Vera Polozkova - biography, personal life, photo, news, poems, books, poetess, husband, children 2021



Vera Polozkova is a new generation phenomenon. She forced young people stuck in blogs and social networks, love poetry, read and write poems, exchange "units of meaning", stamped in bright images. Polozkova elevated poetry in the trend, became the flagship of the new literary wave - the waves of Internet poets.

Its essay, starting with the words "We must live by the sea, Mom," at the same time personal conclusion and tip of people who sworn in search of the solution - how to live. According to rumors, this work is already read by the entrance exams applicants of theatrical universities.

Childhood and youth

The poetess was born in the capital in the spring of 1986. By nationality, she is Russian. Vera was a late child, so much allowed to her. With my mother, the girl was very friendly, up to 13 years old faith did not have any secrets from her. At the 9th age of Polozkova began to conduct a personal diary, and the first poems appeared in 5 years.

Father poetess did not live with his family. The last time I saw him when she was 2 years old. And when the girl turned 7, the parent died. From the second marriage, the father had two daughters. With the youngest living in Finland, the poetess supports friendly relations, considering that it is in many ways it looks like her.

As a child, Vera Polozkova sang in the choir and was engaged in choreography, which she threw after 6 years of classes. School girl finished externally and arrived at the faculty of MSU journalism at 15 years. However, despite the tremendous love of literature, the girl quickly realized that she was little interested in reports and journalistic investigations. Much more exciting became for the polished world of poetry. At the same time, in the 1st year of the institute, faith published its first collection of poems.

During his studies at the university, Polozkova led in the Cosmopolitan magazine heading "Non-easy story", writing articles for publishing "Book Review" and "Poster". Later, the girl got an employee of the publishing house FBI Press, published his articles in the magazines "Chic-Magazine" and "Spark-Spark". Also from 2007 to 2008, the poetess was listed by an employee of the Museum of Actual Art


In 2003, Vera Polozkova opened Vero4ka's personal blog (later - MANTRABOX) on the service. He quickly became the "thousandnik", the audience of the "LiveJournal" almost immediately responded to poetic sketches. Faith's posts quickly scattered on quotes.

At the same time, Polozkova took an active part in poetic evenings, competitions and contests. In 2006, it becomes a finalist of the youth poetic slam. The girl also became a laureate of the "Poet of the Year Learn" award, dividing it with another network poet Oleg Borichev.

Polozkova was published on the portal, intended for a free demonstration by all the wishing to be their own literary talents. On the site posted "Bernard writes Esther", "I had to already beyond", "if you want, I will be your Margarita." Reviews and critical comments Readers write to this day.

For the first time, Vera Polozkova spoke with a solo creative evening in 2007. The event took place in the "Bulgakov House", the famous Moscow Cultural Center. A few months later, the first serious edition of Polozakova was published - the book "Nonopeam", published with the support of the writer Alexander Zhitinsky, who met her work thanks to the Internet. The presentation of the collection was held in the premises of the Museum, where the Polozkova worked at that time. "Non-emission" quickly conquered the heart of readers, and after a year of the poetess became the laureate of the Normat Prize.

In 2008, the first journey of poetess in India took place. "Country of contrasts" made an indelible impression, and subsequently, according to the results of the trip, the "Indian cycle" was formed, consisting of works of that period.

Now the Polozkova is trying to regularly visit this country and from each trip will bring new poems. Then the intimate lyrics of her creativity to a certain extent gave way to reflections on his own spiritual experience and relationships with the Divine Benefit.

In 2008, the poetess released a collection of "Photosynthesis", the illustration to which photographer Olga Pavag did. This work has handed 3 reprints with a total circulation of more than 30 thousand books.

In 2009, the poetess expanded the format of his creativity and released the first audiobook called "Photosynthesis", where herself reads his works under the soundtrack. In addition, "Photosynthesis" includes both the author's copyright and individual phrases pronounced during recording. Audiobook has withstood more than 6 reprints.

In 2010, the poetess became the guest of the School of Crossing, which went on the Culp channel. On the air she talked about his work, and also touched upon the development topic from a simple Moscow girl to the famous poetess.

The Metropolitan Union of Writers presented faith to the Award named after Rimma Cossack. In 2012, Polozkova went to New York, where he arranged solo reading within the local book fair. Then the poetess participated in the realistic show on the study of French "Polyglot" under the leadership of Dmitry Petrov on the Culture Channel.

In the spring of 2013, he saw the light of the third poetic collection of polished called "Sosial". The book consists of 13 parts, it also includes works from a "short meter" and "Indian cycle". In the same year, the vera was nominated for the "Parabola" Award of the Andrei Voznesensky Foundation, and also visited the Evening Urgant show, which read her poems.

A year later, the Glamor edition noted the success of the Columbus status "Woman of the Year" in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year." According to Hello!, Polozkova magazine has become the best among the most stylish Russian people in the Self-Made Woman nomination.

In 2017, Mahar publisher released a collection of poems for children's "responsible child". According to critics, the book is also intended for parents, since the works are set forth with a clear, clear language and can be an example of communication with the younger generation without the usual surgery and simplifying meaning.

"It's just words of love. Polozkova again says what everyone would like, but could not. We would like to compose such fairy tales for our children and such fun, we would like to say verses, wearing them on the shoulders and rhythmically bounce. "

Theater and music

In 2008, Polozkova decides to try his strength on theatrical stage. The poetess participated in the interactive stage of George Women called "Society of Anonymous Artists."

In 2009, the poetess and Eduard Boyakov - founder, director and producer of the "Practice" theater (then - "Polyteater") took place. Boyakov invited Polozkov to take part in the poetic performance of "Verses about love", based on the texts of the poetess. The premiere of the production was held in October of the same year in the "Scene-Hammer" theater in Perm. Two years later, the premiere of a new play "Poems about Moscow" took place.

In the updated "Polyterator", the premiere of the third performance on the text of the faith of the polozakova took place. Staging "Favorites" Actors were attended by the actors Pavel Artemyev, Alice Grebenshchikova and Mikhail Kozyrev. This performance, which represents reflections on creative craft and poetry, failed a peculiar result in the work of a polished one period.

In the play "Happy 60's" Vera Polezkova performed exclusively as an actress. Egor Salnikov, Ilya Barabanov, Ekaterina Volkov and other artists became partners in the scene.

At the end of 2009, texts were recorded, which subsequently entered the first music album. The "sign of inequality" saw the light in June 2011 and already in the first week of sales became the leader in the number of downloads. Since he initially declared as an experimental, on physical medium, the album did not come out.

Subsequently, Vera Polozkova gathered a group of musicians with whom she continued to work: Nikolai Saginashvili, Anatoly Levitina, Vladimir Lizov and Alexander Bantsev. In the period 2011-2012, the team gave about six dozen concerts on CIS countries, the guys took part in the anniversary "invasion", became chadliners of the MORE AMORE festival, opened

Festival Festival on the famous Poklonnaya Mountain in the capital on the day of the city.

Six months later, the album "Sign of inequality" was recorded on Music Street Studio and presented in November of the same year. The journey through beloved India pushed the faith to create a new concert program "Cities and Numbers". From the scenes of theaters and clubs, Polozkov shared their impressions about Venice and New York, London and Kiev. The poetess noted that at the depth of perception, both the place where you attend and communicate with people, which at this point are nearby. In the same program, the poem is incorporated "Not we" again. And in the network, the roller is spread, where the song on this text is performed by the niece of Valentine Gafta, the producer of the Rain TV channel Mikhail Kozyrev.

In 2018, a new interview with Faith Passkova was published on the screens as part of the show "And to talk?". The leading Irina Shikhman actress spoke about the injury on TV, about the criticism of Bykov, about life dramas, literary suicide.

Biography of poetess did not cost without a scandalous page. The post of faith in Facebook was regarded as the wish of death to the writer Zaharu Prilepin, after which the injury began. The media spread calls to deprive citizenship. The State Duma Deputy Vitaly Milonov said that the woman "risks getting around the face." His colleague Alexander Sidyakin said that "to write on the Internet" is easier than to fight with weapons in his hands. People who covered the page angry comments, faith answered as sharply, not too shy in expressions. Prilengin just advised her to take care of the psyche.

Vera is truly passionate about the literature, follows the work of colleagues. Livebook publishing house produces a series of books "New Poetry" with the subtitle "read and loved Vera Polozkov." So the poetess attracts attention to young writers and poets. She liked the works of Dana Sideros and Evgenia Laveut, Linor Morlik and Kati Perchekova. Vladimir Nabokov is interesting from the classics, Ray Bradbury, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Personal life

In 2014, Vera Polozkova arranged a personal life and married a bass guitarist of his own team Alexander Bantsev. The wedding celebration in the rustic style passed in Pereslavl-Zalessky, and then the newly-made husband and wife left for Odessa. In December of the same year, the son of the Son, who was named Fyodor. In 2018, the spouses were born another child - Son Sava.

2019 was not easy for faith. She designed a divorce with his spouse, and then learned what became pregnant. In the spring, she gave birth to a third child - daughter Arina. The poetess had to contain children of one. A lot of money went on the payment of the apartment and nannies.

In one of the interviews, the authoritative edition of Vera Polozkov admitted that he was not ready to raise children alone. However, over time, she understood that this is a grand experience. Sons and daughter brought new paints to her life, a different depth.

The poetess actively lays out a photo in "Instagram". But at the same time it does not monetize social networks, despite popularity:

"If I give someone to someone, then, it means, these are people who I personally love, brands that personally use the books that I personally read and recommend."

Vera Polozkova now

In 2020, Vera Polozkova released a new collection "Working", which included poems written in recent years.

The poetess describes it so:

"The work of grief" is a book that was going, copied, grew seven years in a row: heavy years, beautiful years, during which three of my children were born, and my marriage was crushed ... This is a book about how closely intertwined in us All these states are: powerlessness, bitterness, love, rage, humility, despair, exhaustion hereby. "

Now the poetess is toured in Ukraine and Russia. In December, there were speeches in Odessa, Kiev, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg and Tula. In April 2021, a concert in Moscow is scheduled.

In addition, Polozkova released a new music album "High Resolution". He thought about three years ago and finally, in October 2020 he became available on all digital sites. The album includes 7 songs, among which "the soul is busy", "Crystal and Pearls", "Vladyka-Disposable", "the edge of us is wide."


Be sure to be friends with those who are better than you. You will suffer, but grow. Information is incorrect; Family readings. He wrote to me "die without you", but both of us remained alive ... There used to be few answers; Now it was not the questions themselves ... the soil knocked out from under his feet - learning how to fly.


  • 2008 - "Photosynthesis"
  • 2008 - "Non-Emonia"
  • 2013 - "Sosial"
  • 2017- "Responsible Child"

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