Annette Orlova - Photo, biography, personal life, news, psychologist, nationality, "Yutubeb", "Instagram", self-esteem 2021



Annette Orlova - Happy mother, wife and successful psychologist. She often performs on the rating television show, is a radio friendliest transmission on the Lighthouse and Romance radio stations. Her advice is listening to those who wish to find happiness and harmony in personal life and in the profession, and the books of the author disagree in large circulations.

Childhood and youth

Orlova was born in Moscow on May 10, 1980 in an intelligent family. Her father of Karen in the profession of mathematician, and the mother worked as a dermatocosmetologist. As a child, the anethta wanted to become an actress, but Dad considered it a frivolous profession. The girl was fond of music, gymnastics, was creative in kind. She knew Russian well and literature, so he participated in the humanitarian olympiads. Since the parent was against the acting profession, then the daughter decided to choose something more serious.

As a result, Orlova tried to become a student of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Being fonding in nature, the entrance examinations of the entrance examinations organized a circle of self-preparation for admission to this university, where classmates invited. As a result, friends became students of the selected specialties, but she did not have enough one score. Anetta did not leave a dream of serious education. The year she was preparing hard, in terms of work as a secretary and model business.

The next summer, the Muscovite entered the MGPU, where he received the formation of a sociologist, and later - a psychologist. In the youth, Orlova loved to learn, so easily defended his candidate on sociological sciences. But psychology attracted the future expert of the current show more, and over time, this science has become the main in the professional biography of the aletta.


Advise on personal growth, on issues with the self-esteem of Orlov began, while still a student. By the end of the university, Muscovite had an accommodated client base. Since the psychologist, according to the anethta, is also a teacher, he needs an audience. She thought about the media, thanks to which you can get into the world and openly discuss psychological problems.

Each speech or written article by Anetta considered in terms of the possibility of providing assistance to a person in solving urgent problems. Such ethers encouraged listeners or readers to think about the cause of trouble, anxiety or other uncomfortable states, but the most important thing is to inspire the psyche's deep change.

Orlova became a popular and demanded psychologist on television. The lady was invited to the role of a consultant for the transfer "Let them say", "I apply for divorce", "fashion sentence" and others. Also, the expert turned out to be coordicking in the "House upsidement" program, which was on TV Center TV channel.

Annette advised customers, helping them to solve personal and family problems. From star "guests" a psychologist refused, because they often have confusing problems and situations. Mostly Muscovite worked with people, in the life of which work, business occupy a great place.

According to Orlova, modern women are dominated by the installation, which is impossible to combine a career and a happy personal life. With its example, the lady proves the opposite. According to the psychologist, it is necessary to implement themselves multifaceted, family life should not enter the conflict with career growth, as well as on the contrary.

Orlova offered the audience to the audience of transfer and books on the subject of relationship between men and women. The rating was considered the bestseller "Male of your dreams. To find. Attract. Tame. " Love for the printed word was raised in the annette since childhood.

Anetta Orlova Lveadel

The psychologist took the place of the co-hosting program "Woman. Manual. Reception on personal matters "on the Radio" Lighthouse ". She affected personal relationships: the role of money in a relationship, whether it is necessary to demand from a man to be a real gentleman, and others.

Then the annette began to lead the Academy of Personal Attraction. As a public figure, Muscovite has developed a program to adapt children from orphanages. Her articles published the popular publication "AIF", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Evening Moscow", "Women's Secrets", Cosmopolitan. In February 2018, an article of the psychologist "retain panic: how to cope with the team in the most difficult situations was published on the pages of the Forbes magazine.

In a personal account in "Instagram", Orlova arranged for subscribers broadcasting programs from radio "Lighthouse" and "Romance", announced the transfer of the heading "Personal Territory with Annette Orlova".

The psychologist conducted trainings for business leaders. Her lectures took place in Skolkovo and on other sites. He did not leave the anethta and the problem of adaptation of adolescents when choosing a profession and output in adulthood. Overview courses of lectures on this topic were held within the framework of the Moscow International Education Salon - 2018. For parents, the expert organized free webinars about ways to limit the impact of social networks on the lives of adults and children, about the problems of education of adolescents.

Orlova began to operate the official website, where the psychologist acquainted Internet users with news from professional life, and there is a Youtyub-channel with performances on exciting topics. In the 2010 Muscovite began regularly to keep club meetings with the public in the publishing house "Young Guard".

In 2017, the organizers of the All-Russian Prize "For Loyalty Science" awarded among other participants a draft channel TNT "Battle of Psychics" with the wording "for the popularization of Lzhenauki". The antipremia arrived to the solemn date - in February 10 years before that, the 1st output of the "mysterious" show was started on the screens. Over the years, the transfer was submitted to the court, and participants were imprisoned for fraud.

However, the project did not lose the love of the audience. Explained this phenomenon of the anetta attempted in one of the interviews. The psychologist noted that the show appeared during the period of various crises, including economic. At such times, people become particularly trustful and vulnerable. "Psychics" enjoy this, easily inspiring a person that can help resolve the situation. Understanding this, the creators of television programs create content, gives the audience imaginary hopes and makes the hostages of the situation.

In 2019, in an interview with the TV channel, the psychologist told about how a person living in the rhythm of the metropolis could cope with constant stress, a mad rhythm of everyday life. Annette advised the audience every day to make certain exercises aimed at creating the so-called deceit state.

In September of the same year, Orlov has read a lecture on how to competently look for spiritual harmony and find the joy of life in older age. This performance was part of the training cycle "To live in pleasure."

Personal life

Now the celebrity is the mother of two children, although psychologist has decided on motherhood late, which regrets. Marriage Annette reached 22 years. The spouse of Konstantin by that time was already divorced, and Orlov, together with the mother-in-law, brought up his son from the first marriage of Artem. At that time, she did not think about their children, she wanted to realize more in his career than in motherhood.

The fate of the celebrity fell a difficult test, which changed its worldview. At 28 years old, the anethta was very sick. She lost up to 41 kg, survived a number of operations, but the doctors did not identify the cause of the ailment. After the treatment of the future expert, the talk show was sent home with the words that they would no longer be able to help. With the support of relatives and close Orlov began to fight the disease. With her husband, they traveled all the holy places, the anethta began to study more psychology and eventually was able to recover.

Annette Orlova and Bozhaen Marc

Now in the family of Orlova, the elder son Eduard and his daughter Sofia are raised. The boy is seriously engaged in sambo, and the girl loves to draw, dancing. Heirs are given a culture of playing chess. At one time, the grandfather alets played four boards blindly and remained the winner.

Psychologist's popularity The children perceive positively. Only in the gentle age Sofia was often surprised when he saw two mothers - on TV and at home. Husband, too, with understanding refers to the popularity of the spouse. Konstantin is glad that the wife found a calling. Family photos are infrequent, but appear on the ladies account in "Instagram".

The sector of hobbies anetta multifaceted. She is fond of studying the cultural heritage of the peoples of the world, loves to dance. The hobby of the psychologist also includes the extreme driving of the car.

Annette Orlova now

In 2020, the psychologist continued to lecture and hold master classes for those who wish to learn more about the inner world of man. So, Orlova performed at the Faculty of Journalism of the Institute of Public Service and the Office of Ranjigs, with the training "Self-testing skills in the work of a journalist."

Before the audience, the lady told how a novice specialist would learn to file themselves, to form the necessary impression of his own person among others. She also launched a new webinar within the framework of the project "I became another" with the advice of the beautiful floor to gain confidence.

In 2021, Orlova became the guest of the Yutiub-Channel of the blogger and the translator of Marina Mogilko. In the podcast, they discussed pressing topics, exciting most: how not to depend on someone else's opinion, how to react to criticism how to raise self-esteem and others. In February, the anethta appeared among the experts of the new issue of Andrei Malakhov's program "Let them talk."


  • 2008 - "Woman in a beautiful business"
  • 2011 - "The fears of real men who should know every woman"
  • 2012 - "In the struggle for real men. Fears of real women "
  • 2017 - "Finding @ th online"
  • 2017 - "The man of your dreams. To find. Attract. Tame "

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