screenwriter and the movie Somorter. He told how difficult the creative group of the project was shot in a sultry Uzbekistan, and also noted the amazing game Smolyaninov, the insertion of him a great international future.

Later, the actor participated in the metropolitan action, when many media personalities have moved into wheelchairs to protect the rights of persons with disabilities. To the question of journalists about how he managed to eat so famously with such a vehicle, the artist replied that he had to embody the "man without legs".

Arthur roles were diverse. So, in 2007, he participated in the historical films "1612", "servant of sovereigns" and in the Mara Youth Comedy, in 2010, the actor got the opportunity to play in the Sicvel "Tired by the Sun" Nikita Mikhalkov, where he played together by Evgeny Mironov, Oleg Menshikov, Sergey Makovetsky.

Fans distinguish the dramatic thriller "The one who exes the light", which tells about the search for a manyak killer in the provincial town, and Nirvana film. Following the actor managed to reincarnated in the romantic hero of the melodrama "Be with me", where Maria Bushmelev was becoming his partner on the frame.

A popular public has the role of Smolyaninov in the SAMAR series. The actor, according to his own confession, usually did not complain the multi-sieves projects. However, in 2011 made an exception and played an ambulance doctor Oleg Samarin. Telefilm became one of his most successful in his career, and in 2014 his continuation appeared.

At the same time, the Rental of Lithuanian-British production was released under the name "listed", in which the Russian artist starred together with the cult British football player and actor Winnie Jones.

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The army of the new fans of Smolyaninov received after entering the screens of the romantic comedy "My guy - an angel", in which the real angel played, descended to earth to understand what love was. Also starved in this picture, Anna Starshbaum and Sergei Pustopalis played in this picture.

Also from the work of the actor should be highlighted by the series of New Year's almanacs "Christmas trees" and "Tree-1914", children's adventure films "Book of Masters" and "Tale. There is, "as well as the shielding of the sensational novel" Spirie ".

In 2016, he was involved in the melodrame "not together", as well as in the comedy of Karen Oganen's "Life ahead", in which the stars of the Russian cinema Paul Siluchny, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Denis Swedes.

Smolyaninov has not only acting talent. Arthur grew up on the music of Vladimir Vysotsky. One day he heard the song "Horses picky" performed by Garika Sukacheva and was indignant by the fact that the meaning of the song was distorted by the style of execution close to chanson. After that, the artist himself began to perform songs by Vladimir Semenovich at various creative evenings and the evenings of the memory of the Great Soviet Bard. In addition, the actor starred in a number of music clips.

Arthur Sergeevich embodied the main character in the multi-stage drama "not together". In the film, we went about spouses whose marriage falls apart. The brilliant acting ensemble was replenished Natasha Shvets, Anton Vasilyev, Olga Tumaykina. The projects "Equestrian police" and "all or nothing" became the projects of "Equestrian" and "All or Nothing", in which the main roles of the historical detective "Rostov" and the series "Dr. Richter 3 "

In 2020, the actor filmography was replenished with a role in the biographical picture about the fate of the creator of the legendary machine Mikhail Kalashnikov. The film was called "Kalashnikov".

Also in the artist played a major role in the drama "Found". The premiere of the interactive web series took place on the site found-farmer and in social networks. Smolyaninov became the search coordinator, and the Spectators depended on the decision-making, the life of heroes and the results of the actions of the search and rescue squad "Lisa Alert".


After the success of "9 companies" Arthur in parallel with the shooting in the movie began theatrical activity. Since 2006, the actor plays in the troupe of the famous theater "Contemporary".

Theatrical biography of Smolyaninova today has a number of performances, among which you can meet both the classic works of recognized authors Maurice Meterlinka, Anton Chekhov, Nikolai Island and Andrei Platonov and modern directing processing and play (for example, "Anthony & Cleopatra. Version" based on works of William Shakespeare).

In 2020, the artist's theatrical repertoire was included in the musical performance "Do not leave your planet" and the drama "Three sisters".

Personal life

Personal life Arthur Sergeevich in his youth was rich. While still a student, the actor consisted in romantic relations with the fellow students of Catherine Director. This connection lasted 3 years, then the pair broke up.

For some time there were rumors about the coming wedding of Smolyaninov and Alexandra Shevchenko, the former Wife of the TV presenter Dmitry Dibrova, but they were not confirmed. Also in the media appeared information about the novel with actress Maria Shalyaeva.

In 2013, during the filming of the dismanting military drama "Maiters of Major Sokolov", Arthur Smolyaninov met with Darya Melnikova, the actress of the series "Daddy's daughters". About the future wife of the actor said that she was found with the star "Yelash", "Cadets", "Ferry" Alexander Golovna, but it was not confirmed.

Smolyaninov and Melnikovy had a relationship that the actors prefer to keep secret. In August of the same year, a photocollage with wedding rings and wedding wreaths appeared in the official group of artist, from which it became clear that the couple got married.

The wedding of actors passed without the knowledge of the media. And on October 27, 2015, right on the day of his birth, Smolyaninov became the Father. The child was named after Pope - Arthur.

In 2016, the actor first met with his native father Sergei Pogolotsky for the first time after many years. A man works at school teacher music, his second family lives in the north-west of Moscow. As salaries for life barely grabs, sometimes Pogolotsky speaks at urban concerts, which is playing popular songs from movies. Arthur Sergeevich himself initiated a meeting, as he wanted to acquaint his father with his grandson.

In January 2018, they discussed in the sidelines that the Smolyaninov family and Melnikova are on the verge of a divorce. Reporters suggested that the problems of the spouses began in mid-2017, as at the Film Festival "Kinotavr" Arthur was present without a wife.

Later at the premiere of the film "Life ahead" he was also alone. It was rumored that the problems began due to the abuse of the artist of hot drinks. For some time the couple lived separately, but now the spouses together. Arthur took into account all the mistakes that performed before.

In August 2018, Melnikovy's fans noticed changes in her figure, which immediately attributed the second pregnancy of the actress. But hidden spouses again did not comment on the photo in "Instagram", and preferred to keep a secret. However, the secret lasted for a short time - already in December, the pair of artists became parents for the second time. They had a boy who was named Mark.

In early 2021, the fans of the star couple have noticed - both appear in the secular rounds for solitary. And in February, the Melnikovoy account attacked, since the media appeared information that Arthur Smolyaninov died. Then the performer of the role of Zhenya Vasnetsova hurried to calm the fans, because with the father of her children everything was in order.

However, then problems began in the relationships of the actors. Reaffirmed the news about the divorce of Daria itself - in an interview with the artist did not go into the reasons for the break. However, it made it clear that this decision was mutual.

Arthur did not comment on what happened. In general, the artist has always been laconied in an interview, trying to illuminate exclusively creative biography. However, it was difficult to silence about some points. So, fans learned that the younger brother Smolyaninova Autist - the executor of the role of Lutcho does not know about the problems of rehabilitation of such children, so it tries to help the guys with such a diagnosis.

But the second brother of actor Emelyan is now serving a sentence for armed attacks (the guy gave a term of 19 years old). Arthur himself never talked about such a fact from his family's life, but convicted with pleasure shared with the press details of his criminal past. Emelyan expected to go to parole in 2023.

Arthur Smolyaninov now

In February 2021, a 16-serial drama "An hour before dawn" was published on the online service "An hour before dawn", the plot of which told about the events of 1946. Smolyaninov, Konstantin Khabensky, Andrei Burkovsky, Arthur Waha starred in the picture.

At 2021, the premiere of the "surviving" series was also planned. Location for filming a fantastic thriller about the postpocalyptic world of director Andrei Peskina became the city of Zlatoust. And for the game in the draft former husband, Melnikova had to get used to the beard and managed on the large-tonnant cargo car "Ural".


  • 1998 - "Who, if not we"
  • 2005 - "9 Rota"
  • 2006 - "Zara"
  • 2007 - "1612"
  • 2008 - "I stand on the edge"
  • 2010 - "Irony of Love"
  • 2010 - "Tired by the Sun 2: the upcoming"
  • 2010 - "Christmas trees"
  • 2011 - "Five Brides"
  • 2011 - "Samara"
  • 2012 - "Spirieless"
  • 2012 - "My boyfriend is an angel"
  • 2013 - "Major Sokolov's hetera"
  • 2014 - "Christmas trees 1914"
  • 2017 - "Life ahead"
  • 2017 - "Not together"
  • 2018 - "Equestrian Police"
  • 2018 - "Shaman"
  • 2019 - "Dr. Richter-3"
  • 2019 - Rostov
  • 2020 - "Wolf"
  • 2020 - "Kalashnikov"
  • 2020 - "Found"
  • 2021 - "An hour before dawn"
  • 2021 - "Survivors"

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