Ekaterina Strizhenova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", husband, divorce, films, "Time will show" 2021



Ekaterina Strizhenova has time to play in the theater, to keep a talk show, pay attention to her husband and children. Being a benchmark of femininity, the celebrity retains the perfect balance between family and career.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Strizhanova (Maiden named Tokman) was born in March 1968 in Moscow. Father Ekaterina Writer and journalist by profession, founder of the journal "Student Meridian" Vladimir Illarionovich Tokman. Valentine's mother Yakovlevna Tokman Philologist for education, worked as a Russian language teacher, and then the employee of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

When the Kate turned 6 years old, and the older sister of Victoria - 12, the Father came to the family: the father died from the incurable oncological disease. Valentina Yakovlevna at 36 years old remained alone with two children and devoted all his further life to their upbringing.

The future actress remembers that they and the sister always felt the care of the mother, who independently sewed them dresses for speeches, lace collars for school uniforms and did everything so that the girls did not feel deprived.

Artistic dating early manifested in the nature of Young Kati. At age 5, she began to be filmed in television programs for children "funny notes" and "ABVGDIK". At the same age, the mother led a little daughter to a children's dance ensemble "Kalinka". The speeches in the choreographic team laid in the nature of the future actress of the basis of self-discipline and the desire to look attractively regardless of the circumstances.

Soon, Ekaterina Tokman appeared on stage as leading children's concerts. The artistic and relaxed girl did not flather before the big room and caused the most warm emotions from the public.

Theater and films

In April 1985, the director of the director Boris Durova "Leader" was released on the screens, in which Strizhenova performed a debut role. The shooting took place in 1984 in Sochi, and then in Moscow. Young actress played the role of the high school of Tanya Kornilov. On the set, the fateful meeting of Catherine with a future husband Alexander Strizhenov, who was entrusted with one of the main roles.

In the mid-1990s, Ekaterina became the graduate of the Moscow Institute of Culture, where he received a higher education at the directorial faculty. After graduating from the university, young artist played some time on the scenes of the Moscow State Theater Theater of Film Actrake and theater A. P. Chekhov, founded in 1989 as the first private entrepreneur. Strezhenova got the roles in the play "Hamlet" and "Subway".

Cinematographic biography of Catherine found its continuation in the film Alexander Muratov "The Road Now," by the novel by Alexander Green, in which the actress played Roene Futrosis.

Heroine, in which Ekaterina Strizhenova was skillfully reincarnated, did not leave the audience indifferent: her Roena Futrosis in the dramatic tape "The Road Nowhere" touching and defenseless and at the same time a strong personality, and Lydia in the melodraman "I want to love" - ​​romantic and sincere.

In a 4-serial adventure film, George Jungwald-Hilkevich "Musketeers 20 years later" Artist's character - Madlen's mistress D'Artyana. Once again, reincarnated in Madeleine Strezhenova had to continue the "Musketeer" history "The Mystery of Queen Anna, or Musketeers thirty years later."

According to Catherine, Mikhail Boyarsky partner first wanted Madeleine to play another actress, and persuaded the director not to take her to this role. But all prejudices were erased on the site, and the shooting was remembered by artists as a fun and pleasant time.

The young performer was lucky to get into one cast along with the legends of the Soviet and Russian cinema Evgeny Leonov and Galina Polish in the film "American Grandfather".

Loud success came to actress in 1997 after the role of Jeanne de Brissak in the film by another famous novel by Alexander Duma "Countess de Monsoro."

After a break associated with the second pregnancy, Ekaterina Strizhenova again began to shoot a shooting process.

In 2003, the TV series "Other Life" Elena Paradish was released on the screens, and after 2 years, the premiere of the tape "His man" took place, filmed in the genre of Road Movie. There, the actress appears in the image of Marina Morozova, the spouses of a successful entrepreneur. This role fully revealed the multifaceted talent of Catherine Streed, demonstrating that the actress is capable of playing deep psychological, dramatic roles.

In an interview to the tape, the performer philosophically noticed that she, like a character, should not be afraid to try. If something does not work, you must take for another, despite age.

The new experiment in the filmography of Catherine was the work in the project "From 180 and Above," where Gosh Kutsenko came to her partner, and the director - the spouse Alexander Strizhenov.

The artist claims: those who believe that they are easily mistaken under the leadership of their own husband are very mistaken. The fact is that the requirements of "to their" are often higher than the other participants in the shooting process.

In 2007, Ekaterina Strizhenova starred in a new project of her husband called "Love-Carrot". She reincarnated in Anastasia, Zogogan's wife. The role of the latter went to Andrei Krasko. Main characters of a fantastic comedy played Gosh Kutsenko and Christina Orbakaite.

In the sensational criminal militant "Escape", the premiere of which was held on the first channel, the favorite actress of the audience saw in the role of Volve Zhanna - director of Aerokluba "Karat".

On the theatrical scene, the bright work of the performer was to participate in the production of "abnormal", in fact - the play of two actors, although the male character is revealed by a newcomer in the profession - Figistician Alexei Tikhonov.

Photo from the stage, which went over the network, was shot by romantic episodes - hugs and kisses, which was somewhat annoyed the artist. In his opinion, the love scene, which lasts only 7 minutes, distracted attention from more important details of the production.


In 1997, Ekaterina Strizhenova began his career on television in the Studio of the "Good Morning" program, extending to the ether on the first channel since 1986. After a few years, the colleague Arina Sharapova joined it.

Ekaterina Strizhenova is considered to be a star of Russian television. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman is often invited to participate in various popular TV shows, flooded screens.

In 2008, the TV presenter became a member of the Glacial Project, where her partner was a famous figure skater, the world champion Alexei Tikhonov. And the fact that the actress, breaking the edge during training, did not refuse to participate in the show and reached the final, says that the nature of the stredit and her desire to bring to end to the end.

Since 2013, Catherine participated in television shows together with Alexander Gordon. Their first joint project was called "for and against". The next gear with the participation of the Tandem leading was broadcast in 2013 called "they and we". Partners, being opposites, did not find compromises, and soon Gordon changed his partner and the project, taking part in the Mens / Women's program.

In the fall of 2018, the network unfolded a controversy about how much Ekaterina Strizhenova was suitable for the role of leading news on the first channel instead of periodically disappearing Catherine Andreva. The main argument against the actress is too gentle and sophisticated for such a tough and non-eligible transfer emotions. Those who voted for, believe that Strizhenova is suitable for the news program, because in the West on television, there are just women on which it is pleasant to watch.

"Time will tell"

Today Strizhenova is the leading transfer "Time will show." Anatoly Kuzichev and Artem Sheinin at different times made her a couple. The project in 2017 was awarded the Thafi Prize.

The behavior of Catherine in the program "Time will show" is far from everyone. The opinion was obvious that Strizhenova was not understood in economics and politics, but enters into a controversy with invited guests and experts, and at the philistine level. A number of critics demanded to remove the TV presenter of the studio.

However, they were found from actresses and defenders. The show is famous for scandals and provocations, sharp statements of men. And Catherine, as a woman, acts as a symbol of calm, leverals the incidents arising in front of the cameras. The leadership of the first channel to Strezhenova there are no complaints, because the rumors about the possible dismissal are unfounded.

According to the State Duma deputy and the member of the Vadim Mass Development Council, Manukyan, Ekaterina, is generally the only professional in this transmission.

Personal life

From the personal life of TV presenter and director do not secret. Catherine Strizhenova and her husband was lucky to meet and truly love in early youth. Already on the set of the first romantic tape "Leader", the couple decided to marry immediately when both reached the age of majority.

So it happened: the young painted in the metropolitan registry office, but before secretly married the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1987. The rite of wedding from the mother who worked in the presidential administration, Catherine hid, but the wedding of young played on her birthday. The fact is that Catherine Strizhenova's mother stopped celebrating this holiday in that tragic year when the head of the family died. Kate really wanted to return the holiday to his native person, making him double.

In April 1988, the first daughter appeared in the family, which was called Anastasia. Ekaterina Strizhenova admits that the birth of a child for her and her husband, at that time students, turned out to be a true happiness. A young father touchingly nursing a tiny daughter, caught and walked with a stroller.

When Nasta turned 12 years old, her parents gave her the younger sister Sasha. All pregnancy husband supported his wife and even dared to attend childbirth. Separate colleagues Catherine Strizhenova considered the birth of a child at such an age and at such a career stage destructive, but the stroitovs never regretted it. The actress and TV host had to abandon some projects, but this is not at all the price for the happiness that Alexander presented the spouses.

Anastasia's eldest daughter was educated in England, and then in the United States. In 2013, the girl married the financier Petra Grischenko, working as an art director of the American brand Kate Spade New York, which is included in the Tapestry Inc. Holding The company produces luxury accessories, shoes, furniture.

Ekaterina Strizhenova led the preparation of the celebration, which the newlyweds called the "wedding of their dreams." The dress of the niece sewed sister Catherine Strezhenova - Fashion designer Victoria Andreyanova.

In April 2018, Nastya and Peter, living in America, became the parents of the Son, who was named after the Father. Next to the grandson and daughter of Catherine, according to fans, not at all like a grandmother.

Alexander Strizhova's younger daughter graduated from the Mathematical and Economic Class of the School, entered the Faculty of Modern Social Sciences of the Moscow State University. From 3 years old, the girl was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics from the famous coach Irina Wiener, he studied dancing in the ballet "Todes".

Sasha participated in cinematographic projects: the audience could see the girl in the projects of the Father-Carrot Father and Yulia, in the pictures "Each of his own war" and "suicides". In 2016, Alexandra debuted as a model at the Moscow Fashion Week, demonstrating designer Bella Potemkina. Moreover, the girl was honored to open and close the show, did not hesitate to demonstrate the bust in the open neckline.

Catherine Strizhenova looks at envy young and not particularly changed, if you compare the latest photos of the artist with those that are made in youth. Critics speak about referring to plastic, but there is no confirmation of it. Someone claims that the unfavorable beauty and the original appearance of the actress are associated with its nationality. It is concerned that Russian on the fathe and Jewish blood bleeded, but again, no confirmations, only assumptions and rumors.

In 2016, Ekaterina Strizhenova intrigued fans by the appearance in a swimsuit. Photo from a holiday in Italy, where the actress has visited her husband and the youngest daughter, she published on the page in "Instagram". On subscribers, beach pictures made a strong impression, because they once again proved that a woman is still a great figure.

Later, the TV presenter told that she lost weight thanks to a special diet and a complex of procedures on a spa resort. Actress help in getting rid of hateful kilograms had a celocker Elena Malysheva. And for one post in "Instagram", Folloviers learned that Catherine resorted to Aroplasty (manual correction of problem zones).

Now Strizhenova, according to his own confession, adheres to a carved diet, which allows you to maintain weight within 60-65 kg with a height of 168 cm. Alexander, looking at the loose wife, also took up his own excessive weight and dropped 50 kg.

Ekaterina Strizhenova - Star of secular rounds. Among the activities at which the actress and TV presenter visited the joint collection of the MARINA RINALDI brand and Bosco Di Ciliegi company. Special Guest Defile became the Plus-Size model Ashley Graham. Together with Elena Baiste, the Boutique of the Swiss brand of Hanro was visited by the opening of the first in Russia.

Contrary to rumors about divorce, the actress appears in public with her husband. The couple was present at the premiere show of the Gymnast Show Alexey Nemova "Legends of Sports" and the film Evgenia Shelyakin "The Eternal Life of Alexander Christoforova". No participation of the family of Streedovy "Kinotavr" and the Festival of Euclide Curdzidis "Crystal Source" in Essentuki. On the last Ekaterina and Alexander handed prizes to the winners.

Ekaterina Strizhenova now

Career Strezhenova moves forward, in some areas while maintaining stability, and somewhere bringing adjustments.

In February 2021, Catherine, together with Alexander Marshal, became the leading festive concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the film "Officers" and the memory of Vasily Semenovich Lanovoy.

Show "Time will show" found new moderators, Ruslan Ostashko came to replace Artem Sheynin. The release of March 29, 2021 was ill-fated for the lead. In the studio "Time will show" Strizhenova announced the advertising unit, moved a few steps back and fell live, without noticing the step. The celebrity hit his head and broke her hand.

According to the co-supporter Ruslana Ostashko, Catherine has adopted the topic of the program regarding the problems of the country at the world level, which led to some scattered.

The duty team of doctors was provided by the first help, but the hospital diagnosed a difficult fracture, which was required by an urgent operation. Spectators and fans in social networks suggested the hope that the presenter would leave the disease in the past as soon as possible and return to occupational duties.


  • 1984 - "Leader"
  • 1992 - "Musketeers 20 years later"
  • 1993 - "American Grandfather"
  • 1997 - "Countess de Monsoro"
  • 2003 - "Other Life"
  • 2005 - "from 180 and above"
  • 2007 - "Love-carrot"
  • 2011 - "There is someone here"
  • 2012 - "Moms"
  • 2013 - "Not a Women's Business"
  • 2014 - "Kuprin"
  • 2014 - "My Dream Grandfather"
  • 2014 - "House in the heart"


  • "Time will tell"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Pros and cons"
  • "They and we"

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