Alexey Yanin - biography, news, photo, personal life, actor, health, stroke, today 2021



Rehearsals, touring, shooting, performances, infinite replenishment of the gallery of images ... In a word, career Alexei Yanin developed in the increasing. And you still need to pay attention to loved ones. In this situation, the state of health is the last thing that the actors think about. And problems with well-being remind themselves suddenly and ruthlessly. Today the man has a difficult period, but the desire to live and work.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born on March 14, 1983 in Moscow in a family not related to professional art: the mother by profession is economist, father - historian. Parents brought up two children: his older sister.

He has manifested artistic abilities from ornament. The cheerful nature and irrepressive life energy of the boy was noted both educators and school teachers. A future actor first in the 415th school of Moscow, then, at the insistence of her grandmother, was transferred to the school named after Alexander Pushkin, and after the 9th grade returned to her former. By the time of her end, the question of choosing the further path was not stood. The educational institution functioned at the Physical University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, and the admission to this prestigious university was provided.

However, Janin has already chosen an acting profession that attracted his creative nature. One of the most important factors that influenced the fate of the young man was to visit the reconciliation detachment "Hope". This organization, during the Soviet Union, the former Pioneer detachment was aimed at developing such qualities in children as mutual work, love for the history of his land, organized campaigns and sports. Each graduate of "Hope" with warmth recalls the years spent there, which occupy a special place in the human biography. Efim Borisovich Steinberg Detagogue prepared Alexey to enter the theater school, where he did not succeed at one time.

Yanina did not receive only a MCAT studio school, but the doors of Vgik, Gityis and Shchepkin School were welcomed. The young man stopped at the last, on the recommendation of Steinberg - on the course Viktor Korshunova. He himself recalled that he first did not understand the difference between universities. Later, a chance appeared to join the ranks of the carriers of Mkatov traditions, but he no longer wanted to change Alma Mater.


A talented artist with a sports figure, height 180 cm, the winner of a diploma with honors was invited immediately into several theaters. From all the proposed options, Alexey chose the RAMT, since at the final stage of training already in the artist of the leader in the play "Lord of the Muh" director Alexander Ogareva.

The premiere took place in 2005, and the setting entered the repertoire of the theater. At the same time, the young man offered his candidacy on the main role in the play "Yin and Yang" and received the approval of the artistic director.

In the future, Yanin played a prince in the play "Cinderella" and, as if giving tribute to the mathematical past, a scientist in the play "Shadow". The actor himself argued that he did not share the roles of good and bad. It sees his task in carrying out the character of the character from the beginning to the end, getting the desired image by maximizing the work in the story series.

When an invisibility happened to Alexei, he was no longer a permanent member of the troupe and worked under the contract, rehearsed with the second composition of the performance of the "Otters and Two others". Mostly the same role was played by Peter Krasilov.

The suicide of Stepan Morozova was a heavy blow to the team of the theater - the Colleagues of Janin, involved in the same formulation. The tragedy occurred a week after Alexey pleased to hospital.


Popularity Alexey brought work in the cinema. He made his debut in the role of the satellite of the heroine of Alika Stormovova in the comedy "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", then flashed in the company Digger in the detective "Moscow. The Central District, "in the criminal drama" Life - Field for Hunting "was reincarnated in the General Son.

The first serious project Janin considered the series "Students". Actor with colleagues Evgeny Kulakovoy, Darya Luzina, Ivan Kolesnikov, tried with all his might, spending a lot of time for the discussion and the smallest study of scenes and characters characteristics, their goals and internal motives.

Answering the question of journalists about whether he loves to be filmed in the TV shows, Alexei Yanin said that he was primarily interested in the quality of the material and the possibility for disclosing the image. As the actor immediately noticed, you can get into a very good series, and you can also in a bad movie.

Its further work was also remembered by the viewer. Among them are the series "Mother's daughters", "Ostrog. The case of Fyodor Sechenov ", the most stronger project" stronger fate ", where Alexey fulfilled the positive role of Plot Nikolai Portnova.

Since 2007, over the course of two years, the artist starred in the popular youth drama "Club", where the main roles on the screen embodied Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, Peter Fedorov, Anna Nostov, Sergey Rudzevich, Pavel Priluchny and others. The film tells about the provincial girl who faces in the capital with bohemian life. He found a big response to the viewers.

In Alexey filmography, soon appeared the main role in the militant "Ahead of the shot", which was shown on the first channel. His hero is an employee of a collection fighting crime. Soon the actor starred in the main composition of the lyrical comedy of "classmates", where Olga Medynich and Alexander Mareeva also played. ON embodied the image of the bone creative.

In the melodrame "with loved ones, Alexey appeared in the role of the Misha provincial, who is forced to choose between a career and love. The director of the film was performed by Ekaterina Dvigubskaya. According to critics, it gave her a certain charm and an honest female look at the whole situation. The picture is a worthy representative of the genre and with the new part discloses the topic of betrayal.

The last time the fans saw Alexei in the acting role in the TV series "The Light and Shadow of Lighthouse", which went to the screens until 2016. He played a major role. Then there were health problems, and the acting activities had to stop.


In the spring of 2015, the artist had an extremely tense shooting. A large amount of work and constant stress caused a stroke, which happened on May 6th.

In that ill-fated day, Alexey felt bad. The spouse of Daria told that he immediately took her husband to the first city hospital. Doctors diagnosed him a disappointing diagnosis - stroke. The volume of blood in the cerebral hematoma was 70 ml, death occurs at 100 ml. The operation was assigned a week later, although it is known that under strokes, assistance must be assisted during the first four hours. The family did not wait and translated Alexei to another clinic. There, the state of the artist deteriorated sharply, there was an emergency surgical intervention. Doctors made Yanina trepanation of the skull, connected to the IVL apparatus.

On May 13, in the "Instagram" on the page of the singer Nyusha, friends of the family, a message appeared that Janin because of the illness fell into someone. Subsequently, this statement clarified doctors, told reporters that the actors were specifically introduced not to artificial to whom, but in a vegetative state in which the body reacted to external stimuli.

Support for the family, who collided with trouble, was their colleagues, friends and just not indifferent people. In "Instagram" a request for assistance and details for transfer funds published Rita Dakota, Ivan Nikolaev, Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, Julianna Karaulova and many others. During the day, it was possible to collect 500 thousand rubles. So much cost one operation, and the day of his stay in the hospital did the relatives of Alexei in 30 thousand rubles.

Also, the whole world was collected money for rehabilitation in the medical center in Germany. Russian clinics, according to loved ones, were afraid to take seriously ill, who had to feed through the tubes.

A year and a half, fans experienced the life of Janin, there were no optimism in the forecasts of doctors. The wife has created information groups in social networks, where he reported agitated subscribers about the state of the spouse. Parents led to the "Facebook" microblog, in which they shared the success of the Son after the stroke and placed his photo.

In December 2016, Alexey conducted an operation, after which the rehabilitation went faster. The actor is paralyzed, but according to Darya, he did not have problems with memory. Yanin gradually recalled past events of his life, as well as things that were happening while he lay in a coma.

In 2017, the first news appeared that Alexey went on amendment. Relatives proudly told reporters that he began to pronounce words, not separate sounds. His intelligence is in order. The actor was constantly engaged in a physiotherapist and massage therapist, regularly surveys.

By the spring of 2018, Yanin was already quite clearly spoken, he eaten and drank, cleaned his teeth and was combed with his right hand. In addition, he could sit and stand with special equipment.

Personal life

With the first wife of Olga Khokhlova, the actor played a wedding in a memorable day - 08.08.08. Loves specifically did not choose the date, just wanted warmth and the sun, but in the end she listened to the advice of friends.

Olga for 5 years younger, also graduated from the WTU named after M. S. Shpkin, the star of the film "Lovel Method", "The Border of Time". Together, the spouses played in the TV series "Emergencies: Emergency Situation".

The personal life of colleagues did not work out, divorced due to the incomprehension of characters. There were no common children in marriage, so both moved parting easily.

In 2009, on holidays on Goa Yanin, he met by the Krushnikova, after 3 years he married. The girl - participant in the fifth "Star Factory", from which Julianna Karaulova came out, Victoria Daineko and Natalia Podolskaya. The couple raises the son of Andrei. In 2019, the boy went to the 1st grade.

Daria graduated from a pop-jazz college at the Academy of the name of Gnesins, Schukinsky School, plays the theater, writes songs and releases video clips. The funds received, she spends her husband's rehabilitation.

In March 2020, Olga Janina published a post dedicated to his son's birthday, in which he thanked for good words and expressed the hope that Alexey would return to normal life, despite the fact that the regression periods sometimes occur. Publication accompanied the photos of the actor with his wife and child.

Dasha told that "regularly comes with her son and spends time with the whole family," from which the media concluded that Janina threw his wife. Indeed, a woman along with his son lives separately.

This is the news, as well as the fact that Daria Janina (Kraschenikova) continues the musical career, Lena Miro was left without attention. The blogger accused the singer in no time, the reluctance to take care of a sick person. In her opinion, until Alexey was popular - he was needed by a girl, and as soon as he became incapable - only parents cope with problems. Defenders of women stated that Daria is now the main breadwinner in the family, perhaps it is inconvenient to go to the suburb every time, but she is not obliged to sit in the four walls. In addition, Andrei goes to school, most likely in Moscow, so they live separately.

Alexey Yanin now

Now Alexey lives in the house of the mother, engaged in simulators, moves in a wheelchair. The men appropriated the 1st group of disability and appointed a pension of 15 thousand rubles. There is not enough money for recovery, the family is still counting on the help of friends.

On March 5, 2021, Olga Andreevna visited the transfer of "close people" on the TV channel "Russia-1". In the studio, she showed frames, in which Alexey is rehabilitated. Classes take place about 5 times a year. Some of them pay the theater where the actor served.

The woman said that the Son makes great progress, because before he could not move at all. But it grieves it that she could not see his bright and sunny smile for the past six years.

The actor's mother also shed the light on the relationship with the branched. The daughter-in-law lives in Moscow. She is busy in singing and acting projects, and also engaged in the education of the Son. The boy is studying at school and visits additional circles. At the same time, the keynikova is quite often visiting Alexey with the child.

Olga Andreevna noted that now Janina has a mother and father in the first place. And Dasha in the perception of the Son is a "beautiful picture", which is not forever.

It is worth noting that Daria Krasivnikova was also invited to the ether of the "Close People" program. But she refused to come to the studio, but gave a separate interview to journalists. The woman said that after the tragedy felt herself drunk in the corner, but could not lower his hands - we were crying only behind the wheel, and the rest was held. Then she overtook her new blow - Son seriously ill.

"I am alone with the child and try to implement in your work. Lesha - my son, my family. If my life with someone will cross, this person will have to understand that I will always be next to Lesha. Always, "said Daria.

In the same month, Alexei Yanin's mother became the Guest of the Transmission "Hello, Andrei!", The release that was dedicated to the International Women's Day. For the first time in a long time she launched into the house of journalists. The footing story about how once now has a popular actor, showed on the air.

Olga Andreevna set itself a goal that put his son on his feet. "That only experts said during this time:" What can you even wait after such a stroke? ". And, in general, there are results, and you see them, and there is hope. And the joy is from what is happening something positive. For these two years, I put a goal for myself that we stand on your feet, let's start walking. It is necessary, "the woman told in a conversation with Andrei Malakhov.

Faith mother and her tireless care have been beneficial to the state of his son. Now Alexey can independently hold a spoon and speak. He even told that he wants to give his mother to March 8 bouquet of scarlet roses.

Olga Andreevna supported other guests "Hello, Andrei!". Actress Tatyana Abramova noted that there is nothing impossible in life, so the goals set up. Especially since the loving mother "turns around any mountains, the walls - anything." Full Yuri Belyaev thanked Alexey's mother for making hopeful to other people.


  • 2004 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2005-2006 - "Students"
  • 2007-2008 - "Club"
  • 2009 - "Cream"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2012 - "Ahead shot"
  • 2013 - "Classmates"
  • 2013 - "Do not part with your loved ones"
  • 2014 - "From the holiday to the holiday"
  • 2014 - "stronger fate"
  • 2014-2015 - "Light and Lighthouse Shadow"
  • 2015 - "It is impossible to die"

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