Nino Katamadze - biography, photos, songs, personal life, news 2021



Nino Katamadze is the famous Georgian performer, the composer and, as she herself calls herself, singer-houligan. She loved the public not only by her strong voice and original songs, but also an interesting approach to folklore and classics.

Singer Nino Katamadze

One of the most famous audio recordings of Katamadze is the eternal "Suliko", which the singer fulfilled along with the theon in the style of jazz and with numerous improvisations.

Childhood and youth

Nino Katamadze was born in a large Georgian family in the Adjara town of Kobuleti. Here, in addition to Georgians, the Greeks also lived, and the future singer grew at the junction of the two ancient cultures. Four children were brought up in the family, and in the winter in the house of Katamadze, relatives came from mountain settlements, and the number of children in the dwelling turned over a dozen. Among the native girls there were many hunters, so small bears, eagles, deers often appeared in the courtyard, who were inexperienced in the silt. They were focused and released back to the forest.

Nino Katamadze in youth

Already from 4 years old, the girl loved to sing, which was not surprising, because her grandmother Guliko was also a passionate amateur of singing and joined it all the family. Father was a jeweler, and Uncle worked as a music teacher at school. It was he who became the first mentor of the vocal girl, and grandfather taught her playing guitar. At a young age, Nino decided on the choice of profession - the girl went on a musical path.


After graduating from school in 1990, Katmadze entered the vocal branch of the Batumi Music Institute named after Paliashvili. A student studied in the workshop at Murman Maharadze. Despite the fact that the girl chose the classical vocal branch, she did not feel a fully academic singer. Nino wore bright hippie style, large iron earrings and other bright ethnic ornaments.

Nino Katamadze

For their character and style of Katamadze received the nickname carmen. Already in student years, young artist participated in different musical projects. Since 1994, it began to try its strength in the field of charity and founded the Assistance Fund. However, after 4 years it had to close it.

In 1999, Katamadze began to cooperate with the Insight group, having faced with her head of the gossiy Kacchishvili. One of the most famous joint compositions was the song Olei ("With Love").

This cooperation turned out to be successful: acquiring popularity in Georgia, the actress began to tour abroad, which caused a strong increase in its popularity. The first concert of Katamadze in Moscow was the performance at the Ethno-Rock Festival "Peace in the Transcaucasus". At the same time, Nino acted as an accompaniment for the fashionable show of the countries of the Transcaucasus and on heating from Bill Evans at the International Jazz Festival in Tbilisi. Then followed successful performance at the SUBTROPIC Music Festival, which took place in August 2001.

Composer Nino Katamadze

In 2002, Nino collaborated with the film director Irina Seravidze, performing a composer for her film "Apples". This work became the composer debut of Katamadze. Subsequently, the singer recorded the soundtrack for the films "Mermaid", "Heat" and "Inde", which fully represent the young cinema of the post-Soviet space. The soundtrack for the film "Inde", the song "Once on the Street", which the artist sang along with the Jivan Gasparyan, the fans consider the singer's spiritual composition. Later on this hit was created a clip.

In 2002, to expand the geography of fans of his creativity, the singer performed in the UK and toured there during the month. Tour brought Katamadze Success: In December 2002, she was invited to Radio BBC (London branch). Neuno went to Vienna further, and after he conducted an aggregation concert in Tbilisi "Adjara Music Hall".

Nino Katamadze on the scene

After such a graph in the creative biography of Katamadze there was a break for several years, after which the singer with new forces began to tour. The beginning of a new period put a tour in Ukraine in 2007. In 2009, Nino gave a number of concerts in Azerbaijan, and at the beginning of 2010, he became among the performers of the Opera improvisation "Bobble" of the authorship of Bobby Macferrin.

In 2011, a solo concert of Katamadze in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow was held in Moscow, the singer acted at the opening ceremony of the Chulpan Hamaya Charitable Foundation called "Give Life".

Nino Katamadze at the charitable foundation

Celebrity appeared on television: since 2014, Katamadze acts as a judge at the Ukrainian talent show "X-factor", which comes out on the STB TV channel. Nino replaced the singer Irina Dubtsov in this post, the other judges were Ivan Dorn and already familiar to the audience to the audience. Sergey neighbor and Igor Kondratyuk.

Nino Katamadze in the jury show

In the summer of 2015, Nino sang a duet together with the legend of the Russian rock Boris Greeschikov. The musicians performed in Odessa, on a closed party of their big fan, the former President of Georgia and the former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili. According to the press, the video with sampling combers and catamadze in social networks published the governor himself.

Another unexpected duet-impromptu happened at Nino in the summer of 2016. Katamadze sang together with the opera diving Anita Rachwelishvili at the wedding of the latter. To hear performers could anyone, connecting to online marriage broadcasting on the Internet.

From the last films, where the music of Katamadze is used, it is worth highlighting the romantic filmalmans "Love with an accent", released in 2012 by the Georgian director of the Hygineyshvili Rubber, as well as the paintings "Without borders" of the 2015th and "collector" 2016. To date, Nino's music is used as a soundtrack in 12 films.

In total, the actress released 6 albums called various colors. Nino began to record from the beginning of the 2000s. The first to appear collections of Black and White. In 2008, the singer released the Blue disk, they were soon published - Red and Green. As Katamadze itself is recognized, these names reflect its vision of the world: for example, black reminds what to sit in a dark room in anticipation of the lace of light, and white is the color of transparent flowing water. In 2016, the album was released, called Yellow.

Nino Katamadze at the festival

Catamadze for several years in a row is a chadliner of the ethno-falkal musical festival "Wild Mint", which takes place annually in the Tula region.

In March 2017, a concert of Nino Katamadze & Insight with an orchestra in Moscow took place. It included songs from "colored" records, and the event itself was devoted to the spring, which was noted in the title of the concert - "Spring Beauty".

Personal life

In the youth of the singer was so fascinated by the work, which one time of personal life did not pay attention. An emotional girl, of course, dreamed of a loving spouse, but did not find suitable applicants for this role. With her husband, the singer met trivially: he was recorded to him at the reception. Male David - Surgeon in the specialty. However, even the fact that the spouses do not see each other for six months due to the crazy tour of the singer, does not reduce the love and attachment between them.

Nino Katamadze

In this marriage, the singer was born a son whom Nicolas called Nicolas. What is pregnant, the singer learned during the tour. But Katamadze decided not to stop the speeches. She managed to carry out all intended plans for 8 months. The artist gave 40 concerts, recorded a new album with the orchestra and soundtrack for the film.

The boy was born in 2008, while in Georgia remained a tense situation. The singer decided not to leave the country and give birth to a son in his homeland. The tense relationship between Georgia and Russia did not interfere in 3 months after giving birth to go to Moscow with a solo concert. The artist believes that the music that carries light and love is especially needed where conflicts occur. In the capital of Russia, Galina Volchek and Valentin Gaft was supported.

Nino Katamadze now

Nino Katamadze refers to music not only as a creative process. With the help of songs, the artist is sure, you can carry the "Right Messed" world. In his speeches, the singer every time, according to her, lays the message: "Let's live in the world." Singing Nino makes listeners cry, but according to stars fans, these are tears of happiness. Interestingly, so far for every concert Katamadze takes a scarf grandmother who considers his talisman.

Now the songs of Nino sound not only in its performance. The musical composition of the OLEI singer, which became a visiting card of Katamadze, was used by the young performer of the Sitnikov's "blind auditions" of the 5th season of the TV show "Voice. Children".

Nino Katamadze at the festival

In the spring of 2018, the artist went on tour in the United States. The singer visited Philadelphia, New York, Boston. In Moscow, Georgian performed in the international music house. In the summer, Nino visited Jurmala at the Music Festival of Limes Vaikule "Randevu". About their speeches, Katamadze reports from the Personal Instagram page. There are also bright concert photos of the stars.


  • 2003, 2006 - Black
  • 2004, 2006 - White
  • 2008 - Blue
  • 2010 - RED
  • 2011 - Green.
  • 2016 - Yellow

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