Anatoly Tsoi - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, "mask", "Call me with you" 2021



Anatoly Tsoi is a talented musician from Kazakhstan, who managed to build an incredible career in Russia. Arriving to Moscow, the young man began to storm popular projects using any chance to become the best. And being part of the collective, and in the solo career, and in the role of TV presenter, there invalibly achieved success.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Tsoi - Korean by nationality, born in July 1989 in Taldykorgan (Zodiac sign - Lion). This city was called Talda Kurgan until 1993. Tolya grew up in a simple family, where neither artists nor the musicians were. But talent for singing and musical ear parents discovered her son early, so immediately decided to maintain and develop it. Anatoly admits that he sang all the conscious life as much as he remembers.

To work and help parents Tsoi began early. Life taught him to be targeted and make every effort to achieve the goal. Where and at what period of time, Tsoi received an education, whether academic vocals studied, for everyone he remained a mystery, there are no these information on the network.

At 14, the teenager has already earned money. Talent for singing made a young man in demand at corporate events and urban holidays. But the main promotion for Central Asian was not money, but praise Pope. He was strict and even a harsh man, but at the same time just.

At a young age, Anatoly won the 2nd place in the Delphic Games, becoming the winner in the "Past Vocal" nomination. The guy fell on the 1st season of the project "X-factor" in Kazakhstan, where he managed to reach the final. He performed with Talgat Kenezbulatov in a duet called National. But I could not win the Kazakh show Anatoly Tsoi, because, as he believes, the audience was not ready for the style of his execution.

Participation in projects made a guy recognizable and brought popularity. Anatoly Tsoi for some time after the end of Kazakhstani projects was the soloist of the local group of Sugarbeat.

"Want to Meladze"

Anatoly's creative biography developed on ascending, but not as fast as the guy wanted. Therefore, he went to Moscow, hoping that there would be more "advanced" listeners and connoisseurs of his talent. The calculation of the vocalist turned out to be correct: Tsoi passed the casting at once in three rating shows, choosing from them, in his opinion, the brightest and prestigious one - I want to Meladze.

All autumn 2014, the audience of the NTV channel was watched by the new project Konstantin Meladze created. Participants were selected on "blind auditions". According to the rules of the project, the female half of the mentors in the face of Polina Gagarina, Eva Polna and Anna Sedokova saw the incendiary performances of the contestants, but did not hear them. At the same time, a strong half, represented by Timati, Sergey Lazarev and Vladimir Presnyakov, did not see the contestants, hearing them.

It is noteworthy that the pre-booking of the Anatoly Tsoi project was held in Almaty. It was attended by all the mentors, including Konstantin Meladze himself, and already at this preliminary stage, the young singer received an approving review from the most Matra. On the qualifying round, the vocalist remembered the audience by the song Naughty Boy La La La.

Other equally popular performers from Kazakhstan participated in Casting. Many believed that the guy would not pass, the very "non-standard" was his execution. As Anatoly confessed later, he expected from the first stage that he was removed from the project. In addition, Tsoi initially wanted to be a member of Boj-Benda in Meladze, despite the fact that before that he preferred to be a solo performer.

The artist told reporters that if he did not win, then he still plans to stay in Moscow and make their way to show business. After all, the level of media in Kazakhstan is much lower: if the performer works in Russia, they know about him in all of the CIS.

Anatoly from an early age dreamed of singing on the same level with the largest stars. While he participated in the project "I want to Meladze," he entered a number of proposals for further work. But Tsoi could not agree on them because it was connected by the contract.

At the project, Anatoly Tsoi communicated with other participants who came and left, without lingering for a long time. Initially, the singer was in the group Anna Sedokova, spoke with Marcus, Gregory Yurchenko and other guys, but then moved to Sergey Lazarev. This moment was the most dramatic for the whole project.

In the final, the boy-bend Sergei Lazarev in Anatoly Tsoi, Vladislav Ramma, Artem Pindyura and Nikita Kiosse, broke out in the final with a small passage. The guys won the right to enter the MBAND group. Together, young people performed the new song Meladze "she will return." Heit first sounded in the Grand Finale of Tele Show.

In 2014, a video clip was recorded on the song "She returns". The director was Sergey Solodky. And here they are success and fame: in less than six months, the official clip scored more than 10 million views on Youtube.


In 2015, the MBAND group was nominated immediately at 4 awards. The team received a victory Kid`s Choice Awards in the category "Russian Musical Breakthrough of the Year." The team was also nominated for the RU.TV premiums in the categories "Real arrival", "Fan or Profan", as well as on the "MUZ-TV" Award as a breakthrough of the year.

On the eve of 2016, the first quartet concert took place, which was held at the Moscow club Bud Arena. Then it became known that the group left Vladislav Ramm. It did not reduce the popularity of vocalists, and after six months, the painting "All Fix" came to the screens, in which the participants of the music team played the main characters. Nikolay Baskov and Daria Moroz also starred in the youth film. At the same time, the monitor appeared in the repertoire of the musicians.

Anatoly, together with colleagues, also participated in charitable promotions. The guys created a socio-musical video project "Raise Eyes", which gave the opportunity to pupils of orphanages creatively show themselves. Soon in the repertoire of Bozy-Benda, a joint composition with the singer Nyusha "Try ... Feel" and the song "Unbearable" appeared.

In 2016, the discography of MBAND participants replenished at once with two works - the albums "without filters" and "acoustics". And a year later, the artists became the authors of the song "Life is a cartoon", which entered the musical accompaniment of the Russian translation of the Ukrainian animation film "Nikita Kozhemyak". New singles in the repertoire of Anatoly Tsoi and his friends were hits "Proper Girl" and "Personal".

As a member of the MBAND group, Anatoly became the performer of the Single "Thread", which entered the track list of the new album "Rough Age." Later, the guys pleased with the new joint with Valery Meladze, the execution of the Hit "Mom, do not burn!". At the end of October 2019, Tsoi presented a clip on the solo composition "not hurt".

In April 2020, information about the collapse of the MBand team appeared. Constantine Meladze declared this on social networks. However, this news did not at all marked the end of the career of the participants: each of them is already preparing to do a solo career. Anatoly is also not going to stop at the Music Front.

TV project

In addition to music, with the times, Tsoi began to develop and the Showman career. In early 2018, he became a TV presenter of the Saranha project - the new Ctc Love channel show. To participate in the program, couples are invited, who play for money, answering questions about each other. In the summer, the singer was awarded the nomination for the "Teffi" award as the best TV presenter of entertainment transmission of Praim Time, and the project itself received a statuette as a better talk show.

Also Anatoly Tsoi and his friend's childhood Valentin Lee became TV host project "Stone Korean". Blog releases were broadcast on the RU.TV channel and on social networks.

The popularity of the show allowed its authors to launch the 2nd season broadcast. In one transmission, the guest of bloggers became Anna Sedokova, with which Anatoly promised, finally find out the relationship. The program also attended the rubric of the charity television, during which bloggers gathered money to help disabled children.

On March 1, 2020, the music show "Mask" started on the NTV channel. On the scene, famous Russian artists perform in unusual masks, their real voices of the audience are heard only during performances. The jury of the competition will have to guess everyone who is hidden under the mask, but they do not always succeed.

The judges have already "removed" masks from TV host Vadim Tammenev, from the singers of Stas Kostyushkin, Alexei Glyzin and Lena Katina, and also revealed the personality of the Svetlana Svetlana. So far, not all heroes were guess, the viewers of the show put forward their own versions of the one who can hide behind the mask panda, wolf or deer. Most of Tsoi fans were confident that it was he who was in a suit of a lion. This was especially clear after the execution of the compositions "Call me with me" and "there is no me".

Soon it turned out that the artist fans were right - Anatoly was really hiding in the lion's image. He was able to stay unexplored longer than the other participants and become the winner of the project.

Solo career

After the victory on the project "Mask", the artist announced the start of the TSOY solo project, and after a month, the debut composition "won't sleep" to the courts. At the same time, Anatoly thanked for the help and support of the former MBand mentor Konstantin Meladze. Following the singer released the single "to the touch."

In an interview, Tsoi admitted that he always wanted to speak alone, but when he arrived in Moscow, it was "not to personal ambitions." MBand has become a successful springboard for him to the future.

Personal life

The main woman for Anatoly was always Mom, and the Father remained criticized the singer, whose words he listened carefully.

As for the romantic relationship, one time in the press was written that at Tsoi a stormy romance with Anna Sedokova. However, the singer brought these rumors. Soon we were talking about a kind of girl, whose name performer did not reveal. The alleged time for the development of these relationships in the upstream star was not enough, besides, Anatoly tried not to mix creativity and personal life.

In one interview, Tsoi was discounted and told that his chosen was supported by him for many years. She believed in him even when everyone else doubted success. During heavy trials that the competition was held at the first stage of the project "I want to Meladze", my beloved was next to Anatoly in Moscow.

Despite the fact that Tsoi was not free, he encouraged the numerous fans with a smile, claiming that she was enough for loving and his love for everyone.

In October 2015, a small scandal had happened, which, however, confirmed the truth of the words of Tsoi about lovingness. Paparazzi photographed a guy in the Sochi Club, where he rested along with his boyz-bend colleagues. The guys arrived at the opening of the New Wave Festival and decided to relax in the full program. Anatoly got the bright blonde and told the morning with her, while the couple gently hug and kissed, not embarrassed by the presence of hundreds of eyes.

In 2017, the fans of the singer again raised the topic of the novel with the saddle. August 3, Anna posted a joint photo with Anatoly and the Son Hector. Falls of stars have long discussed the possible paternity of Anatoly.

A few days before that, on the birthday of Tsoi, Sedokova published a touching congratulation, accompanying his tender photo:

"I am very big !!! Congratulations and love very much. You are unique, never forget about it. Happy Birthday, Anatoly Tsoi. "

Anna Sedokova and Anatoly Tsoi at that time did not comment on relationships, continuing to warm up the interest of the public with similar publications in social networks.

However, as it turned out, all rumors proved to be erroneous: in fact, Anatoly is an exemplary family man. According to some media, the artist's spouse is called Olga Kim. In the family of Tsoi allegedly three children: the son was born in 2012, and later Olga and Anatoly became parents of Gemini girls. True, the details of personal happiness pair does not like to share, preferring to maintain all the details of the relationship in secret.

Artist's fans signed to his personal profile in "Instagram". They are interested in any information from the life of the idol: they know His height (183 cm), the weight (79 kg) and age, they are known for their favorite color of Anatoly (black), the names of the perfume (Shakira Aquamarine) and the film ("1 + 1. Non-addable" ). Fans cherish hope for an acquaintance with the idol, because there is still no official wife near him.

In 2019, the name of Tsoi again appeared in the headlines of newspapers. This time, everyone discussed his interview, in which the singer admitted that she did plastic surgery. According to the artist, all his life he listened to the jokes of friends about the shape of his eyes, and it was embarrassed. Once he flew to Korea for "Intelligence" to learn more about local clinics and doctors. And unexpectedly for himself in one day did an operation. Anatoly admits - it was scary, but the result of blepharoplasty quite arranged.

A year later, the name of the singer once again fell on the first bands of news reports. He began to suspect a romantic relationship with the relative of Stas Mikhailov. By the way, Eva Kanchelskis starred in the clip of the artist "Different". The representative of the soloist hurried to refute the rumors in the infidelity of the artist, stressing that Anatoly with Evoi solely workers' relations.

In addition to touring and concert life, Anatoly has hobbies and hobbies. At 10 years, when the grandfather taught the grandson to shoot, Tsoi loved the weapon, to test the skill, he sometimes goes to the tira. From active sports prefers snowboard and skiing, in the summer she likes to spend time on the beach. He also experiences a passion for tattoos, the right shoulder of the artist is decorated with a lion head.

Anatoly Tsoi now

In an interview with Anatoly repeatedly admitted that the music for him is the biggest passion. And it is the involvement in this area gives an impetus to develop in other directions. In 2021, he again declared himself as a TV host.

It became known that the NTV channel decided to resume the releases of the show "Fair Factor" (the project was broadcast from 2003 to 2005). Anatoly was invited to the role of the lead. He was glad to accept the offer. In an interview, the artist admitted that he was always fascinated by the release of adrenaline - he gladly engaged in extreme sports. The singer suggested that participation in this show will allow to identify the presence of at least some phobias.

As for the musical career, Tsoi released a debut album called "to the touch". Among the 11 compositions met and one duet single "Almaz", recorded with Alice Mont.


As part of MBand:

  • 2016 - "Without Filters"
  • 2016 - "Acoustics"
  • 2018 - "Rough Age"

Solo (tsoy):

  • 2021 - "To the touch"

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