Joseph Prigogin - biography, news, photo, personal life, coronavirus, Valeria, "Instagram", sick, nationality 2021



Joseph Prigogin is one of the most famous producers of Russia, the organizer of many musical festivals, shows and concerts. It works with famous pop performers, among which bright and talented beauties shone at different times, but the main star on his sky is a beloved wife of singer Valery.

Childhood and youth

Successful producer was born on April 2, 1969 in Makhachkala, in the family of Igor Matveyevich and Dinar Yakubovna naughty. Parents took place from Ashkenaz and Mountain Jews. They lived well, so Joseph began to work in childhood - in 12 years already earned a hairdresser.

But serious opportunities to realize ambitious plans in the hometown did not see the boy. Already then the grandiose plans were born - to become a popular artist, although among the homemade creative professions were not welcomed. In 1985, Prigogin, having received a passport, immediately went to conquer Moscow. From the turning year, the biography of Joseph Podigogin flowed in another row.

At first, the 16-year-old boy from Makhachkala, who has no acquaintances in the capital, nor Rodney, accounted for tight. To get a place in the hostel, he entered the professional chill to the specialty "Teplogidroizolirger". In 1986, Prigogin simultaneously graduated from both the professional school, and the Moscow Evening School on Izmailovsky Boulevard. But the main goal of Joseph did not forget. Along the way, the student found time for classes in the Studio Theater "Gamma".

Even in his youth, Prigogin dreamed of a brilliant career in show business. But an attempt to enter Gitis was not crowned with success. Does not focusing on failures, the purposeful guy moved forward: The future celebrity acquainted with people from the environment of stars of musical business, visited fashionable closed parties and even tried to the movies.

In the late 80s, young Joseph has already worked as a tour manager of concert programs. In addition, the artist sang on the stage and even released an audio cassette with his songs. In the 90s, touring tour begins. Gradually, the configuration came to the configuration that the administrative activity was closer to him than the performer's career.

Production Career

In 1994, from the second attempt, Joseph Prigogin entered the guitis named after Lunacharsky. And in 2000, without separation from intensive administrative and creative activity, the graduate received a higher education in the specialty "Producer".

Prigogin became an administrator and organizer of the first show of Valentina Yudashkin models. The event occurred in 1989, and the producer debut of Joseph Igorevich took place in 1991, when the TV channel "Supershou-91" was broadcast on the TV channel "Ostankino".

The first singer, which used the services of a novice specialist of the Prigogina, became Sona. Now there are few people remember this asterisk. Soon the profitable clients were Vakhtang Kikabidze and Nikolai Soskov, Christina Orbakayte and Alexander Marshal.

In the late 90s, Prigozhin spun the anniversary concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creative activity of Lyudmila Zykina and the 10th anniversary of the group "A-Studio". In addition, the promoter organized the first solo concerts of Tatiana Bulanova, the Golden Gramophone shares, was the executive producer of a festive concert dedicated to the 3rd anniversary of the ORT, and a solemn concert in honor of the celebration of March 8.

The biography of Joseph Prigogine is a series of great success. In incomplete 30 years, Prigogin created "ort-records" - the largest audio company of Russia. From June 1997 to July 1999, he was listed by the General Producer, and from March 1998 to June 1999 - also the Director General. Successes are ill-wishers immediately tied up with the nationality of Prigogine, told these jokes and caustic comments.

Prigogin with ease spun the solo projects of little-known, well-known and superpopular performers, showed new stars to the show-business skyscoon and walked forgotten old ones again. For several months of work "Ort-Records", Joseph Kobzon, Vakhtanga Kikabidze, Lion Leshchenko, Alexander Marshal, Christina Orbakayte, Nikolai Noskova, Chris Kielmi, A-Studio groups, "on-on", "Spleen", "Outwashing fraudsters" and other teams.

Under the leadership of Joseph Igorevich "Ort-Records" in 1998 he was awarded the National Music Prize "Ovation" in the "Best Recording Company" nomination. Since 1994, Prigogin has been a member of the Association of Music Producers, the Doctor of Arts of the Academy of Alternative Sciences. In 1998, he received the "Ovation" premium as the best producer of the year. At the same time, the magazine "Company" recognized Joseph Igorevich the best businessman of the year in the field of show business.

And he managed to merge colleagues, convincing them not to compete, and cooperate. Thus, in 2000, the Center "Knox Music" appeared. Prigogin gradually achieved what was almost the most successful person of the Russian show business. The NOX Group of Companies occupies a leading position in the musical market of the country.

With the name of Prigogina, a scandal is associated with an attempt on the life of Abraham Russo. He took up the promotion of the singer in 2004 at the request of the Moscow businessman Telman Ismailova. The work of the artist impressed the entrepreneur, and he decided to bring Abraham to the international level. Iosifa Podhoghin managed to create a musician name, which became known outside Russia.

But after one concert in the IC "Olympic", by rumors, Abraham secretly took the profit, which lay in a safe, and emigrated to Cyprus. Ismailov, as I wrote a number of media, Iosif Igorevich persuaded deception to spend talks with a singer and return the fugitive to Moscow. In Russia, Abraham Rousseau was waiting for trouble in which the musician accused Podigogin. Producer denied involvement in the events.

For work, the businessman was rewarded more than once prizes and titles. In 2019, Joseph Igorevich was awarded the award of the MUZ-TV channel in the nomination "Best Producer of the Decade".

Personal life

For the first time, Prigogin married his youth, on Muscovite Elena from the secured and intelligent family. The first spouse did not share interests in the sphere of show business and after the wedding decided to become a regular housewife. Two children were born in marriage - the son of Dmitry and daughter Dana.

The second companion of Joseph Igorevich, Leila Fattova, worked as a selection manager at the Union of Soyuz. The man was immediately captured by the dark-eyed beauty. At the time of the meeting in the marriage of Prigogina with Elena, a crack was formed. Soon there was news that the promoter and the first chosen one are bred.

A new novel broke out, and after 4 years, the daughter of Lisa was born. And after 3 years, Leila left the civilian spouse. The former wife is independent, owns one of the best PR-agencies of Moscow, among customers - famous businessmen and restaurants.

In March 2003, a fateful meeting was taken with the singer Valeria (Alla Perfilova). This union brought a new marriage and a cooperation contract that lovers had already signed in April 2003. Slender beauty has become the third wife of Prigogina and, as he says, the first real love.

Couple do not have joint children. But the personal life of Joseph Igorevich is now full and happy. The spouses can often be seen on the covers of tabloids and on star parties, Valeria is also a frequent heroine of instagram accounting attachment. "How can you go past such beauty? I am proud of - mine, "signs Sleeping Blonde's Sleeping Blonde Makhachkalinets.

Even before the meeting of the pair of producer, the growth of which is 172 cm, and the weight is 75 kg, the nickname of shrek was gained, as the surrounding visual resemblance to the character in the configuration. Joseph Igorevich perfectly knows about this hearing, which has repeatedly demonstrated to the public. Neither he nor a wife is offended by a comparison. As Valery's press stated, she does not see the reasons for discontent. When I looked at the cartoon, I realized that it was a positive hero, the similarities that were not insulting at all.

In 2014, participating in the project "exactly", Prigogin took advantage of the comparison and went out in a shrek costume during Nikita Prshakova's number than the delight of the hall caused.

Valeria and Joseph Igorevich brought up three children from the previous marriage of the singer - Anna, Artem and Arseny, who are the name of the father of Alexander Shulgin. As a native love and granddaughter's wife Selina. Children of the configuration from previous marriages and receptions are encountered and communicate with each other.

As it turned out, communication was not perfect at all. In 2016, the scandal broke out. The first wife of Elena and the daughter of Danae reproached the producer in the fact that he pays little attention to the former family. The culprit of what was happening was called Valery, which allegedly specifically sets her husband against children from past marriages.

Joseph Igorevich and Leila broke up with friends, and relations with the first spouse differ dramatically. But, according to the man himself, it did not affect the children. Celebrities became uninteresting a woman who spent all the time at home for "Notes", but the addition left the apartment and supported the whole life financially. A businessman even wondered how such a scandal turned out with Elena, while a complete mutual understanding was preserved with the second wife.

Claims former husband considered contrived. Most of the money earned, the producer has always invested in the education of children, and from the first marriage, and from the second, and receptions. Children visited along with a star dad on vacation in different countries. A caring father even tried to arrange a daughter let's go abroad, but the mother was categorically against.

Prigogin told the press that the cause of the scandal is not at all in his daughter or son. Elena wants a successful artist of art to ensure it, and uses offspring as a source for revenue. And Joseph Igorevich does not want to finance the beautiful life and young lovers already a foreign woman who never worked anywhere. Million debts refused to pay.

But most of all the prigaines are worried about children who, as a result of mother's manipulations, and her companion almost left without housing. Especially the Father was worried about Danu, who began to maintain the undertakings of Elena and offended to help other heirs.

The girl reproached the producer in that he spun Anna Shulgin, the daughter of Valeria, while the native blood refused to piano. Iosif Igorevich recalled the press that Anna, in addition to ties, is a talent and profile education, and Danai, alas, no. When the daughter came to the promotion, an experienced professional asked, as anyone can be promoted, and did not receive a response.

In addition, Prigogin hinted his daughter that for success in show business it needs to lose weight. I also asked the daughter to attend the gym, banning the liposuction, which was harmful, especially in such a young age. Then it was given a number of angry comments on social networks about the Father and came to the Dom-2 project to prove that and without any assistance would be able to succeed.

The rest of the children occupied the position of the Father, giving Dane's back in a public environment and supporting Joseph Igorevich. The producer practically renounced her daughter, stating that he no longer wants to continue such communication. Today, the relationship between the prigiest and the gift was normalized. Reconciliation between relatives occurred after participating in the program "in fact."

In early 2018, rumors were crawled in the network that Prigogin and Valeria became parents. In instagram accounts of each of the stars, joint photos appeared on which the spouses appeared together with charming twins.

At first, the singer and producer kept intrigue. Among subscribers there was a version of the surrogate birth of children and the appearance of grandchildren from the family pair. But soon Joseph Igorevich explained that the kids were born in the family of relatives who are often a guest in the couple.

According to Prigogin, he is not against the appearance of the next heirs. The creator of labels again wants to know the happiness of paternity. The early birth of the first children led Joseph Igorevich in that period to moral devastation. But circumstances have changed - today a man gained the necessary experience.

In the autumn of the same year, Prigogin and Valeria became the guests of the program "When all at home". The promoter said that the first time after the marriage was experiencing a strong fear of losing the happiness that found. Panic attacks and jealousy led to health problems. Seeing how the spouse suffers, the singer offered him to accompany her on every tour. Thus, this problem was solved.

Non-inflation from Joseph Igorevich was not only with relatives, but also with colleagues on show business. For a long time, tension was maintained in relation to Philip Kirkorov. For example, visiting the transfer of "Alena, damn!" Prigogin argued that the king of the Russian pop by cunning won the space on the "Russian Radio". However, today celebrities found a common language.

A wave of criticism collapsed on Joseph of Prigogin in 2020 after a statement about the plight of artists due to the limitations caused by a coronavirus infection pandemic. As the head of the Foundation, Igor Matvienko offered the candidacy. From the statements of public people on this topic, the fans remembered the poems of Sergey Shnurov about the rest of the "impoverished family" in Dubai.

According to the evil rock of fate, it was at this prestigious resort Joseph Igorevich and the spouse "Cowid". If Valeria has experienced an infection without complications, then the prigaine was hospitalized to the local hospital. In social networks, the husband singer laid out a photo in a wheelchair and told fans about how sick.

Joseph Prigogin now

After a severe course of the disease in February 2021, Joseph Igorevich was surprised by the audience, colleagues and even his spouse in the show "Mask" on NTV. Gathering at the rehearsal, Valeria said that it was sent to the procedures for improving the condition of the body. The work was difficult - the configuration had to tolerate difficult breathing in pineapple costume.

Now Joseph Prigogin is still listed by the general producer of Nox Music and the director of the TV channel "Auto Plus".

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