Igor Vernik - biography, personal life, news, films, brother Vadim Vernik, age 2021



Igor Vernik - Russian actor and popular TV presenter with a radiant smile. It seems as if he was born under a happy star. Nature endowed it with a lot of talents, and each starting of the artist is given to him with ease. The spectacles of MHT with his participation, films and programs on television are used.

Childhood and youth

Igor Emilevich Vernik was born in October 1963 (zodiac sign - scales) in Moscow. As a child, his creative family was surrounded by a creative family, consisting of two talented parents - the famous director of the All-Union Radio, the People's Artist of Russia Emil Vernik and the teacher of the music school Anna Vernik.

All representatives of the family Igor are artists. Brother-twin Vadim Vernik - Popular TV presenter, the elder brother Rostislav Dubinsky finished school-studio MCAT and became an actor. The issue of nationality Representatives of the creative dynasty never commented, but due to the fact that the native city of Emil Wernik was Odessa, his children are attributed to Jewish origin.

Igor turned out to be a gifted boy. Love for music he inherited from the mother, and artistry - from his father. After graduating from the 7th grades of the famous music school No. 1 named after S. Prokofiev, the guy became a real pianist. At the same time he sang well. After graduating from a secondary school, the ambitious young man filed documents at the same time in 3 higher educational institutions - Shchepkinskaya school, guitis and Studio School MCAT. And successfully passed the exams in all 3 universities. Vernik stopped the selection last, deciding to receive education there.

The novice actor entered the theater layouts at student age. He quickly Doros to the level of artists of the main MHT. His graduation work was so like famous teachers that the talented artist was invited to the metropolitan theater named after A. P. Chekhov immediately after graduation exams, in 1986. This honor was only to him.

Theater and television

Creative biography of Igor Vernik Multifungal. He is the famous theater and cinema actor, a talented producer and musician, demanded leading gear, singer and showman. Today, the artist plays in MHT and is constantly involved at least 6-8 performances. The brightest of them are the classic productions of the "King of Lire", "Pickwick Club", "Process", "Yama" and "Tartuf".

At the same time, Igor Emilevich, together with the twin Vadim brother, leads the transfer under the name "Theatrical Wandering Brothers" on the Wall of Radio Russia and works by a member of the KVN jury. Also, the showman tried to act in the clips, one of which was a video for the song of Lena Zosemova "on the southern shore."

All-Russian Fame Igor Emilevich acquired thanks to participation in popular TV projects. The debut was the transfer of "easier simple" on the TVC channel. And his collaborative program "2 Vernik 2", which was broadcast on the Culp channel, received a nomination for the TEFI-2018 Award.

And although TV presenters Vadim and Igor did not receive a reward, they heard many flattering comments and congratulations in their address. After all, celebrities come to the studio to the brothers who rarely or do not give an interview at all, and the Vernikov managed the impossible - to build a conversation with the guest to the burning topics.

Smiling actor with a magnificent figure (with an increase in 185 cm Weight Igor Emilevich reaches 80 kg) from the first appearance on television to be remembered to the viewers. Then followed the program "for you", "nightlife of the cities of the world", "Seventh feeling", "Good morning", "Saturday evening with a star", "Run Time" and others.

In 2017, Igor Vernik replaced in the program "Thank God, you came!" Mikhail Shatz, who conducted a transfer of 4 years in a row. The actor recalled that once he was a guest of transfer to STS and then he felt a strong emission of adrenaline, and now he will experience other participants in the show.

In the spring of 2019, Igor Emieliewicz became the guest of the "Fate of Man". Boris Korchevnikov, he said that the first rays of glory were warmed after filming in the video of Alena Sviridova. The Contractor also told how quickly the popularity of Lovelass, taking novels with many women, while himself dreamed of a strong family. Showman mentioned on the ether and about parents, children and other details of the life hidden from public gaze.

Worder appeared in the rating show "I want V VIA GRU", "I want to Meladze" and "Saturday evening." And if in the first project he was a jury member, then in the rest - leading. All transferred transmissions were broadcast on the main TV channels of Russia.

In 2014, the showman became the new leading program "one to one", His colleague was made by Julia Kovalchuk.

Igor Vernika in 1999 appropriated the title of Honored Artist of Russia, and after 17 years later the actor became a popular artist of the Russian Federation.


Today, the Vernik filmography is more than 100 full-length films and serials. Artist at the peak of popularity. He is removed a lot and willingly. Sometimes this is an episodic role ("12", "Daddy's Daughters", "Love in the Big City - 2", "Master and Margarita" Yuri Kara, "White Guard"), and sometimes the main ("bombed", "Cardiogram of love" , "That is also Karoson).

In 2006, the filmography of the celebrity was replenished with an artistic project "Women's Friendship", where Igor Emilevich got the main role. He played Sergey, her husband 39-year-old Anne (Julia Rutberg), which is celebrated on the eve of his birthday with a charming young girl Natalia (Glafira Tarkhanova). It turns out to be a mistress of her husband.

The Vernik is known for music talent, so sometimes one or another song from the soundtrack is instructed to fulfill him. Such a musical composition was the "lullaby princess" from the melodrama "Men's intuition". Later at the closing ceremony of the CMKF 2012, an actor in a pair with a singer of a gloa spoke with a hit from the movie "Cherbourg umbrellas".

The on-screen heroes of Igor Vernik are always charismatic, even if with a minus sign. The component of such success is the corporate smile of artist, which from time to time illuminates his face and instantly lights all who sees it.

The most bright works of the artist are the projects "Champions", "Kitchen" and "Fizruk". In 2016, the actor pleased fans by the appearance in the paintings "All about men", "Pennsylvania" and "Keep a blow, babe."

In the favorite "culinary" TV series "Kitchen" Igor Emilevich played a new chef restaurant "Claude Monet" German Landa. And in a light and brilliant comedy "Everything about men" was reincarnated in the head of the tourist firm EDICA. Then he starred in the comedy melodrama Ary Oganleyan "Keep a blow, baby."

In 2017, the performer appeared in the comedy project "Myths", a year later the premiere of the film "Bonus" took place, where Igor Emilevich appeared in the image of the head of the Rap Studio. Valery Guy Germany made director of the youth series.

Igor Vernik - biography, personal life, news, films, brother Vadim Vernik, age 2021 21544_1

From August to December 2019, the artist was filmed in the Russian adventure TV series "Survival game", the project premiere was held on August 31, 2020.

The artist played Yuri Aizenshpis in the art film Alexey Teacher "Tsoi", which tells the last stage of the biography of the Great Singer, and the TV series Fyodor Bondarchuk "Psych" with Konstantin Bogomolov, Anna Chipovskaya, Marina Alexandrova.

Personal life

In addition to creative talents, the Vernik has discovered inclinations to socio-political activities. He became the founder of the Charitable Foundation for Support Artist Artist Artist, founded in 2008. And in February 2012 was officially registered as a trustee of the presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov.

Personal life Igor Emielievich is as rich in events as his career. The Vernik was and remains a favorite of women, he is constantly surrounding the famous beauties.

The first marriage of the artist happened when he was 22 years old. The graduate of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​Margarita was the elected. The novel developed so rapidly that for friends and close artist, this marriage became a complete surprise. The union was short-lived - a year later, the spouses divorced.

14 years old Vernika did not associate himself with the bonds of marriage, while in 1998 he did not find how it seemed to him, the only one that was decided to lead under the crown. Random acquaintance in the store with a girl Maria became fateful. Masha and Igor lived together for 10 years. In 1999, the wife gave the actor of the son of Grigory Vernik. But this marriage completed the divorce. Maria has long shut down a family hearth and tried not to believe his rumors about the adventures of her husband, but one day her patience was over.

Maria soon re-married, moved to live in Miami, where Veronica's daughter in his new marriage. Former spouses support friendships. The son of Grisha stayed with his father.

Star artist shortly suffered from loneliness. He was attributed to romantic relations with the celebrities Tatiana Drubic, Keti Topuria, Dasha Astafieva, Leroy Kudryavtseva and Albina Nazimova. But it is not known whether these novels had the place in reality.

At the time when Igor Vernik was a member of the TV show's jury "I want V VIA", attentive TV viewers noticed that the artist is not indifferent to one project participant. This is a charming Ukrainian girl Maria Goncharuk. No wonder that everyone spoke about the secret connection between Lovelas and Masha. But after the completion of the project, rumors subsided.

In 2011, the Vernik began to meet with a young fashion model from Sevastopol Darya Schyrov. Igor introduced Dasha with his son, they rested together in Cannes. He spoke about marriage, and he called even a date, but this never happened.

As everyone expected, the Star Showman would not be alone alone. Vernik began to meet with a native of the Tver region, the model Darya Pink. But these relationships did not last long.

Soon, next to the star was noticed another young beauty. She became a beginner actress Evgenia Khorchavitskaya. The couple met for a while, but in December 2015 rumors crawled down that they are no longer together. The reason for the termination of the relationship artist called the dense work schedule.

In March 2016, 52-year-old Vernik saw again with 28-year-old Zhenya. They appeared at the celebration of the director Valeria Gai Germanic, who celebrated two birthdays - her and daughter Octavia. Igor Emilevich and Evgenia Khorchevitskaya exchanged with meaningful and gentle glances, willingly posing in front of the cameras of photographers.

In the same period, they began to blow about the resumption of the relationship of the Son of the director with Pink. It happened in the summer of 2016: the artist held a vacation in Jurmala with her and her son. After return, they told reporters that they do not live together, but warm relationships still support.

In the spring of 2018, about the personal life of Igor Vernik began talking again. Celebrities attributed a novel with a colleague Agela Tarasova. The actors became leading opening ceremony of the Moscow International Film Festival. The audience noted that the couple looked harmoniously not only on stage, but also on the red carpet. Officially, no comments from Vernik and Tarasova did not receive, but in the summer the performers visited the Festival "Kinotavr".

Joint photos of artists hit the pages of secular tabloids. And in the personal microblogger of the star of the film "Ice" appeared congratulations on your birthday from Igor Vernik in the form of a meaningful phrase: "I love! Adore! Adore!". Nevertheless, now joint photographs of stars are not published in the personal "instagram" of the Vernik. And the words of the actor in an interview dated March 2021, and do not deny the presence of heart ladies in his fate. So, the showman shared that he wants to meet a woman's strong and self-sufficient, the same, what his mother was.

On April 10, 2021, Igor Emilevich lost his father. The director and honored artist had a heart. The son said that literally before the death of Emil Vernik, although he felt bad, continued to drive a car.

Igor Vernik now

In the spring of 2021, the artist published the autobiographical book "Abandoned texts". In it, Igor Emilevich gathered not only diary records of the film processing and rehearsals in the theater, but also shared verses of his own essay, in small lyrical stories. Readers learned more and about the personal life of the idol - about his childhood, love and losses. Memoirs Showman dedicated to parents.

On April 5, on TV channel TNT, the series "Beetles-2" was published, in which Vernik played the role of an investor. From the new projects of the actor - "Cruel World of Men" Roman Nesterenko and "Designs-3" - a provocative tape of modern Moscow.


  • 1990 - "Begging Bus"
  • 1994 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 1995 - "At the corner, in the Patriarch ..."
  • 2005 - "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ..."
  • 2006 - "Elevator"
  • 2008 - "Cardiogram of Love"
  • 2010 - "Man in my head"
  • 2012 - "That still Carlson!"
  • 2014 - "Champions"
  • 2014 - "Kitchen"
  • 2016 - Pennsylvania
  • 2017 - "Myths"
  • 2018 - "Bonus"
  • 2019 - "Beetles"
  • 2019 - "Light way to quit smoking"
  • 2019 - "Pure Moscow Murders-2"
  • 2020 - "Beezumi"
  • 2020 - "Survival game"
  • 2020 - "Contents-2"
  • 2021 - "Beetles-2"
  • 2021 - "Cruel World of Men"
  • 2021 - "Contents-3"


  • "Theatrical Wednesday Brothers Vernikov"
  • "Easy peasy"
  • "For you"
  • "Nightlife of the city of the world"
  • "Seventh feeling"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Saturday evening with a star"
  • "RUB TIME"

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