Anna Semenovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Anna Semenovich is the Russian singer, actress, TV presenter, the ex-soloist of the Brilliant Group, who began a creative career after an injury that put the cross on her sporting achievements. In addition to the singing talent, it is also famous for its forms that have made it at one time the owner of the title "Miss Bust".

Childhood and youth

Anna Grigorievna Semenovich was born in 1980 in Moscow in the family of the director of the fur studio Grigory Timofeevich and the economist Tatyana Dmitrievna Semenovich. Parents brought up two children - Older Anna and her younger brother Kirill.

Her grandmother played a big role in the upbringing of the girl. After the birth of Brother, Anna often stayed at Mamina Mom. Father's parents The future star did not catch: they died in the post-war time, so Grigory Timofeevich held their early years in the orphanage.

At the age of two, Anya was seriously ill and half a year he lay in a hospital with rheumatoid arthritis. The girl's illness coped with the disease, but after discharge, doctors advised their parents to give it to a sports school.

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The choice fell on curly skating. The baby stood on skates at 3 years old, and she liked this occupation, like singing, which Anya was engaged in all the free time from figure skating.

Already in the school years, Anna Semenovich achieved essential results in sports. She regularly traveled to competitions, including abroad. In childhood she had to change 5 schools: a girl with difficulty found a common language with classmates. I envied, because, having the opportunity to go abroad, Anya bought itself branded things.

After school, Semenovich decided to associate his life with figure skating and entered the Moscow Academy of Physical Culture. She immediately allocated as a promising athlete. It worked with the coaches famous in the world of figure skating. Brother Semenovich graduated from Moscow State University, now he is engaged in IT technologies.

Personal life

Anna's personal life has always been the fans and journalists. The first long-term relationship among Semenovich happened in his youth when the girl was still engaged in figure skating. Her young man was called Daniel Mishin. They met in the club. In the late 90s, he was already engaged in producing and directed.

Daniel supported his choices at the moment when she went to the United States. For the sizes, he had to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

After the return of Anna to Russia, the relationship deteriorated: Daniel was ready to create a family, but then the girl was just beginning with a creative career, and she could not donate Semenovich. After a 5-year-old novel, the pair broke up.

Representatives of the opposite sex never left Anna without attention. Once in Karaoke, the girl met a young man named Ruslan. He turned out to be a businessman who led in real estate and IT technologies. The man was beautifully cared for Semenovich and was not against her participation in the group "Brilliant", although he did not welcomed the singer's beloved career.

Couple lived together for 7 years. According to the actress, she had guest relations with a civil husband: Ruslana also had a tight schedule of work, besides, he began to translate business abroad. For a joint residence, the elect Anna acquired an apartment of 170 square meters in Moscow. M, who after parting got a singer.

Later in her life, a new satellite appeared. This is a businessman named Dmitry Kashintez, who is 5 years older than Semenovich. With him, the artist met in the company of common acquaintances. The man immediately began to care for Anna.

During the "Ice Age" show, Dmitry brought lunch meals from the restaurant. And not only to her, but all participants of the show. Such care and generosity finally conquered Anna, and she agreed to live with Dmitry. Semenovich claimed that she finally found a man's dream, but the wedding did not end.

Soon they started talking about the new singer's novel with a businessman Ivan Stankevich. The couple planned the creation of a family, Anna even managed to introduce a banker-patriot with her mother and grandmother, who had a pleasant impression about him. Together with Stankevich Semenovich settled in his apartments in the residential complex "Golden Mile". But the relationship was completed by parting due to the jealous nature of the groom.

In 2019, Semenovich in the Studio of the Translation Studio for Million confirmed that during the year it was found with a young man. The chosen one of the singer is under her for 7 years. According to Anna, she just felt now that it was ready for the creation of the family and the birth of children.

The celebrity has a bright appearance, but the main advantage that is causing the attention of a strong half of humanity is the bust of the singers. Size of the chest Semenovich one time corresponded to the six. She claims that the lush forms went to her from Mom. In addition, after the completion of the sports career, the singer recovered slightly, especially in the shoulders and in the chest area.

In an interview with Lere Kudryavtsevaya, the artist admitted that he suffers from gigantomasics. This disease causes the dairy glands to constantly increase. In 2016, the singer lay down to the knife to reduce his bust from the 9th size until the 5th. The performer chose the clinic in the United States, where many Hollywood stars operate. But surgery suspended breast growth for a short time.

The big bust visually increases the figure of Anna. It is necessary to maintain the form - with a height of 169 cm its weight does not exceed 60 kg. Journalists and colleagues of the star are difficult to believe that it cost without plastics, but the actress itself claims that diet helps it. For example, in his youth, the figure skater refused to itself in everything, using daily only portion of buckwheat porridge and boiled egg.

Later, the actress has developed its weight loss technique. Fought without restrictions Semenovich allows himself only during the holidays. Therefore, after the resorts, the singer immediately goes to the Detox Center, where the body is cleaned. Lose weight to her the sauna and medical procedures help her.

Semenovich regularly visits the cosmetologist, and also through a day makes massage. The singer prefers hardware procedures to maintain skin tone and rarely uses beauty injections. In 2020, due to the unsuccessful pedicure, Anna had to seek help to surgeon. An operation was performed on the leg, after which another week the performer went with the stake in the steps.

For a long time, the singer gained the theme of motherhood. In the youth, Anna stated that the main career for her and the success of the public. But at the beginning of 2017, she reported to journalists that "X-time" for the birth of a child considers its 40th anniversary. In an interview, Semenovich stated that even in the absence of a husband to educate the heir.

The celebrity constantly holds fans in a tone. Its candid photos are placed in the popular men's Penguin, FHM, XXL gloss. And for the magazine "Maxim", Anna Semenovich took part in a photo shoot, which soles up with a bust with anfisa Czech. In addition, she starred in television advertising drug to increase potency. But the most popular with her participation became the movie "Anya and Fruits", in which Semenovich advertised ice cream.

But in the "Instagram" account, the singer in exceptional cases induces fans with pictures in a swimsuit or in seductive outfits with a decollete. The artist loves to surprise subscribers with frames in concert suits, as well as photographs without makeup.

Figure skating

Under the start of talented teachers - the Honored Coach of the USSR, Elena Tchaikovskaya, Honored Coach of Russia, Natalia Linychuk and the Honored Master of Sports Gennady Karponosov - Anna made great successes. The athlete has repeatedly conquered prizes at international competitions. At one time she even entered the list of six strongest figure skaters in the ice dance.

Anna's sports biography has bright pages. In 2000, the duet of figure skaters Roman Kostomarov and Anna Semenovich under the leadership of Coach Natalia Linichuk became the champion of Russia. They were considered a second duet after Irina Lobacheva and Ilya Averbukh. Semenovich - Master of Sports of the International Class on Figure Skating and Dance Dances.

Three years, the girl lived in the United States of America and also trained there, but she had to leave the big sport. Menisk injury and subsequent operation put a point on a sport career. Anna was still trying to return to the big sport, but the injured knee is unbearably sore. She rode half a year, constantly supporting himself by injections, but it could not continue to continue.

At 21, Semenovich returned to Russia. Here she was offered work in the ballet Igor Bobrina, Tatiana Tarasova and Natalia Bestayyanova, but Anna refused.

Group "Brilliant"

For half a year, Anna got used to the thought that the career in the sport is already behind. It was necessary to look for yourself in something else, because at 21 years old all life ahead. And the girl remembered another hobby - singing. In this she helped producer Daniel Mishin. Semenovich began playing a team called "Angel Charlie".

The group was created specifically for a soloist. The first compositions and music style resembled the work of the group "VIA Gra", which at that time thundered throughout the country. Since Niche was already busy, the musicians "Charlie Angels" tried to change the format on R'n'B, but they did not have enough of the group to further promotion. Similar style has not yet been popular in Russia. "Charlie Angels" ceased to exist.

Fortunately, Anna with her bright appearance and innate artistry managed to notice and invited to work on television. So the new musical head of the biography of Semenovich began. At first she led sports programs, then she was taken to the Music program "Adrenaline-Party" on the CTC channel. There she met the group "Brilliant".

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Once the TV presenter took an interview with Zhanna Friske, Yulia Kovalchuk and Ksenia Novikova. By this time, Anna had already managed to win the titles of Miss Bust and Miss Charm. Apparently, she looked at everyone so organically that immediately after recording the transfer of the producers of the group Andrei Grozny and Andrei Sllykov offered her to get into the "brilliant". Anya agreed, throwing work on television.

For the first time, the actress appeared as part of the group, starring in the clip "Bananas, Coconuts, Orange Paradise". In the video, the girl, like other participants "brilliant," appeared in a swimsuit, which immediately drew the attention of the fans of the musical team.

In the "Brilliant" group Semenovich shone for several years. The most famous clips in which the group's fans saw Anna, became the "New Year's Song", "Palmies of couples", "Brother MY Paraditnik" and "Eastern fairy tales".

The crisis began at the moment when Semenovich offered participation in the "Ice Penios". The actress did not calculate the burden on the body. Concerts were replaced by filming on television and in the cinema, and this is not counting training and rehearsals.

Immunity made a fail: the singer twice for this period suffered pneumonia, as well as cough cough. The girl realized that it was necessary to adjust the work schedule and from some project would have to refuse. She decided to leave the group, starting the solo career.

Solo career

In 2008, Anna fans saw her first clips. These were videos on the songs "On the Sea" and "Tyrolean Song". The compositions entered the first album, which was called "rumors". In the future, the artist chose to replenish discography with singles and individual hits. A year later, a clip was released for the song "My God", and in 2011 two more - "not Madonna" and "deceived people."

In 2016, a solo single "not just love" was presented, which became 100 best hits in Russia and the CIS countries. A year later, Semenovich pleased the fans with a new track "I want to be with you."

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In addition, in a pair with Denis Klyaver, she sang a song "Habit". In the Arsenal singer and other bright duets. In 2008, a performance was held with Arash (the song "on the sea", which became a hit), in 2014 the single came out and the video for the song BOYS, which, together with Anna, performed Artem Pindouyur. In the same year, the top hits chose the composition "I am for you at least on the edge of the earth."

In the summer of 2018, the premiere of the clip was held on the dance musical composition "Stori", the plot of which was dedicated to the resort theme. The director of the video was Alexander Impi, with whom the singer is not working for the first time.

At the same time, a summer hit "Where I, there and the Sea>, and in 2019 Anna pleased the fans with the clips on the" Sexy Bombing "composition and" Want. "

Films and Tele Show

Semenovich's biography is replenished with new pages. Even the "brilliant" Anya began to film. In 2004, she played in the series "Bachelers", in the painting "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...". A year later, he received roles in the ribbons "doomed to become a star" and "Students".

The most vivid images of the actress embodied in the films "Night Watch" and "Hitler, Caput!". In the second picture, Partners Anna became Paul Derevyanko and Evelina Blonds. Later in the comedy TV series "All such a sudden" she received a major role. Artist's filmography today decorate the projects "Real boys" and "Dr. Richter".

In 2006, Anna returned to ice, but not as an athlete, but as a member of the project of the First Channel "Stars on Ice". In a duet with an artist, actor Vyacheslav Robregaev. And in 2007, the figure skater, singer and actress Semenovich again went on ice, now within the framework of the TV show "Ice Age". This time Alexey Makarov rode with her in pairs.

Bright and popular Anna Semenovich gladly invite to participate in different programs and projects. In 2010-2011, she participated in the realistic show "Wife for rent", and since July 2010, a pair with Mikhail Plotnikov led the culinary show "Laman and Culinary" on TV Center TV channel. Actress lit up and in one of the programs of the club fun and resourceful, where he made a guest star.

The actress periodically appears in the humorous numbers of the Schow Group "Ural Pelmeni". With her participation, Sennovich in Police, Semenovich and Rota Soldier were delivered. Since 2011, the singer is participating in the release of the Transmission of the Dembel Album, which is broadcast on the "Russian Radio" ether. A year later, together with faith, Brezhnev, Anna held a "new wave."

The singer leads an active creative life, it practically does not have time to rest: concerts and tours alternate with the shooting of clips and serials. Sometimes Anna has to carry out a cold on the legs. The curious incident occurred with the singer after she posted a picture of her hand with a dropper.

The artist needed only one procedure, so as not to get across and fully spend a concert, and in the network fans have already scored alarm, pretty frightened by their messages of the relatives of Anna. Later, the situation was safely resolved.

Semenovich tries his strength and as a video unit. In "Instagram" she lay out sketches "Jimmy and Anya" about the love of "Hindu with a child's body to a woman with a figure of the goddess". Parabe with Semenovich played a member of the KVN team "Rudn" Shevgy Ahadov.

In the rollers, we were talking about a random acquaintance of the singer in India with a young man who became her husband on local traditions. Together with the artist, he flies to Moscow, where Anna represents his personal assistant to his girlfriends. The video is gaining a large number of views from fans, so Semenovich has begun to show the 2nd season.

In 2017, the star appeared on the "New Star Factory". Together with a member of Danie Danilevsky, she performed the song "On the Sea".

A year later, on television, the 3rd season of the series "Ivanov-Ivanov," was started, in which Anna appeared in the imaginary hero of Mikhail Trukhin. Semenovich entered the cast of the 4th part of the "Gardenaarines" Svetlana Druzhinina. The singer got the role of spouse hero Alexander Pankratova-black. Dima Bilan, Christina Orbakaite and Alexander Domogarov became performers of the main roles.

Anna Semenovich now

Now Anna Semenovich continues to delight fans with new songs. In 2019, together with the Milda Fomin, she presented a new single "Children of the Earth", and in 2020, the musicians began shooting the clip on this composition. The video was hot: the singers appeared in front of the chamber naked.

After the presentation of the song, the artists planned a large touring tour, but the concerts had to be postponed due to the introduced quarantine due to the proliferation of coronavirus. Semenovich used time to participate in telecasts. Together with Anna, the release of the Day with the Star program was released. Singer's free evenings devoted to family joys: at the time of Quarantine, her brother moved to the famous sister.


As part of the group "Brilliant"

2003 - Orange Paradise

2005 - "Oriental Fairy Tales"

Solo albums

2008 - "Rumors"


2004 - "Night Watch"

2004 - "Bachelers"

2006 - "Club"

2007 - "All so sudden"

2008 - "Hitler Caput!"

2009 - "Taming of the Shrew"

2012 - "Polar flight"

2012 - "Rzhevsky against Napoleon"

2017 - "Dr. Richter"

2018 - Ivanov-Ivanov

2019 - "Life after life"

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