Igor Sechin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Rosneft 2021



Igor Sechin is the head of PJSC "NK Rosneft", "thanks to the efforts of which a small company turned into the flagship of the Russian oil industry. Earlier, Igor Ivanovich consisted of the positions of Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, among the persons close to Vladimir Putin. Regularly falls in the top 10 rating forbes the most influential and rich people of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born on September 7, 1960 in Leningrad in the family of factory workers. Some media indicate Jewish roots in the pedigree, but to prove the affiliation of Igor Ivanovich to this nationality, reporters failed.

On one day, the sister-twin Irina appeared with the future leader of Rosneft. Childhood and youth Sechin spent in his hometown, where he graduated from school No. 133 with an in-depth study of French. When the children were schoolchildren, their parents divorced. In 1977, at the end of the school, Sechin entered the University of Leningrad. A. Zhdanov at the Faculty of Philology.

In the youth of Sechin spent 4 years in African hot spots as a translator. On the 5th year, he was sent to Mozambique, later, being in the service in the army, visited Angola. Upon returning from Africa in 1986, Igor Ivanovich received a position in the Foreign trade unification of TechnoExport, specializing in the time of the supply of weapons in the friendly countries of the Union.


In 1988, Igor Sechin moved to work in the executive committee of Lensovet, where he was engaged in the conclusion of contracts and contracts with foreign cities-twinthms of Leningrad - Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro. On a business trip, the young man met the adviser to the Chairman of the Leningrad Main Hall Vladimir Putin. Thanks to this acquaintance, the biography of Igor changed the direction, since then the activity of Sechina is closely related to the future president of the Russian Federation.

From 1991 to 1996, Sechin worked in Putin's team in St. Petersburg City Hall and climbed the career ladder from the post of chief specialist before the head of the First Deputy Leningrad Municipality of Vladimir Putin. In 1996, Igor Sechin followed Putin after the defeat at the governor elections Anatoly Sobchak, and later, together with him moved to Moscow. In a new place, Igor Ivanovich made a brilliant state career, in 2000 he took the post of head of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Igor Sechin was headed by the Board of Directors of the Oil Company Rosneft and chaired there for 6 years. During his work on his position, a relatively small state oil company became the largest in Russia due to Yukos assets. Igor Ivanovich also continued to work in the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

In 2013, according to Time magazine, Sechin became one of the most influential people in the world in the "Titans" nomination, and in the ranking of Forbes, Forbes ranked 1st place among expensive top managers in Russia.

During operation in the Rosneft oil company, Igor Sechin's income, like many of the highest managers from Russia, were unknown to society. All media attempts to open the curtain of the secrets of revenues of the top manager were prelenged to the root through the court.

In 2015, after the persistent assignment of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin to present revenues of the heads of state-owned companies, Rosneft announced the revenues of the president in the form of a document "Standard NK" Rosneft ".

The document shows the approximate revenues of Sechin, but it is still clear that the salary of the head of Rosneft is about 20 million rubles. per month. Additionally, there are many premiums, which increase the salary of the top manager. Thus, the income of the head of Rosneft is $ 10 million.

Personal life

Personal life Igor Sechina has always been hidden from society. It is known that with the first wife of Marina, Vladimirovna, the oilman met in his youth in his native St. Petersburg, and the same young people have entered into an official marriage. At the time of the transition to work in the Kremlin, Sechina had already two children: the daughter of Inga, born in 1982, and the son of Ivan born in 1989.

Children Sechina received an education in the higher educational institutions of Moscow: Inga graduated from the St. Petersburg City State Institute, and Ivan - the Higher School of Business at Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

Because of the permanent stay at work, Igor and Marina Sechiny collapsed. However, the divorce did not affect warm relations with the ex-spouse, which after termination of the marriage seized 51% of the shares of the company "Executing Parts Group" and 49% of O-Eich El Rus Prievit Limited. "

It is known that in 2012, the head of Rosneft again associated himself with a marriage with a young employee of the apparatus Olga Rozkova. She became the mother of the youngest daughter of the Oilman Varvara. In the second marriage, Igor Ivanovich got markedly and changed outwardly (with a height of 175 cm his weight decreased significantly), which was noted by colleagues and friends.

Since 2013, information about the yacht St. has entered the news feeds of the Russian media. Princess Olga, the value of which, according to experts, was approaching the $ 180 billion mark.

According to the Novaya Gazeta, Igor Sechin became the owner of the unique vessel. The head of Rosneft presented the Yacht with a young wife Olga Sechina. The proof of this photo of the girl in the interiors of the sea vessel, which Olga placed on the page in "Instagram" and "Facebook".

The second marriage of Igor Ivanovich broke up in the summer of 2017. Olga preferred to his wife of the young Italian race car driver Francesco Provenzano. After parting the spouses, the daughter of Varya remained with his mother.

Igor Sechin now

Repeatedly provocative publications in the media of information regarding the privacy of Igor Sechin and its income, led to lawsuits to representatives of the fourth government from President Rosneft. In 2019, Igor Ivanovich decided to oppose the international news agency Reuters, which, in his opinion, published information relating to state security. Since the mechanism of prohibition of foreign media activities in Russia does not exist in the country, Sechin suggested that the FSB employees should deal with this issue.

Now the media attention is again riveted to the acquisitions of the head of Rosneft. In 2018, he bought elite apartments in Moscow for 2 billion Russian rubles. And in 2019 it became known that Igor Ivanovich is building a house in the suburbs worth 18 billion rubles. and a total area of ​​almost 25 thousand square meters. m.

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