Veronica Todorov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, "instagram", blogger, committed suicide, nicuseaaa 2021



On June 10, 2021, the fans of the Moldovan blogger Veronica Todorov learned the tragic news: on the eve of their favorite, the abacus of life was brought. Before deciding to desperate step, the celebrity published a farewell post in Instagram-account - a black square with a single "end". The circumstances and the causes of the incident figured out the police, but, according to some reports, the problems of personal character suicide were pushed to suicide.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the Internet came to this world on October 17, 1996 in the Moldovan city of Hinchesta, located on the River Kogshlock, 36 km from Chisinau. Mother Irina gave birth to her at 15 and faced condemnation even from close relatives who advised to get rid of the child.

"When I was born, my mother still studied. Later she went to study in Chisinau, and I spent a lot of time with my grandparents - Dad threw us when I was still a baby. God, as I loved my grandfather - he was me instead of his father. It is a pity that he left me very early, "the blogger shared by the impulse facts of biography with subscribers.

Parents arranged a personal life again. Two daughters appeared in the second family of men, the eldest of whom studied with Veronica in the same school and watched her in social networks, not even assuming about their relationship. His ex-chosen found female happiness with Vyacheslav Plekelman, giving him the son of Daniel, and in a couple of years, October 29, 2019, - heiress Elizabeth.

Todorov soul did not want in younger brother and sister, regularly laid out their photos with confessions in love and tried to spend as much time with them.

Until 2013, the girl, from the age of 16, who had known on his own, received secondary education in the theoretical lyceum named after Mikhaya Eming (former School No. 3), and then passed into a similar institution, named after Mikhail Lomonosov (former School No. 2).


The first publications in the Instagram-Account Todorov, dated October 17, 2018, were devoted to her 22th anniversary. Later, the profile was properly replenished with colorful photographs from recreation, from restaurants, nightclubs, boutiques and pictures in underwear, swimsuits and trendy outfits showing a slim figure. At the same time, the author immediately stressed that he did not consider himself a blogger:"It seems to me that the blogger is the one who knows how to mount the video, teaches something useful, removes the professional chamber. I have a free page that does not base on something defined. I am an ordinary person who simply talks about himself and shows his life by 70%. "

The girl shared reflections on various topics (unsuccessful flight, favorite flowers, family), satisfied the draws (clothing, manicure and epilation services, hookah) and tried to be honest with a growing army of subscribers. Veronica, for example, did not hide that it was repeatedly applied to plastic surgeons and gave references to clinics where she made his lips and chest.

The celebrity willingly decided on changes in appearance, in June 2019 finally shattered with dark color of the hair, preferred bright makeup and decorated the body with tattoos and piercing. The cauldron was located on her legs, hands, abdomen, shoulders, clavicle, buttocks, wrists, fingers and back.

Personal life

Blider, gaining popularity, infrequently made publications that would shed light on a personal life. Although she with enviable regularity laid out pictures of gorgeous bouquets and reflected on the theme of relationship between a man and a woman.

In the Instagram account of celebrities there is almost the only mention of a young man: in April 2019, Veronica wrote that her boyfriend Dima Konikov does not like the carousel. On the page of the guy born in Leov and who studied in the International Independent University of Moldova, on the social network "Facebook" also have their common photo.

The girl respected the creativity of Skriptonitis, Alisher Morgenstern, Face, T-Fest, Pharaoh, Truwer, attributed red, pink and black to their favorite colors and adored to travel.


Late in the evening on June 9, 2021, the body of Veronica Todorov was found under the windows of one of Chisinau high-rise buildings. As a result of the conversation of the neighbors of a blogger with law enforcement officers, it turned out that the girl who died even before the arrival of the ambulance lived on the 9th floor, but shortly before the fall rose to the 14th.

It was also reported that she was depressed due to personal problems. This version is confirmed by imaginary posts on its page in the social network "VKontakte", the last of which ended with the words:

"I will only be fun outside, and inside I have long been dead."

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