Sofia Rotaru - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



It is called the icon of the Soviet pop, whose creative life has absorbed the story of a large multinational country. Sofia Rotaru is a singer, a star of show business, which and today surprises fans with new masterpieces and regular concerts. In her work, songs from the national and cosmopolitan repertoires organically get along, so the listeners of Moldova, Ukraine and Russia equally consider it "their" artist.

Childhood and youth

Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna for the nationality of Ukrainian with Moldovan roots. On August 7, 1947 was born in the village of Marinsha Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR. Father Sofia was a brigadier of winegartes, mother worked on the market. In her family there were six children, among whom Sofia was the second on seniority.

The younger sister of the future star Aurika Rotaru also achieved heights in music. In 1996, she received the title of "Honored Artist of Ukraine", and in 2019 a woman was recognized by People's Artist of Ukraine.

Aurika and Sofia Rotaru in childhood

As a child, Sofia showed high achievements in different fields: he was engaged in sports - became the champion in all-around among school students, he was fond of theater and visited the drama. But the main place in the girl's biography was occupied by music. Rotaru played on the accordion, domra, sang in the choir, participated in the circles of the artistic amateurness of the rural and district level. And always was the focus of viewers and teachers.

Already then she had a strong contralto, approaching soprano, and on the first of their touring the neighboring villages, the suitable nickname of Bukovinsky nightingale was obtained.

Personal life

Sofia Rotaru was married to Anatoly Evdokimenko, who carried out the duties of the head of the "Chervon Ruta" ensemble, was the director and organizer of all concert artist concert programs. The future husband first saw his beloved on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" in 1964.

In 1968, Rotaru was married to Evdokimenko, went with him to Novosibirsk, where he had to undergo student practice. There she worked as a teacher and together with her husband performed at the local club "Rest". After 2 years, the son of Ruslan appeared in their young family.

Anatoly Evdokimenko died of a stroke in 2002, Sofia Mikhailovna was seriously worried about his death, for a while canceling all performances, shooting and touring. The personal life of the artist decided to devote a family, gently keeping the image of his wife.

The only son Ruslan is now working as a musical producer. He has two children who are named after Grandpa and Grandparents - Anatoly (1994) and Sofia (2001).

The actress today looks no less effectively than in the youth. Rotaru is in excellent form, although without interference with plastic surgeons it did not cost. On the stage, Sofia Mikhailovna enjoys bright makeup, but in social networks, including "instagram" of her relatives, sometimes snapshots of Rotaru without cosmetics.


Already in the first years of performances, Rotaru accompanied luck in all competitions. The girl easily became a laureate of regional and republican festivals. Soon Sofia gained the fame of a union-union scale - in 1964 she spoke at a concert in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, and her photo was chosen for the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". In 1968, Sofia Rotaru was over the global level, winning the World Festival of Creative Youth in Bulgaria.

In 1971, Sofia Sofia Rotaru's songs were included in the musical film of Roman Alekseeva "Chervona Ruta", which became the beginning of her career in the composition of the eponymous pop ensemble from Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

In 1973, she received the 1st place in the Golden Orpheus competition, for the first time became a laureate in the final "Song of the Year", after which over the subsequent years missed only one festival in 2002 due to the death of the spouse.

In 1980, Sofia made his debut in the cinema as an actress, playing the almost autobiographical role of the provincial singer. The film "Where are you, love?" Raised it on the peak of popularity, songs from the film fell in love with the viewer and were included in the dual album of the same name. Immediately followed by shooting in the autobiographical dramatic film "Soul".

In 1985, he participated in the filming of the film "Sofia Rotaru invites you," in 1986 - in the romantic music telephone "Monologue about love", in which Sofia is removed in dangerous scenes without Duzer.

In 1986, the "Chervon Ruta" ensemble collapsed, the group decided to continue his career without a soloist. Rotaru begins to look for himself, changes the direction of his creativity. This is largely due to the name of the composer of Vladimir Matsky, who created the composition of the rock and Euro-pop, which quickly became hits over the next 15 years.

They included the famous compositions "Moon, Moon" and "Lavender". The last Rotaru performed in a duet with Estonian pop artist Yaac Joal. In 1991, in the wave of the popularity of Hard-rock, perhaps the most "heavy" album singer "Caravan Love".

After the collapse of the Union, the artist did not lose popularity. The albums Rotaru flew up with huge circulations. This is both "farm", and "Night of Love", and "Love Me." In the new century, the work of Sofia Mikhailovna did not lose the relevance. She became a laureate of the prestigious Prize "Golden Gramophone".

Rotaru noted not only by solo performances, but also successful duets with Nikolai Rastorguev and Nikolai Baskov. In 1998, Rotaru sang with the soloist of the Lube Group, the song "Sounded", and in 2005 and 2012, the song "Flowers Malina" and "I will find my love".

The last studio album of the singer in its discography has become a record called "Time to Love". After that, in 2014, a nominal disk came out, which was not in open sale, but was distributed only at the concerts of the performer.

In 2004, the artist played one of the main roles in the Musicle "Sorochinskaya Fair" of Konstantin Meladze, where he performed the song "And I loved him." A vivid role of the Queen got a singer in the musical fairy tale "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors", and the magician in the film "Red Hat" of 2009 was becoming the last cinema in Sofia's career of Sofia Mikhailovna.

For many years, rumors were mutated in the media about the irreconcilable hosts of two stars - Sofia Rotaru and Alla Pugacheva. It is believed that Alla Borisovna was afraid of competition and was always jealously treated Sophie Mikhailovna. But reconciliation on the scene still took place. The artists performed in a duet of the song "Tatu" "We will not catch up" at the concert of the music festival "New Wave - 2006". And in 2011 she held a solo concert in the Kremlin.

Another studio album replenished the discography of the singer in 2013, they became a record called "time to love". A year later, a nominal disk came out, which did not enter the open sale, but distributed only at the concerts of the performer. A year later, Rotaru had an official website, where news and information about the upcoming and past performances were published.

In 2017, at the Heat Festival, Rotaru sang a duet with Gregory Leps, the composition "I loved him." At concerts, Sofia Mikhailovna also often performed with other artists, for example, with Oleg Gazmanov with the song "Take", and even earlier, with Philip Kirkorov, "Lavend" performed.

Despite the age, Sofia Rotaru with no less activity continued to create. In 2018, released a new video for the song "Love Live!". The video has become a New Year's gift for admirers of her creativity.

In December 2018, due to the exacerbated relations between Moscow and Kiev, the artist suspended touring in Russia and announced that there would be no concerts in Moscow. At the same time, its director Sergei Lavrov explained that this is a temporary measure and soon Muscovites again put on the performance of his beloved singer.

In 2019, the next speech was held at the Music Festival "Song of the Year" with the compositions of "Music of My Love" and "New Year's Eve". And then concerts in Russia were held, among which there are performances in Sochi at the New Wave Festival and at the Big Concert "Legends" Retro FM ". At the end of the year, Rotaru appeared on the traditional New Year's "Blue Light - 2020".

Due to the dense touring schedule, Rotaru has to go to several houses. For many years of its main real estate, a luxury hotel "Villa" Sofia "remained in the heart of the resort Yalta in the Crimea. This is a monument of architecture, known as Kupalni Roffe, before the artist rented him. And until that moment in the building housed the Crimean Philharmonic.

Rotaru renovated the house, and then bought it and turned it into the hotel, the cost of staying one night in which it is about $ 500. The personal house of the singer is located in the village of Nikita near Yalta, it has much more modest sizes, but its inner decoration is almost not inferior to the mansion.

At the Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, Rotaru has a 4-bedroom apartment, now a woman spends the most time in it. Architect Andrey Kostruba was engaged in the arranging of the housing.


In 2017, Rotaru celebrated the 70th anniversary, the first channel released the plot of the actress on this day. And although she shone on stage in the same way as before, fans and journalists noted her worsened appearance. The reason for this was called the state of women's health. The nearest environment of the artist does not call accurate diagnoses and diseases, but in the media continue to develop this topic.

Also in 2018, after speaking at a private party in Ufa, there were news about the hospitalization of the singer. The reasons were voiced by different, some wrote that Rotaru had a suspicion of stroke, others were told about asthma. In any case, there was no accurate information on the Internet and official comments on this situation.

In addition to the health of Sofia Mikhailovna, Folloviers discusses her appearance. Comparing photos of different years, as well as taking into account the age of the singer, they draw conclusions about not one rotary operation. At the same time, the media notes that the plastic did a clearly talented doctor who did not leave a single flaw on his face.

Once the photo was leaked to the network, on which the rotar was captured without bright make-up and laid curls. At the same time, the Internet users immediately rushed to discuss that without makeup and a wig Sofia Mikhailovna completely not like himself.

And even if Rotaru really appealing for help to plastic surgeons, a woman applies a lot of effort to preserve the blooming look and a slim figure. With a rise of 170 cm, its weight is within 60-64 kg, which is very good for the artist.

Many are amazed that Rotari's face looks so smooth, taped and young. Against this, in 2020, a new myth was born that, in addition to the "Proches of Beauty", Sofia Mikhailovna began to use a thin silicone mask, smoothed all wrinkles. In the program "You will not believe!" On NTV, this topic was dedicated a whole plot, opinions were expressed there and people engaged in the manufacture of such devices.

Political position

In the light of the conflict of Russia and Ukraine, Folloviers were interested in the opinion of this situation of famous artists. In the same period, the press appeared the news about the statement by Rotaru - in an interview, the woman noted that for more than 10 years he lives in Ukraine, and only occasionally visits his Crimean mansion. At the same time, it is open to political topics, she tries not to speak.

When the conflict between the two countries aggravated even more, the star had to wait with concerts in Russia, for which most fans accused the singer in cowardice and politicia. But they were also those who entered her position, for example, Joseph Prigogin, who called Rotaru, a family, decent and self-respecting tradition, who became the hostage of the "dirty political war and Poroshenko's gang."

Back in 2014, when the son of Rotaru was published on the Independence Day of Ukraine in "Instagram" with mom, in whose hands was the Ukrainian flag, fans began to leave negative comments. The artist explained that he did not want war to all the peoples of the former Soviet Union, and in her action there was no political background.

At the same time, in an interview with the Internet publication, Sofia Mikhailovna said that he would have answered the proposal to Vladimir Putin's proposal to change the passport for Russian when all residents of the peninsula were performed. But no one suggested this in the artist, and sometimes she has problems related to the work permit within the Russian Federation.

In the end, the woman added that it was equally ready to perform in Donetsk, Lugansk, Riga and in Moscow. She is not important geography, the only condition for the concert Rotaru is the love of the audience, who are waiting for her in their city.

In 2019, a flurry of accusations again fell on Rotaru. This happened because of the consent to perform on the "song of the Year", from which a year before the singer refused. The worships accused the woman that she was returning to Russia, because with her previous concerts, she ended with money. Lavrov and this time stood at the "ward", explaining that the only time the actress missed the concert due to the introduction of a military situation in Ukraine, but all the previous years a woman performed. Yes, and work there are not for the fee, but for the air, so all charges of its address remain unreasonable.

Sofia Rotaru now

Now, in the already elderly, Rotaru tries to spend more time alone. Her previous plans included a tour of Germany and the speech on New Year's Eve - 2020/2021 in Kazakhstan, but later the actress refused to proposals. The press about it told the concert director of Sofia Sergey Lavrov.

He was shared by other plans of the artist for 2020. According to a man, Sofia Mikhailovna decided to refuse Sofia Mikhailovna from long trips and flights, as well as from touring tours. And although in 2019 she collected the full halls in Moldova, Monaco and Nice, now plans to limit themselves only by small concerts in the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

This statement of Lavrova spawned rumors about the final care of Rotaru from the stage, but the man hurried to assure everyone that, when this happens, Sofia Mikhailovna will hold a tour before the farewell. In the meantime, she decided to restrict himself with small registered speeches.


  • 1972 - "Chervona Ruta"
  • 1979 - "Only you"
  • 1985 - "Tender Melody"
  • 1988 - "Golden Heart"
  • 1991 - "Caravan of Love"
  • 1995 - "Farmer"
  • 2002 - "I still love you"
  • 2002 - "Snow Queen"
  • 2003 - "Unified"
  • 2007 - "What is the weather on the heart"
  • 2007 - "Fog"
  • 2008 - "I am your love!"
  • 2013 - "Time to Love"
  • 2014 - Sofia Rotaru

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