Elena Yakovlev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Elena Yakovlev, a sign actress of Russian cinema, familiar to the viewers on a variety of filmmakers. For fruitful work on the field of art, the People's Artist of Russia was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation, as well as presented to the Order of Honor.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the actress began in the provincial town of Novograd-Volynsky. Valeria Pavlovna's mother worked in local research institutes, and Father Alexey Nikolaevich passed military service. Because of the frequent movements of the family related to the acquaintance of her chapter, the little Lena was accustomed to constantly be in the class of each school new. In addition to lessons, the girl had to look after the younger brother and help her mother in domestic affairs.

Elena still dreamed of becoming an actress. By the way, her grandmother - serf, once played in the Master Theater. Perhaps the desire to the scene passed the yakovoye by inheritance. Anyway, at the graduation party Lena gave a desire to become an artist. Her dream was fulfilled.

After graduating from school in 1978, Yakovleva filed documents to the Kharkiv Institute of Culture, but an attempt to do was unsuccessful. For 2 years she worked as a librarian, a cartographer and a consignor at the local radios. Money from salaries Elena delayed to conquer the capital.

So it happened in 1980, when Yakovleva came to Moscow and passed from the 1st time in Gitis. Her appearance on the entrance exams made an indelible impression on the commission - although, first of all, due to the absurdity of what is happening. So, the attorient told the fables about the crows and the fox and in the process I got up for a chair, I got out of it, until I fell and stuck tightly.

Reading the excerpt from Tolstoy, Elena fell on his knees, to make the fulfillment of great realism, and the Commission had to listen to her standing: the girl was simply not visible to professors sitting at the table. The attorient was enrolled in the workshop of Vladimir Andreeva.


After graduating from the university, Yakovleva began to play in the "Contemporary" theater. The troupe took it unanimously that in the theater world it rarely happens. The first role of the actress in this theater turned out to be greedy: in the play "Turbine Days", she fell to play a girl, which the Red Guards and White Guards are tormented. At the directing idea, she screamed without words, being behind the scenes. And only after 5 months of serviceable screams the director has tried that it is possible to record a scream.

The actress's theater scene went out in the image of the Galina of Galina Volchek "Two on the Swing" on the work of William Gibson. After Yakovleva, I played Natasha in the "three sisters" Anton Chekhov, Nachmed in "forever nineteen ateenteen" and Galina in the play "Twin".

In 1986, Yakovleva left the "contemporary" for the Ermolova Theater. As the artist is recognized today, this choice was incorrect, and after 3 years, Elena Alekseevna returned to his native stage.

After returning to the "contemporary", the actress served there until 2011. During this time, Yakovlev was played with such bright roles as rolling blissful Olga in the play of Nicholas "Murlin Murlo" play, Eliza Dullitl flowerman from the famous Pygmalion Bernard Shaw, cooking in the classic Chekhov production "Cherry Garden", as well as Tamara, main heroine Piercing melodrama "five evenings".

According to the artist, the cause of the care was the lack of new projects. Yakovleva admitted that over the past 10 years of service in the "contemporary" she received only one bright new role.

Elena Yakovleva and Mikhail Efremov in the film

The rest of the proposals were so formal and insignificant that she simply could not agree on them without losing their own dignity. The last drop, no matter how surprisingly, has become a long-awaited fresh role. Already during rehearsals, the actress was rearranged from one heroine to another, a third hero. Such an attitude was prevented by a deserved artist, and she left the theater.

"Contemporary" gave the press other information, calling the behavior of the yakovoye and its statement to journalists offensive, and accusations were contrived.

In addition to working in the cinema, the actress goes to the theatrical scene in the entrepreneurship of the ART-Partner XXI agency. This statement of "paper marriage", in which Elena Alekseevna appeared in the brilliant trio together with Sergey Makovetsky and Daniel Svivakovsky, and the musical comedy "The Territory of Love". After leaving the "contemporary" Yakovleva played in the play "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf?".

In 2018, the actress returned to the "contemporary". Galina Volchek offered a yakovil role in the production "Play ... Schiller". So far only as a invited artist. Elena Alekseevna regularly travels on tour with the creative evenings by the cities of Russia, and also plays in the capital in the theater named after A. S. Pushkin, in the production of "this wonderful life" and in the "Center for Dramaturgies and Directors" in the "Old House" melodrama.

Films and television

The actress's eccentric tale "Two under one umbrella" director Sergey Abramova became a film of the actress. In this picture, the partners of 22-year-old Yakovleva became the stars of Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Ivar Kalnynsh.

Then there were roles in the Drama "Plumbum, or a dangerous game", tragifars "time to fly", the melodrame "Two shores" and others. Morticulture fame and avalanche-like growth in the artist came with the film "Interdestochka" - who had a specialist on the entire union by the screening of Peter Todorovsky's story Vladimir Cunin about the life of currency prostitutes.

The Furior, produced by this film, was such that, despite the moral laid in him, turned out to be the opposite effect: schoolgirls dreamed of becoming girls of easy behavior, a shameful occupation acquired a romantic color.

Interdevechka received many kinonagrad, and Yakovleva herself aged 28 years old was awarded the prizes of the Tokyo Film Festival and the "Constellation" festival, recognized as the best actress of the year according to the Journal of the Soviet screen, and also received the prestigious Russian filmmaker "Nika". This project was the leader of the 1989 Rental.

Later, the actress starred in another film Todorovsky. This time Elena Alekseevna appeared in the image of Ani Kryukov in the post-war romantic drama "Anchor, still Anchor!". For this role, the artist received the 2nd "niku", as well as the prize of the Constellation Film Festival.

After that, the collaboration of Yakovleva and Todorovsky continued with the pictures of "Retro Threesomes" and "What a wonderful game".

Elena Alekseevna wanted to play in the famous Drama "Burnt by the Sun" and then regretted that the director Nikita Mikhalkov approved ingeborgu to the role of Ingeborgu.

The next twist of the popularity of the actress is obliged to the role of detective Nastya Kamenskaya in the legendary television series "Kamenskaya", removed based on the detective novels of Alexandra Marinina. This detective telenovella numbered 6 seasons and all the time of the show enjoyed the audience of the public. As Yakovleva now remembers, she hardly passed the samples in the series, since in it for a long time they still saw the "interviewochka", the bright role played against her. The 3rd season of this project brought the artist to the Teffe Prize in 2004. In this tape, Andrei Ilyin was also filmed, Sergey Nikonenko, Stanislav Ladnikov, Dmitry Nagiyev, etc.

From the best works in the filmography of Yakovleva TV viewers noted the role of Aunt Klava in the post-war drama "Katya. Military History, "Boris Shcherbakov, Katerina Spitz, Nikolai Kislichenko, Ingeborg Dappeat, became its colleagues on the shooting platform. The actress was also starred in the Russian medical drama "Sklifosovsky", where he played the head of the department of surgery Irina Alekseevna.

Series of "Cadets" were popular with popular multiserious projects with the stars, the series "Remember - do not remember", "found" about a woman who in adulthood decided to become a mother, and a "curious barbarian" about a former teacher who is fond of investigating crimes.

In 2006, Yakovleva, in a couple with Alexander Litvinenko, participated in the 1st season of the project "Dancing with the Stars".

In 2013, the actress embodied on the screen the image of Vangu Gushcherova in the biographical series Sergey Borchukov "Wangelia". In the film, which affected the history of the life of the famous Bulgarian prison, played popular artists Irina Rakhmanov, Karina Andoltenko, Anatoly White, Karina Razumovskaya, Anton Makarsky.

In the repertoire of Elena Alekseevna, there are cash projects - the comedy of Jora Kryzhovnikov "The Best Day!", Where the actress appeared in the image of the Master Heroine.

In addition to working in films and TV shows, Yakovleva repeatedly appeared on the screen as a TV host. So, for 5 years, the artist led a daily television show "What a woman wants" alternately with the Novikova Clarator. And in 2013, Elena Alekseevna became the face of a talk show "Right to the Meeting", which was published on the TV channel "Russia".

In 2015, Yakovleva and Nikolai Tsiskaridze became the guests of the transmission "Evening Urgant". In an interview with Ivan Urgant, the stars shared their memories of farewell to the school.

In 2016, the filmography of Artists replenished the film "Equipment", "Teach me to live", "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation. " In the criminal series "Such work", the artist successfully embodied the age-related role on the screen.

The film crew history of a civil aircraft is described in the crew film. A talented young pilot Alexei Gushchin (Danil Kozlovsky), the commander of the ship Leonid Zinchenko (Vladimir Mashkov) and the 2nd pilot of Alexander Kuzmina (Agneen) were able to make a feud and save hundreds of lives. Elena Alekseevna embodied the image of Zinchenko's wife.

Also in 2016, an autobiographical film "Elena Yakovlev. A woman on the verge ", where the audience is opening the stage of projects of projects with the participation of popular artist, which remains behind the scenes.

Actress touring schedule successfully combines with filming. In 2017, she appeared in the 6th Sklifosovsky Sene, the Comedy "Christmas Trees". In the film-fantasy "Last Bogatyr" Yakovleva embodied the image of Baba Yaga.

In 2018, Elena Alekseevna was part of the jury of the All-Russian competition of children's talents "Blue Bird - the Last Bogatyr".

In 2018-2019, "Sklifosovsky" (7th season), "Seven dinners", "Higher Hope", "Chernovik" and "Ferries" last "were published.

Personal life

The actress is married in the 2nd time. With the 1st husband Sergey Yulin, she met in his youth, being another student of guitis. The spouse was her fellow students, the marriage lasted only six months. After a while in the theater "Contemporary", the artist met Valery Crazy, and the pair had a relationship.

Yakovleva and Crazy lived 5 years together before the official marriage was registered in 1990. The famous actor Igor Kvasha was invited to the wedding witness.

In the 2nd marriage in 1992, the Son Denis Crazy was born from the actress. The young man graduated from the Director of the Faculty of Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, but later became interested in bodybuilding and decided to retrain the fitness coach.

Now he works as an educator in School Rosatom and is pleased with his profession. Denis is known for creative hairstyles and a large number of tattoo - the image has a young man even on the face. Yakovleva to support the Son, also piled a tattoo on his back.

In addition, the family rose in the family and the daughter of cereal from the first marriage - Katya, who, like parents, wanted to associate life with the theater. Elena Alekseevna supports creative beginnings of children.

Family actresses do not care about journalists. Contrary to today's tendencies, a strong marriage of Yakovlev is held for more than 25 years. In addition, to his personal life, the actress is trying once again not to attract the attention of the public.

In 2014, the Russian-speaking Internet shook the sad rumors. Many sites argued that the actress Yakovleva left life, however, the cause of death was not called. The information turned out to be false. Soon a large number of sources published a refutation, but the question of the health of the favorite artist and the causes of frightening news continued to worry her fans.

Mass misinformation appeared no coincidence. The actress itself told in an interview that she really died, but it is only about clinical death, so ordering the funeral is too early. Being on stage, Yakovleva felt pain, but finished the performance to the end. Later, the artist had to call an ambulance.

Doctors revealed the stomach hidden ulcer and recommended surgical intervention. During the operation, the woman reacted poorly on anesthesia, and the heart stopped. Elena Alekseevna told that he experienced clinical death and even saw a tunnel with light, but herself considers these visions by a consequence of his own impressionability, and not evidence of the existence of higher strength.

All these terrible events took place many years ago, but Elena Alekseevna needed time to gain strength and tell about this press.

Now the actress with humor declares that alive and is not going to die, but still one time complained about his health. Doctors timely revealed the effects of injury, which led to the separation of two ribs. In addition, the actress for 3 months almost completely lost his voice.

In 2017, the wedding of the only son of the actress Denis Shock and Victoria Melnikova took place. True, on the holiday, the parents of the bridegroom were absent. In 2019, it became known that the pair broke up and designed a divorce. Also, the young man decided to remove tattoos on the face - the operations will pass in stages. He will need a full course of procedures for 3 years.

The artist has an official profile in "Instagram", where she lay out mostly work shifts and video, there are several family photos. In 2020, Yakovleva surprised her follovers not only with a new haircut, but also a complete lack of makeup. The updated star image deserved hot approval of network users.

Elena Yakovlev now

In 2020, the actress was occupied on the set of Drama "Sklifosovsky" (8th season started at the very beginning of the 2021th) and fantasy "Goalkeeper Galaxy".

In production there are fantasy "Chernovik", the spy detective "Chernobyl", the detective melodrama "Miss Police" and the fairy tale "The Last Bogatyr: Evil's Root."

Family cinema "The Last Bogatyr: Evil's Root" tells about the problems of Ivan, who does not feel the silicon of the Bogatyrs on the eve of the Bogatlish Games and is afraid to disgrace in front of the Father and the Bride. The awakening of ancient evil makes rivals to unite efforts to save the magic world. Colleagues Elena Alekseevna on the set in this project were Viktor Horinyak, Mila Sivatskaya, Ekaterina Vilkova, etc.

In June 2020, the People's Artist of Russia did not remain indifferent to the situation with an accident with Mikhail Efremov and publicly condemned those at the moment of the incident with the actor in the car, and then fled. Yakovleva shared his opinion on the resonant tragedy on the air of the Russia-1 TV channel.


  • 1983 - "Two under one umbrella"
  • 1989 - "Interdestochka"
  • 1991 - "The case of Sukhovo-Koblin"
  • 1992 - "Anchor, more Ancor!"
  • 1995 - "What a wonderful game"
  • 1999-2011 - "Kamenskaya"
  • 2013 - "Wangelia"
  • 2014 - 2020 "Sklifosovsky"
  • 2015 - "The Best Day"
  • 2015 - "Country of Miracles"
  • 2016 - "Crew"
  • 2017 - "Last Bogatyr"
  • 2017 - "New Trees"
  • 2018 - "Trees last"
  • 2018 - "Chernovik"
  • 2019 - "High Hope"
  • 2019 - "Seven dinners"
  • 2020 - "Galaxy Goalkeeper"

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